I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1150 Nuwa is a bad businessman

Nuwa had a gathering with Emperor Fuxi in Huoyun Cave that day, and was about to return to Wa's palace. Suddenly she remembered that today was her birthday in the world, and her heart moved, and she took up the Qingluan and flew towards Nuwa's palace.

Empress Nuwa got the Qingluan and sat in the treasure hall. The jade girl and the golden boy finished the ceremony. The empress suddenly raised her head, saw the poem on the pink wall, and cursed angrily.

"The Yin Shang Dynasty actually has such an unprincipled and ignorant king who dares to humiliate me. It seems that his strength is almost exhausted and his demise is not far away!"

How noble a saint is, not to mention that Nuwa is the Holy Mother of the human race. King Zhou is so absurd and bold that he dares to molest the Holy Mother. Isn't he destroying himself and digging his own grave?

Empress Nuwa couldn't bear the bad breath, so she flew Qingluan towards Chaoge City, wanting to give King Zhou retribution. But just as she flew into Chaoge City, she saw two red lights rising into the sky. It was Yin Jiao and Yin Hong, the sons of Shang Zhou, who blocked the path of Nuwa's Dharma. The two princes shouldered the high hopes of the people, carried the faith of the people, and had great luck. It was the Yin Shang whose luck was not exhausted. Performance.

Empress Nuwa was the lord of saints, so she naturally waited to take advantage of the situation, followed the general trend of the way of heaven, and was unwilling to go against the way of heaven. She glared hatefully at the absurd King Zhou in Chaoge City, turned around, left the world, and returned to the Wa Palace.

However, women are stingy and hold grudges regardless of their level of cultivation. Empress Nuwa could not bear this bad breath and asked the Golden Phoenix Fairy to wave the demon-beckoning flag. After a while, there was a sad wind, a tragic gathering, and dark clouds all around. , the wind passed by for several times, and all the monsters in the world came to the palace to wait for the decree.

The empress ordered Caiyun: "Tell the demons everywhere to retreat; only the three demons in Xuanyuan Tomb are left to wait."

The three demons received the Queen's decree and went to the palace to advocate it, saying: "The Queen's holy life is boundless!"

One of these three demons is a thousand-year-old fox spirit, one is a nine-headed chicken spirit, and the other is a jade pipa spirit.

The empress looked at the three demons for a few times, looking at the charming aura all over her body, nodded with satisfaction and said.

"The three demons listen to my decree: The Yin and Shang Dynasties are in disgrace, and they will lose the world; the phoenix sings in the mountains, and the Holy Lord has been born in the Western Zhou Dynasty. God's will has been determined, and the Qi will make it happen. You and other three demons can hide their demonic forms, support themselves in the palace, and confuse chaos. The heart of the king: Wait for the Holy King to defeat Zhou to help you succeed, and do not harm all living beings. After the success is achieved, you and others will also achieve positive results."

After the empress finished giving her instructions, the three demons kowtowed and thanked them. Gone away in the breeze. Exactly: "The fox listened to the order and cast a magic spell, which ruined his life for six hundred years."

"In the middle of March, I went to Xiangxi and recited a poem to take off. I only know how to use my pen to learn, but I don't know that this country is destroyed."

The three demons have lived in the Xuanyuan Tomb for a long time and were worshiped and sacrificed by the human race day and night. They were contaminated with the aura of the Human Emperor and were able to get close to the True Dragon Emperor without fear of revealing themselves.

It's just that the three of them stole the Emperor Xuanyuan's incense, which resulted in karma. During this dynasty change, they must do things that obey the laws of heaven to compensate for the karma.

Although Empress Nuwa had good intentions, as long as these three demons did not change their nature, it was inevitable that they would end up causing great harm, causing countless evil deeds and causing endless causes and effects. Although the Yin Shang Dynasty also perished, it also harmed itself and its body was destroyed. remove.

Just because after offering incense, King Zhou saw the beauty of Nuwa, he thought about it day and night, forgot about the cold and heat, and did not sleep or eat. Every time he saw the six courtyards and the three palaces, they were like a soup of dirt, rice and dust, and he could not bear to look at it. In the end, the king would not worry about this matter. , depressed. One day, while driving to the Xianqing Hall, there was always sympathy. King Zhou suddenly made a sudden move, and Fei Zhong, the official admonished by Yu Xuanzhong, was King Zhou's lucky minister. Recently, the master heard that Zhong Feng ordered to pacify the Beihai Sea, went on an expedition with a large number of troops, and made meritorious service outside Xu, so he favored Fei Zhong and You Hun.

These two people went to court to bewitch the saints and make flattery with their slanderous words, and King Zhou followed them in every possible way. The world is probably in danger and sycophants are in charge. Soon Fei Zhong met in court. The king said: "I went to Nuwa's palace to pay incense, and I happened to see her beauty, which is unparalleled in the world. The three palaces and six courtyards are not what I want. What will happen? What can you do to comfort me?" Fei Zhongzou said. : "Your Majesty is the lord of ten thousand chariots, rich in the world, and worthy of Yao and Shun; everything in the world belongs to your Majesty, so why not worry about it? What is the difficulty? Your Majesty will send a decree tomorrow, and issue it to the four princes, and select each town. There are hundreds of beauties to fill the royal court, so why worry about the most beautiful women in the world not being selected by the king?" King Zhou was very happy: "What you have played is very much in line with my wishes. I will send an order to the court tomorrow morning, and you will be back temporarily." Then he ordered him to return to the palace.

The Three Xuanyuan Demons seized Su Daji's body and successfully infiltrated the Yin Shang harem. Cholera spread throughout the Yin Shang world, causing the people to live in dire straits, and many loyal ministers and generals fled to death.

Not to mention these annoying things in the world, let's say that after Master Yuding brought Yang Jian back to Jinxia Cave in Yuquan Mountain, he taught Yang Jian all the nine-turn mystical skills taught by Master Huanglong. Yang Jian was worthy of being a human-god hybrid and a born fairy. , has extraordinary qualifications and extraordinary wisdom. He is very suitable for practicing this method of proving the Tao with his own body. He has made rapid progress in cultivation. Now he has reached the perfection of Taiyi Golden Immortal. He is only one step away from realizing the Taoist fruit of Daluo Jinxian. Let Yu Master Ding was very happy. He felt that he was content with just accepting this disciple and did not want to accept any more disciples. Not only did he hand over the three-pointed two-edged sword given by Yuanshi Tianzun to Yang Jian, but he also gave it to Yang Jian. The strange beast Roaring Sky Dog was given to Yang Jian, and he loved him very much.

On this day, Master Yuding returned from Kunlun Mountain. He knew that the Great Catastrophe of Conferring Gods was about to begin. He was worried that his disciple Yang Jian was only in the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal. In the future, he would inevitably be in some danger during the Immortal Killing Tribulation. After thinking for a long time, this Then he called Yang Jian over and said with a trace of kindness on his face.

"You have now cultivated the "Nine Transformations Mysterious Skill" to the fifth level and reached the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal. You are only one step away from the true spirit that can leap out of the river of destiny and achieve the Daluo Golden Immortal Dao Fruit. But at this time, it happens During the 1,500-year-old catastrophe of killing gods, my disciples, except Master Qin Huanglong, killed three corpses. They are not in the catastrophe. The other disciples need to survive this catastrophe, so time is tight and I cannot allow you to practice slowly!"

Yang Jian was also shocked when he heard this and asked quickly.

"Teacher, what should we do?"

Master Yuding raised his head slightly and looked at the Magu Cave in Erlong Mountain in the distance. A clear light flashed in his eyes and he said.

"Senior Brother Huanglong has profound cultivation and unfathomable realm. He taught him the "Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique". Now I will take you to Erlong Mountain to seek help from your uncle Huanglong, so that you can survive before the catastrophe of killing gods begins. Once you have attained the Daluo Jinxian Dao Fruit, when the time comes, with the strength of your physical body, you will be almost invincible among the Daluo Jinxian. Even teachers and others cannot defeat you, which is enough for you to survive the great catastrophe of becoming a god! !”

Yang Jian was overjoyed when he heard this. He was deeply impressed by the feat of God Haotian beating his cheap uncle. He was so domineering that he asked the Lord of the Three Realms to change his name as soon as he opened his mouth. Yang Jian admired him endlessly and yearned for it. He had wanted it for a long time. Pay a visit to Master Huang Long as mentioned by this Master.

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