I have a portable farm

Chapter 668: Beat it up with a rake

Zhao Xinyu called to the workers who were rescued and asked them to dig a road. Those six people were all rescued by Zhao Xinyu. They also knew that Zhao Xinyu was there, so these poisonous snakes that they feared would not hurt them.

Soon a passage more than two meters wide was dug out. Zhao Xinyu turned to look at the four big snakes. The four big snakes hissed and spit out their cores at him, and left with groups of venomous snakes. The area they passed through Even the air is filled with a strong fishy smell.

The poisonous snake left the pit and did not go down the mountain, but directly crossed Tengshan Mountain and entered the depths of Cailiang Mountain behind it.

Seeing this scene, those who came to rescue were all relieved, while the eyes of the onlookers were filled with little stars. His eyes were filled with admiration.

When Zhao Xinyu, surrounded by wolves, passed through the crowd, he stopped and looked at the adoring people.

"All things have animism. The venomous snakes here are highly venomous. If you encounter them accidentally, don't think about how to kill them. Be careful about being injured by them, especially in Xihanling and several surrounding villages. Everyone Never touch any venomous snake you see. If you are bitten by a venomous snake, go to the traditional Chinese medicine clinic in Sehanling immediately."

"Zhao Xinyu, are you saying that those poisonous snakes may appear in villages such as Xihanling and Taicun?"

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "It's possible, but remember, don't hurt them."

"Will they protect people coming in and out of the village like Green Wolf?"

Zhao Xinyu laughed, "It depends on who is coming in and out. They will definitely protect them if they keep their own rules. This mountain was called Tengwang Mountain a hundred years ago. At that time, Tengwang Mountain was dedicated to the Soaring Snake. At that time, Tengwang Temple But whatever you ask for, maybe those venomous snakes dug up are descendants of Soaring Snakes, so it’s best to treat them kindly.”

Countless venomous snakes were dug out of Tengshan Mountain, which caused a sensation in the whole world, not to mention Pengcheng. While countless experts were studying how to rescue the six trapped workers, Zhao Xinyu took action to solve the problem, which made many people think that Western Korea A disaster where people on this side of the mountain have to relocate.

He was very relaxed when he came, and even more so with a smile on his face when he left. He didn't take any tools or assistants with him. He just squatted down and communicated with the poisonous snake that was feared by countless people. Return to the mountains.

This scene was broadcast live by the media. In just this moment, Zhao Xinyu gained countless fans, and many people even regarded Zhao Xinyu as a myth.

Perhaps people going in and out of Xihanling regarded what Zhao Xinyu said as a joke, but people in villages such as Xihanling and Taicun kept Zhao Xinyu's words in mind. Since Zhao Xinyu said that venomous snakes may appear in the village, he must will appear, and they firmly remember that if they see a poisonous snake, they cannot harm their lives.

The appearance of a large number of venomous snakes in Tai Village has made many travel friends who want to enter Cailiang Mountain give up their thoughts. They are not afraid of hardship, but they are afraid of venomous snakes.

Most people are frightened by the venomous snakes in Tai Village, but some people are interested in venomous snakes. The venom of venomous snakes can be fatal, but the more poisonous the venomous snakes, the better the meat quality.

Most people go into the mountains and only encounter one or two in a day. But now there are tens of thousands of venomous snakes here, which makes those people think suddenly, and there are many black-hearted people among them. Traders.

In addition to these people, there are also people who are interested in the venomous snakes that appear in Tai Village, namely some animal experts.

They saw from the pictures that the venomous snakes that appeared in Tai Village had not been recorded among snakes. They contacted Pengcheng as soon as they received the news.

While many animal experts are flocking to Pengcheng, those unscrupulous traders also enter Pengcheng with professional snake catching teams.

On the morning of the third day, just as the family had breakfast, Han Jun called. After hanging up the phone, Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly.

Luo Xiao looked at Zhao Xinyu, "What's wrong? Did some accident happen?"

Zhao Xinyu sighed and looked at Du Gang, "Grandpa, you really guessed it right. A poaching team entered Tengshan Mountain to hunt snakes, and something happened."

The eyes of Du Gang and others shrank, with a hint of warmth and anger on their faces, "The country has not cracked down hard enough on poaching, and the penalties are too light. It's not that the snakes in Tai Village are the first to appear. Stealing such snakes They should be caught and imprisoned."

Zhao Xinyu smiled bitterly, "This time they were in more trouble than going to jail. Six teams and a total of thirty-five people went into the mountain together, and only caught more than twenty snakes. Thirty-five people were poisoned and twenty-eight people were poisoned. They thought they were carrying The serum can detoxify, and they didn't realize something was wrong until early in the morning. They called for help. When the rescue team passed by, 17 of the 28 people who had been poisoned had already died of poisoning. When they were taken out, nine more people died of poisoning. , I’ll go over and have a look.”

When Zhao Xinyu left in a hurry, everyone in the family stared with disbelief. After using antidote serum, he was still poisoned and died. This snake must be too poisonous.

You must know that for the well-known cobra, if you use antidote serum, even if it cannot detoxify, it can at least delay it for a few days.

But now they are. . . . . . And every professional poaching team usually carries various antidote serums.

The commercial street was crowded with people at the moment, and many people who had received the news were still coming from Pengcheng in a steady stream.

Of the thirty-five-person team, only seven have returned. Of the twenty-eight who were poisoned and used the serum, only two of them still don’t know whether they can be saved.

On the one hand, the people pitied the twenty-six people who died unfortunately, and they also felt shameful for their actions. Zhao Xinyu had already confessed that day that the snake was too domineering, but they still didn't listen. If they listened to Zhao Xinyu's words , how could such a thing happen? Even if they were bitten by a snake, if they found Zhao Xinyu as soon as possible, such an accident would not happen.

Rushing to the traditional Chinese medicine clinic, Zhao Xinyu saw two poachers with almost no life in the clinic and the rescue team that sent them over.

Zhao Xinyu did not ask, but directly applied the acupuncture. After using the Five Elements Golden Needle to protect their extremely weak heart veins, he entered the dispensing room by himself.

If we talk about the past, Zhao Xinyu would have definitely tried to find a way to cure him, but after going back that day, he found out from Jin Hen and Jin Yu the role of the one who left him two eyeballs.

A moment later, with everyone watching, Zhao Xinyu brought out two bowls of green-colored liquid with a faint fragrance.

He called Pang Mingyuan and the others and poured two bowls of liquid into the two poisoned patients. Then I asked the nurse in the clinic to prepare two basins

Within a few minutes, there was movement between the two of them. They turned over and began to vomit smelly and black debris.

Not to mention the people in the clinic, even the people watching the excitement at the entrance of the clinic couldn't bear it and kept retreating one by one.

Seeing the two people waking up, Zhao Xinyu looked at the people leading the rescue team and said, "They are fine. They will recover after going back to recuperate in a few days."

Zhao Xinyu came over easily and left easily. In just a few minutes, he rescued two people who had already entered the Hall of Hell with one leg. For a while, the call of the miracle doctor rang throughout the commercial street.

More people are feeling sorry for the twenty-six people who died unfortunately. If they had called for help at the first time, they would have been taken away at most, but now they missed the best opportunity. . . . .

And these unfortunate victims have also sounded the alarm to people. The venomous snakes dug out from Tengshan Mountain are not ordinary venomous snakes. Their venom has exceeded the well-known cobras.

Although he hated poachers, Zhao Xinyu regretted those twenty-six living lives even more. Back at Wenying Pavilion, Zhao Xinyu called Han Jun and asked him to notify several villages and put up signs indicating that there were highly venomous snakes in the mountains.

I originally thought that this matter was over, but on the third day, a summons made the entire network look at Xihanling Zhao Xinyu again.

Twenty-six family members of those who died from poisoning jointly sued Zhao Xinyu. They believed that the main reason why their family members had accidents was Zhao Xinyu.

If Zhao Xinyu had not developed Tengshan, so many venomous snakes would not have been released. Without the venomous snakes, their families would not have taken the risk, let alone such an accident in the mountains, not to mention after the venomous snakes entered the mountains. , Zhao Xinyu did not set up warning signs to inform people that there were venomous snakes in the mountains that could cause death.

When the news spread, the Internet was in an uproar. They had seen people cheating and blackmailing people, but they didn't expect that there would be such blackmail.

Zhao Xinyu developed Tengshan and unearthed venomous snakes. When he rescued six workers, he informed people that the venomous snakes released were extremely poisonous and people were not allowed to touch such things.

As for those who unfortunately died, they went into the mountains to poach these venomous snakes. They knew that the venomous snakes were overbearing, but they still went into the mountains to poach them. After being poisoned, they did not ask for help immediately. Instead, they injected themselves with serum, which delayed the best treatment. The timing of treatment, if they had called for help as soon as possible, everyone would have been fine.

Now they are suing Zhao Xinyu. People have seen shameless people, but they have never seen such shameless people.

But thinking about some of the current social phenomena, people are also very helpless. Such things have happened one after another in the past few years, but every time the media is biased towards the person who caused the accident, and in the end many innocent people suffered misfortune. Some people even because This kind of thing ultimately leads to death with hatred.

People hate these people, but there are still many people on the Internet who support those people to sue Zhao Xinyu. They believe that Zhao Xinyu is indeed responsible for all this. If Zhao Xinyu had not developed Tengshan, nothing would have happened.

No one had ever thought that things had evolved to this point. While the war of words broke out on the Internet, many media also began to pay attention to this matter.

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