I have a portable farm

Chapter 858: Constant problems

I Have a Portable Farm Chapter 858: Questions Continue "Professor Kang, can you tell me what is going on?" An old man in his sixties looked at a gray-haired old man.

The old man glanced at the several white-haired experts around him and frowned, "Wang Ning, all the seeds were left by Zhao Xinyu. The results of the early cultivation have the same taste as those planted by Zhao Xinyu. Now all species We still use the seeds left by Zhao Xinyu. Everything is based on the previous experimental methods. We don’t know exactly which link caused the problem."

Wang Ning's eyes flickered a few times, and he took out a stack of reports from the folder and handed the report to Kangtai. Look, this is an inspection report on the rapeseed and spinach grown by the villages of Fengjiazhuang and Taicun and the vegetable farmers.

Kangtai and others took the inspection report, and after just a few glances, their brows furrowed. They had seen the inspection report of Xihanling vegetables in the past, but the inspection report in their hands now was very different from the original inspection results of Xihanling. Large, almost all digital tools are decreasing.

With infinite surprise, Kangtai looked at Wang Ning, "Wang Ning, the seeds were left by Zhao Xinyu. The planting area has not changed. How could such a result occur?"

"Kangtai, I have to ask you this. You have also seen the quality of vegetables now. These vegetables are second. If tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables also have changes, then if we don't say anything, won't the people say anything? Now that the vegetable farmers in Pengcheng have sued us, what do you think we should do?"

"We only provided vegetable seedlings. Why are they suing us? Besides, we don't have any contract with them."

"Having said that, they do not have any contract with us, but the problem is that the vegetable seedlings Zhao Xinyu provided to them last year allowed them to grow vegetables with good taste, but this year the vegetables are just like greenhouse vegetables. It’s a little better, now their vegetables are unsalable.”

"This has nothing to do with us. What I'm thinking about now is that there are two reasons for the change in the taste of vegetables this year."

Wang Ning looked at Kangtai, "What's the reason?"

"There is a problem with the seeds. The seeds left by Zhao Xinyu are fake. The other one is the timing and depth of the seeds. But this should not be possible. In previous years, the planting was done by villagers, and Zhao Xinyu would not participate, so to a large extent, the seeds appeared. question."

Wang Ning frowned slightly, "Then why, the vegetables cultivated years ago taste the same, but they are different now."

"Everything has a probability."

Wang Ning shook his head, "It doesn't matter. What matters is the taste of the vegetables. We must find out the reason before the cucumbers and tomatoes mature, otherwise you will become a joke."

Pengcheng vegetable farmers sued Xihanling Agricultural Institutions. This was a major event that had not happened in many years. Xihanling was suddenly pushed to the forefront. In the past, Xihanling was trending because of the taste of vegetables and fruits. This time Xihanling was The top trending search is also about texture and taste.

But the two situations were completely different. It was once touted by the public and became a hot search, but this time it was sued by the people and became a hot search.

While countless people are paying attention to this prosecution, a large number of people have also appeared in villages such as Xihanling, Fengjiazhuang, and Taicun. They are all interested in the vegetables grown in the village, but some of them are not buying them, but studying the taste of the vegetables. The change.

Villages such as Fengjiazhuang and Taicun used to have alfalfa that was as tall as a person. Because of the alfalfa, even in the season when there were no vegetables, there would be people on the edge of the alfalfa fields taking pictures of various animals foraging in the alfalfa fields.

However, all kinds of animals have fled back to the mountains, and alfalfa has lost its effect. Villages such as Fengjiazhuang and Taicun no longer have the feeling of African grasslands.

Vegetables such as rapeseed fields and spinach are hot sellers, but because of their taste, many people and media have gathered around vegetable fields such as cucumbers, tomatoes, and eggplants that have not yet been opened.

While cucumbers are just blooming in other areas, the cucumbers in villages such as Fengjiazhuang and Taicun are already bearing fruit.

Attentive people have discovered that this year, the number of cucumbers, eggplants and even tomatoes in Xihanling seems to have decreased a lot. Although there are many fruits, they are not as dense as before.

Cucumbers are not much different. It is impossible to remove the leaves of cucumbers to see the results of the cucumbers.

But tomatoes, eggplants, and green peppers are different. These are all layered results. The first tomatoes to bloom are now about the size of a fist, and their green color is almost the same as before. However, there are some tomatoes with crooked mouths. This was not the case in the past. The Xihan Ridge has never appeared.

In the past, the first layer of trees bore fruit every week. After the first layer of fruiting, the second layer and even the third layer began to bloom, and the small yellow flowers that bloomed were also very dense.

This year is different. There are a lot less blooms on the second layer, and even less on the third layer. And whether it is tomatoes or cucumbers, the height of the seedlings is very different from the seedlings at this time in previous years.

It's just that there are not many people who can observe in such detail. Not to mention the people, even the villagers in Xihanling don't pay much attention to it, so their opinions are directly ignored by people, because people only pay attention to one thing, that It’s the smell of vegetables and fruits here in Sehanling.

Wild Boar Forest, Horseshoe Mountain, and Gushan were all sorted out last year. They originally planned to plant golden water pears, Yuling Tianli, and Blue Spirit Fruits. However, due to changes in the process, the three mountains are now bare, and only a few can be seen. The two solitary buildings on Horseshoe Mountain and Gushan.

Apples, peaches, grapes and other fruits that cannot be seen in other areas are planted on mountains such as Langwo Mountain and Teng Mountain.

This year, several big mountains are as lush and green as in previous years. They don't look much different from previous years, but those attentive people still found some differences from the Zhao Xinyu period.

During Zhao Xinyu's period, every fruit tree was covered with fruits. Apples, grapes, lychees, and Jinhuang matured relatively late, and no changes can be seen until now.

But the big apricot has already bent its branches at this time, and the big apricot is not small. This year, the big apricot has also bent its branches, but the degree of bending and the size of the big apricot hanging on the branch have changed. .

All the changes prove that villages such as Xihanling, Fengjiazhuang, and Taicun are slowly changing, but not many people can see it.

On this day, an unexpected news came. The vegetable farmers lost the lawsuit. In one sentence, they did not have any contract with Xihanling. Xihanling sold them seedlings. There were no problems with the growth of the seedlings. They had no problems at all. The need to prosecute Xihanling.

The vegetable farmers lost the lawsuit, and they could only sell the grown rapeseed, spinach, and lettuce at normal market prices.

Although the taste is not as good as last year, it is much better than the greenhouse vegetables in other regions, which allows them to not worry about sales.

While the farmers were selling vegetables, news of the opening of cucumber, eggplant, green pepper, and pepper gardens appeared on Xihanling’s official website.

Every year the opening of the vegetable garden in Xihanling attracts the attention of many people, and this year is no exception. After the garden opens, people line up to buy as in previous years, but there is no limited purchase in previous years. Many people buy in large quantities. After purchasing, some restaurants will send employees directly.

While countless people were queuing up to buy in several villages, news that surprised people kept appearing on the Internet. The taste of cucumbers grown in Xihanling was much different from last year. The cucumbers grown this year were at best It is similar to the cucumbers sold by Pengcheng vegetable farmers last year.

The news spread like a plague, and before noon it became a hot topic in the streets.

People who were still waiting in line to buy did not leave after seeing the messages one after another, but the number available for purchase continued to decrease.

As a result, the picked vegetables piled up. This was something that had never happened in the past few years. In the past, the supply exceeded demand every year, and the villagers picking vegetables had almost no time to rest. However, this year there was an exception.

Although the taste of cucumbers has been controversial, in the afternoon, the number of people in Fengjiazhuang and Taicun increased instead of decreasing. However, the number of people buying cucumbers and the quantity purchased were decreasing rapidly. A large number of people came to watch the excitement.

Looking at the green and thorny cucumber, the people were very confused. The appearance and seedlings of this cucumber were the same as before, but how could the taste change so much?

Not to mention them, agricultural experts and professors like Kangtai were also speechless. These days they have been studying which link caused the problem, but they still can't find the reason for the change in taste.

They also considered seeds, but if they were ordinary seeds, without chemical fertilizers, it would be impossible for the cucumbers to grow so lushly and produce so many cucumbers.

There is nothing wrong with the seeds. The people who use them are all from the same village, and the planting methods are the same. The only difference is that the people who cultivate the seedlings have changed.

They are all agricultural experts and have been immersed in agriculture all their lives. It is possible that they are not as good as a young boy, but this is the reality. The taste of vegetables such as cucumbers and eggplants has changed a lot.

For no reason, cucumbers were unsalable. After emergency consultations, they could only make the decision to reduce prices the next day. At the same time, they sent the vegetables directly to all parts of the country, regardless of the protests of agents in various places.

In the past, Xihanling's vegetables were popular and the price was not low, and the agents were responsible for transporting the vegetables themselves. Now they have to spend money to transport them, which has changed their profits.

The number of places they were shipped to increased, and the vegetables were no longer unsaleable. However, they later discovered that the fruit-bearing rate of cucumbers, eggplants, and green peppers was rapidly decreasing. Kangtai and the others could not figure out the reason for this, so they could only keep watering in the hope that the fruit-bearing rate would increase.

More than 20 days later, the cucumbers and eggplants grown by the vegetable farmers finally opened their gardens. Because of the rapeseed and spinach, both the vegetable vendors and the public suddenly became a lot more rational this time.

On a farm, a vegetable vendor reached for a cucumber that was still stained with water drops, wiped it casually, and took a bite.

After taking a sip, the vegetable vendor frowned and spit the cucumber on the ground. He looked at a middle-aged man in his forties.

"Li Fagen, are you sure this cucumber was grown from seedlings in Xihanling?"

Li Fagen was slightly startled, "Of course it's the seedlings from Xihanling. We spent eight cents on this cucumber seedling, and the whole Pengcheng knows it."

"Try it yourself."

When Li Fagen heard this, doubts immediately appeared in his eyes. He took one and took a bite, and then his expression changed. He was a vegetable farmer and had been growing vegetables for more than ten years. How could he not feel that the taste of this cucumber was almost the same as Just like cucumbers grown in greenhouses.

"Boss Wang, this cucumber is really bought from Xihanling."

"I can't give you such a high price for this taste. If you want to buy it, just pay the price of an ordinary cucumber. If it doesn't sell, I'll leave."

When the people waiting to buy heard what the two people said, they immediately understood what they were talking about. They turned on their mobile phones and saw that the Internet was full of news about cucumbers and eggplants. The next one was about vegetables such as cucumbers and eggplants grown by vegetable farmers. The taste is no different from what is available on the market.

Rapeseed and spinach were defeated. Now cucumbers, eggplants, and green peppers are exactly the same as ordinary vegetables, which is unacceptable to vegetable farmers. The taste of rapeseed and spinach is acceptable, but now there is another problem with the vegetable seedlings they bought at a high price, which they can no longer tolerate. They once again sued the Sehanling Agriculture Department and sent people to Sehanling to demand an explanation.

Wang Ning, who is in charge of Xihanling, is also very worried at the moment. The taste of vegetables in Xihanling is constantly changing, and he has no time to take care of the vegetable farmers.

Not to mention anything else, Wang Ning knew that they had already given Zhao Xinyu 3 billion in profit dividends in advance. If this continued, not to mention profit, whether they could earn 3 billion was a question.

"Kangtai, what's going on? It's been so long and I still can't find any reason."

Kangtai frowned, "Wang Ning, you have also seen the growth of various vegetables. Everything is normal. The taste is caused by the seeds. What can we do." Unable to find the reason, Kangtai and the others could only talk about the seeds again. question.

"Every time you talk about seeds."

Kangtai and other white-haired experts and professors all changed their expressions, "Wang Ning, we have cultivated a batch of seeds from seeds. We also studied the seedlings of various vegetables in Xihanling, and we will have conclusions by then. .”

Wang Ning sighed. He also studied agriculture. Kangtai and the others were looking for the reason, and he had been looking for it. After such a long time, he couldn't find any reason.

"Kangtai, it's not that I doubt you. You should know that we have invested a huge amount of money for Xihanling. Zhao Xinyu's dividend alone is three billion. The taste of vegetables now is very different from those grown by Zhao Xinyu. How to make a profit?"

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