I have a portable farm

Chapter 938: Pushing out the leaves

"Xinyu, wait a minute and see if I did the right thing in adjusting the leaves."

Zhao Xinyu smiled and nodded. When Zheng Min went to the kitchen, Han Jun whispered, "Xinyu, if you don't comment on Sister Min's cooking, Sister Min will not dare to introduce it to Wuyou Restaurant."

Zhao Xinyu was slightly startled, "Why?"

"No need to ask, Sister Min is worried about destroying the golden signboard of Wuyou Restaurant."

Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head. Since the opening of Wuyou Restaurant, the number of times he has gone there has been extremely limited. The reason why Wuyou Restaurant has become so popular is all because of Zheng Min. Zheng Min has brought out many apprentices so far. Zhao Xinyu was a little helpless as he waited for himself to taste the leaves.

More than twenty minutes later, Zheng Min was holding a small pot of prepared leaves and said, "Xinyu, try it and see how it tastes."

Zhao Xinyu looked at Zheng Min and said, "Sister Min, didn't I write down a plan for you? Why didn't you..."

Zheng Min chuckled, "Your method is too simple, just add salt, water, and cooked sesame oil. I don't dare to do it."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "The leaves are there just to fill our stomachs. This is what poor families have."

After saying this, Zhao Xinyu took a bite and put it in his mouth, chewed a few mouthfuls and nodded, "This is the taste."

Han Jun laughed and said, "Sister Min, I just told you that the leaves you made are delicious."

Zheng Min was slightly startled, "I'll call them right now and ask them to roll out the leaves at noon."

When the big screen in front of Wuyou Restaurant lit up, people were dumbfounded when they saw that the poplar leaves were being pushed out. Only a small number of people in the north had ever eaten poplar leaves. In a place with a wide variety of vegetables and fruits, In the south, people don’t even know that poplar leaves can be eaten.

The people were surprised. Almost everyone thought that the staff of Wuyou Restaurant must have made a mistake. They went to the hotel to tell the staff, but did not want them to hear from the staff that they had not written wrong. This made Countless people were surprised.

So the news that Wuyou Restaurant was going to launch poplar leaves quickly spread throughout the entire Internet. Almost everyone thought that Zhao Xinyu was just fooling around. Even in the past famine years, no one had ever heard of anyone eating the leaves.

Although most people say that Zhao Xinyu is a self-defeating sign, some people say that there is a kind of poplar whose leaves are indeed edible, but this kind of poplar is rare now.

Amid people's discussion, Wuyou Restaurant opened for business. Because poplar leaves were not expensive, some diners tried to order one.

When the poplar leaves were served, I saw that they were just chopped and soaked in clean water, with some chopped green onion added to them. A few drops of sesame oil flowers floated, which surprised people even more.

However, after taking a bite, everyone was stunned. The poplar leaves were not as bitter as mentioned on the Internet. They were cool and refreshing. The heat in the body disappeared. There was a different feeling when chewing, and the taste was the same. It is the same as the bitter herbs grown in Sehanling.

The reaction of the diners is the best advertisement for the dish. Those diners who did not order the leaves heard the comments of the diners who ate the leaves, and they immediately ordered one. After eating, they immediately took photos and videos, and at the same time Tell your relatives and friends about the texture and flavor of the leaves.

With the publicity from diners, those who do not believe that poplar leaves can be eaten feel

Unbelievable, they immediately went out to pick poplar leaves, but they only bit them, and the bitter leaves were impossible to swallow.

As a result, people on the Internet were even talking about it. Later, the official website of the Emperor Group explained that the poplar leaves launched by Wuyou Restaurant are a type of poplar called Laohan poplar. This kind of poplar is not found in the south, and only This kind of poplar tree can only be found in some water-scarce areas in the north. Even the old poplar can only be eaten half a month after its leaves sprout. When the poplar leaves are completely stretched, the leaves will become lignified and tasteless when chewed.

After seeing the explanation on the official website of Dijun Group, people realized that not all poplar leaves can be eaten. This also reminded people of an incident that happened at Hongshiya some time ago. Someone posted a video saying that Hongshiya A large number of poplar leaves were purchased there. At first, people didn't know what Hongshiya was doing with the poplar leaves. Now they know that the leaves Hongshiya purchased were not the poplar leaves they were familiar with, but the leaves of the old man's poplar.

When people looked up those videos again, they also knew from the perspective of the photographer that there were still many old Yangs on the Liuling Mountain side.

People are talking about poplar leaves on the Internet, and Han Jun and Zheng Min in Wenying Pavilion are also tasting the black mountain mushrooms brought back by Zhao Xinyu.

People who ate black mountain mushrooms for the first time were deeply shocked by the taste of black mountain mushrooms. They have always thought that matsutake and morels have the most delicious taste. Today, they have opened their eyes to know that there are still other mushrooms in the world. There are black mushrooms that taste better than matsutake and morels.

"Xinyu, when will black mountain mushrooms be planted in Xihanling?" Han Jun asked with a hint of expectation.

Zhao Xinyu laughed and pointed at the big fish head, "Why don't you eat big fish head? I really like big fish head."

Zhao Xinyu's words made everyone stunned. They were talking about black mushrooms, but Zhao Xinyu said big fish heads, which made their eyes fall on the big fish heads.

The next moment, Zheng Min's eyes narrowed slightly. Just now, their attention had been on the dishes made from black mountain mushrooms, and they really didn't pay attention to the big fish head. Now when Zhao Xinyu said it, she realized that the fragrance of the big fish head seemed to be Very different from before.

Zheng Min tried to take a bite, and was shocked. She looked at Zhao Xinyu with a hint of horror. The taste of this big fish head was at least one level higher than before.

The big fish head is the signature of Wuyou Restaurant. She knows every step by heart. Zhao Xinyu made the big fish head today. He didn't pay too much attention to it, but he didn't want the taste of the big fish head to change. So delicious.

"Xinyu, this big fish head..."

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "It's still the same way."

"How could the taste improve so much?"

When Zheng Min said this, Han Jun and the others were stunned. They immediately stretched out their chopsticks, and after eating, they looked at Zhao Xinyu with deep shock.

"The technique and heat are the same as before, but in the condiments, I changed a kind of Sichuan peppercorns. This kind of Sichuan peppercorns is the king of Sichuan peppercorns and can only be found in Liuling Mountain. The name of Sichuan peppercorns is black sansho pepper, which is only found in Liulang Mountain. Black mountain mushrooms can only appear where black mountain peppers grow.”

Only then did Zheng Min and the others understand why Zhao Xinyu wanted them to taste the big fish head. It turned out that black mushrooms could not be grown everywhere.

"Then find a place in the village to plant black sansho pepper."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head and looked at Han Jun

, "We still have spare land on hand, and the most suitable place for black san pepper to grow is Liulang Mountain. I have already planted black san pepper on the Hongshi Cliff. When the black san pepper survives, maybe there will be black san pepper."

Although black mountain pepper and black mountain mushroom will not appear in Xihanling, they also know that Hongshiya is also Zhao Xinyu's property. Now Lu Ming is taking care of Hongshiya, so Han Jun and the others didn't think much about it. What they are looking forward to is the news that black mountain mushrooms will grow on the Red Rock Cliff in the near future.

"Xinyu, now the farmers are selling vegetables in large quantities, and the vegetables in the village are already showing signs of slow sales. You came back just in time, shall we..."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "How do the farmers taste their vegetables?"

"It's very good. Although it's not as good as our vegetables, the taste is much better than the vegetables grown by vegetable farmers in other areas. Now there are more vendors at the vegetable farmers' side than here."

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "Priority is given to supplying to major agents, especially those in Europe, and we pickle the rest."

Seohanling has begun to pickle pickles, which makes many people who pay attention to Seohanling relieved, and also makes more people who like Seohanling pickles full of expectations.

Zhao Xinyu appeared once when making pickles on the first day, but then disappeared from people's sight. He encountered enemies whose cultivation level exceeded them one after another, and Zhao Xinyu did not dare to relax for a moment.

Late that night, Bai Haotian and his four friends, who had gone out for training with the disciples of the Yanhuang Iron Brigade, returned to Wenying Pavilion.

"Brother Tian, ​​this time it went well."

Bai Haotian nodded, "It went smoothly, but this group of people is far behind Zhang Jianye and Wang Liheng. There were several times when they lost control after encountering sudden dangers. They wanted to really grow up. You should go out more often.”

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly. Zhang Jianye and the others often went out on missions with him at the beginning. They had all experienced the test of life and death, but most of the people who came later had no experience at all.

"Brother Tian, ​​this is a peaceful era. They have not really experienced the test of life and death. I have an idea."

"you say."

"Although there are no big drug lords in the border areas, there are many small-scale drug lords."

Bai Haotian and the others nodded, "This is a good place. Just let Zhang Jianye and the others lead the team there. It should be smooth sailing over to Hongshi Cliff."

Zhao Xinyu's eyes flickered a few times, and he told the four people about the encounter with a master of the Xuantian Sect's Shenwu Realm in Liuling Mountain.

Bai Haotian and the other four were shocked, their eyes full of horror. The Divine Martial Realm was something they looked up to. Although they were confident, the four of them were still at the Imperial Martial Realm, not to mention that they had encountered the Divine Martial Realm. , even the Holy Martial Realm is not something they can handle.

What shocked them the most was that this Shenwu realm master was not an underworld force or a Japanese, but a Chinese. They were from the same sect as the master they killed in the compound. This meant that apart from Besides the Japanese and the dark world, there is a more powerful enemy.

"Xinyu, if this is the case, we must be careful next time. If you can escape from him once, he may not give us a second chance to escape." Bai Haotian looked at Zhao Xinyu with a solemn expression.

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