I have a portable farm

Chapter 537: Different Lotus Roots

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

Suddenly, Zhao Xinyu felt a pain in his waist. He turned around and saw Keiko staring at him with resentful eyes, which made his old face blush.

Sakura giggled, "I'm going to take a bath, I'll leave you some time."

"Sister, I'll go too, I don't care about this stinky man."

After taking a shower, she looked at the time. Yingzi and Keizi left Zhao Xinyu with a lingering fragrance and left. Zhao Xinyu shook his head, looked at the time, took out his mobile phone and called Zheng Liang and Zheng Ming.

Although it is autumn at this moment, there is no hint of autumn here in Xihanling. Large lotuses in Luoshui are blooming, and lotus pods as big as ocean bowls stand proudly among the lotuses like sentinels.

On the stone arch bridge outside the compound, Zheng Ming, Zheng Liang and several villagers who were guarding the compound were stunned when they heard that Zhao Xinyu was going to pick lotus roots.

"Xinyu, lotus roots are usually the fattest in late autumn after the lotus leaves wither. Now..." Zheng Liang asked with a smile.

The villager who had been guarding the compound shook his head and said, "Zheng Liang, you have been going to Wenying Lake for only a short time. Why did you forget that the lotus in Luoshui will never wither?"

Zheng Liang laughed, "I really forgot about it. It's been a few years. The lotus root should be quite big. Let's go down and take a look."

"Put on water clothes and be careful about the cold water."

"How cold can this water be? Many times during the Chinese New Year, we have to go out to sea to fish, so the sea water is cold."

When he got to Luoshui River, Zheng Ming looked up at Zhao Xinyu on the stone arch bridge and said, "Xinyu, this water is too deep. You can't touch the lotus roots without diving."

As he spoke, water splashed on the water. Zheng Ming and Zheng Liang disappeared on the water, and several villagers looked at Zhao Xinyu.

"Xinyu, let's go down and pick them up."

When several villagers went down the steps, the water surface rippled again. Zheng Ming and Zheng Liang appeared one after another. When the two raised their hands, not to mention several villagers, even Zhao Xinyu was wide-eyed. Eyes, eyes full of surprise.

In their hands, Zheng Ming and Zheng Liang held up a large lotus root that was as thick as a purlin in a house, one meter long and as clear as jade.

You must know that the largest lotus root sold in the market is generally no more than the thickness of a bowl, more than two feet long, and the skin is usually yellowish brown. But now this lotus root is not only big, it is one meter three to four meters long, and it is even more impressive when facing the sun. It gives people a crystal-clear feeling.

"Bring it up first."

A villager picked up the big lotus root and said, "Xinyu, this lotus root weighs more than ten kilograms, and it also has a fragrant smell."

Zhao Xinyu nodded. When the villagers came up holding the lotus roots, he could vaguely smell the cool fragrance of the lotus roots.

He asked the villagers to carry the lotus roots to the edge of the grape grove and turn on the water to rinse the lotus roots. Zhao Xinyu returned to the compound and took out a special peeling knife.

When the outer skin of the lotus root was peeled off, a rich fragrance began to permeate the lotus root, and milk-like juice condensed on the lotus root. The juice looked like a rainbow under the sunlight, reflecting back and giving off a rainbow-like luster. It's really beautiful.

The villager took a deep breath and said, "Xinyu, why is this lotus root so fragrant? I want to take a bite now."

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "Raw lotus root itself can be eaten. In traditional Chinese medicine, raw lotus root has the effects of clearing away heat, promoting fluid production, cooling blood, dissipating blood stasis, tonifying the spleen, appetizing, and stopping diarrhea; it is mainly used to treat polydipsia, vomiting blood, and epistaxis in febrile diseases." "

"It's not bitter."

"How can it be bitter?" While talking, Zhao Xinyu cut a piece. The white and tender lotus root was as crystal clear as white jade, and drops of milk-like juice continued to fall. What surprised Zhao Xinyu most was that although the lotus root was thick, the middle part was The small holes are not even the holes found in ordinary lotus roots.

The villager took the lotus root and took a bite. After one bite, the villager's body was shocked. The flesh of the lotus root was tender, crispy and sweet. This tastes even better than the cucumbers grown in the village, after eating it. There is a hint of coolness all over the body, and the feeling of comfort is simply indescribable.

"Xinyu, it's delicious. This lotus root is so delicious. You should try it too."

Zhao Xinyu also cut a piece. After eating it, his eyes were full of surprise. Although he was born in the north, lotus roots were cheap. He often ate lotus roots when he was a child, but he had never tasted lotus roots like this. been.

The villager cut a big piece and gnawed it towards the stone arch bridge. "I asked them to get a few more. This thing is good to eat raw."

Zhao Xinyu followed the lotus roots to the stone arch bridge. He saw that there were five or six lotus roots piled up at the head of the stone arch bridge, which were also more than one meter long. Each lotus root was about the same thickness and had the same skin. It is as crystal clear as jade.

Looking at the lotus roots stacked at the end of the bridge, Zhao Xinyu showed a hint of surprise in his eyes. He knew lotus roots very well because they can also be used as medicine.

Lotus root is a plant of the Nymphaeaceae family and an aquatic vegetable. It has a fat and jointed shape with small tubular holes inside. It is divided into red lotus root, white lotus root and twist lotus root. Safflower lotus root is thin and elongated, with a brownish-yellow, rough skin, low water content, and not crispy and tender; white lotus root is fat, tender and smooth in appearance, silvery white in color, crisp and tender in texture, and rich in sweetness; twist lotus root is pink in color, rough in appearance, and contains a lot of starch.

Likewise, it is still a traditional Chinese medicine. It is slightly sweet and crispy and can be eaten raw or cooked. Its roots, leaves, flowers, whiskers and fruits are all treasures and can be used as nourishing medicine. Powder made from lotus root can digest food and stop diarrhea, appetize and clear away heat, nourish the body and prevent internal bleeding. It is a good liquid food and nourishing treasure for women, children, children and the weak and sick. During the Xianfeng period of the Qing Dynasty, it was designated as an imperial tribute.

The lotus flowers in Luoshui are not of the same color, there are several colors, but now the size and shape of the lotus roots are exactly the same, which makes Zhao Xinyu a little confused.

In surprise, a sound of laughter came from below. Several villagers picked up six or seven large lotus roots. A villager put down the lotus roots and asked with a smile.

"Xinyu, Zheng Liang and the others asked if it was enough."

Zhao Xinyu laughed, "It depends on whether you eat it or not."

Several villagers were slightly startled, "Eat, of course."

"Come and take some with me. I'll go back first. Let Zheng Liang and the others handle how much you eat."

"We'll wash it for you and take it back."

Within a few minutes, two villagers came over carrying a dripping snakeskin bag containing seven or eight large lotus roots.

Looking at a bag of big lotus roots, Zhao Xinyu shook his head and said, "There are so many, how can I take them back?"

"You go back first, we will send it to you later."

As soon as Zhao Xinyu returned to Wenying Pavilion, the villagers drove the lotus roots over in a battery car. The villagers carried the lotus roots into the yard, and Du Mengnan and the others in the restaurant followed them out.

After the villagers left, the three of them, Du Mengnan, entered the kitchen and stared at the big lotus roots still dripping in the snakeskin bag.

"Zhao Xinyu, is this lotus root?"

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, took a lotus root, washed it in the sink, and then peeled it. When the rich fragrance filled the air, Du Mengnan and the others' eyes widened with shock.

In shock, Zhao Xinyu had already sliced ​​a lotus root into slices and said, "Try it."

Du Mengnan gave him a big eye roll, "How can you eat raw lotus root?"

Zhao Xinyu laughed, "I can still harm you, you are my beloved wife."

The three of them chuckled, feeling warm in their hearts, and reached out to take a piece. Looking at the milk-like juice dripping on the plate, they instantly gained appetite.

After taking a light bite, the three of them couldn't help but hum. The lotus root was tender, crisp, and sweet. This was the first time they had experienced this feeling.

"This is so delicious. Where did this lotus root come from?"

"Let's go, let Grandpa and the others have a taste."

Everyone in the family in the living room tasted the lotus root, and they were all amazed. Even Luo Xiao and the others, four nearly 100-year-olds, did not expect to eat lotus root that tasted like this one day.

"Xinyu, where did this lotus root come from?"

"Luoshui. I heard from Zheng Ming and the others that there are lotus roots under the Luoshui."

"Get another one."

Zhao Xinyu cut another lotus root and went to the kitchen. Although this lotus root was ordinary, it could not be delicious, and the taste of the lotus root in Luoshui was unparalleled. Zhao Xinyu knew the taste of the lotus root. It will definitely be more delicious.

When people entered the kitchen in the evening, the aroma of Chinese food in the restaurant filled the air, and the dining table was filled with sparkling lights, including lotus root and pork ribs soup, shredded lotus root with chives, stewed lotus root with pork knuckles, and lotus root and mushroom soup. . . . . . .

"You guys, if lotus roots are delicious, they can't just be lotus roots." Du Mengnan scolded with a smile.

Zhao Xinyu laughed, "Try it and see how it tastes. If it doesn't work, I'll see how to make it."

"What are you waiting for? Let's eat." After Luo Xiao sat down, he picked up a spoon and filled a small bowl of pork rib soup. After taking a sip, Luo Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

The soup is delicious, slightly sweet, not greasy at all, and it has a strong meaty aroma. After one sip, you can't help but want to take a second sip.

. . . . .

Although the lotus root feast was not the big fish and meat of the past, it was very enjoyable for the whole family. Several old men even directly told Zhao Xinyu that every meal in the future must have a lotus root dish.

"Zhao Xinyu, since there are so many lotus roots in Luoshui, what are you waiting for? Find someone to touch the lotus roots tomorrow. I dare say this lotus root will definitely be popular."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "The water depth in Luoshui is more than eight meters on average. It is very difficult to touch the lotus roots. I will first ask Han Jun and the others to get some sets of diving equipment, and then hire professionals for training for a period of time."

When Zhao Xinyu and others were studying lotus roots, countless netizens were horrified when they saw the pictures of lotus roots posted by villagers.

Lotus roots are found in the north and south, but people have never seen lotus roots as big and as good as Luoshui.

Netizens were even more excited when they saw villagers filming the villagers eating raw lotus roots and enjoying them. If someone else had filmed such a video, they would definitely think it was hype.

But everyone knows what the situation in Xihanling is now. Even though the villagers in Xihanling wear ordinary clothes, there is no multi-millionaire in any household, and what they eat in their daily life are products from Xihanling. In one sentence By the way, they are very tricky.

In people's eyes, the raw lotus root tastes ordinary, but they can eat it with gusto, which is enough to show that the lotus root in Luoshui has a special taste.

Early the next morning, there were a lot less people in Wenying Lake, which used to be bustling, but the Luoshui side was overcrowded. People looked at Luoshui, and many people even directly set up their shooting tools. They all knew that today, West Korea There must be someone on this side of the mountain who will fall into the water and touch the lotus root.

At around eight o'clock, people saw a car driving to the side of the stone arch bridge in the compound, and then three middle-aged men began to unload boxes one by one from the car.

When Han Jun brought the villagers over, the three middle-aged men didn't know what to explain to the villagers. Then people saw the three middle-aged men taking out a set of diving suits from the box and putting them on the villagers.

Then they put on their diving suits and walked along the steps to the Luoshui River. After giving some instructions to the villagers again, the three middle-aged men jumped into the Luoshui River.

After a while, large lotus roots as crystal clear as jade appeared on the shore, and the villagers waiting on the shore quickly picked up the lotus roots.

Seeing the white and tender lotus roots weighing more than ten kilograms each being carried up by the villagers, the people surrounding Luoshui kept screaming in surprise, and some even entered the yard directly and squeezed to the car.

Seeing people coming over, Han Jun asked a villager to wash a few large lotus roots, and peel off the skin of the lotus roots in front of him. He smelled the unique fragrance of the lotus roots and looked at the milk-like juice on the lotus roots. The people were stunned.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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