I have a portable farm

Chapter 916: Making an Impact

"Brother Xiaoyu, do we need to grow alfalfa on the mountains too?"

Zhao Xinyu laughed, "Of course. Planting alfalfa can provide food for gazelles, sika deer, and hares, and also provide them with a habitat. The most important thing is that it can make the mountains fertile. If fruit trees are planted in the future, fruit trees will It can also grow better.”

"Okay, I'll find someone tomorrow."

"Zhao Xinyu, we had bowls at Uncle Yong's house a few days ago, but we felt that the bowls at Uncle Yong's home were not as authentic as yours. Have you planted buckwheat in Xihanling this year?"

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly and said, "If you plant it, plant some here too."

That night, people ate and chatted happily. Wang Yong and the others had already imagined how much income they could earn from farming on the mountain in a year.

The next day, all the students arrived at the compound with their schoolbags on their backs. Du Mengnan, Liu Fengying, and Guan Bingtong each graduated from a prestigious university, and they took on the task of educating students for the first time.

What surprised Zhao Xinyu was that he originally thought that teachers would ask students why they didn't go to class, but there was no call until after nine o'clock.

It wasn't until after ten o'clock that Wang Yong's phone call came, but it was not the teacher looking for the students. They were not interested in why the students collectively did not go to school. They called Wang Yong because they were angry that the warehouse did not provide them with vegetables. .

Then Wang Yong received calls from many people, each of whom was someone Wang Yong could not afford to offend in the past. However, because Zhao Xinyu was behind him, this time Wang Yong directly told them that all these decisions were Zhao Xinyu's. There is nothing they can do.

Zhao Xinyu hung up the phone and shook his head. All this was seen by Meng Lie and Luo Xiao, "Xinyu, what's wrong?"

"Grandpa, trouble will come soon."

Meng Lie and the others were slightly startled, "What trouble?"

"And it's not because of the free vegetables."

Zhao Xinyu and the others were chatting last night. Although the old men didn't say anything, they kept listening. Now they came to the door, which made the four old men very speechless.

"What a bunch of scum. People like this must be punished." Luo Xiao's eyes turned cold.

Du Gang laughed, "Old leader, they may be a scourge to others, but Xinyu is their nemesis. If something happens in front of Xinyu, they will seek their own death."

Du Gang said this, Luo Xiao and the others couldn't help but feel happy. During the years that Zhao Xinyu was in Xihanling, many people made trouble for Zhao Xinyu. But in the end, whoever made trouble for Zhao Xinyu was finished. Now they are familiar with Zhao Xinyu. No one in the country wants to touch Zhao Xinyu, a bad guy, and they don't want to become a prisoner because of Zhao Xinyu.

"Xinyu, what are you going to do?"

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "We farm in a disciplined manner. If they want to cause trouble for us, they have to find a reason."

Before noon, Wang Yong, Wang Bing and the others rushed into the living room angrily. Zhao Xinyu was slightly stunned and said, "What's going on? I'm being scolded again."

Erwei laughed and said, "Uncle Yong gave up on being punished. He was so angry that he beat them up."

Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head. This situation also happened in Xihanling at first. Han Tianliang and others had been exempted countless times in the past few years. They just want to use this method to force themselves.

"It's okay, you and Lu Ming are helping me."

Wang Yong shook his head, "Xinyu, you also know that I am not a fan of officials. I also don't want to see the people in the village suffer poverty, so I did it. They dismissed me and other villagers should be chosen, but they said they would transfer people from the countryside to take over Hongshiya." , you said this is not bullying, what do they know?"

"By the way, I received a lot of calls this morning. They asked me to tell you that the forty-seven teachers must have free vegetables, and the benefits must be the same as those in Xihanling."

"Wouldn't it be better to let them just come and grab it without giving them a leaf? Tell them that there is no free lunch in the world. If they want to eat vegetables and get the same benefits as Teacher Xihanling, okay, let's talk about their grades. If they If they get first place in the city in this year's final exam, I will give them benefits. If they can't, get out of here."

Du Mengnan chuckled, "Okay, those people are not like the West

The teachers at Hanling School are all staffed. It is true that you spent money to build the school, but their presence or absence has nothing to do with you. "

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "Uncle Yong, whatever you want to eat, I will do it."

"Drink, you will be light without an official. Have a good meal and find someone to surround you tomorrow."

While Zhao Xinyu was busy in the kitchen, the range hood suddenly stopped. This made Zhao Xinyu stunned. When he turned around, he saw that the indicator lights of the refrigerator and freezer were also out.

He immediately called Wang Yong over there in the living room and asked him to develop the motor. After a while, the range hood worked again, and Wang Yong came in with a sullen face.

"Xinyu, the power is out."

Zhao Xinyu chuckled and said, "It just stopped. This is not unusual."

"They stopped it. They said it would take at least three months to repair and replant the poles here."

Zhao Xinyu frowned, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes. If we say that decades ago, in the era when electricity was not popularized, the water people drank was well water, and the lights were kerosene lamps. Everything was done by hand. The lack of electricity does not have much impact on people.

But with the development of science and technology today, electricity has become an indispensable substitute in people's daily lives. If there is no electricity, it will be difficult to eat and drink.

Zhao Xinyu thought that they would cause trouble for them because of the vegetables, but he didn't expect that it would come so quickly and so viciously, threatening him with three months of power outage regardless of the lives of the villagers.

"This group of scum." Zhao Xinyu's eyes were full of coldness.

"Xinyu, I will organize the villagers to go to the county."

Zhao Xinyu smiled coldly, "Don't go. They didn't say three months. I want to see what they can do in these three months. I heard from Grandpa Wang that the old well in the village can still be used. Just drink the well water. You I’ll go out and order some high-power generators in the afternoon.”

Wang Yong's eyes narrowed, "Xinyu, that's too expensive."

"Don't be afraid. They don't want us to compromise. Find someone to film their work progress every day, not just for three months. Let me see how much they can do in three months."

"Should you post this matter online?"

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly and said, "We won't have much effect if we send it out. The power of the people is great. You just need to take pictures. Don't worry about anything else. Just plant vegetables."

Just that afternoon, the township sent people to take over Hongshiya and directly convened a villagers meeting. Although they recognized Zhao Xinyu's land contract with the villagers, they determined that he had contracted the three barren mountains and the village's wasteland and the village. The contract for the reservoir built by Nan was invalid. If Zhao Xinyu wants to use water from the reservoir to irrigate vegetable fields, he must pay a water fee.

Their decision certainly aroused dissatisfaction among the villagers, but with Zhao Xinyu's advance arrangements, although the villagers were angry, they did not have any conflicts with those people.

Regarding those people's decisions, Zhao Xinyu just smiled lightly. He could predict these, but Luo Xiao and the others were surprisingly angry.

After three months of power outage, the team just came and said that the contract between the village and Zhao Xinyu was invalid. This was obviously aimed at Zhao Xinyu.

You must know that last year, Pingcheng was still vigorously promoting cooperation with Zhao Xinyu. At that time, he said that as long as Zhao Xinyu was willing, he would be given the green light to go anywhere. How long has passed now, just because of a few kilograms of free vegetables? That's what they do.

This made several old men couldn't help but think of a saying that people often say, the king of hell is easy to meet, but the devil is difficult to deal with. If this is the case in other places, economic development can only be empty talk.

"Zhao Xinyu, you are still laughing. The reservoir is the only source of irrigation water. If there is no irrigation water, what will happen to your vegetables?" Du Mengnan gave Zhao Xinyu a big eye roll.

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "It's still some time before we can plant vegetables. It seems a bit too early for them to cut off the power and take back the reservoir. We can repair the circuits and reinstall the poles. This can go on, but mountains, wastelands, and reservoirs can all After going through formal channels, all contracts are legally valid, and they take them back when they say they will, without any explanation at all. They really think that they made the law themselves."

Seeing Zhao Xinyu's confident look, Liu Fengying chuckled, "I don't know who will be unlucky this time."

Zhao Xinyu sighed, "They really reminded me of a question this time.

We have a contract so we are not afraid of them, but the electricity is really not up to us. Fortunately, if the power is cut off in Xihanling, it will be a big trouble for us. "

Luo Xiao and the others were shocked when they heard what Zhao Xinyu said. What Zhao Xinyu said was really good. The storage method of the warehouse in Hongshiya is a traditional method and does not require electricity. There is a generator and there is no need to worry about daily life.

But Xihanling is different. First of all, if there is no electricity for the seafood in Wuyou Restaurant, it will only take a few hours for the seafood to die in large numbers. Commercial streets, workshops, and Emperor Fast Food all use electricity. Without electricity, Otherwise, these places would not be able to function at all.

"You don't want to build a power plant yourself, do you?" Du Mengnan asked, shaking his head.

"There is no need for power plants. The country is not promoting wind power now. Photovoltaic power generation. Photovoltaic power causes light pollution, and the land here is relatively tight and is not advisable. We are close to Cailiang Mountain and the wind is strong on the mountain. We can use wind power to generate electricity."

Luo Xiao nodded. "This is a good idea, promoted by the country, and Xihanling also has geographical advantages. Although Xihanling is a village, it is not a city after all. The country should support its own power generation."

"Mengmeng, you know a lot of people. Find someone to make an estimate and see how many wind turbines are needed to adequately supply our area if there is no power grid."

Du Mengnan nodded, "The influence over Xihanling is too great, and they may not dare to cut off the power. You should consider Hongshiya first. After all, Hongshiya is too small and not many people pay attention."

Zhao Xinyu smiled coldly, "If you don't have much influence, then create influence."

On the third day after the new team made the decision to take back the ownership of mountains, wasteland, and reservoirs, a piece of news on the official website of the Dijun Group turned the attention of countless people paying attention to Xihanling and Zhao Xinyu to Hongshiya, which was a sensation last year.

What surprised people the most was that the Dijun Group wanted to sue Hongshiya. Where is Hongshiya? It was the place where Zhao Xinyu grew up. Last year, it was revealed that Zhao Xinyu had planted in Hongshiya. Then people knew that in the past few years Zhao Xinyu has been secretly helping Hongshiya. How long has passed? Zhao Xinyu sued Hongshiya in turn. This makes people wonder what happened. Why did Zhao Xinyu sue the village where he grew up? .

People speculated one after another, but the Dijun Group did not make any response, and people did not know why Zhao Xinyu sued Hongshiya.

Then a piece of news appeared on the Internet, and people also knew why Zhao Xinyu sued Hongshiya. It turned out that Hongshiya unilaterally terminated the contract and took back the only irrigation water source for the mountainous land, transformed wasteland and farmland contracted by Zhao Xinyu. , reservoir.

This news caused everyone to be in an uproar. Zhao Xinyu has been helping Hongshiya in the past few years, and Zhao Xinyu grew up in Hongshiya. It is impossible for Hongshiya Village to do such a self-destructive thing both emotionally and rationally. You must know that Zhao Xinyu developed Hongshiya. It won’t take long for Hongshiya to become as rich as Xihanling. But now they have done such a thing. Many people think that the team of Hongshiya Village is crazy. .

Just when people were scolding Hongshiya for being stupid, another news came. The current Hongshiya team was not the team last year. They were not villagers of Hongshiya at all, but were sent directly from above. They made such a decision on the first day they took office. The reason why they took back Zhao Xinyu's contracting rights was because Zhao Xinyu did not provide free vegetables to school teachers.

Later, a post even mentioned a school with less than a hundred students. Just this year, 47 teachers were suddenly assigned. A different teacher appears every day. It has been two months since the school started and the students can’t even recognize all the teachers. They kept asking Zhao Xinyu to give them the same treatment as Xihanling, but because of Zhao Xinyu's refusal, Hongshiya's original team was dismissed.

Several posts were sent out one after another. If people don't understand what happened, then they are fools. They also know why Zhao Xinyu sued Hongshiya. It turns out that there is such a reason.

For a time, the entire Internet was angrily criticizing Haotian County. Pingcheng responded immediately. They have sent an investigation team. If there are any violations, they will investigate strictly. At the same time, after the investigation is clear, they will immediately announce the investigation to the public. result.

In just one day, things changed in Haotian County. Many people were put on file for investigation. It was revealed that at least 30 of the forty-seven teachers in Hongshiya did not even have teaching qualifications.

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