I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 125 Miscalculation!

"I really regret that I don't have a daughter of the right age. Otherwise, I really want to recruit you as my son-in-law, so as to catch a son-in-law under the ranking." Emperor Qing thought about the daughters of the right age in the royal family. Unfortunately, their status is too low. Only Lin Waner, the daughter of the eldest princess Li Yunrui and Prime Minister Lin Ruofu, has a suitable identity. Unfortunately, Lin Waner has a chronic illness, is an illegitimate daughter, and her identity cannot be put on the stage, so she can only give up.

"Forget it, in the future you should help me to pay more attention to discipline and discipline the princes. All of them are incompetent and only know how to scheme!" Emperor Qing seemed to think of the overt and covert fights between his sons, and couldn't help but hate that iron cannot be made into steel. He hoped that Guo Baokun can set an example for his sons.

"Don't worry, uncle, I will discipline them well. I like to discipline students the most. I'm just afraid that some princes will not be disciplined. I also asked my uncle to give me a sharp tool to discipline the princes, so as to intimidate the princes." Guo Baokun promised extremely. It was refreshing, but because of my status, I was afraid that it would be difficult to suppress the princes, so I wanted Emperor Qing to give him an item so that he could control the princes.

"You are such a slippery man. Let's do this. I will reward you with a ruler to punish the prince who disrespects the teachings." Emperor Qing did not care about Guo Baokun's little thoughts and directly ordered Eunuch Hou who was guarding outside to come in and tell him to pass. I will give Guo Baokun a ruler and ask him to strictly control the prince, so that these careless sons will not really anger Guo Baokun and suffer a big loss.

"Then I won't be polite. By the way, can this ruler be replaced with jade or gold? It can be regarded as a meeting gift from His Majesty to me!" Guo Baokun adhered to the principle of not taking advantage of others and being a fool, and directly proposed to Emperor Qing. He got up and asked, but because his father-in-law was there, he didn't call Emperor Qing uncle.

"Why didn't I see that you are such a scoundrel and love to take advantage? Your father is the Minister of Rites, the most aloof, but you are such a businessman. Your son is not like your father, but rather like Fan Sizhe, the son of Fan Jian, the Minister of Household Affairs!" Emperor Qing was a little confused! Looking funny at Guo Baokun who was taking advantage of him, he turned to Eunuch Hou who had just come in and told him to do as Guo Baokun said.

Eunuch Hou couldn't help but raise his eyes and glanced at Guo Baokun and Emperor Qing. He had never thought that Emperor Qing was so tolerant of Guo Baokun, as if he were treating his own nephew. While thinking about it secretly, he suddenly saw Emperor Qing looking at him and couldn't help but feel shocked. He shuddered and quickly lowered his head again.

"Forget it, you take him to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and let the masters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs build a ruler according to his requirements. This will save this kid from saying that I am a stingy elder! By the way, give him a piece of waist to get in and out of the palace. Card."

"Here!" Eunuch Hou responded quickly, walked to Guo Baokun and motioned for him to leave with him.

"I excuse you!" Guo Baokun raised his hands to say goodbye and quickly followed behind Eunuch Hou.

. . . . . . . .

"Eunuch Hou, what brings you here!" A thin, gray-haired old man asked flatteringly to Eunuch Hou.

"This is Mr. Xiao Guo, the top scholar of Jinke. His Majesty ordered the Ministry of Internal Affairs to build a ruler according to Mr. Xiao Guo's request. Just do your best to meet Mr. Xiao Guo's request. I will go back and report to Your Majesty!" The father-in-law stretched out his hand to introduce Guo Baokun to the old man. Don't look at this man who is humble and flattering in front of the father-in-law. In fact, he is also a powerful figure in the Ministry of Internal Affairs on weekdays, and his life is quite nourishing. As the Ministry of Internal Affairs He is the chief craftsman with impressive skills, and everyone under him fawns over him. Moreover, there is plenty of money in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so he is considered a good job.

"Master Xiao Guo, this is Wang Shan, the master craftsman of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Although he looks inconspicuous, his skills are definitely worthy of this!" Eunuch Hou stretched out his right hand and raised his thumb. It seems that Eunuch Hou is right. Wang Shan has great appreciation and confidence in his technology.

"Eunuch Hou, you are honored!" Wang Shan smiled modestly, showing half of his old yellow teeth, but the look on his face showed his own pride. It seems that even a flattering person has his own pride in the field he is good at. His perseverance and pride, although he spoke modest words, could not completely conceal his expression.

Looking at Wang Shan's expression, Guo Baokun understood that the old man in front of him was really technically superior, so he watched Eunuch Hou leave with great relief.

"I wonder what Mr. Xiao Guo wants from the ruler?" Wang Shan watched Eunuch Hou leave, and then regained his usual confidence. Asked Guo Baokun for his request.

"Can you make a ruler out of beautiful jade or gold? It would be better to be more luxurious!" Guo Baokun looked calm, but said philistine words in his mouth. It really made Wang Shan find it hard to believe that the young man in front of him could actually be a bachelor's degree scholar. The leader, the number one scholar known as Wenquxing, doesn't say that literati are noble and disdain money. Why is it that the person in front of him is more greedy for money than the people in the market?

"This?" Wang Shan looked at Guo Baokun hesitantly and didn't know how to explain it.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Guo Baokun saw Wang Shan's dilemma and had to ask himself.

"Jade is too brittle and easily damaged, so it is not suitable for making a ruler!"

"What about the gold?" Guo Baokun heard that the jade he had received had flown away, and he quickly wanted to grab the gold. After all, the oil and water he had finally fished out from Emperor Qing's hand could not be wasted.

"Gold is soft. If it is made into a ruler, it will be easily deformed and not suitable!" Wang Shan looked at Guo Baokun, whose face had darkened, and carefully insisted on expressing his judgment.

"Isn't it okay?" Guo Baokun asked again without giving up. He also knew that it was just a waste of effort, but he was still a little unwilling, as if he hoped that Wang Shan could change his mind.

As the chief craftsman of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Wang Shan, although sometimes a bit flattering, still adheres to his professionalism in his own work, otherwise it would be his turn to become the chief craftsman, so even if Guo Baokun's face It was already extremely dark, but Wang Shan still shook his head firmly, saying no, and sticking to his point of view.

Guo Baokun glanced at Wang Shan in surprise. He didn't expect that the old man in front of him who had just looked so flattering would be so principled. He nodded secretly in appreciation.

"Forget it, I am eager to study, and you are eager to be a craftsman. Professional matters should be subject to professional judgment. Since it is not possible, then what kind of material is suitable for making a ruler!" Guo Baokun completely gave up his plan to make a big profit and appointed Asked Wang Shan for his opinion.

"The most suitable material is wood." Wang Shan answered Guo Baokun's inquiry affirmatively.

"Wood!!!" Guo Baokun was a little disappointed, his face grew pale, and his whole face was full of disgust. He didn't expect that the reward he finally got after pretending to be young in front of Emperor Qing was just a piece of wood in the end.

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