I have a portable farm

Chapter 66 Disappear into thin air?

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

In a five-star hotel, in a luxurious box, Hu Zhenyu and Zhang Mingkui exchanged cups. Hu Zhenyu looked at Zhang Mingkui.

"Mingkui, everything has been arranged on the way, but nothing can go wrong like last time."

"Master Hu, don't worry. Everything is taken care of. The surveillance in that area will be repaired from tonight to tomorrow. Without surveillance, they can't find anything even if they want to investigate."

"There is no problem with manpower."

"It's definitely no problem. These people are friends I invited from other places. After they finish this order, they will take the money and leave. There is no problem with their tone of voice. Even if they commit crimes in the future, they will not tell anything about what happened today." come out".

"Okay, then I'm relieved. Come on, have a drink, this matter is settled, and it will be your benefit."

A few minutes later, Hu Zhenyu's eyes narrowed slightly. He couldn't help but pick up his phone and take a few glances, "Mingkui, it's already three o'clock, they should be back."

Zhang Mingkui frowned and said, "I'll contact Bahong."

But the next moment he picked up the phone, the box door was suddenly pushed open, and a young man with a panicked look and a deep scar on his face came in from the outside.

Zhang Mingkui's eyes narrowed and his face turned cold, "Bahong, how many times have I told you why you came in without knocking?"

"Brother Kui, something happened, and they haven't come out yet."

Zhang Mingkui's expression changed, "Is there any movement over there?"

"I have been waiting for them on Huaxi Road as you asked. Unable to wait for them, I secretly went over and took a look. There was no movement there."

Hu Zhenyu narrowed his eyes and said, "Zhang Mingkui, these people you are looking for are not reliable after all. They couldn't have escaped."

Zhang Mingkui shook his head, "Master Hu, some of them have life-threatening lawsuits on their hands. They are very loyal and they will not run away."

"Bahong, are you sure they have all gone in?"

"Although I didn't follow them, I saw them all go in with my own eyes. I waited outside for an hour and a half, but they didn't come out. I felt something must have happened."

"Did anyone from the police show up when you left?"

"No, there's no movement at all."

Zhang Mingkui's eyes narrowed slightly, "Young Master Hu, something must have happened to them. I'll go over and take a look."

"It's still the same as before. Thirty people disappeared somewhere at the same time. It's interesting. Don't worry. Wait a minute. Find someone to keep an eye on where to see if any suspicious vehicles come in or out."

Zhang Mingkui's expression changed drastically, "Master Hu, you mean they all..."

"That old immortal Du Gang has many masters around him. Although your people say they are ruthless, if they really confront these people, they will have no way to survive. Wait a few days, and if there is no news about them, we will find someone again. When the time comes, I will let them walk around without delay.”

In the next few days, the villagers were still busy in the compound. Zhao Xinyu asked the villagers to wash the area around the yard with clean water, while he had nothing to do and walked around the yard with Heifeng.

On this day, the eyes of all the villagers in Xihanling were focused on the compound. On this day, several police cars appeared in front of the compound, and at least hundreds of police officers entered the compound.

They first put Zhao Xinyu in the pavilion, and then searched the compound with police dogs, which made the villagers wonder what the police wanted to do.

For three days, they searched almost all over the compound, but found nothing. During these three days, Zhao Xinyu was constantly being questioned. And the host computer he controlled was even taken away.

While the villagers were discussing, the police suddenly withdrew. No one knew exactly what they were looking for in the compound. Some villagers asked Zhao Xinyu, and Zhao Xinyu was also confused. He himself didn't know what happened. .

In a piece of office paper, Hu Zhenyu slammed a stack of documents on the desk. He looked at Zhang Mingkui and said, "More than thirty living people just disappeared. This is just like the crematorium with only a few bones left." ".

After saying this, Hu Zhenyu's eyes flickered a few times, "Have you found it in Luoshui?"

"I have searched in the basement and warehouse, but there are no clues. I have also retrieved his surveillance. Nothing was found in the surveillance, but there are several days of missing surveillance."

Hu Zhenyu's eyes turned cold, "Damn the Du family, the Du family must have played a role in it. By the way, did any suspicious vehicles come in and out of his place in the past few days?"

"No, every day Pengcheng Hotel's truck goes to the warehouse to load some vegetables, but the people loading the truck are villagers, and there is nothing suspicious about it."

"What the hell, where did they go? More than thirty people can't be lost, right? Did Zhao Xinyu bury them under the vegetable field?"

"I've also asked about this. In those days, police dogs searched all areas, and there was nothing unusual."

"This is strange." Hu Zhenyu really had no idea at this time.

"Master Hu, I heard from the villagers that the two big birds that often come in and out of his place can catch wild boars weighing hundreds of pounds. They will be taken into Cailiang Mountain by those two big birds."

"Damn it, why did I ignore those two dragons? But if that happens, even if their bodies are found in the mountains, with the help of the Du family, Zhao Xinyu can escape, so keep an eye on them."

After this incident, Zhao Xinyu knew even more clearly that someone was going to target him. They were not like Zhao Shiming's group of people. Zhao Shiming and the others were here for money, but they wanted their own lives. If they hadn't brought them back from the mountains last year, Green Wolf Pack, perhaps at this moment, he has become a headless koan like those people.

Knowing this in his heart, Zhao Xinyu was even more vigilant. He had already decided in his heart that after the traditional Chinese medicine examination, he must practice the Five Gods Art and Shadow Follower to perfection as soon as possible. He wanted to see what his grandfather had left for him.

During this period, Du Mengnan also came over several times. She also wanted to know what happened in those days. Not only Du Mengnan wanted to know, but also the old man Du Gang wanted to know.

Of course, Zhao Xinyu still pretended to be stupid. Of course, he would not tell you, Du Mengnan, what happened that day.

Time passed day by day, and although the villagers were privately discussing what happened that day, these were not important to Zhao Xinyu.

While the vegetables in the courtyard were growing vigorously and the chickens, ducks and geese were changing day by day, Zhao Xinyu left the courtyard and went to Yangcheng.

When leaving, just in case, he specifically asked Han Li and the others who were guarding the door to lock the door at night. If there was any trouble, they would call the police and notify him as soon as possible.

Although Pengcheng is one of the cities with the fastest economic development in the country, due to the decline of traditional Chinese medicine, Pengcheng does not have a traditional Chinese medicine association. Therefore, Zhao Xinyu's traditional Chinese medicine assessment took place in Yangcheng, which is not too far away from Pengcheng.

Although Zhao Xinyu has lived in Pengcheng for more than six years, he has never really gone out. Last year, it was the first time he followed Du Gang to Yanjing.

Therefore, he who knew nothing about Yangcheng had no idea where the Chinese medicine agreement in Yangcheng was, so he left Pengcheng three days in advance.

As soon as he left Pengcheng, Hu Zhenyu received the news. After learning that Zhao Xinyu's destination was Yangcheng, Hu Zhenyu showed a cruel smile on his face.

There was no shortage of funds in hand. After arriving in Yangcheng, Zhao Xinyu took a taxi and found the Yangcheng Traditional Chinese Medicine Association, the destination of this traditional Chinese medicine assessment.

He found a hotel nearby to stay. Thinking that the traditional Chinese medicine examination would be in two days, he took a taxi and went to the antique market.

Of course, he didn't want to search for treasures or anything. He had always heard from his grandfather that in places like this, he could often see some Chinese medicine classics that were on the verge of being lost.

Only when he arrived at the antique market did Zhao Xinyu realize how naive he was not to go out. A very bustling street was full of antique shops, and on both sides of the street were densely packed street stalls.

Along the way, Zhao Xinyu saw countless antiques, but there were only a few ancient books. Although the ancient books he occasionally saw looked tattered, they were almost all fake, and the content inside did not match the cover at all.

It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon, and Zhao Xinyu, who had not even bothered to eat lunch, still had not gained anything, which made him sigh.

He stood up from a stall selling ancient books and looked at the antique street that was almost at the end. Zhao Xinyu shook his head and sighed, he no longer had any interest.

The stall owner saw Zhao Xinyu's appearance and looked around a few times, "Little brother, what kind of ancient books do you need?"

Zhao Xinyu didn't think much about it. He subconsciously said: "Books about ancient Chinese medicine."

The boss's eyes flickered a few times, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I have a place where the items sold are all out of print, but the prices are much higher than here."

Zhao Xinyu's heart skipped a beat and he looked at the time and said, "Where is it? I'll go there myself."

The boss laughed and said, "The terrain is very remote. I guess you are not a local. You can't find it alone. I will take you there."

Zhao Xinyu's eyes flickered for a few times, thinking that he was not something that ordinary people could handle now, so he just nodded and said, "Thank you, boss. If I really buy the books I want, I won't treat you badly."

The boss laughed and said, "My friend runs that place. He likes friends who know the goods to go there." I asked someone to help me look at the stall.

He followed the boss into an alley. He could have passed there quickly, but he didn't expect to walk for more than forty minutes. Zhao Xinyu felt a little dizzy, and then the boss turned around and said with a smile: "We're here, we'll be there soon."

Zhao Xinyu saw that the area he was in was no longer a street of high-rise buildings, but a village. However, judging from the situation on the street, this village was developing well. . . . . . .

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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