I have a portable farm

Chapter 574: Tomatoes are ripe

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

Zheng Min chuckled. All her cooking skills came from Zhao Xinyu. If it were in the past, she would definitely call her Master Zhao Xinyu. However, from the beginning to now, even outsiders know it, but the two of them have never treated each other as master and apprentice. It was commensurate, and this time Zhao Xinyu even joked with him.

"Let me tell you about the technique of wrapping eggs first."

When Du Mengnan and the others heard what Zhao Xinyu said, they all listened attentively. Although Zhao Xinyu spoke very slowly, everyone's eyes showed a trace of confusion, and only Zheng Min kept nodding.

Zhao Xinyu talked about a simple wrapped egg for more than ten minutes, and Du Mengnan could understand it. But until Zhao Xinyu stopped, their minds were in chaos.

"Do you understand?"

"Understand 40%."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "It's not easy. Let's wait until the package is placed."

While waiting for the eggs to be wrapped, Zhao Xinyu wrapped them very slowly and explained while wrapping them. This time, Du Mengnan and the others really seemed to understand a lot.

Zhao Xinyu wrapped three eggs, and Zheng Min started to get started. Although it was the first time, the bags came out in good shape. Zhao Xinyu took the eggs Zheng Min wrapped and pointed out a few flaws.

Zheng Min only packed five bags, and Zhao Xinyu didn't say anything. However, Du Mengnan and the others still packed the bags as they did in the afternoon, which made them very helpless. Zhao Xinyu also gave instructions, and Zheng Min succeeded in just five times, but The five of them are still a lump of mud.

After wrapping it a few more times, despite Zhao Xinyu's constant guidance, they still found irregular mud lumps. Either this area was exposed, or the mud was thicker in other places.

Seeing that the bag could not come out, Du Mengnan and the others simply stopped trying to bag it. Since Zhao Xinyu was around, they could just let this guy bag it when they wanted to eat. With this idea, Du Mengnan and the others stopped doing it.

With Zheng Min wrapping the eggs, Zhao Xinyu could cook the eggs with peace of mind. More than an hour later, Zheng Min looked at Zhao Xinyu with a hint of horror.

"Xinyu, the smell of roasted eggs is so fragrant. My brother and his friends also cooked eggs before, but they always tasted burnt and the yolks were hard."

Zhao Xinyu chuckled and said, "If you burn too little, you will have to control the heat if you burn too much. You didn't do it just now. I also told you how much it was burned. You have to remember it."

"take note of it."

"I'll write you down the proportions of puree and herbs later, as well as the length of the herbs. You can go back and think about it more. You must remember that eggs that are seven or eight ripe have the best taste. If they are too raw, the yolk will be fishy. , if the egg yolk is too cooked, the yolk will become hard, and all the salt in it will enter the egg white, making the egg white too salty and chewy."

When Zhao Xinyu said this, Du Mengnan and the others couldn't help but smile and shake their heads. Originally, cooking eggs was very simple, but they didn't expect that there were so many tricks involved.

Three days later, in Wuyou Restaurant, the diners who were dining turned their heads at the same time. They suddenly smelled a salty smell. This fragrance was relatively light, but the taste was very attractive, and they seemed not to have smelled this smell. been.

When they were surprised, the waiter brought three eggs with burnt yellow stripes to each table, and the aroma they just smelled came from this egg that they had never seen before.

"What is this?" A diner called to the waiter.

The waiter smiled lightly and said, "These are the gold and silver eggs that our boss had when he was a child. The chef made some today and let everyone taste them first."

In an instant, the entire Wuyou Restaurant was filled with that strange aroma, and the diners were going crazy. They kept shouting at the waiter, without asking the price at all, and just asked for ten or twenty gold and silver eggs. .

This is what Zheng Min wants when she introduces roasted eggs. Burning eggs is not difficult for those who know how to do it. She wraps the eggs and has someone to watch the heat. Platefuls of roasted eggs that she named Golden and Silver Eggs are constantly being served. dining table.

At this meal, the dining table, which had always been empty and empty, finally had leftovers. When the diners went to check out, they were even more stunned. They saw that a gold and silver egg that made them intoxicated only cost five yuan.

Later, people posted photos and videos of gold and silver eggs on the Internet, but this time it did not cause a sensation. In people's eyes, no matter how exquisite the method is, it is just an egg.

But the next day, the diners who entered Wuyou Restaurant couldn't help but order a few gold and silver eggs. After eating this, they got out of hand. In just a few days, the name of gold and silver eggs became famous. The whole Pengcheng.

As the name of the golden and silver eggs spread, many restaurant owners also entered Wuyou Restaurant. After tasting the golden and silver eggs, they immediately went back and started to imitate the golden and silver eggs. As before, all the streets and alleys of Pengcheng were filled with excitement. They were imitating the gold and silver eggs of Wuyou Restaurant, and the price of eggs kept rising in a few days.

In Wenying Pavilion, Zhao Xinyu looked at the photos of roasted eggs sent by people on his mobile phone and kept shaking his head. This roasted egg looks simple, but it requires experience and without professional guidance. Even if it is made, the taste is average and average. Anyone can make roasted eggs.

"Zhao Xinyu, do you know that the price of eggs on the market has increased by one yuan and twenty cents in the past few days, and now the entire chicken farm in Pengcheng is thinking of you." Liu Fengying said softly.

Du Mengnan chuckled, "Now the entire catering industry in Pengcheng is looking at Wuyou Restaurant. As long as Wuyou Restaurant launches a new dish and is recognized by the public, the catering industry in Pengcheng and surrounding areas will follow suit. Until now, no one has Most of the dishes at Youshifu are sold in Pengcheng, but although the names are the same, the tastes are very different."

Jiang Fei once persuaded Zhao Xinyu to sue those catering colleagues who imitated the dishes of Wuyou Restaurant, but Zhao Xinyu did not agree. Suing with the same name as he said would be criticized, and after this matter spread, no matter how Not only the bosses in the catering industry, but also the public admired Zhao Xinyu. As a result, the catering colleagues who were still worried that Wuyou Restaurant would sue were completely relieved. Later, even the colleagues in star hotels began to imitate Wuyou Restaurant. Dishes from Worry Food House.

Now even gold and silver eggs have begun to be imitated, which makes Zhao Xinyu very emotional. He only hopes that his colleagues in the catering industry can imitate better and better, even if they are inferior to his own gold and silver eggs.

"Zhao Xinyu, there are no tomatoes at home. Let's go out and pick some."

Zhao Xinyu was stunned for a moment, then counted the time and said, "The tomato garden should be almost ready to open. Let's go over and have a look, and get some ripe tomatoes for cooking."

During this period, black strawberries and cucumbers brought the popularity of Sehanling to its peak. Although the garden had been open for a while, a large number of people gathered in the area where strawberries and cucumbers were grown every day.

However, in the past two days, many people gathered around the tomato field because they discovered a problem.

There are also ripe tomatoes in Fengjiazhuang and Taicun, but the color of the ripe tomatoes in Fengjiazhuang and Taicun seems to be a little different from the tomatoes in Xihanling. The tomatoes in those villages are bright red, while the tomatoes in Xihanling The tomatoes are purple.

Another point is that they found that in the past few days, every day, they could see villagers from Xihanling going into the fields to pick some tomatoes that were not yet ripe, and the people who picked them ate them directly, looking very comfortable.

This series of discoveries made many people who originally turned their attention to the villages of Fengjiazhuang and Taicun immediately focus on Xihanling. They would wander around the tomato fields every day.

Just today, they suddenly saw a pack of green wolves coming this way. This made them excited. They knew who was coming. Zhao Xinyu didn't go to the cucumbers and strawberries, but went to the tomatoes. That's not to say. . . . . .

In the vegetable field, the tomatoes on the bottom layer have all turned purple, the tomatoes on the second layer are almost five ripe, and the tomatoes on the third layer have also begun to turn red. The unique fragrance of tomatoes is permeating the surrounding vegetable field.

Zhao Xinyu looked at Du Mengnan and the others, "Go into the ground and pick it yourself."

When Du Mengnan and the others entered the field, people immediately gathered around and said, "Zhao Xinyu, these tomatoes are ripe. When will the garden open?"

Zhao Xinyu looked at the people who were following him and laughed, "Don't all the tomato gardens in Fengjiazhuang and Taicun villages have opened?"

A middle-aged man in his forties laughed and said, "The tomatoes in Xihanling are different in color from those in those villages. They must be new varieties."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly and said, "Get some tomatoes and let them try them."

After several years of development, every villager guarding the vegetable field has prepared a fruit knife. Now Zhao Xinyu has spoken. They know that the tomato garden is about to open. They have all eaten tomatoes that are full of vitality. They are facing those tomatoes one by one. The people nodded, "You guys really know your stuff."

I picked a few tomatoes, cut them into four parts, and gave one to each of the people who came over. After one bite, the people were dumbfounded.

Tomatoes are extremely sweet, with just a hint of sourness. The taste of tomatoes is comparable to peaches. What scares them the most is that tomatoes, like cucumbers, watermelons, and melons, contain the vitality that drives countless people crazy.

"Look, I guessed it right. These tomatoes can really prolong life just like cucumbers, melons, and watermelons." A middle-aged man shouted with a hint of excitement.

"Zhao Xinyu, how much does one pound of tomatoes cost? Give me ten pounds."

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "How about eight cents more expensive than a cucumber?"

"Okay, give me ten pounds." While speaking, the people had already lined up in line, and everyone looked excited. Many people even took out their mobile phones to call friends, saying that this made them excited. message is passed on.

"Go and prepare. Each of them will be sold to them based on ten kilograms. The people behind will still follow the old rules and limit each person to five kilograms."


[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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