I have a portable farm

Chapter 68: Condensing Dantian?

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

When Zhao Xinyu entered the rice field, the girl turned over. At this moment, her pretty face was blushing, and her eyes were filled with tears of embarrassment, and she chased after Zhao Xinyu.

Last year, he stayed in Cailiang Mountain for more than four months. He spent a lot of time walking through the mountains with Heifeng and the others. His foot strength was not comparable to that of ordinary people. Soon the girl lost sight of Zhao Xinyu.

"Scoundrel, don't let me catch you. If I find you, you will be dead." Looking at the direction in which Zhao Xinyu disappeared, the girl stamped her feet and said coquettishly.

After running for an unknown amount of time, Zhao Xinyu finally appeared on a remote street as night fell.

I turned around and looked around. Many areas around me were being demolished, so the streets were dark without any roads. Even if there were no demolished houses nearby, it was still dark.

At this moment, Zhao Xinyu himself didn't know where he was. He could only walk along the street, trying to find a taxi to return to the hotel he booked.

Suddenly, Zhao Xinyu's eyes flickered for a few times. He saw three black shadows in front of him. When he looked behind him, he saw the same four black shadows behind him. The seven people were not dressed like ordinary people. Likewise, Zhao Xinyu seemed to feel a faint murderous aura in them.

He took a few steps back, then turned around and entered a courtyard where the upper and lower walls had been demolished. Seven people stepped up and blocked him in the courtyard.

Crunch, seven crisp sounds, seven cold lights flashed under the stars, and a folding knife appeared in the hands of each of the seven people.

"What are you going to do?" Zhao Xinyu frowned. He already had a premonition that something was not going to happen, but he did not take action. He wanted to see if the purpose of these people was robbery or not. . . . . . .

"Don't blame us. If you want to blame, blame yourself for offending people you shouldn't offend. Remember not to offend people you can't afford to offend on your way to hell."

As the words fell, the seven people moved and rushed towards Zhao Xinyu. Their eyes were full of cruelty. It was obvious that they had no intention of giving Zhao Xinyu any chance of survival.

Zhao Xinyu retreated quickly and instantly entered the ruins of a room with the roof removed. The seven people did not notice that Zhao Xinyu's hungry eyes were already flashing with cold light at this moment.

"It's very good. The place I chose is suitable for me."

When the seven people started to move again, they suddenly felt a figure flash and a gurgling sound. They saw a companion falling limply to the ground for some reason.

Without thinking much, they all turned around and rushed towards Zhao Xinyu again. This time Zhao Xinyu blocked the door. He did not hold back. As soon as he made a move, the two of them were blown away. They fell heavily against the wall and struggled a few times. But they didn't get up.

"I have lots of ideas, let's work together."

Within a few breaths, four cries of pain rang out, and the scene instantly became quiet. Looking at the seven corpses on the ground that were beginning to lose their vitality, Zhao Xinyu had no trace of pity in his eyes.

He bent down and put the seven corpses into the space, picked up their folding knives, turned around and left. When he left, he was still wondering who he had offended and how they knew he was in this place. .

Until he returned to the hotel room, Zhao Xinyu still didn't understand why he had offended someone on the first day in Yangcheng when he first arrived. After all, it was his first time in Yangcheng, and he felt that he didn't know anyone in Yangcheng.

The next moment his mind flashed, "Pengcheng", he had offended people in Pengcheng, and they found people to come to Yangcheng to deal with him, but now he has dozens of lives in his hands, but he really doesn't know Who wants to attack him?

Knowing that someone was going to do something to him, Zhao Xinyu locked the door and checked the room. After confirming that there was nothing abnormal in the room, he took a deep breath, went to the bathroom, locked the door, turned on the shower, and squirted under the mist. When it filled the air, he stepped into the space.

Look at the unknown small tree. He chose a place near the lake and planted the small tree. The next moment he poured space water under the tree, the whole space trembled violently.

The clouds above the space are rolling, and the air you breathe has become fresher. The area of ​​the space is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the vegetables, species, and fruit trees in the space are all changing.

A faint red mist filled the trunk of the small tree that had just been planted. As the red mist spread, the trunk grew rapidly like a balloon, and traces of green appeared on the crown.

Feeling the change in his meridians caused by the aura permeating the space, Zhao Xinyu's heart moved. He sat down cross-legged and started to operate the Hongmeng Sutra, frantically absorbing the aura surging in the space.

I don't know how long it took, Zhao Xinyu exhaled softly and slowly opened his eyes. As two rays of light flashed, his eyes returned to clearness again.

After standing up and feeling the changes in his body, Zhao Xinyu's eyes showed a hint of excitement. He felt that the airflow in the meridians in his body was getting stronger, and the airflow seemed to be hitting the Qihai and Baihui acupuncture points.

Feeling this change, Zhao Xinyu's heart couldn't help but beat wildly. Could this be a sign that he wanted to cultivate his internal strength? You must know that Qihai and Baihui are two major acupoints in the human body.

Grandpa once said that if you want to have internal power, you must have Dantian to accommodate it. The internal power in the meridians alone is not enough to support diagnosis.

It is precisely because of this that Mr. Luo always feels powerless when giving him acupuncture. After every acupuncture, he seems to be seriously ill.

Now that he had an opportunity, of course he would not miss it. He sat down cross-legged again and began to mobilize the air flow in his meridians to attack the Qihai point.

Without running the Hongmeng Sutra, the airflow hits the Qihai point, leaving only a sore and numb feeling. But when running the Hongmeng Sutra mobilizes the airflow to hit the Qihai point, a burst of tearing pain instantly spreads throughout the body, which makes Zhao Xinyu He couldn't help but groaned, and his face turned ugly.

Of course, Zhao Xinyu knew that cultivation was to go against the will of nature, and it was not as easy as he imagined to achieve the great path. He gritted his teeth and turned the airflow in his meridians to hit the Qihai point again.

Painful groans kept coming, and he felt that the slightest crack finally appeared on the originally round Qihai point.

When the air flow was turned again to impact, the Qi Sea Point, which was already full of cracks, was broken through. The air flow contained in the meridians instantly rushed through the Qi Sea Point, causing the meridians in the Qi Sea Point to suddenly swell.

"This is the Dantian," Zhao Xinyu knew in his heart. Thinking about pulse diagnosis and acupuncture, which requires internal strength, the bigger the Dantian is, the more content it can accommodate.

To understand this, the Hongmeng Sutra is running like crazy. A stream of air enters this area and impacts the meridians. The meridians become larger and larger. In the end, the air flow inside forms a vortex. Every time the Hongmeng Sutra circulates, , the vortex will rotate crazily, and the tearing pain of the meridians being stretched will spread throughout the body again.

Thinking about the hardships he has endured over the years, Zhao Xinyu persevered time and time again, reaping rewards from the pain every time, and the volume of his Dantian under the impact of the airflow was getting bigger and bigger.

Walnut size.

The size of a ping pong ball.

Baseball size.

Goose egg size.

In the end, Zhao Xinyu felt that there were tiny cracks on the newly opened Dantian, and he stopped. At this moment, the volume of the Dantian was as big as a volleyball.

Feeling the changes in his body, Zhao Xinyu let out a long sigh. When he circulated the Hongmeng Sutra again, the surging airflow on his body seemed to have changed. It was more solid than when the Dantian was not condensed.

Just when Zhao Xinyu was about to run the Hongmeng Sutra to warm up his Dantian, when the Hongmeng Sutra started to run, the internal energy in his Dantian was out of control and poured out. He couldn't stop even if he wanted to.

The violent internal force surged out from the Dantian. How could the thin meridians withstand it? The internal force in the meridians could not hold it, and the internal force surged towards other meridians.

"Eight Extraordinary Meridians", Zhao Xinyu felt the area where the internal force rushed through, and his heart moved. Grandpa once said that the Eight Extraordinary Meridians are the most important meridians of the human body. If the Eight Extraordinary Meridians can be made unobstructed, human potential will will be greatly developed.

Now that his internal force was out of control, he could only let the violent internal force bombard the eight extraordinary meridians. Of course, you still have to endure the tearing pain.

After suffering again and again, Zhao Xinyu, who was pale, showed a hint of excitement on his face.

"The Ren channel is clear."

The Du Channel is open

The Yangzhi pulse is clear.

. . . . . . .

I don't know how long it took, but the eight extraordinary meridians were opened one by one by the violent internal force. At this moment, Zhao Xinyu felt that his whole body was extremely comfortable. Not only the meridians became thicker, but also the internal force flowed in the eight extraordinary meridians.

Feeling comfortable, a smile appeared on Zhao Xinyu's face. Just when he was about to stop practicing, his expression suddenly changed. He felt that the internal force in his Dantian and the Eight Meridians were once again reversed and rushed towards the Baihui key point.

At this time, Zhao Xinyu's expression changed drastically. He is a Chinese medicine doctor, but he knows the importance of Baihui point. If Baihui point is damaged, he will become a fool if he cannot hold on.

Knowing the consequences, he ran the Hongmeng Sutra crazily, trying to stop the internal force in the meridians, but the more he did this, the more violent the internal force in the meridians became.

"Ah", with a heart-rending scream, Zhao Xinyu felt that his Baihui point was smashed to pieces, and his mind seemed to be chopped open. Under the unbearable pain, Zhao Xinyu collapsed. The ground lost consciousness.

He didn't know that at the moment he fainted, the violent internal force had already broken through the Baihui point, and then began to turn into a vortex in the Baihui point. A space the size of an adult's fist slowly appeared at the Baihui point.

The next moment the space is formed, the internal force that turned into a vortex no longer rotates, but flows in the space like a stream. The internal force flowing out enters the Dantian through the eight extraordinary meridians, and then the internal force flows out from the Dantian through the eight extraordinary meridians and enters again. The space at Baihui point.

In this way, the internal force circulates continuously in the two spaces, and the color of the internal force is also changing. Gold, green, blue, crimson, and earthy yellow, the five colors alternately change, and finally condense quietly in the two spaces, but Baihui The internal force at the acupuncture point seems to be thinner than that in the Dantian.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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