I have a portable farm

Chapter 570: The aftermath of genetic modification

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

In Wenying Pavilion, people are eating delicious strawberries and listening to Zhao Xinyu talking about Liuling Mountain. The Internet has been flooded with black strawberries from Xihanling.

Looking at each picture, the color is pitch black. Pictures of black strawberries with deep purple flesh are incredible to countless people. Strawberries of this color have really changed the minds of many people.

As a result, Xihanling has once again been on the hot search list, and the number of people entering and leaving Xihanling has once again exceeded that of other villages.

This made people who saw the decline of Xihanling during this period couldn't help but sigh. They originally thought that Zhao Xinyu's plan for Xihanling was a huge mistake, but they didn't want to revive the popularity of Xihanling with just a strawberry. It really proves the saying that the products produced by Xihanling are all high-quality.

Black strawberries have a special color and a strong flavor. After eating them, the aroma of strawberries remains in your mouth for a long time, and your breath is filled with the aroma of strawberries. As a result, black strawberries have become a fruit that people are rushing to buy. Many people even give strawberries as gifts to their relatives and friends.

A few days ago, black strawberries were no different from the well-known strawberries. They did not change until they were ripe. This made many people who paid attention to Xihanling couldn't help but turn their attention to lychees, green beans, golden honeydew melons and even On walnuts.

But at this moment, lychees and walnuts have just begun to bear fruit, and green beans have not yet bloomed. When people pay attention to black strawberries, they focus on the golden honeydew that looks like a cucumber, but seems different from a cucumber. above.

This is also the time when the golden honeydew melon leaves, melon vines and cucumbers are very similar, that is, there are some differences in color, and the golden honeydew melon has just begun to bear fruit. The fluffy melons and cucumbers are even more common.

That is to say, until now, because there are no cucumber-specific thorns on the golden honeydew melon, the color is also dark green, and the size is even more shocking to people. Any one is about ten centimeters long and as wide as the mouth of a bowl.

People pay attention to the golden honeydew melon, and of course they will ask the villagers to know what kind of melon it is. However, what surprises them is that the villagers are only Han Jun. They said that this melon is called the golden honeydew melon. How to eat it and what it tastes like. , they don’t know either.

Even the villagers don't know, this has aroused the interest of the people. Every day, many people gather near the melon field of Jinmimelon, and some people even start the live broadcast directly beside the melon field. Every time a villager appears, the people Everyone will ask when the golden honeydew melon will mature.

While people are paying attention to golden melons, cucumbers, eggplants, green peppers, beans and other vegetables have been opened in villages such as Fengjiazhuang and Taicun, making these villages even more lively.

However, while vegetables were selling like hotcakes in several villages, several news on the Internet drew the attention of the entire Internet to villages such as Fengjiazhuang and Taicun.

There is only one content in the news, and that is that villages such as Fengjiazhuang and Taicun were once the places where the harm caused by genetically modified vegetables was the most serious.

According to experts, it will take at least ten years for the farmland in these villages to be completely restored. But now, only two years have passed, and Xihanling has begun to grow vegetables in several villages. Whether these vegetables contain genetically modified elements cannot be determined. And know.

If it does contain genetically modified elements, the tragedy two years ago will inevitably happen again, and the people who will suffer will still be the most ordinary people.

But then someone responded to the post that the area where vegetables were grown was used to grow rice for two years when the village was developed two years ago, and the rice was not a genetically modified species at all. All the rice produced was shipped back to Japan and sold to the people. If the rice fields were If it contains genetically modified elements, the developers will know it. They can be unscrupulous in Pengcheng, but they don't dare to do it with the Japanese.

"The vegetable growing area does not contain genetically modified elements. What about the alfalfa growing area? There are flocks of yellow sheep, pheasants, sika deer, chickens, ducks and geese in the alfalfa growing area. Although alfalfa has been planted several times, who can guarantee that alfalfa will contain It does not contain genetically modified elements. If alfalfa contains genetically modified elements, then the alfalfa-eating goats, pheasants, sika deer, chickens, ducks and geese will inevitably have genetically modified elements in their bodies. However, Xihanling will start exporting these things this year. What exactly is Han Ling thinking about?"

As soon as this post came out, the entire Internet went silent. Although it has been two years, the impact of the GMO incident is still there, and many people who were deeply affected by the GMO incident still have lingering fears.

If it hadn't been for the decoction developed by the Chinese Medical Association that time, they wouldn't dare to imagine what they would be like now. Maybe they would have left this world after more than two years of poisoning.

It is true that the alfalfa planting areas were originally planted with genetically modified vegetables. If it is true as the experts say, the farmland may not be able to recover in ten years. That is not to say. . . . . .

In Wenying Pavilion, Du Mengnan, Luo Xiao and others looked at Zhao Xinyu with serious expressions on their faces, because they all knew the dangers of genetic modification.

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "They really couldn't help it. There was no movement during the planting. They didn't mention vegetables such as rape and spinach when they were sold. They waited until vegetables such as cucumbers, eggplants, green peppers, and beans started to be sold. And genetically modified, they want to see the joke of Xihanling."

Zhao Xinyu's words made Luo Xiao, Du Mengnan and others stunned. "Xinyu, you have known for a long time that someone would make trouble with the genetically modified incident."

Zhao Xinyu looked at Luo Xiao and others and nodded, "The Chinese Medical Association ruined their good deeds, ruined their reputation, and lost a lot of money. How could they be willing to do so? Moreover, they were the ones who researched the transgenics. Of course they knew Regarding the dangers of genetic modification, there is no way to remove the genetically modified elements from the soil within a few years. In those two years, we have been planting alfalfa, which was all buried deep underground. Even if they talk about it, it will be of no use. This year, we will breed and plant it at the same time. Of course they are not willing to watch us develop, they want to make us infamous once and for all.”

"Since you know, why do you still plant and breed, you idiot." Du Mengnan gave him a big eye roll and said angrily.

Liu Fengying chuckled, "Mengmeng, this guy is smarter than a monkey when it comes to hair. Since he has anticipated that the other party will do this in advance, and he also plants and breeds, it means that the farmland has been fine for a long time."

Du Mengnan looked at Zhao Xinyu, his eyes full of questions. Zhao Xinyu laughed, "Fengying is the one who understands me. Don't worry, alfalfa is not an ordinary species. In addition to increasing the fertility of the land, it can also change the soil structure. There are no more genetically modified elements in the farmland.”

While speaking, Zhao Xinyu flipped his palms, and a stack of laboratory reports appeared in his hands, "These are the results of the last time Brother Tian and the others went out to have the laboratory test the soil, water quality, and alfalfa planting. There was no trace of alfalfa in the soil, water quality, or alfalfa." There are no problems with genetically modified elements, vegetables grown, goats, pheasants and even poultry grown.”

After taking the test results, Du Mengnan gave Zhao Xinyu a big look, "Since we have the test results, why didn't we tell them earlier and publish the test results before planting? Then what happens now?"

Zhao Xinyu laughed, "If it had been announced earlier, how could we have seen such a good show."

"Xinyu, do you want it?" Meng Lie looked at Zhao Xinyu.

Zhao Xinyu smiled bitterly, "Originally, I wanted to find the mastermind behind it, but I didn't expect that the people who posted the posts were all hackers. Even Brother Fei couldn't find the trace of the other party. This little devil has become shrewd."

Liu Fengying chuckled, "No matter how smart they are, they were still disgraced by you two years ago."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "Fengying, upload these things to the official website of the village and Wuyou Restaurant so that the people can rest assured."

At this moment, some people on the Internet are calling on Pengcheng to investigate Xihanling and seal off villages such as Taicun and Fengjiazhuang. Later, more uninformed people followed suit, and some even accused Zhao Xinyu of Xihanling of being ignorant of his conscience.

As a result, even the people who supported Xihanling felt a little panicked. They all looked at Xihanling, and they wanted to see how Xihanling would react.

When Liu Fengying's soil, water quality, and alfalfa test reports appeared on the official websites of Xihanling and Wuyou Restaurant, the people who were originally worried became relieved.

However, a post later questioned whether these reports were false, just like the original developers.

Just a few minutes after the post was posted, organizations that had inspected the quality and third-party organizations spoke out at the same time. They jointly sent people to bring back the soil, water quality, and alfalfa in several villages. Just in case, they also A video was specially recorded. And all test results are true and credible.

Up to now, every organization is still amazed at how in just two years, Xihanling has been able to restore the farmland destroyed by genetic modification in other areas for more than ten years, and the soil fertility is comparable to the most fertile in the world. Soil.

Every organization that made a statement is an internationally renowned organization, and each one has extremely high credibility. Coupled with the video testimony, the rumors about Xihanling were immediately disproven.

The people looked at the series of green colors on the test report, and their suspenseful hearts were completely relieved. After being shocked, countless people thought of another question, that is, what kind of method does it take at least ten years to make yoga in Xihanling? The restored farmland was completely restored.

Alfalfa? Does this alfalfa really have such an effect? ​​The hot discussion on the Internet has made countless areas aware of alfalfa. Many areas with barren and polluted land immediately took action and began to plant alfalfa in large areas.

While planting alfalfa, people's hearts were full of expectations. They expected that the barren soil would become fertile and the polluted soil would return to its original state. Even Zhao Xinyu did not expect all of this.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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