I have a portable farm

Chapter 604 Du Mengnan’s expectations

After Zhao Shiming and the others, Zheng Min followed. She is the chief executive of Wuyou Restaurant. Since Linglong Chicken is going to be launched in Wuyou Restaurant, of course she, the chief executive, will learn it first.

With the help of people like Zheng Min and Zhao Shiming, two dishes of boiled chicken, casserole chicken, and exquisite chicken were prepared for the table, as well as several stir-fried dishes.

When Han Jun and others came over, they smelled the unbearable aroma of meat, looked at the tender yellow exquisite chicken, and then looked at the blood-red chicken bones, their eyes widened.

They didn't know how many times they had tasted Zhao Xinyu's specialty dishes in the past few years, but when they saw Linglong Chicken, their mouths watered.

"Eat." Looking at Han Jun and the others who were drooling, Zhao Xinyu laughed.

Han Jun couldn't wait to pick up a piece. The chicken was so tender that it almost melted in his mouth. The indescribable smell of the meat made Han Jun hum. When he swallowed it, he couldn't help but want to eat it with his tongue. Swallow it.

I originally wanted to spit out the chicken wing bones, but because they were so fragrant, I couldn't help but bite them subconsciously, and a stream of juice flowed from the bitten chicken bones into my mouth. The aroma made Han Jun feel like he was floating in the air. Feel. .

Han Jun was intoxicated, and everyone else was no exception. They all had exaggerated expressions and full of enjoyment. Even people like Du Mengnan, who had eaten Linglong Chicken, kept eating Linglong Chicken.

"Get some rice, wouldn't it be more delicious?" Zhao Xinyu got a bowl of rice, poured it with Linglong Chicken's chicken soup, and said with a smile.

Han Jun laughed and said, "When did you become so dishonest? In order to eat more pieces of chicken, you even resorted to the art of war."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, picked up a piece of Linglong chicken, and ate it with the rice made by Jidao. It looked as comfortable as possible.

Han Jun and the others ate a piece of Linglong Chicken again, and then they saw Du Mengnan, Guan Bingtong, and Liu Fengying all getting a bowl of rice, pouring chicken soup and starting to eat.

On a whim, they made a bowl of rice, only to find that there was not much chicken soup left. They separated the remaining chicken soup. When they took a bite, Han Jun and the others' eyes widened, and they were all shocked.

"Xinyu, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Zhao Xinyu laughed, "I told you, but you don't listen, use casserole chicken soup."

After the meal, everyone had eaten all the Linglong chicken, boiled chicken, and casserole chicken.

After eating, Han Jun and the others rubbed their bellies and looked at Zhao Xinyu with a hint of resentment, which made Zhao Xinyu feel happy.

"What's going on here."

"You are not kind, why didn't you tell me earlier that Linglong chicken soup mixed with rice is so delicious."

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "I told you, but you don't listen."

"Sister Min, how are you?"

"It should be about the same. The taste of this exquisite chicken is really not comparable to that of ordinary poultry. If it is launched, there will definitely be a craze for breeding exquisite chickens across the country."

When Zheng Min said this, Jiang Fei's eyes narrowed slightly. He was second only to Zhao Xinyu in Wuyou Restaurant. He had to know many things. Of course, he knew that all the exquisite chickens sent out this year had been successfully reproduced. , after the launch of Linglong chicken, there was a craze for Linglong chicken breeding across the country, which posed a considerable threat to Xihanling. "How is it possible, Brother Jiang?" Han Jun noticed Jiang Fei's abnormality and asked with a smile.

Jiang Fei glanced at Han Jun and smiled bitterly, "If I had known that Linglong chicken was so delicious, I shouldn't have given away so many Linglong chickens this year. They will be our biggest competitors next year."

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "Brother Jiang, what is the domestic poultry consumption every year? Just based on our current scale, not to mention launching in other places, even Pengcheng's supply is not enough, let's just say Pengcheng. , millions are consumed every year, we have no competitors here, and it is impossible to sell Linglong chicken in any area in a short time."

Zheng Min chuckled, "Let's just say that there are similar Linglong chickens. Who has Xiao Lei's cooking skills? Xiao Lei, I will go back to the hotel and push out the boiled chicken today."

Even Han Jun and the others, who often appreciate Zhao Xinyu's craftsmanship, are obsessed with boiled chicken. One can imagine how popular boiled chicken has become after the withdrawal of Wuyou Restaurant.

Just one meal, boiled chicken conquered all diners with its tender and delicious taste. With their publicity, boiled chicken became popular in the entire catering industry.

Looking at the photos people took on the Internet and describing the taste, many restaurant owners with chicken as their signature are very emotional.

Many of them have been in the catering industry for a long time, and some have cooking skills passed down from their ancestors. However, after struggling for so many years, their business is still tepid.

Now every dish of Wuyou Restaurant has set off the entire Internet as soon as it is launched. The Casserole Chicken launched a few years ago has been imitated by many peers in the catering industry, but no matter how they imitate it, they can't make it taste like Wuyou Restaurant.

A dish of chicken casserole has made many catering colleagues miserable. Fortunately, Wuyou Restaurant has no idea of ​​expanding its business. If they expand their business to Pengcheng City, they don't know what to do. Maybe by then they will also It can only close its doors.

I originally thought that there would be no similar delicacy to the casserole chicken, but I didn’t expect that now they have introduced boiled chicken. The taste of boiled chicken is far better than that of casserole chicken. In a few days, Linglong chicken, which is rumored to have the most delicious taste, will be launched. They really don't know whether Zhao Xinyu will continue to introduce delicious poultry products in the future.

In addition to feeling sad, in order to survive and develop, they booked a table at Wuyou Restaurant as usual, tasted boiled chicken, and imitated the cooking method of boiled chicken.

More former leaders in the catering industry are also lamenting that they used to be the vane of the catering industry, and their every move was watched by their counterparts in the catering industry.

But after the emergence of Wuyou Restaurant, their status has changed. Every time Wuyou Restaurant launches a new dish, countless peers will imitate it. They were once the vane. . . . . .

Boiled chicken has become popular in the catering industry. Some people immediately asked whether Wuyou Restaurant could process boiled chicken during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

This year, a large number of poultry are raised in several villages, just for boiled chicken, casserole chicken, roast duck and so on.

There is no need for people to ask, Wuyou Restaurant will also launch these dishes. After all, it takes a day to raise so many poultry.

Wuyou Restaurant promised to sell boiled chicken to external parties, and the number of people who made reservations at once exceeded the number of aquatic products that had not yet been harvested. When Xihanling distributed benefits, it caused another sensation. It is no secret that Wuyou Restaurant distributes benefits that are envied by everyone. Every year, people pay attention to what new measures Xihanling will take this year. .

This year's welfare is the same as in previous years. The reason why it caused a sensation is because the welfare recipients include the group of security guards who have only been employed for less than two months. Their welfare is the same as that of other villagers. They have been employed for less than two months. They received more than 100,000 yuan in benefits and various products.

Newcomers who have just arrived can receive the same benefits as others. This is the first time in any industry. This makes countless people envy those who join Xihanling.

Many people lament that they have high academic qualifications and rich management experience, but although their income is the envy of countless people, they are jealous of villagers like Han Jun and others in Xihanling who have not even graduated from high school.

The next several villages carried out fishing activities at the same time, and the reputation accumulated over the past few years was reflected at this moment. A large number of people gathered in each village, and they did not do anything else but buy their favorite aquatic products.

In order to meet the needs of many people, Han Jun and the others separated Wuyou Restaurant and the chefs who could be used in the village to several villages to process the food on site specifically for the people.

Although they are separated, every processing stall is full of people waiting for processing. Every day a chef does not know how many dishes he has to process.

The scene was even more crowded, and the media that had come to broadcast live in the past were nowhere to be seen. However, more food anchors on self-media platforms have set up broadcasting equipment at the stalls to broadcast the processing process live to the audience.

In addition to these food anchors, there are also chefs from the catering industry all over the country. They are all sent here by their bosses with only one purpose, and that is to learn how Wuyou Restaurant processes delicious dishes such as boiled chicken and casserole chicken. technology.

With the live broadcast of food anchors, there has been a craze for food production all over the country, and the prices of fish and poultry are rising accordingly.

When Zhao Xinyu in Wenying Pavilion heard the news, he couldn't help but feel dumb. If people in Pengcheng followed the trend of Wuyou Restaurant, he could understand it. After all, Wuyou Restaurant is a signboard and has the main dishes of Wuyou Restaurant. It is sure to attract many diners.

Now the whole country is following the trend. This is something Zhao Xinyu never thought about, and he didn't arrive first. Just a few dishes can make the prices of poultry and aquatic products fluctuate across the country.

"Zhao Xinyu, do you know that many farmers and farmers are paying attention to your every move now. They are all looking forward to you launching dishes related to their products. Some people even say on the Internet that they enshrine your longevity tablet at home. "

Zhao Xinyu's head turned dark and he shook his head speechlessly, which made Du Mengnan and the others giggle.

Luo Xiao laughed, "This means that Xinyu's dishes have been recognized by more people. Xinyu, it's time to establish a few more branches. According to the current momentum, as long as you establish a branch, the branch will be able to lead the local industry." industry."

Du Mengnan, who has managed star hotels for several years, certainly hopes that Zhao Xinyu's cooking skills can be passed down. There are now eight major cuisines. If Zhao Xinyu's cooking skills are widely promoted, his cooking skills really have a chance to become the ninth. Great cuisine.

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