I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1168 Jiang Ziya goes down the mountain

Yuanshi Tianzun was not surprised that Master Huanglong could figure this out. Today's Realm of Huanglong has surpassed that of Yuanshi Tianzun, and his cultivation is unfathomable. Yuanshi Tianzun had the illusion that he was facing his teacher Hongjun Daozu. He nodded slightly and said to Master Huanglong said.

"It's true as you said, now Xibohou Jichang has been trapped by King Zhou for a long time and is about to escape. It's just the time for your junior brother to come down from the mountain to show off his skills!"

Then Yuanshi Tianzun summoned Jiang Ziya. This Jiang Ziya went up the mountain at the age of thirty-two. Now he is seventy-two years old. He has practiced Taoism for forty years, but he has achieved nothing. He has not become an immortal. He is just a human immortal. He barely lives forever and has never transcended the cycle of life and death. There are still names on the book.

Jiang Ziya entered the hall and looked at Zhenren Huanglong sitting on the left side of Yuanshi Tianzun. He was stunned for a moment. He didn't know who this person was. He could actually be ranked alongside the saint. For a moment, he forgot to salute Yuanshi Tianzun.

When Yuanshi Tianzun saw this, he immediately understood Jiang Ziya's confusion. It was strange to say that Huanglong Zhenren had never sat next to Yuanshi Tianzun in front of other disciples of the Chan Cult. He usually hid when he could and did not see other teachers. Brother, this is the first time Jiang Ziya has seen Huanglong. He saw Huanglong and Yuanshi Tianzun side by side. This is also because Huanglong was negligent and did not pay attention.

Although Jiang Ziya has poor Taoist qualifications, he is a man of great wisdom. A thought flashed in his heart, and his body suddenly shook. A gleam appeared in his eyes. He had a faint guess and looked at Master Huanglong in disbelief.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Huanglong Zhenren were so cultivated. Their eyes were like torches, shining all over the sky. How could they not see Jiang Ziya's reaction? Yuanshi Tianzun took a deep look at Jiang Ziya and said.

"This is your senior brother Huanglong. He has already attained the Hunyuan Dao Fruit. He is on par with the saints and has a noble status. Have you not met your senior brother Huanglong yet?"

Jiang Ziya was shocked. Although he had vaguely guessed it for a long time, he still couldn't believe it after hearing the certification of Yuanshi Tianzun with his own ears. You must know that since the beginning of the prehistoric era, apart from the saints, no one has proven the Hunyuan Daluo. Jinxian Daoguo, Huanglong Zhenren can be said to be the first person since the beginning of the world. How could Jiang Ziya not be shocked.

"Junior brother, I have met senior brother Huang Long and senior brother Sheng'an!"

Master Huanglong nodded slightly, "Junior brother, you are so polite, please stand up."

Master Huang Long didn't say anything anymore and just watched quietly.

Yuanshi Tianzun saw that his fellow apprentices had finished the ceremony, and then he gave Jiang Ziya instructions.

"Your Senior Brother Huanglong's realization of the Hunyuan Dao Fruit is still a secret. Even many saints don't know about it. You are not allowed to spread it!"

Jiang Ziya's heart trembled. Thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind. Thinking of the imminent catastrophe of conferring gods, he immediately understood the plan of Yuanshi Tianzun and Master Huanglong. They concealed the fact that Master Huanglong had achieved Hunyuan's enlightenment, probably because of this catastrophe.

"Disciple, remember this and don't dare to leak it!"

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded slightly, and there was no need for a heavy hammer to ring the drum. He believed that Jiang Ziya was a smart man and would keep this secret. After all, he was also a disciple of Chanjiao. No matter what, Jiang Ziya would be better if Chanjiao was good.

"You have a poor life in this life. It is difficult to achieve immortality. You can only receive the blessings of the human world: the soups will be exhausted, and the Zhou Dynasty will be prosperous. You and I can confer gods on my behalf, and go down the mountain to support the Ming Lord. As a general and prime minister, you are not in vain. After forty years of cultivation on the mountain, Kunlun Mountain is not a place for you to live forever. Just pack up and go down the mountain today. When you finish your life as a god, die, reincarnate and rebuild, I will take you into the mountain gate, practice the path of teaching, and achieve immortality. Tao fruit.”

Jiang Ziya has been practicing for a long time now, and he understands that his life is shallow, and he is afraid that it will be difficult to achieve immortality, so he turns his energy to human knowledge. If he wants to go down the mountain and gain wealth in the world, it is not in vain to practice, so he has already After being prepared, I was not surprised to hear what Yuanshi Tianzun said. He nodded slightly, gave a big salute to Yuanshi Tianzun, and said goodbye.

"My disciple is stupid. It is difficult to achieve the immortal path in this life. Let the teacher worry about it. In the next life, I will work hard and practice hard to achieve the fruit of immortality!"

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded slightly. The saint had long transcended reincarnation and was immortal. He was used to seeing separation between life and death. He signaled Jiang Ziya to leave, and passed down a decree to let Shen Gongbao also leave Kunlun Mountain.

Jiang Ziya was reluctant to leave, but the fate was such that Tianzun could not stay, so he had to leave Kunlun and be sent down the mountain by the Antarctic Immortal.

Jiang Ziya had been cultivating Taoism for forty years and had no relatives, so he had no choice but to seek refuge with his friend Song Yiren. This Song Yiren was also a kind and loyal person and took Jiang Ziya into his care.

An ancient saying goes: There are three types of unfilial piety, the greatest of which is not having offspring. Song Yiren proposed a marriage for Jiang Ziya with four platinum locks as a betrothal gift. But it was Ma Hong, a member of Ma Yuanwai in Majiazhuang, who had a young daughter, Ma Shi, who was sixty-eight years old. But this Ma family has extremely poor vision, dislikes the poor and loves the rich, which is also a blessing. In the end, Jiang Ziya missed his old relationship and conferred the title of Broom Star God.

In the past forty years, Jiang Ziya only learned how to carry water, water pine trees, plant peaches, light fires, fan stoves, and make elixirs. How could he know how to make a living? Bai Mian was knocked over by the sergeants coming and going, leaving nothing behind.

The couple often quarreled over this, and Song Yiren gave Jiang Ziya the Nanmen Zhangjia Winery and asked him to be the shopkeeper. It was also a series of losses.

Firstly, Jiang Ziya is the leader of the gods, but he has no luck in wealth; secondly, the world is in chaos and the year is unfavorable, so it is difficult to do business.

Fortunately, Jiang Ziya sought Taoism in Kunlun Mountain. Although he did not achieve immortality, he also learned some Yidao techniques. Song Yiren opened a fortune-telling parlor for Jiang Ziya.

Paste a few couplets: on the left is "Only talk about the mysterious and a little bit of truth"; on the right is "Don't talk about ordinary things."

There is another couplet inside that says: "An iron mouth. A sincere person asking about bad luck and good fortune: two strange eyes, good at observing the defeat and harm in the world."

Another couplet at the table said: "The universe is great in the sleeves, and the sun and moon are long in the pot."

Because fortune telling is accurate, over time, it has become quite famous in Chaoge City.

Let's talk about the jade pipa spirit among the three Xuanyuan demons. After going to Chaoge City to see Daji, he ate the palace people in the palace at night, causing mountains of bones under the Taihu stones in the imperial garden. After watching Daji, the pipa spirit left the palace and wanted to return to her lair. She drove the demon light and passed by the south gate, only to hear the coaxing and shouting sounds. Out of curiosity, they joined in the fun, but it was Jiang Ziya who was telling fortunes.

This pipa spirit is also facing doom and wants to tease Jiang Ziya. She turned into a young woman and went to tell fortunes, but Jiang Ziya saw through it at a glance, grabbed Pipa Jing's Cun Guan Chi pulse, transported the innate vitality in the Dantian to the fiery eyes and golden eyes, and pinned her soul. Seeing nothing in hand. There was only a purple stone inkstone. He grabbed the stone inkstone with his hand and hit it hard on the top of the demon's head. His brains spurted out and his clothes were stained with blood.

Jiang Ziya refused to let go, tightly controlling the Pipa Fairy's life gate, preventing the Fairy from changing. The matter is in the eye of the beholder. This was a murder committed in broad daylight. The people were talking a lot. Jiang Ziya claimed that the woman was a monster, and it was difficult for everyone to tell the truth.

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