I have a portable farm

Chapter 861 Timely Rain

"Kangtai, what's the reason for the large number of fruits falling off?"

Kangtai smiled bitterly, "I can't keep up with the nutrients."

Cao Xun was shaken and looked at the other experts and professors with a hint of surprise. The white-haired old men all nodded.

"Mr. Cao, we have studied that a large number of fruits fall off due to lack of nutrients."

Cao Xun frowned, "Zhao Xinyu didn't use any chemical fertilizers for planting. How come his fruit trees didn't lack nutrients at that time, and there were endless mushrooms in the fruit forest."

Kangtai and others all shook their heads with a wry smile. They were also discussing this issue before Cao Xun came over. They also asked the villagers in Xihanling privately. The villagers in Xihanling said that in recent years, Xihanling Never purchased chemical fertilizer.

Wang Ning's eyes flickered for a few times, "Mr. Cao, did Zhao Xinyu secretly use chemical fertilizers? Otherwise, he had never had fruits fall off or watermelons crack at that time."

"How about calling Zhao Xinyu and asking?" Kangtai looked at Cao Xun.

Cao Xun smiled bitterly and shook his head, "He has been away from Xihanling since the Chinese New Year. He is obviously avoiding us. I don't even know his phone number or how to contact us. He is avoiding us. If there is a phone call, he will tell us."

Cao Xun took a deep breath and said, "Guys, we have spent huge sums of money on Xihanling this year. Now you have seen the voices outside. If there is another problem with the fruit, our face will not be our face. Is there any way to solve it? .”

Kangtai's eyes flickered for a few times, "If we continue, we won't be able to wait until the fruits mature, and some fruits will fall off. Knowing the nutritional balance, the only solution now is to fertilize. Let the fruit trees have enough nutrients, so that the fruits will not Fall off.”


Kangtai shook his head, "Not only Pengcheng, but the whole world knows that Xihanling does not use chemical fertilizers. If we use chemical fertilizers on a large scale, even if we can solve the problem, the people will not buy it."

Cao Xun frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Farmyard manure."

Cao Xun and others were slightly stunned, "Kangtai, farmyard fertilizer is indeed useful, but there are tens of thousands of acres of fruit trees alone. Where can we get so much farmyard fertilizer at this time? What's more, when Zhao Xinyu was here, he didn't use it at all. Farmyard manure, if we use farmyard manure, we will definitely become a laughing stock.”

Kangtian smiled bitterly, "Then there is no way. There are too few nutrients in the soil and cannot be supplied to the fruit trees. The fruit trees bear too many fruits. Without nutrients, we can only let the fruits continue to fall."

Wang Ning looked at Cao Xun, "Mr. Cao, we can't find farmyard fertilizer, so we can only use chemical fertilizer."

"How can that be done?"

"Mr. Cao, otherwise the fruits would continue to fall off, because the country has developed a high-efficiency compound fertilizer."

"That won't work either. Those villagers listen to Zhao Xinyu and ask them to fertilize. They will tell them soon."

"Let's find migrant workers from other places."

Cao Xun smiled bitterly. There was nothing he could do at the moment...

The villagers in Xihanling and Fengjiazhuang were able to keep Zhao Xinyu a secret, but how could they keep it secret from people like them who had no good feelings at all.

A few days later, news that surprised everyone came out from Xihanling and Fengjiazhuang. People from the agricultural department secretly found people to fertilize the fruit trees and melon fields.

This news shocked countless people who paid attention to Xihanling. Since Zhao Xinyu started planting in the first year, they had never heard of Zhao Xinyu using a single chemical fertilizer, but now...

The agricultural department's secret use of chemical fertilizers immediately aroused public outrage, and some people even issued a call on the Internet to boycott fruits and vegetables from Xihanling.

After this incident, the scenes of people like Xihanling and Fengjiazhuang queuing up to buy vegetables were gone forever, and the agricultural sector became a laughing stock.

The peaches are ripe. Although the peaches taste better than ordinary peaches, you can't see people queuing up to buy them, and the number of people entering and leaving Xihanling has dropped sharply.

On this day, people sent out a series of pictures. Han Jun led many people to clean up the warehouse. This made people think of something, that is, the Xihanling warehouse was empty.

The warehouses in Xihanling are empty, and people miss the vegetables and fruits that were brought out last year. This makes the business of Wuyou Restaurant even more booming.

In the courtyard of Hongshiya, a group of old men sat under a pergola set up next to the vegetable field, looking at the vegetables in the vegetable field with smiles on their faces.

"Dad, I want to eat tomatoes."

Zhao Xinyu pointed to the vegetable patch and said, "Pick it yourself."

More than ten acres of vegetables have space for continuous watering. The appearance and fruit bearing of the vegetables are no different from the vegetables grown in Xihanling in recent years. If there is a slight difference, it is that there is no Xihanling in the compound. Delicious fruit.

Liu Fengying, who was looking at her cell phone, suddenly looked up at Zhao Xinyu, "Zhao Xinyu, there should be no vegetables at Wuyou Restaurant."

Du Mengnan took Liu Fengying's mobile phone and saw the discussion on the Internet. When he looked at Zhao Xinyu again, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Zhao Xinyu, did you do it on purpose? Just when the vegetables here can be picked, the vegetables stored there are empty."

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "It's a coincidence, it's a coincidence."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"What are your plans? Send the vegetables from Hongshiya. Just think about it carefully."

In the past year, few people would have noticed Hongshiya, a remote mountain village. At the beginning of this year, Hongshiya once became the laughing stock of Haotian County.

But during this period, people never underestimated Hongshiya, because the growth of various vegetables and fruits in Hongshiya surprised many old farmers who had been farmers all their lives.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, and eggplants are vegetables that everyone is familiar with, but here at Hongshiya they grow to such an extent that everyone is horrified.

Any tomato plant is taller than an adult. The tomatoes on the first layer have turned red and mature. The tomatoes on the second and third layers have also begun to turn red. Each tomato is like a small lantern. The tomatoes on the fourth and fifth layers have also begun to bear fruit. .

People in rural areas grow tomatoes in their yards for household use, but they can only eat tomatoes up to the fourth layer at most. Even the tomatoes on the fourth layer are mostly crooked melons and split dates, and there is no need to consider the fifth layer.

But the tomatoes on the fourth layer of Hongshiya are all about the size of a fist, and there is no defective product. They are all big and round. The tomatoes on the fifth layer are also about the size of eggs, and the color is green and they are all perfect.

The branches and leaves of eggplants, green peppers, and hot peppers are covered with large, beautiful fruits, and the cucumbers are even more exaggerated. Standing under the shelf, you can see densely packed cucumbers. Each cucumber is green and thorny, and it looks really good-looking.

Although the watermelons and muskmelons in the melon fields are not yet ripe, standing beside the melon fields, all you can see are lumpy watermelons and muskmelons.

The taste is good and the fruits are abundant. What surprises people the most is that none of these vegetables are sold here. Instead, they are all stored. In the words of a villager, the boss who contracted the farmland and the Yijia instant noodle factory Under contract, all vegetables will be dehydrated and made into dressing.

As for the vegetables in Hongshiya growing like this, the villagers' claims are even more exaggerated. They used a special kind of chemical fertilizer.

Although the terrain of Hongshiya is remote, chemical fertilizers are now very common. People know that chemical fertilizers are very effective now. There are new types of chemical fertilizers, and chemical fertilizers are now said to have many side effects. This is another new type of chemical fertilizer, and the vegetable vendors who originally planned to inquire about buying vegetables were deterred.

As for the people who heard the news, they just came to take pictures and take souvenirs. Only the people in Hongshiya knew what the specific vegetables tasted like.

In an office on the second floor of Wuyou Restaurant, Jiang Fei, Zheng Min, Han Jun, Zhao Shiming and others were all there.

However, compared with the past, everyone's expressions were not good-looking. Zheng Min looked at Han Jun and said, "Han Jun, still can't contact Xinyu?"

Han Jun smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Xinyu's phone is always turned off."

Zhao Shiming's eyes flickered a few times, "Could it be that Xinyu really won't come back? Now everyone in Pengcheng is talking about this matter."

"Crow's mouth, what kind of person is Xinyu? Sister Min, don't you have the phone number of Mengmeng and the others? You can call Mengmeng and the others and ask Xinyu Wuyou Restaurant what to do. The vegetables currently stored can only be used for one A week, a week from now, Wuyou Restaurant will only be able to sell seafood."

Just as Han Jun finished speaking, the mobile phone in his pocket rang. Han Jun took out his mobile phone and his eyes lit up.

"Xinyu's phone number."

Everyone became excited at this moment. They all looked at Han Jun who answered the phone, their eyes full of expectation.

They all followed Zhao Xinyu and witnessed the rise of Xihanling and Wuyou Restaurant. Now Xihanling is experiencing constant problems. The taste of vegetables has changed, and the fruits are constantly falling off. In the past few days, there have been cases of secretly using chemical fertilizers. They are all from this village, and they really don’t want to see Xihanling change back to the past.

A few minutes later, Han Jun hung up the phone, and Zhao Shiming grabbed Han Jun and asked, "What did Xinyu say?"

Han Jun chuckled, "Xinyu asked us to pick us up at the airport, and he sent us the vegetables we need for Wuyou Restaurant."

"Ah." Everyone was stunned at this moment.


Han Jun nodded, "He went back this year and contracted all the farmland in his hometown and planted vegetables. Now we don't need to worry about the vegetables. According to Xinyu's wishes, the source of these vegetables should not be known to the outside world."

"He didn't say when he would be back?"

"Why did he come back? If he came back, those people would put a shit basin on his head. He said he would come back after all the vegetables and fruits in the village were gone."

Zheng Min let out a long sigh, "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go to the airport now. Tiedan, you guys go clean the warehouse?"

Han Jun shook his head, "Sister Min, Xinyu has built a warehouse there, and he will deliver goods to us every once in a while. We don't need a warehouse at all. Brother Jiang, you contact several branches, and Xinyu will deliver goods to them. They pay attention to receiving the goods.”

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