I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 120 Guo Baokun

Since Emperor Qing ascended the throne, Nanqing has been frantically expanding outwards. From a small country, it has become the hegemon of the mainland. The most powerful country in the mainland relies on powerful force, so the martial arts in Qing is extremely prosperous. The architectural style of Kyoto all reveals a rough and powerful style, unlike the Northern Qi Dynasty, which is full of luxury and refinement.

"Master, the master is already waiting for you to have breakfast." Lu Rui, as the maid beside Guo Baokun, is responsible for taking care of all Guo Baokun's affairs.

"I understand, let's go now." Guo Baokun's voice came through the door, clear, powerful and convincing.

"Father." Guo Baokun was wearing a black satin robe, with a bun on his head. A simple bamboo hairpin was inserted into the bun. There were no luxurious decorations, and he didn't even wear jade.

"Sit down." Guo Youzhi looked at his only son and nodded with satisfaction. As the Minister of Rites of Nanqing, Guo Youzhi can be regarded as a high-ranking official and has great influence in the Qing Dynasty. However, as his only son, Guo Baokun has no dandy spirit and is an educated man. It can be said that he has great influence on his son. Extremely satisfied.

"Yes." Guo Baokun nodded and sat across from Guo Youzhi. The two ate breakfast in silence. Although the relationship between father and son was good, men were not good at communicating with each other, so the whole meal seemed too silent.

Guo Youzhi had something in mind, so he ended the meal in a hurry, put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, and watched Guo Baokun eating leisurely.

"As long as you perform normally during the imperial examination today, you don't need to worry too much about anything else. After all, you are my son, and His Majesty will be more tolerant of you." Guo Youzhi hoped that his words could relieve some of his son's nervousness. After all, it was painful. The purpose of studying for ten years is to be named on the gold list, and today is the palace examination, the day that determines the fate of all students.

"I know, I have nothing to worry about!" Guo Baokun still ate his food leisurely. He didn't take today's palace exam to heart at all, let alone be nervous, but he could understand Guo Youzhi's concern for his son as a father. , so he nodded seriously to show that he knew.

"Forget it, I've done it many times, and I've never seen you nervous before!" Guo Youzhi smiled at himself, looking at Guo Baokun with some relief and loneliness. His son is too good, which sometimes makes the father proud and also makes him sad. Fathers feel defeated.

"I understand what my father means, and I also understand my father's concern for me. It's just that the imperial examination is not a big deal for me, and we can't influence the result, so there is no need to worry or be nervous." Guo Baokun put down his hand. Bowl and chopsticks, looking at Guo Youzhi, he said sincerely, how could he not understand the person in front of him? When he first awakened as a child, he just said that he wanted to learn martial arts, and the next day he paid a huge favor and sent it to him. Great Master Ku He’s martial arts secret book Tianyi Xinfa.

If they were just ordinary children, they might not know the preciousness of Tianyi Mind Technique, but as a reincarnated person, how could Guo Baokun not know that this was the secret book that Ye Qingmei originally gave to Ku He and Xiao En? It was by relying on this secret book that Ku He became the Grand Master, even if Sean is not suitable for this secret book, he has become a master at the ninth level. As the Minister of Rites of Nanqing, the only channel for Guo Youzhi to obtain this secret book is Sean, because Sean has been detained by the Inspection Institute. , so Guo Youzhi must have paid a lot of money to get this secret book. As the dean of the inspection institute, Chen Pingping had a deep mind and vicious methods. How could she not kill Guo Youzhi ruthlessly. But Guo Youzhi never told Guo Baokun these things, and Guo Baokun could only keep them in his mind and pretend he didn't know.

In this reincarnation, Li Ziyi awakened his memory when he was born, and has been living under the protection of Guo Youzhi. He began to go to school at the age of five, studied classics hard, and began to prepare for the imperial examination. After all, the Guo family is a clear stream with poetry and calligraphy passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, the imperial examination is the path that the children of the Guo family must choose, but Guo Baokun understands that if he wants to gain a foothold in this world, force is the indispensable guarantee. The reason why Dongyi City remains standing is because of the existence of the great master Sigu Jian. One person defends a city, even if it is as strong as Nanqing, it still cannot be broken.

When Guo Baokun asked to learn martial arts, Guo Youzhi had doubts, but he agreed without hesitation. This heavy fatherly love made Guo Baokun feel heavy. He understood that Guo Youzhi, as a traditional scholar, did not actually like martial artists. , but Guo Youzhi still connived and satisfied Guo Baokun's undue demands. Not only did he provide secret books, he also invited family guards to explain the basics of martial arts to Guo Baokun to avoid Guo Baokun from taking detours. ,

Guo Youzhi's behavior can be regarded as doting on Guo Baokun, and Guo Baokun will naturally not disappoint Guo Youzhi. As long as he has a strong spiritual realm, he can show his extremely high talent in studying classics, and he will also be on the road to the imperial examination. He is making great progress, and today, Guo Baokun has completed the imperial examination and successfully entered the palace examination. As long as the palace examination is over, he can wait for the appointment of the court. If he is a first-class Jinshi, he can also enter the Hanlin Academy, become a palace editor, and even a lecturer for the princes. There is a chance to become the prime minister in charge of the government.

In martial arts, Guo Baokun has made rapid progress. Although each world has its own unique rules, the martial arts in this world are even more peculiar. What the warriors practice is not the true energy in the traditional sense at all, but the mass extinction of human beings in the last civilization. The nuclear radiation at that time, but the strong state and spirit, still allowed Guo Baokun to easily reach extremely high achievements in martial arts. Although Guo Baokun is only 18 years old now, he is already a master at the ninth level. Moreover, Guo Baokun has recently felt that he will break through to the grand master realm at any time. By then, Guo Baokun will be the fifth grand master, and he will definitely be the youngest grand master, and even the strongest grand master. This is mainly because of the grand master realm and Ordinary warriors are different. It mainly depends on the level of spiritual realm. Guo Baokun has far surpassed the great master in realm. After all, he has reached the realm of sincerity in the ninja world. In terms of strength, he has become a true immortal on land and achieved immortality. Immortal. If it weren't for the fact that the Grand Master in this world is already the highest martial arts realm, which limits human power, Guo Baokun is confident that he can quickly break through to the next realm after entering the Grand Master realm.

Of course, even Guo Youzhi did not know Guo Baokun's strength. Although he did not interfere with Guo Baokun's martial arts studies, he was not too concerned about it. He also did not think that his son's talent in martial arts could be compared to those in the imperial examination. Innate talent, on the other hand, Guo Baokun has extremely perfect control over his own realm, and it is difficult for even a grand master to see his strength in person. Also because he was about to break through in the near future, Guo Baokun didn't pay too much attention to the palace examination, and his main focus was on breaking through to the Grand Master.

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