I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1157 The naughty boy Nezha

The Dragon Palace in the East China Sea is shaken, and Dragon King Ao Guang wants to patrol the sea and Yaksha Li Liang to investigate. As a result, Yaksha followed Baoguang all the way to find out, but now the little boy in Jiuwanhe was dipping the red rupa in water to take a bath.

Yaksha split the water and came on the waves, but his face was as raw as indigo and cinnabar, and he had a huge mouth and fangs. Nezha was young and ignorant, and was spoiled by Taiyi Zhenren and others. He was arrogant and unreasonable, and spoke indiscriminately. He is outspoken and calls Yaksha a beast.

Yaksha was furious, he was also an official appointed by the Jade Emperor of Lingxiao Palace in Heaven, how could he have suffered such shame and humiliation, he scolded.

"I was patrolling the sea under the orders of the Dragon King. How dare you call me a beast!"

After saying that, he jumped out of the water and jumped to the shore. He looked at Nezha and saw an ax coming from above him. Nezha was standing naked. When he saw Yaksha coming with great courage, he dodged his body and took the Qiankun Circle in his right glove. He looked into the air and a golden light appeared. This masterpiece was so dazzling that Yaksha closed his eyes tightly. This treasure was originally given by Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain and was used by Taiyi Zhenren to suppress the Golden Light Cave. Yaksha was able to withstand it, and the circle of heaven and earth was beaten down, landing on Yaksha's head. He was hit so hard that his brain was bleeding, and he died immediately on the shore.

Nezha killed Yaksha, but he showed no remorse at all and smiled heartlessly.

"What a beast, he has stained my universe for nothing."

Nezha sat down on the stone again and used river water to cleanse the circle of heaven and earth. How could the East China Sea Crystal Palace withstand the shock of these two treasures? It almost caused the palace to collapse.

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, was sitting on the dragon chair, looking at the people staggering around in the palace, frowning, and asked in confusion.

"How come the patrolling Yaksha has been gone for so long and he hasn't returned yet to find out the reason?"

While talking, I saw the shrimp soldiers and crab generals in the Dragon Palace coming to report.

"Yaksha Li Liang was beaten to death by a child on land. Lord Te Qilong knows about it."

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, was shocked when he heard this and asked.

"Li Liang is the master of Lingbao Palace's imperial pen. Who dares to kill him?"

Ao Guang thought for a while and then said the order to the people below.

"Order the dragon soldiers to wait for me to come. Who is so bold as to dare to kill the patrolling Yaksha appointed by His Majesty?"

Before Ao Guang finished speaking, Ao Bing, the third prince of the Dragon King, entered the palace, bowed to Ao Guang and asked.

"Why is father so angry?"

Ao Guang told the story of Li Liang being beaten to death. The third prince Ao Bing slapped his chest and said.

"There's no need to trouble Father about this matter. Just go out and get it."

The third prince Ao Bing quickly mobilized the dragon soldiers, mounted the green water beast, picked up the divine weapon painted halberd, and walked straight out of the Crystal Palace. When the water parted, the waves were like a mountain falling, and the flat water was several feet long, appearing in front of Nezha.

The third prince of the Dragon King was also a pampered person. As soon as he met Nezha, a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers, they started fighting without saying a few words. As a result, the seven-foot Huntian silk stretched out into the air, like a thousand fireballs. Tuan, wrapped up, the third prince fell off his mount, and Nezha stepped on his neck, raised the Qiankun Circle and knocked on the door. The third prince's true form was revealed. He was a real dragon with a strong body, lying straight on the ground, no longer breathing.

Nezha looked at Ao Bing showing his original shape and was secretly surprised. It was the first time for him to see the Dragon Clan. He lightly touched Ao Bing's body with his toes. He had a slender figure. He also heard that the Dragon Clan was full of treasures, especially That dragon tendon was even more precious. With a thought, he peeled off Ao Bing's skin and pulled out the tendon, which was more than a foot long. He was going to go back and make a belt for his father, Li Jing, to bind his armor, but he didn't know it. A terrible disaster occurred.

But it was said that Ao Bing died, and Ao Guang naturally found out the whole story from Long Bing. When he saw the body of the Third Prince, which had been skinned and cramped, he felt even more inexplicable. A white-haired person sending a black-haired person away is definitely a tragic thing in the world, and the most saddening thing.

Ao Guang and Li Jing were old neighbors. For the sake of Master Du'e of Kunlun Mountain, they were acquaintances and had some friendship. Ao Guang saved some face and turned into a human body to go to Chentangguan to question the crime.

Li Jing heard Ao Guang's intention and said in disbelief.

"Brother, have you made a mistake? My son is only seven years old now. He is still a toddler. He is weak and weak. How can he have such magical powers to kill nephew Ao Bing?"

Ao Guang actually had some doubts in his heart. Hearing what Li Jing said, he felt a little unsure. His brows gradually furrowed, wondering if he had made a mistake.

While he was thinking, he saw Nezha returning to the General Military Mansion happily, running into the lobby with an excited face, holding a dragon tendon in his hand and flattering Li Jing.

"Father, I killed a real dragon today, pulled out its dragon tendons, brought it back, and made you a good belt to wear with your armor!"

Li Jing suddenly froze on the spot, eyes wide open, looking at Nezha in disbelief, his head slowly turned, and he looked at Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Ao Guang's eyes widened, and his anger shot out for more than three feet. His body trembled slightly. He looked at the dragon tendon in Nezha's hand and became furious and scolded.

"Good Li Jing, you are such a filial son. I pulled out my son's tendons and made you a belt and armor. My son is a righteous god, and Yaksha Li Liang is also a royal pen kisser. How can your father and son be so good at it for no reason?" I'll beat you to death. Tomorrow I will go to the Lingxiao Palace and sue you two to heaven. Even if your son has the support of Master Taiyi, I won't be able to protect him!"

After Ao Guang said this, he was about to snatch the dragon tendon from Nezha's hand. When Nezha saw this, he was willing to give in. As soon as the circle of heaven and earth appeared in his hand, he was about to beat the old dragon to death, so as to save him from shouting here and being annoying. very.

Li Jing was shocked when he saw this, and quickly stopped him and scolded him.

"Nezha, don't be so presumptuous, return the dragon tendon to your uncle quickly!"

Nezha looked at Li Jing's face, so he let go and returned the dragon tendon to Ao Guang. Ao Guang's old eyes burst into tears, and he took a deep look at Li Jing, and then looked at Nezha hatefully. Then he walked away.

Li Jing sat on the chair, his eyes dull, a bitter look on his face, and muttered to himself.

"What should we do? Nezha, you have caused a big disaster! I'm afraid that the whole family will die!"

Nezha said angrily when he heard such reprimands.

"One person is responsible for the work, and no one in the house will be harmed. I will go find the master now. If you don't believe him, he still dares to scream!"

"Besides, I've already returned the dragon's tendons to him intact, and he's really out of his mind to continue to pester me!"

Nezha twisted his little butt, turned around and left the General Military Mansion, heading towards the Golden Light Cave in Qianyuan Mountain, preparing to find Master Taiyi for an idea.

Taiyi Zhenren is also an unreasonable person. He learned some of Yuanshi Tianzun's overbearing and protective style, and did not pay attention to Nezha's mistakes. Not only did he not reprimand and discipline Nezha, but he also drew an invisibility charm on Nezha to make him He ambush Ao Guang on the way to the sky to complain. When Ao Guang passes by, he will give him a powerful look.

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