I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1152 Yang Jian proves Daluo Daoguo

Master Huang Long meditated slightly, thinking about ways to break through for Yang Jian. His mind kept evolving and deducing, but after a moment, he had already figured out how to get along. A clear light flashed through and reflected in Yang Jian's soul.

Yang Jian lost his sight and gradually closed his eyes. Stars appeared in his soul, gradually getting bigger and bigger, like ancient stars, emitting thousands of rays of light, making the space of the soul shine bright and no darkness could be seen.

Yang Jian was overwhelmed by the light for a while. It was not until the light gradually converged that something like an ancient star showed its original shape, which surprised Yang Jian.

This turned out to be formed by the acupoints all over the body, and what Huanglong sent to his soul was a technique to open up the acupoints and refine them into stars, which can just assist the practice of "Nine Transformations Xuan Gong", powerful immortal body energy and blood , prove the Tao with strength, break through the barriers, enter the sixth turn of the "Nine Turns Mysterious Art", and achieve the Daluo Jinxian Dao Fruit.

After Master Huang Long obtained the "Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique", he did some research and found that although this technique was mysterious and profound, it had a flaw. Pangu was born in chaos and was corroded and washed away by the energy of chaos all day long. His physical body was naturally strong. It is far from being comparable to those born in the prehistoric times, so the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique is not suitable for the practice of all living beings in the prehistoric times. Even if there are a few people with outstanding qualifications who meet the conditions for practice, if they practice to a certain level, their progress will be slow and it will be difficult to achieve enlightenment. .

Fortunately, Master Huanglong proudly witnessed Pangu Xing's act of opening up the sky, incarnating all things, and saw Pangu's body's acupoints turn into stars in the sky, filling the sky. Combined with his own experience and wisdom in several lives, he created a The method of opening acupuncture points that conforms to the prehistoric practice method can activate the power of the ancient stars, accumulate immeasurable mana, and forcibly break through the barrier.

Master Yuding sat quietly, his eyes fixed on Yang Jian, showing concern and concern.

Yang Jian didn't make any movement at first, but gradually a star point appeared on the surface of his body, and then gradually spread, one, two, three. Gradually, the whole body was surrounded by star points, with a total of three hundred and sixty-five stars. Star points are all over Yang Jian's body, exuding a faint starlight, reflecting the inside of Magu Cave like a dream.

As time passed, the starlight around Yang Jian became brighter and brighter, but soon it reached its peak and could not get any brighter. Yang Jian's expression gradually became serious, sweat rolled down his face, and his body trembled slightly, as if he was working very hard.

Master Yuding's eyes looked worried, and he was nervous for Yang Jian. He couldn't help but cast his eyes on Master Huanglong who was sitting upright. Seeing that he still looked unhurried, leisurely and lazy, he let go of his worries a little, but still spoke. asked.

"Senior Brother Huanglong, is Yang Jian okay?"

Master Huang Long glanced at the very worried Master Yuding and shook his head slightly. He couldn't bear to see his junior brother like this. A clear light flashed and fell on Yang Jian.

The vision suddenly occurred, and the 365 star points around Yang Jian suddenly moved. The trajectory was mysterious, constantly rotating, and connected into one, echoing with the ancient stars in the sky. Thirty-three days away, countless starlight fell, passing through the layers. Gangfeng and thunder layer fell into Magu Cave and merged into Yang Jian's body.

Yang Jian's whole body was wrapped in endless stars, so dazzling that Master Yuding couldn't help but close his eyes. Yang Jian's aura gradually became stronger, as if there was no limit, and it kept getting stronger, gradually mixed with the aura of the ancient stars. , making people feel like they are in the starry sky.

When Master Huanglong came to help, Yang Jian immediately noticed the changes in his body. With the integration of the pure fairy light, the distracting thoughts in his heart suddenly disappeared, and his mind entered a realm that seemed to be empty but not empty, and his mind was empty and dark. , the heart of the Tao is harmonious, and the acupoints all over the body are also shocked, forming an inexplicable and mysterious formation, integrated into one. Yang Jian was born too late, and does not know this formation. If he had experienced the power of the lich back then, People who have experienced calamity can naturally recognize that this formation is the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation that the Monster Clan used to suppress the world.

The formation had just taken shape, and it emitted an astonishing suction force, attracting the starlight from the thirty-third heaven, and continuously blending it into the acupoints, turning into star water, constantly filling the large and small acupoints that were now like stars. As the star water accumulated, a few substantial star points gradually appeared. As soon as the star point appeared, it completely absorbed the surrounding star water and turned into a star core, constantly absorbing the starlight from the outside world. .

Just when the star core was forming, Yang Jian's true spirit was shocked, and his soul came to a long river in a trance. As the river water continued to rise and fall, he drifted down the river, feeling dizzy and having no direction. , gradually submerged into the depths of the river, seeing that Yang Jian Yuan Shen and True Spirit were about to sink completely to the bottom of the river of destiny, a fairy light fell above the river of destiny, shining on Yang Jian's True Spirit Yuan Shen, making Yang Jian Yuan Shen do it. With a shock, he felt the suffocation brought by the river of destiny, and began to struggle desperately. The soul and the true spirit suddenly jumped out of the turbulent river of destiny, climbing crazily upwards.

Yang Jian's Yuanshen True Spirit regained consciousness and continued to rise with the help of the fairy light. As long as he felt a little exhausted, the fairy light turned into substance, allowing Yang Jian's Yuanshen True Spirit to rest for a while. Yang Jian's Yuanshen True Spirit did not know it. Why did I vaguely feel that the higher I climbed, the better, so I didn’t dare to be lazy, and climbed hard. I don’t know how high I climbed, and then I saw countless divine thrones standing on the river of destiny, but they were high and low, uneven, and even Some of the thrones have been damaged and dilapidated. The intact ones exude a powerful aura, and there is a mysterious and fuzzy figure sitting on the throne.

Yang Jian still did not stop and continued to climb up. Gradually, the surrounding shrines became scarce, with only a few hundred. This was already the highest level, and the fairy light under his feet had also dissipated. Yang Jian knew that this was his final destination this time. Sure enough, Yang Jian had just Stopping, a divine throne emerged from the void, and the light shone brightly. Yang Jian's Yuan Shen and True Spirit fell into the divine throne involuntarily. The divine throne shook, and the True Spirit turned into a shadow, and the Yuan Shen was expelled from the river of destiny. , returned to the physical body.

Yang Jian's eyelids trembled slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes. The divine light was brilliant, and the closed third eye between his eyebrows suddenly opened. A white divine light shot out and disappeared into the nine heavens, breaking through countless thunders. The layers and Gangfeng are infinitely powerful and awe-inspiring.

Master Yuding laughed loudly when he saw this and said loudly.

"Okay, okay! I have finally achieved the Daluo Jinxian Dao Fruit. I am full of energy, full of energy, solid foundation, solid breath, and perfect!"

Yang Jian gradually came back to his senses. He glanced at the ecstatic teacher Yuding Zhenren and then at the carefree and pure Huanglong Zhenren. He felt very kind and similar to the fairy light that helped him escape from the long river of fate. He immediately understood. After seeing the cause and effect, he quickly bowed and thanked him.

"Disciple, thank you for your help, uncle, otherwise I would never have achieved the Daluo Jinxian Dao Fruit!"

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