I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 105 Ningci retreats

The sword flew rapidly through the air, accelerating towards Yunyin Village, and continued to grow larger and longer during the flight. It was a hundred meters long, two hundred meters long, three hundred meters long, and finally reached a thousand meters long. A fierce alarm signal sounded in Yunyin Village, and all the villagers in Yunyin Village looked up to the sky, unable to stop the thousand-meter-long sword from rushing towards the highest mountain in the village.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!" Like a punishment from heaven, the entire mountain peak was cut in half, and the upper part of the mountain fell directly. The scattered boulders continued to fall, making a sound like thunder. Like God being angry.

After the thousand-meter-long sword slashed down the mountain peak, it continued to fly towards the sky without stopping. The entire sky seemed to be split into two halves. Everyone was stunned and stood helplessly on the spot, completely without any trace. Reaction.

"Raikage-sama!" Azabui, who had darker skin and a plump figure, was the first to react and shouted to the Fourth Raikage, with an expression of shock still on his face.

"Come with me and have a look!" Ai, the Fourth Raikage, realized at this moment that he was covered in Thunder Chakra and rushed out of the village.

One after another, figures jumped high and chased in the direction where the thunder shadow disappeared.

"You are here!" Neji stood quietly in the open space outside Yunyin Village, watching the Raikage and Yun Ninja arriving one after another, and greeted him quietly for a lifetime, as calm as if he was talking about whether he had eaten, which made Yun who was present Shinobi had the illusion that everyone was discussing a picnic here.

"You are a Konoha ninja, huh? The Hyuga clan!!!" The Fourth Raikage looked at the whirlpool forehead protector on Ningci's forehead, and was slightly stunned. He immediately understood Ningci's affiliation, and continued to move his eyes downward. Looking into Ningji's eyes, he saw white eyes, such obvious features, he was definitely a ninja from the Hyuga clan.

Although the fourth generation Raikage usually has the image of a reckless man, it does not mean that he is really an impulsive person. As a shadow of a village, weighing the pros and cons is the most basic ability. Although Neji is only alone, and it seems Although he was not very old, he still suppressed his inner anger, suppressed his desire to vent, and calmly communicated with Neji when he remembered the scene that was like a heavenly punishment.

"Konoha ninja, do you want to start a war between Kumogakure and Konoha?"

"Are you taking the lead again and threatening the opponent with war?" Neji looked at the actions of the Fourth Raikage and frowned. He remembered that in the Hinata incident, Kumo Ninja also threatened Konoha with war, which led to Hizashi's death. I felt a little unhappy.

"If so, so what?" Neji asked impatiently.

The Fourth Raikage was immediately speechless. He didn't expect Neji to answer like this and was stunned.

"Yondaime-sama, that's not what you meant. Young Konoha expert, what is your purpose?" Mabuyi took the words and directly asked Neji's purpose.

"You probably don't want to provoke a war between Konoha and Kumogakure, otherwise the blow just now wouldn't have split the mountain!" Mabuyi thought of the shocking blow just now. If he attacked the village directly, Kumogakure would I'm afraid the village will be wiped out instantly!

"Finally there is a Kumo-nin with brains. I thought all Kumo-nin were idiots!" Neji glanced at the Fourth Raikage and mocked Ai unceremoniously.

"You!!" The Fourth Raikage's anger rose, but he suppressed it and his face turned red.

"I was ordered by the Fifth Hokage to teach you Cloud Hidden Village a lesson. I hope you can keep yourselves in check and vent my long-term dissatisfaction with Cloud Hidden Village!" Neci glanced at Ai boredly, then shook his head, It feels boring. With Neji's current strength, most things in the ninja world are difficult for Neji to find interesting.

"The Cloud Hidden Village will evacuate its troops from the border of the Kingdom of Thunder and live in peace with Konoha!" Ai looked at Ningci in front of him, unwilling but determined to express his surrender to Ningji and his willingness to give up the war.

"I don't know where Kumoyin Village has offended you. I hope you will make it clear. We will apologize and correct it!" Mabuyi looked at the Fourth Raikage who gave in and surrendered. She was more concerned about Neji's dissatisfaction. After all, if such a strong man If you are hostile to Yunyin Village, it will be a disaster for Yunyin Village.

"Apologise? My father is Hyuuga Hizashi, and he died under the pressure of Kumogakure Village!" Neji glanced at the ninjas of Kumogakure Village, then directly used the time and space ninjutsu to leave and disappeared in front of the Kumonin people.

"Hyuga Hizashi's son!" The Fourth Raikage murmured to himself, feeling a little regretful but also a little lucky. What I regret is that when it comes to the Hyuga clan, I didn't eat the mutton, but instead got into trouble and offended Neji; fortunately, Neji is not a violent person, otherwise today's Kumoyin Village would basically be doomed.

"Fourth Generation Master, now is not the time to be in a daze. The villagers in the village are still waiting for your comfort. Although the blow just now did not cause harm to the villagers, it still caused huge panic. Now you need to comfort the villagers and avoid Cause a commotion!" Mabuyi looked at Ai, who was stunned in place, and quickly pushed with his hand, interrupting the Fourth Raikage's thinking.

"I know!" The Fourth Raikage took a deep breath, calmed down, regained his energy and motivation, turned around and walked towards the village, and the cloud ninjas behind him quickly followed.

. . . . . .

"The matter is done, you can return to Tsunade. The Kumo ninja has agreed to withdraw and live in peace!" Neji suddenly appeared in front of Kakashi and told Kakashi the results of his actions. .

"So fast!" Kakashi looked at Neji in front of him and couldn't believe it. Less than half an hour after he left Neji's house, Neji told his cloud ninja that he was scared. How could this be possible?

"Wrong!!! Time and space ninjutsu!!" Kakashi looked at Neji and exclaimed, with shock on his face.

"Well, I just went to Yunyin Village!" Neci nodded calmly.

"I understand, go back to life now, Hokage-sama will be very happy!" Kakashi looked happy, Kumogakure Village has been withdrawn, Iwagakure Village is basically no longer able to make waves, and Konoha's external threats have basically been resolved .

"It's up to you. I want to tell you that I may disappear for a while. My strength has reached a critical stage of transformation, so I need to practice in seclusion!" Ningji thought for a moment that his sage mode had matured, and it was time to start practicing in seclusion. As long as you convert all the chakra in your body into natural chakra step by step, reaching the six-level level, and under the influence of natural chakra, improve your physical fitness to the six-level level, then your energy, energy, and spirit will be achieved in all three aspects. At the Sixth Path level, if you achieve the perfection of the Three Treasures, your strength will reach the imagined real immortal realm.

In Neji's imagination, the Six Paths level means that one of the aspects of energy and spirit has reached the Sage level. For example, this is the case for Ningji, the Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagoromo, and Kaguya. Now Neji is in seclusion in order to break through the current realm. It can be said that almost all the conditions are met. As long as he follows the steps, he can successfully advance to the sage realm. At that time, Neji can truly be called Hyuga Sage.

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