I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1107 Interpretation of Acceptance of Disciples

I nodded in agreement, and suddenly a majestic and sharp voice spread throughout the world.

"The teaching of interpretation has been established, and those who are destined can come to Kunlun Mountain to become a disciple and seek enlightenment!"

"Jiejiao opens its doors widely, and anyone with a predestined relationship can come to become a disciple and seek enlightenment!"

Immediately, all living beings in the ancient world were overjoyed and gathered towards Kunlun Mountain one after another, wanting to worship the saint and seek enlightenment. They also wanted to find a refuge to survive the calamity of the lich.

Of course, Chanjiao and Jiejiao are different. Yuanshi Tianzun has set up numerous tests to select his disciples. Most of the disciples are those who are good at following and have the best qualities, talents, and conduct. However, Taoist Tongtian has no distinction between teachings. No one is turned away, there are both wise and foolish disciples, mediocre and inferior disciples are also hiding among them. There are a number of disciples represented by Duobao Taoist, Wudang Holy Mother, Zhao Gongming, Yunxiao, Bixiao, Qiongxiao brothers and sisters, Jinhuan Immortal Ma Sui, Jinling Holy Mother, Guiling Holy Mother, Wuyunxian, etc., all good and bad.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the fourteen people who passed the test in front of him, nodded slightly, and said to one of the Daluo Jinxian Taoists.

"Fellow Taoist is also a guest in Zixiao Palace. I'm afraid it won't be easy for you to become my disciple!"

This Taoist is Ran Deng Taoist, and he is also a person with great supernatural powers who was lucky enough to listen to Taoist ancestors' sermons in the ancient times. However, his understanding was a bit poor after all, so he did not achieve the quasi-sage realm of Hunyuan Golden Immortal. He was still in the realm of Daluo Golden Immortal, because Worried about the catastrophe of the lich, he came to Kunlun Mountain to seek guidance and seek refuge.

Taoist Ran Deng was generous and burst into tears when he heard this. He immediately knelt down in front of Yuanshi Tianzun and cried.

"I also ask for your mercy, teacher. This disciple is very determined to seek enlightenment and is willing to worship under the disciples of the saint. Even if it means serving tea and water, he is willing to do so!"

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned slightly, Taoist Ran Deng had broken through the big formation he had arranged, so he couldn't regret it, and the other party was also a guest of Zixiao Palace after all, so he had no choice but to give face. After thinking for a moment, he said.

"Since fellow Taoist has said this, why not stay with me for the time being to teach, be a deputy leader, and help me teach and control my disciples. If you want to leave in the future, I will never stop you. What do you think?"

Ran Deng was overjoyed when he heard this and quickly thanked him and said.

"The teacher is compassionate, and the disciple will naturally be willing!"

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded, looked at the others, and said to eleven of them.

"You will be my disciples in the future. You still need to respect your teacher, practice well, and refrain from doing wrong or evil, otherwise I will never give you mercy!"

Thirteen people quickly bowed and said in respect.

"Disciples will follow Master's teachings carefully and never forget them!"

These thirteen people are:

Guangchengzi, Taoyuandong, Jiuxian Mountain;

Red sperm in Yunxiao Cave in Taihua Mountain;

Feiyun Cave in Jialong Mountain is afraid of leaving behind grandchildren;

Taiyi Zhenren in Jinguang Cave in Qianyuan Mountain;

Great Master of Lingbao from Yuanyang Cave in Kongtong Mountain;

Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun in Yunxiao Cave, Wulong Mountain;

Samantabhadra in Baihe Cave, Jiugong Mountain;

Taoist Cihang of Luojiadong in Mount Putuo;

The real person of Yuding in Jinxia Cave in Yuquan Mountain;

Jintingshan Yuwu Cave Daoxing Tianzun;

The Antarctic Immortal who practices Buddhism in Kunlun Mountain;

Yuzhu Cave in Zhongnan Mountain.

The first eleven people are the eleven among the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao, and the last two are also people with profound blessings and have also been accepted into the sect.

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded slightly and was very satisfied. Then he looked at Huanglong, who was standing quietly beside him, and said.

"Are you still willing to be my disciple now?"

Yuanshi Tianzun valued Huanglong very highly at this time, and there was a hint of temptation in his tone. After all, the other party was already a powerful Daluo Jinxian, and even he could not be insulted lightly.

Upon hearing this, Master Huanglong immediately knelt down and kowtowed.

"Thanks to Master's mercy and permission to listen to Taoism and teachings in Kunlun Mountain, I have achieved today's achievements. I have been looking forward to it day and night until today. Naturally, I am very willing!"

Yuanshi Tianzun was overjoyed, and with a slight movement of his hand, the jade-clear fairy light shot out, and he helped Master Huanglong up, and then he said.

"In that case, you should return to your place!"

Master Huanglong took a step forward and walked into the crowd. Yuanshi Tianzun accepted a disciple today, so he naturally wanted to give a sermon and teach his disciples the Yuqing Dao.

Qingyun rises, thousands of golden lotuses emerge, endless, three purple twelve-grade lotus flowers sway in the Qingyun, a handful of jade Ruyi blooming is supported by auspicious clouds, the jade handle emits milky white light, the clouds The handle of the Ganoderma lucidum with carved patterns is inlaid with three red orbs. The upper part corresponds to the three lights of the sun, moon and stars, and the lower part corresponds to the three talents of heaven, earth and man. The saint's magic weapon to prove the Tao is neither acquired nor innate, but its power is comparable to the innate magic weapon, even second only to the innate magic weapon of the leader level. It is unstoppable to the quasi-sage. It is really the most precious treasure of Yuxu Palace and the Three Jewels and Jade Ruyi. The infinite avenue evolves, the rays of light are brilliant, the sky is full of flowers, the sky is faint, the endless strange beasts appear, play in the clouds and light, the scenery is endless, and the atmosphere is extraordinary.

The disciples sat cross-legged, and their souls fell into a state that seemed to be empty but not empty. Their minds were empty and dark, and their Taoist hearts were harmonious. They escaped into the depths of the way of heaven, eagerly absorbing the Tao of explaining the teachings. The jade-clear fairy light appeared on all the disciples. The light gradually lit up, filling the entire hall.

For a long time, Yuanshi Tianzun watched all the disciples cultivate into the Jade Pure Immortal Light, then put Qingyun away and stopped giving his first sermon.

All the disciples woke up one after another and stood up to thank the saint for his kindness in preaching.

"You go down first to consolidate the results of this practice, and come back to listen to the lecture three hundred years later!"

All the disciples left the main hall one after another and looked for the side hall cave to stay and digest what they had learned from listening to the sermon.

Only Zhenren Huanglong, who had listened to the Tao many times and had advanced Taoism, did not need to retreat to digest it, so he wandered around the Kunlun Mountains and continued to take care of the spiritual fields organized by the Kunlun Mountains themselves.

On this day, Master Huanglong suddenly heard endless noises, and several bloody evil auras came towards him. They were the disciples of Taoist Tongtian, Dingguangxian, Jinguangxian and others. There were still traces of blood in the corners of their mouths. A trace of blood made Master Huang Long frown. Taoist practice emphasizes calmness, no killing, and eating blood. This will cause the immortal light to be impure and contaminated with karma.

Moreover, Kunlun Mountain is a Taoist cave paradise, peaceful and stable. The spiritual beasts and celestial grass in the mountain are owned by Taoist Sanqing. Huanglong has never dared to cross the Kunlun Mountain for so many years, let alone devour them.

Dingguangxian, Jinguangxian and others came closer and saw the real Huanglong who was taking care of the spiritual field. They were slightly startled. Looking at the rare elixirs in the spiritual field, a trace of greed flashed through them. These elixirs The rare treasures are all carefully selected by Master Huanglong, and he spends a lot of effort to take care of them. They have strong natural medicinal effects and are far more magical than the elixirs found in other places. Even I refine the Nine Turns Golden Pill and come here to select the elixirs. , Huanglong Master has never picked a single plant and used it to make elixirs.

Dingguangxian and others bowed to Master Huanglong and exchanged greetings.

"I've met Senior Brother Huanglong!"

Although Master Huanglong didn't like a few people, he didn't show it on his face and returned the greeting and said.

"I've met all the junior brothers!"

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