I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1009 The Two Saints Overcome the Tribulation, Different Situations

Yang Qian thought for a while, organized his language, and wanted to explain this matter in the simplest words, and said softly.

"You are following the path of the ancient scholars and hundreds of sages. You are following the path of the traditional scholars. You accumulate wisdom, enlightenment, and achieve the realm of a saint. Your thoughts and behavior are the style of a gentleman recorded in Confucian classics!"

Li Shenguang nodded when he heard the words. He thought about his path and life. What he did was indeed in accordance with the gentleman's style and required himself. It was the most orthodox route for scholars to become saints.

Li Shenguang's wisdom flashed, and he had already digested what Yang Qian said, nodded and stroked his beard, and continued to ask.

"Then isn't Hong Yi also a scholar? How is he different from me?"

Yang Qian did not answer directly, but turned his attention to Zhouyi Academy, glanced at Hong Yi who was practicing the Tao of Evolution, shook his head slightly, and then said.

"Hong Yi seems to be a disciple of Confucianism and a scholar, but his path is not pure after all!"

"He obtained the "Past Amitabha Sutra" from the Great Zen Temple in Xishan, and then embarked on the path of Taoist cultivation. Later, he studied martial arts, which was also the martial arts of the Great Zen Temple. Later, he pieced it all together, and the magic , Buddhism, Taoism, and even the paths of demons, dragons, and incense and fire gods. These various sects and different paths are mixed into his Confucianism. Now he only wears a layer of Confucianism. , the inside has long been beyond recognition and turned into a hodgepodge. Of course, the largest proportion of it is Shi Dao. After all, he has the most secrets to practice these two Dao, so it creates Hong Yi's actual character. As long as it can be used by me, it is fine, and it is subject to The Tathagata of Dazen Temple has a serious influence. He is self-centered, has a domineering and unruly personality, and is arrogant. He doesn’t want anyone to stand on his head!”

Li Shenguang frowned slightly, the fire of wisdom ignited, and he continued to deduce Hong Yi's character and behavior, and finally came to the conclusion. He couldn't help but nodded. What the Jade Prince Yang Qian said was right. Strictly speaking, the "Book of Changes" is not pure. The Confucian classics are more of a mixture of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and even include some other content about the ways of demons, monsters, dragons, incense and gods. As expected, they are just covered in a layer of Confucianism.

Li Shenguang nodded slightly, looked up at Yang Qian again, and asked curiously.

"What about you, my lord? What path have you taken?!"

Yang Qian lowered his hands back, leaned back, looked up at the blue sky, and watched the floating clouds floating in the blue sky, feeling comfortable and comfortable, and said quietly.

"I am different from you. I am proficient in the theories of hundreds of schools of thought. I know the movement of the universe and the rotation of the four seasons. I am also from a royal family and am a prince. The path I follow should be a combination of the path of the ancient saint emperor and the path of the medieval saints. !”

Yang Qian said with some uncertainty. He didn't know if his path was like this. After all, he had experienced many lives and had seen many worlds. His accumulated wisdom and foundation were so profound that it was difficult to tell clearly which path he was taking. What kind of road can only be approximated.

"If I ascend the throne as the emperor, I will naturally follow the path of the Holy Emperor, control the universe, move the sun and moon, create all living beings, and dominate the heaven and earth. If I cannot ascend the throne as the emperor, I will naturally follow the path of the Saints, teach all living beings, and spread ideas. Accumulate a wealth of wisdom and eventually spread it through the ages!”

Li Shenguang nodded slightly. He was in a different realm now. Although he still couldn't see the details of Yang Gan, he vaguely felt that what Yang Gan said was the truth. After all, as a descendant of the royal family, it was natural for him to follow the path of the ancient saint emperor. Yes, he does not have such narrow thoughts as Hong Yi. He believes that if the Human Emperor achieves the position of Holy Emperor, it will imprison all living beings. He also has no great ambition to save all living beings and make everyone like a dragon. He will only Follow your own path, follow your own ideas, and move towards the future step by step, with no frivolousness at all.

Yang Gan sighed, stood up, and walked towards the villa, preparing to leave the field. Li Shenguang followed closely behind him. He was not arrogant at all because he had achieved the status of a saint, but remained humble and respectful.

Yang Qian was walking on the bluestone path in the village, looking at the strange flowers and plants around him, and suddenly said.

"Hong Yi is preparing to go through the tribulation on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, the day of the Double Ninth Festival. At that time, the masters in the world will definitely go back to intercept him and achieve enlightenment. You can also take this opportunity to go through the tribulation. No one will stop you, and you can successfully achieve the realm of a true saint. !”

Li Shenguang nodded slightly. Although he now has a huge accumulation of knowledge, astonishing knowledge, and has not been weak at all during the tribulation, he still needs to be prepared for someone to take this opportunity to sneak attack. If his body is destroyed, it is possible that he has to be reincarnated. .

Yang Qian leisurely admired the scenery in the village and felt very comfortable. Although he did not look back, he knew Li Shenguang's reaction well and spoke again.

"I have already deduced that your journey through the tribulation this time will be smooth sailing, completely different from Hong Yi's earth-shattering one. But just in case, you can survive the tribulation with me. I can also help you. You protect the law, no one can hurt you in front of me!"

Li Shenguang's eyes flashed with emotion, he nodded and responded softly.

"Well, thank you for worrying about it, Your Majesty!"

Yang Qian did not turn around and continued walking forward, waving his hands and saying softly.

"You are mine after all, and you will never leave me even when I'm down and out. Naturally, I have to plan something for you and protect you!"

Li Shenguang smiled slightly and did not refute, but followed Yang Qian respectfully towards the village.

Although the Jade Prince Yang Qian said so, there are many masters in this world who only exploit their subordinates without any respect. Therefore, it is not easy for masters and subordinates to complement each other, otherwise there would be no good birds. Choosing a tree to live on, a good minister choosing a master to do his work.

Days passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye, summer passed and autumn came, and it was September 9, the 64th year of the Great Qian Dynasty. It was a good time for every household to climb high and look far away, or to admire the chrysanthemums.

At three o'clock in the morning that day, Hong Yi knew that the time for his tribulation had arrived. He gave a few instructions and arranged everything.

Today's Hong Yi is really too eye-catching, and he is not well hidden. Countless forces are watching his every move. His journey through the Thunder Tribulation is a big battle, an extremely dangerous battle. This time, the battle will even be... It surpasses the war between good and evil eight hundred years ago and directly catches up with the battle between the Tao of Creation and the Tao of Taishang thousands of years ago for the orthodoxy of Taoism.

An hour later, on the ninth day of September, the sky was just getting dark, and it looked like the fourth or fifth watch.

Suddenly, there was a slight fluctuation in Zhouyi Academy, almost like the flapping of mosquito wings, and then disappeared, but the entire "Holy Temple" had disappeared without a trace.

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