I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1188 Yao Tianjun casts a spell to harm Jiang Shang

However, after Jiang Ziya and the other generals observed the formation, they found that they had no good method and could not break the Ten Jue Formation. Naturally, they were unwilling to fight Chengtang. How to deal with Xiqi.

"The Ten Jue Formation has immeasurable magical powers, but Xiqi has been avoiding fighting. We can't wait here forever. Even with thousands of magical powers, we can't make achievements and it's just a waste of time!"

When Yao Tianjun heard this, his heart moved. He remembered a technique he had practiced, laughed loudly, and said to everyone.

"Fellow Taoist brothers! According to Pindao, Xiqi City is no more than a small area, and Jiang Ziya's Taoism is shallow. How can he stand up to the Ten Jue Formation? As long as I use a little magic to kill Jiang Ziya, the army will be left without a master. Xiqi naturally disintegrated. As the saying goes: 'A snake cannot move without a head, and an army without a master can cause chaos.' Why bother to compete with them?"

Wen Zhong was overjoyed when he heard this, stood up and bowed to Yao Tianjun, and then asked solemnly.

"It would be a great blessing if Brother Taoist could have a miraculous skill to make Jiang Shang die by himself, without drawing his bow and arrow, and not causing the soldiers to suffer. How do you cure it? Brother Taoist, what do you need me to do? Please tell me! "

Yao Tianjun whispered in Taishi's ear and told Wen Zhong what he needed. Wen Zhong nodded frequently and quickly ordered people to go and prepare.

Waiting for all preparations to be complete, Yao Tianjun bypassed everyone and then entered the Soul Falling Formation. There was an earthen platform in the array. There was an incense table on the earthen platform, and a straw man was planted on the platform. Jiang Shang's name was written on the straw man. There was a candle on the head of the straw man. There are three oil lamps, and seven oil lamps are lit at each foot. The upper three are called soul-encouraging lamps, and the lower seven are called soul-catching lamps. Yao Tianjun wears his hair and sword, Bu Gang recites incantations, issues talismans and seals in front of the stage, and points them in the air. He prayed three times a day; after praying for three or four days in a row, Ziya bowed upside down and became restless.

Not to mention Yao Tianjun's practice, let's say that Ziya was sitting in the Prime Minister's Mansion, discussing with the generals how to break the formation, silently saying nothing, and unable to do anything. Yang Jian was feeling pity, and saw Jiang Ziya being surprised or surprised, without any strategy or plan, and his appearance was very different from before, so he doubted in his heart: Master Jiang is extremely intelligent and has a calm temperament. Even if he is troubled by the Ten Jue Formation now, he will never be troubled. He is so confused and confused, could he be plotted against him?

Yang Jian remembered that Master Huang Long once said that some disciples of Jiejiao did not practice Taoism, but were good at practicing magic. They had practiced heretical techniques, and they were very vicious. Their best thing was to curse people's lives and do bad things, so he secretly became vigilant. I thought about observing it for a few days.

Seven or eight days later, Yao Tianjun worshiped Jiang Ziya in the formation. Jiang Ziya was in the Prime Minister's Mansion. He was upset, restless, and very unhappy. He ignored the military situation all day long and fell asleep all the time. All the generals and disciples were puzzled as to why. There are also those who are doubtful and have no plan to break the formation, and there are also those who are doubtful and think deeply about taking pictures quietly. Not to mention that everyone in the Prime Minister's Mansion was suspicious.

Another fourteen or fifteen days later, Yao Tianjun worshiped Jiang Ziya's soul and spirit. Jiang Ziya was at home, falling asleep from time to time, breathing like thunder. Let's talk about Nezha and Yang Jian discussing with their disciples.

"Now that Chengtang's troops are approaching the city and the formation has been set up for a long time, my uncle doesn't care about the military situation at all. He is just sleeping. There must be a reason for this."

Yang Jian frowned and kept pacing back and forth: "According to what I observed today, my uncle's behavior was so muddled that the sun and the moon were upside down. It was like he was in a drunken dream for several days. His actions were like this, not like the previous one, and it seemed like someone was plotting against him. I mean. Otherwise, my uncle is capable of knowing the art of the Five Elements and is good at detecting the opportunities for disaster and fortune in Yin and Yang. How could he be so sleepy? If he ignores important matters, there must be something fishy in it!"

After some discussion, everyone went to visit Jiang Ziya together. Jiang Ziya woke up when he saw everyone coming. When he asked why, he laughed dumbly, shook his head and said.

"No need to worry, I'm fine, I'm just worried too much, so I'm a little mentally weak. Just wait and go back!"

Everyone saw that Jiang Ziya's eyes were clear and clear at this time, without any trace of confusion, and they were wondering, could it be that he and others were really thinking wildly, causing trouble over nothing, and overthinking, so they had no choice but to leave the Prime Minister's Mansion temporarily.

Only Yang Jian's brows were furrowed and his discerning eyes were as bright as a torch. He could vaguely see a trace of black energy wrapping around the top of Jiang Ziya's head. It seemed to be ominous, but he didn't know where it came from. He had no choice but to bury it secretly in his heart and retreat with everyone.

Unknowingly, more than half a month had passed. Yao Tianjun worshiped Jiang Ziya's three souls and seven souls. There was a loud cry in the Prime Minister's mansion. Jiang Ziya had breathed his last and died in the mansion. The generals and disciples were shocked and looked at each other. Looking at it and crying.

Yang Jian had a stable temperament, was calm and wise, and was different from others. He stepped forward and gently placed his palm on Jiang Ziya's chest. He saw that his heart was still hot, and he hurriedly advised everyone.

"Don't be too busy crying. Uncle Jiang's chest is still hot. There should be ways to save his life; please stay on the bed."

Let's talk about Jiang Ziya's death. His soul and soul were wandering, and he went to the Conferred God Platform.

Bai Jian, the God of Qingfu, was looking at the list of gods. He was shocked when he saw Jiang Ziya's soul. He knew that Jiang Ziya was made a god on behalf of heaven and was not allowed to be on the list. He quickly pushed Ziya's soul gently out of the list.

Jiang Ziya's soul had nowhere to go, and he never forgot Kunlun. His soul left the Conferring God Platform, drifted in the wind, and flew like catkins to the Kunlun Mountains. There happened to be an Antarctic Immortal who was wandering down the mountain, collecting herbs and making elixirs. When he saw Jiang Ziya's ghost coming, the Antarctic Immortal was shocked and said.

"Why is Ziya dead?"

The Antarctic Immortal cast a spell to gather Jiang Ziya's soul, put it in a gourd, and blocked the mouth of the gourd. He did not bother to collect the medicine, and hurriedly went to Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain to report to Yuanshi Tianzun.

Chi Jing met Bai Jian at the self-proclaimed god platform. After hearing about Jiang Ziya's soul, he quickly chased after him and happened to stop the Antarctic Immortal and said to the Antarctic Immortal.

"There is no need to alarm the teacher for such a trivial matter. Junior brother, please leave the gourd with me. I will go to Xiqi for a walk and rescue Ziya!"

The Antarctic Immortal saw that Chi Jing had a plan in mind, so he gave the gourd to Chi Jing. Chi Jing was so flustered that he fled Kunlun on his own soil and arrived in Xiqi in an instant. When he arrived in front of the Prime Minister's Mansion, Yang Jian hurriedly went out to greet him, bowed and saluted, and asked.

"Uncle! I'm here today. Do you think it's for Uncle Jiang?"

Chi Jingjing looked Yang Jian up and down with his magical eyes, and was shocked. He didn't expect that Yang Jian, his nephew, had actually achieved Daluo Jinxian Daoguo, which was no worse than his own cultivation. He didn't dare to support Yang Jian, so he helped Yang Jian up and said pleasantly.

"Why does my nephew need to give such a great gift? I never thought that you are now in the Daluo Golden Immortal Realm. Junior Brother Yuding is so lucky to have a good disciple!"

Chi Jing is really envious in his heart. The road to immortal cultivation is very dangerous and full of disasters. Therefore, having a good disciple who supports each other and practices together is called Taoist comrades. Only by joining hands with each other can we go further. How can we not let Chi Jing sigh.

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