I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 10 Ask for advice

"To put it this way, we were rude first. Our secret observation caused you to misunderstand. We just didn't expect that Neji's perception is so powerful!" Kakashi looked at Neji and faintly felt the feeling coming from Neji. The sense of danger came, and thousands of thoughts were surging in his mind. Kakashi really didn't expect that Hizashi's child would be such a genius, reaching the same level of strength as himself at just 7 years old.

"My father has just passed away. During this sensitive period, I was too cautious. Please forgive me. I also hope that you can keep my affairs a secret. After all, my age and identity are not suitable for being exposed to others."

Neji felt that his strength had been exposed in front of Kakashi and Gai, so he was very polite, hoping to gain sympathy by using his young age and Hizashi's death to force Kakashi and Gai to keep his secret.

There is a huge status gap between the main family and the branch family of the Hyuga clan. The mission of the branch family is to protect the existence of the main family. Life and death are in the hands of the main family. Kakashi and Gai both understand this very well, and the two of them and Hizashi was an acquaintance. They had cooperated with each other on the battlefield. Although the friendship was not very deep, I still felt very sorry for Hizashi's death.

The deepest bond between men is when they have carried a gun together. Comrades on the battlefield are dependent on each other for life and death, and it is easiest to deepen the bond between each other.

How can I say that I have no clothes? Be in the same robe as your son. The king raised his army and repaired my spear. I share the same hatred with you!

Hold your hand and grow old together.

The friendship with Hizashi's comrades may not be enough for Kakashi and Gai to help Neji against the clan, but it can still be done just to help Neji keep a secret.

Hizashi is the hero of Konoha, and he voluntarily chose to die for the peace of Konoha. As the son of Hizashi, Ningci should have been taken care of by the village, and the hero's children should not be wronged. This was not only to rest in peace for the deceased, but also to make the living feel at ease.

It's a pity that as a branch of the Hyuga clan, Neji's life and death are in the hands of the clan.

As the wealthy family of Konoha, the Hyuga clan cannot interfere in their internal affairs, and the Hyuga clan cannot do too much, and the Hyuga clan feels guilty towards Hizashi, so it has created such an embarrassing status quo. Neji did not When people take care of him, it seems that he has been completely forgotten.

"We just relaxed at the ninja school today, chatted about our recent lives, and met a more interesting kid named Rock Lee." Kakashi understood Neji's concerns and spoke very thoughtfully.

Kai turned his head and looked at Kakashi, then at Neji who was not far in front of him. He scratched his head with his hand. He didn't understand what the two of them were talking about. This kind of foggy thing was not Kai's. This kind of hot-blooded patient is good at.

The years of tacit understanding made Kai unconditionally trust Kakashi.

"Just like Kakashi said!" The simple and direct answer was very consistent with Kai's character.

"Thank you two seniors. In return, this is my gift of thanks for keeping the secret. In addition, I will also provide some simple guidance to Rock Lee." Neji took out a sealing scroll from his body and opened it carefully. Seal.

"Bang!" A half-sized wooden box fell to the ground. Neji stepped forward and opened the box. Kakashi and Kai looked at it unconsciously.

The box was full of scrolls and notebooks, and Neji leaned forward and rummaged through them carefully.

"Ah, I found them, it's them!" As he said this, Neji tore off a few pieces of paper from a notebook, which were covered with writing.

"Catch it, my gift is not so easy to get!" Several thin pages of paper cut through the air and flew quickly towards Kakashi and Gai. The trajectories were intertwined with each other, making it difficult to judge the whereabouts. point.

"Haha, good come! Youth is all about being direct!" Kai didn't wait for the two pieces of paper in front of him to arrive. He couldn't wait to reach out and grab them. Completely ignoring the chakra attached to the paper, Wu suddenly shrank and held the two pieces of paper tightly. He held the ground in his hand.

"Enough, wind attribute chakra!" Kai spread his hand and looked at the two white scratches on it, his face full of surprise.

Neji had a black line on his face, completely defeated by Kai's recklessness, and he had to admire Kai's rough skin and thick flesh. He was worthy of being recognized by Madara Uchiha as the number one in taijutsu in the future.

The chakra that Neji attached to the paper was the changed wind attribute chakra. It was sharp enough to cut off the thick iron pillar of the arm. Unexpectedly, it could only leave two scratches on Kai's hand.

Kakashi, who watched Gai catch the two pieces of paper, did not take the initiative to attack. He still stood there, motionless. Several pieces of paper flew past Kakashi's face quickly and collided with him behind him. Next, he flew back to Kakashi. At this time, Kakashi stretched out his hand, ready to catch the paper.

"Kakashi, be careful of the chakra on it, it's very sharp!" Kai quickly reminded as he saw that he didn't use chakra.

A few pieces of paper fell gently on Kakashi's hand, causing no harm to Kakashi at all.

"It's so powerful, such exquisite chakra control! After the paper collides, the chakra on it is completely offset, and you can still control the position accurately. It's really amazing! It's not worse than Uchiha kunai control at all." Although Kakashi saw through it He knew that Neji's attack was just a test, but he still marveled at Neji's strength.

"More than that, his chakra properties are not inferior to yours Kakashi. His talent can be said to surpass you Kakashi. It can be said that he is the most talented ninja I have ever seen." Kai also said Face's approval filled in what Kakashi had missed.

"That's ridiculous. It's just that I saw two seniors who are extremely skilled. It would be a pity not to ask the seniors for advice."

"In short, Kakashi-senpai is indeed a clone ninja who has experienced hundreds of battles. His eyesight, experience and concentration are all impressive."

"Senior Kai's physical skills are even more admirable. The strength and activity of his body have simply reached inhuman levels! I added a property change to the wind attribute chakra. It is powerful enough to cut through iron, but it has no effect on Senior Kai at all. A little damage." Neji also highly praised the strength of the two of them. They were worthy of being veteran jounin and the leader of the younger generation in the village.

"Now I regret agreeing to help you keep the secret. With your strength, you should stand on a bigger stage, not stay in the ninja school!" Kakashi shook his head, with some distress on his face, obviously treating himself too early. The promise is somewhat regrettable.

"Please don't joke. I believe Kakashi-senpai will keep his promise. After all, the two seniors have already received a thank you gift for keeping the secret!" Neji has adapted well to Kakashi's daily cynicism and is not worried. Kakashi was true to his word.

"The passion of youth does not allow a man to break his promise, he must do what he says! Kakashi!" Kai seemed to be bursting with flames, full of self-movement.

"See you next time, farewell." Neji bowed and used a teleportation technique to return to the team. He raised his head and nodded to Kakashi and Gai.

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