I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1014 Hong Yi escapes

"Yunleitun, a gentleman relies on economics! Hong Xuanji, you are a great scholar! But you don't understand economics. Let me explain economics to you!"

The power of Hong Yi's sword changed in an instant, with water above and thunder below, forming a Tun Gua sword, which directly bombarded Hong Xuanji!

This sword contains the artistic conception of the Tun Gua. It is not a powerful force, but an economic principle, which is directly instilled into Hong Xuanji's fist intention.

"I am the sect of Neo-Confucianism, and you are not worthy of being a disobedient disciple. Talk to me about economics!"

Hong Xuanji's eyebrows stood up, and a powerful thought erupted, forcing out the Tun Gua Sword Qi of Jinglun. But his pause at this moment was as slow as the blink of an eye. Finally, Hong Yi won time!

"Go up the mountain and go down to the ground, peel the mountain on the ground! Make the house thicker when you go up! Yang Pan, let me teach you to be a good emperor!"

The Hongyi Sword is divided into six parts, and the sword energy that kills Emperor Qian Yang Pan forms a "Pi Gua". Mountains are on the ground, eroded by wind and rain. When the emperor sees this hexagram, he must reflect on himself and whether he should be kind to the people so that they can live and work in peace and contentment!

This sword pointed directly at his true heart, and was not as powerful as the "leather sword", but it targeted Qiandi's Taoist heart and killed him right into his true heart.

"A spring comes out from under the mountain, Meng! Kong! You are an ancient demon lord, but you are inhumane. I am here to enlighten you! I beg Tong Meng, and Tong Meng begs me! You can be my Meng Meng schoolboy!"

Hong Yi struck again with his sword towards the number one demon in the ancient world. His sword power also changed, and it turned out that he was also killing his original intention!

At the same time, Hong Yi evolved two other hexagrams, and he also beheaded the Great Emperor Yang Kai and the Dark Emperor Taoist respectively. The sword hexagrams were combined at will, turning the clouds and rain!

"If your strength is not strong, kill your original intention! Hong Yi, you have reached such a state and torture the most sensitive parts of everyone's Taoist heart. In time, the Book of Changes will be perfected, so that's okay. I won't allow you to kill me today." !”

Emperor Qian Yang Pan defeated the sword energy of the "Pi" hexagram with one punch, and was about to take action, but the powerful idea of ​​the "Pi" hexagram hit his heart, almost shaking his Taoist heart! This made it impossible for him to gather all his strength again and launch a second attack. Emperor Qian suddenly thought about it and consolidated his Taoist heart first! But the time has been delayed by half a moment!

At the same time, Kong, Dark Emperor Taoist, and Yang Li were all like Yang Pan. Although they defeated Hong Yi's sword energy, they were infiltrated into their own hearts by the opponent's sword energy, shaking their fundamental Taoism. Heart.

Each of Hong Yi's swords was aimed at the weaknesses of the Taoist hearts of these five masters. He used the hexagrams of the "Book of Changes" to torture the essence of the soul. This was extremely terrifying! This is not power, but original truth!

The six masters have extremely stable Taoist hearts and will not waver. However, after being tortured by this torture, their thoughts slowed down by half a minute, revealing flaws and loopholes.

"There are mountains in the world! Escape, the gentleman is far away from the villain!"

Having won this glimmer of hope, Hong Yi did not hesitate, his sword energy condensed, the saints' true energy exploded, his blood energy surged, and his body swam! He rushed directly towards the sky and immediately escaped a thousand feet away! He immediately got rid of the heavy surroundings and the pressure was relieved!

Hong Yi finally broke away from the encirclement and escaped from the sky. In the sky and on the earth, the five masters could no longer kill him completely. In a tenth of an instant, Hong Yi urged the holy temples to disappear into the air and entered the vast world. The turbulence of the void. In the turbulence of the void, meteorites the size of mountains were suspended quietly in the air, doing various regular movements, eternally unchanged, but suddenly there was an invisible wave that was thousands of miles long, as if The water passed by like ripples.

These ripples may not seem big, but the power they contain is unprecedentedly sharp. They disintegrate these meteorites one after another, leaving no powder behind. They turn directly into steam and disappear into the turbulent flow. The large and small black hole passages in the void turbulence, and all kinds of dangerous star fires gathered, all disintegrated and evaporated at this time, leaving no trace.

If a Taoist monk saw this fluctuating power, he would be extremely shocked. This is already a power that belongs to ancient legends. When the world is destroyed, countless layers of space completely collapse, a phenomenon that only belongs to the ancient epics in legends.

This invisible wave that is thousands of miles long has traveled forward for countless thousands of miles, hundreds of millions of miles, and it has been moving forward forever. It wasn't until the last moment that it finally slowed down and stopped at the edge of a galaxy. This galaxy traverses the void, with an immeasurable length and width. Even a master in the realm of the Creator cannot see the end. It is composed of countless densely packed luminous meteorites with a radius of hundreds, even thousands, thousands, or one hundred thousand miles. It is like a star in the river. Quicksand, ups and downs, constantly flowing to unknown places in the distance.

Feeling the surging power of the galaxy, the invisible fluctuations finally stopped, and a figure emerged from it, it was Hong Yi.


As soon as Hong Yi's body appeared, his face turned blood red, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, and gradually returned to his normal state. Then a stream of white rice grains shot out from between his eyebrows. The rice grains expanded crazily and turned into a huge palace that stayed on the edge of the galaxy. Hong Yi moved his body and people entered the hall.

Yang Gan watched Hong Yi get into the temples to recuperate and recover. He couldn't help but look away, looked at Li Shenguang below, and warned.

"The drama has come to an end. Hong Yi is worthy of being the son of the era whom destiny loves. He has amazing methods and extraordinary wisdom. Although he was severely injured, he was born in heaven after all!"

"Although you are on the same level as him, your skills are far behind him after all. Don't compete with him in the future, otherwise I'm afraid you will fall into his hands and become his stepping stone!"

Li Shenguang's expression was heavy, and he nodded when he heard this. He had also seen Hong Yi's amazing methods just now. He was indeed quick to respond, resourceful, finding opportunities in the impossible, and escaping from the dragnet, which was far beyond what he could match.

Li Shenguang looked back, breathed a sigh of relief, and sighed.

"Don't worry, my lord, I'm not good at fighting. I'd better just be my own Minister of Etiquette. Why fight to the death with others?!"

Although Li Shenguang achieved the status of a saint and survived seven thunder tribulations, he did not change his original intention. He still did not intend to resign and go into seclusion and become his own saint. Instead, he continued to benefit the people and contribute to the country.

A hint of appreciation flashed in Yang Gan's eyes. Li Shenguang is neither arrogant nor impatient, and never changes his original intention. This is a true scholar who will not get carried away and laughs out loud.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to become the Minister of Rites. Now that you have reached the realm of a saint, my father naturally knows your realm. I'm afraid you will join the cabinet, dominate the world, and become the prime minister!"

Li Shenguang was stunned for a moment, and then retracted his surprised look. What Yang Gan said was entirely possible. Emperor Qian would not turn a blind eye to him, whether it was to win over him as a newly promoted saint or to show off to the world. He was summoned to the cabinet as prime minister.

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