I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 102 Transaction Completed

"It is the responsibility of ANBU to hunt down traitorous ninjas, and it has nothing to do with me. Today I want to make a deal with Orochimaru-senpai!" Neji didn't care about Orochimaru's temptation and directly stated his attitude.

"I don't know what kind of deal it is, but I actually asked Neji-kun to find me, the notorious rebel of Konoha!" Orochimaru was obviously very interested and curiously asked about the contents of Neji's deal.

"Transactions are inherently fair, so Orochimaru-senpai might as well listen to my chips first!" Neji did not directly tell the content of the transaction, but handed over the chips first and threw them out.

"I will promise to help Orochimaru-senpai get back part of your soul that was sealed by the Third Hokage, and promise that as long as Orochimaru-senpai does not involve my friends, I will never take the initiative to be hostile to senior Orochimaru. I don't know what this bargaining chip is, Orochimaru-senpai." What do you think?" Neji directly laid out the conditions one by one. He believed that Orochimaru would be tempted. After all, his existence was a great deterrent to Orochimaru. If possible, Orochimaru would be happy to minimize his threat.

"The generous conditions are very tempting. I wonder what I have to pay?" Orochimaru became more interested, and unconsciously stretched out his tongue to lick his cheek, which made Neji frown unconsciously. It's hard to stand Orochimaru's aesthetics.

"It's very simple. I know that Orochimaru-senpai is very interested in Sasuke. I hope that you will not harm or take Sasuke's body within three years!" Neji suppressed his displeasure and continued to discuss the deal with Orochimaru.

"Neji-kun, you are asking me to give up Sasuke. This may be a bit difficult!" Orochimaru frowned. It seems that Orochimaru is very obsessed with the Uchiha bloodline and it is a bit difficult to give up.

"No, I will not stop you from taking Sasuke's body. What I mean is that you are not allowed to take Sasuke's body within three years. In return, I will not stop you from recruiting Sasuke. Three years is to give him a chance to grow. I believe that Orochimaru-senpai will not be able to deal with Sasuke three years later!" Neci made a small sarcastic comment to Orochimaru. As a strong man, Orochimaru was still very proud in his heart and did not want to lose in front of Neci. face.

"Sounds interesting, I agree!" Naturally, Orochimaru would not believe that Sasuke would pose a threat to him three years later, so he happily agreed to Neji's deal. After all, he had no loss at all. Sasuke's original strength It will not meet Orochimaru's reincarnation requirements and will take a certain amount of time to grow.

Orochimaru's choice did not exceed Neci's expectations. After all, Orochimaru has always been very sensible and knows how to weigh the pros and cons. Therefore, facing a strong man like Neci, Orochimaru will definitely give in as long as the demands are not too excessive.

"I wonder when will Neji-kun be able to help me get back my lost soul?" Orochimaru can't wait to get his sealed soul back. Since Konoha's collapse plan, Orochimaru has endured his soul being torn apart every day. The pain cannot be relieved even by reincarnation in other bodies.

"Soon!" Neji formed a seal with his hands, bringing up waves of afterimages.

"Forbidden Technique, Seal of the Ghoul!" Kabuto Yakushi unconsciously stepped in front of Orochimaru and looked at Neji warily.

"Kabuto, step back. With Neji-kun's strength, you don't need to use the ghoul seal to deal with me!" Orochimaru stopped Yakushi Kabuto's overreaction and watched Neji perform ninjutsu with interest.

A cold wave swept through Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto. They looked behind Ningci unconsciously. The figure of the god of death that could not be seen had appeared behind Ningci. Obviously this was Ningci's method. Although both It's a corpse seal, but what Neji uses is different from that of the third generation. It was improved by Neji. The summoned Shinigami can be seen by everyone.

Although Orochimaru had his hands sealed by the God of Death, this was the first time he saw the figure of the God of Death, with a cold breath, a short knife in his mouth, a string of rosary beads in his left hand, and his white hair disheveled covering his purple face. The long robes flowed constantly.

"I wonder how Neji-kun can get my hands back?" Orochimaru looked at Neci's operations curiously.

Neji turned his hands over and a snow rabbit appeared on his hand. Orochimaru looked at it carefully. It was just an ordinary rabbit, nothing special. He observed Neji's actions with some curiosity.

Neji urged Death to reach out to the rabbit with both hands, and pulled out a rabbit soul that emitted a faint light. Death opened the abdomen with a short knife and stuffed the rabbit's soul into his stomach. Neji's powerful mental power rushed into Death instantly. Orochimaru's soul was pulled out of his body. The god of death roared angrily and stabbed Neji with the short knife in his hand.

Neji ignored it, formed a seal with his hands again, and dispersed the figure of the God of Death. Amidst the roar of the God of Death, he pressed the stolen soul towards Orochimaru with an indifferent expression.

Orochimaru carefully felt the sense of relaxation coming from his body. The severe pain disappeared. He tried to move his arms and raised his hands easily.

"Is it that simple?" Kabuto Yakushi asked in surprise as he watched Neji's tricks.

"How complicated can it be? When you become stronger, many things become very simple. Besides, the Shinigami and I are in a fair deal, one for one!" Neji shrugged, with a relaxed look on his face.

"Equal transaction!" Kabuto Yakushi might have believed Neji's lies if he hadn't seen the final anger of the God of Death.

"Kabuto, what seems difficult to us may be very simple in the hands of some people, just a matter of convenience. You must know that even those as powerful as the Third and Fourth Hokages who use the Ghoul Seal will pay the price with their lives. , you should know that things are not as easy as you think!" Orochimaru's pupils shrank slightly. Although he had overestimated Ningji's strength as much as possible, he unexpectedly still underestimated Ningji. Orochimaru was somewhat glad that he agreed. Neji's deal, otherwise even if I could escape today, I would have to pay an unimaginable price.

"The matter has been settled, I will take my leave now. I hope Orochimaru-senpai can abide by the agreement! Of course, Orochimaru-senpai is welcome to violate the agreement, maybe there will be unexpected surprises!" Neji finally joked in a seemingly friendly manner, But Orochimaru smelled a strong malice in it.

"How could it be? There is no way I would risk offending Neji-kun and do something that would harm others and not benefit myself!" Orochimaru was not angry at all about Neji's warning. Orochimaru, as an excellent ninja, is naturally capable of bending and stretching, and would not do anything Something where the benefits are out of proportion to the risks.

"It's so boring!" Neci looked at the respectful Orochimaru and felt bored. Originally, Neji wanted to teach Orochimaru a lesson and vent his frustrations these days, but he didn't expect that Orochimaru was really like a poisonous snake, very slippery and difficult to catch, and he didn't give Neci the chance to get angry. Chance.

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