I have a portable farm

Chapter 520: Mo Rong Divine Bean

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

I don't know how long it took, Zhao Xinyu slowly opened his eyes and felt it. This change in space made his cultivation much better.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Zhao Xinyu stood up and looked at an area. With a movement of his body, he turned into a shadow and moved towards that area.

The area is at least hundreds of acres, and the bean sprouts are one to four to five meters tall. The bean sprouts are all green, and each one is covered with beans that are more than an inch long. Different from the beans in the impression, all the beans on the bean sprouts are They are all nine bumps.

Looking at hundreds of acres of beans that looked like shrubs, Zhao Xinyu's eyes were full of excitement. This time he went into the mountains to find some new species.

He didn't find anything all morning long. Fortunately, Heifeng caught two pheasants and he was able to see the bean in the pheasant's esophagus.

With emotion, Zhao Xinyu walked into the bean field, stretched out his hand to pick a green bean, and nine green beans like beads rolled down on his palm. He pinched them with his nails. Zhao Xinyu was stunned for a moment, glanced at the green bean sprouts, and He could feel that the beans were ripe by the touch, but these bean sprouts were different from the bean sprouts outside.

While walking, Zhao Xinyu put a bean into his mouth and took a bite. The unique taste of the bean was better than all the beans he had ever seen, but it did not have the beany smell of other beans. It seemed that there was A hint of fragrance.

Suddenly Zhao Xinyu froze and saw an open space in the lush bean field, and in the center of the open space was a dark green bean sprout. The bean sprout was not as tall as the surrounding bean sprouts.

There are only seven leaves and seven beans on the bean sprouts. The color of the seven beans is not emerald green, but dark green.

Looking at this bean seedling that was lower than the surrounding bean seedlings, Zhao Xinyu frowned. He would not be surprised if this bean seedling grew together with other bean seedlings, but this bean seedling did not. There is at least ten square meters of open space around it. Although the bean sprouts are small, they stand as lonely as a king.

When Zhao Xinyu was in a daze, he felt energy fluctuations around him. When he turned around, he saw Mo Yu's soul.

"Old Mo, do you know what kind of bean this is." Mo Yu evolved from a plant, and it has existed for an unknown number of years. He knows all the species in the space, and he must also know this bean.

"Xinyu, your luck is really incredible. This is not an ordinary bean. This is the Morong God Bean. All the beans in the world are bred and multiplied by the Morong God Bean. However, after endless years, The beans now are not of much use, and this magical bean is a treasure that defies heaven."

"what's the effect."

Mo Yu laughed, "You know now that it is of no use. When you need it in the future, I will tell you again. I want to tell you that the Mo Rong God Bean has one leaf and one bean. It takes one leaf to breed one bean and one bean." Thousands of years."

The corners of Zhao Xinyu's mouth twitched and he glanced at the seven leaves and seven beans on the Morong Magic Bean. Seventy thousand years, this bean has experienced the baptism of seventy thousand years.

"Mr. Mo, if there are so many magical beans from Mo Rong, how can they be so powerful?" Zhao Xinyu pointed at hundreds of acres of beans and said with a smile.

"You kid, take a good look. The beans around you can compare with this one. The Morong God Bean can only produce nine leaves and nine beans in the end. A Cuiyun Bean has dozens or hundreds of beans on it. , Cuiyun Bean just tastes better. If it is useful, it means that after eating it, there will be no impurities left in the body. How can such beans be compared with Morong God Bean."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and looked at Mo Rong's magic bean, "I'll get a green bean to try."

"You kid is crazy. You can't touch the Morong Magic Bean without my permission."

Zhao Xinyu was stunned. The peach tree in the peach forest was not allowed to be moved by Xiaobai. It was good now. The Moyu magic bean was not allowed to be moved. Although he was surprised, Zhao Xinyu knew that the Moyu magic bean must be Not ordinary.

"Mr. Mo, there are some bean plants outside. I'll bring them in for you to see."

"No need, in the area where the Morong God Bean grows, only the Green Cloud Bean can appear, and no other beans will appear. If there are any outside, it can only be the Green Cloud Bean, so there is no need to look."

He stayed in the space and chatted with Mo Yu for a while. Because Hongmeng Space was still exposed outside, Zhao Xinyu didn't stay in the space too much.

Look at the Cuiyun beans on the boulder. Zhao Xinyu didn't pick the beans. There are hundreds of acres of Cuiyun beans in the space. He really doesn't like these beans. If he stays here, Cuiyun Beans may also be able to continue to reproduce.

Taking Heifeng, Jinhen, and Jinyu out of the space again, Heifeng looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Boss, what kind of treasure is that bean that defies heaven?"

Zhao Xinyu laughed and patted Heifeng's big head, "That's the Mo Rong God Bean, Heifeng, you have made a great contribution this time."

Black Wind's eyes widened, "Me."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Go on and see if there are any other good things."

With the harvest, not only Zhao Xinyu, but also Heifeng, Jinhen, and Jinyu also became energetic, and the three guys split up to look for it.

The three big guys are all carnivores. If it is a strange object, they may know it, but how can they recognize ordinary species.

Seeing the three big guys running around, Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head, and simply took Xiaobai and Xiaozi out of the space. The two guys just glanced at him, and disappeared into the vast jungle together as soon as they moved.

Continuing along the west stream, more than two hours passed. Although I saw a lot of mountain fruits, these fruits were extremely ordinary. You can see them not only here, but also at the mountain pass.

Zhao Xinyu found that the trees in the jungle on both sides of the stream gradually became shorter. When he saw a large area of ​​undulating rocks, the trees on both sides turned into low shrubs.

The sunset has already set in the west at this moment, and the jungle, rocks, and streams are shrouded in the sunset, forming a beautiful natural picture.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Zhao Xinyu searched the undulating rocks, trying to find an area to camp at night.

In such an inaccessible area, it is quite easy to find such an area, and it is now autumn and there is little rain in the north, so you only need to find an area with slightly higher terrain.

After setting up the tent, Zhao Xinyu called Heifeng, Jinhen, and Jinyu and asked them to find dinner. He only ate two chicken wings at noon and he felt really hungry at the moment.

Heifeng and the others left, and Zhao Xinyu quickly picked up a lot of dead branches. With nothing to do, he stood by the stream and watched the stream winding into the distance, wondering where the stream ended up.

Suddenly a flash of light flashed, and Zhao Xinyu's heart moved. If it were in a place with human activities, this kind of luster would often be emitted by glass or plastic fragments, but this place was inaccessible, and the villagers generally did not dare to enter such a place. An area frequented by large animals.

Following the direction of the flashing light, Zhao Xinyu did not see anything flashing. Instead, he saw a tree whose trunk was only as thick as the mouth of a bowl, but the bark was mottled. It was 1.56 meters tall.

There were large leaves on the trees that had turned golden. Looking at the trees with large leaves, Zhao Xinyu scratched his head. This was really the first time he had seen such trees.

Staring at the leaves on the tree, Zhao Xinyu saw several fist-sized light golden fruits under the yellowed leaves, and there was a faint fragrance on the fruits.

Zhao Xinyu was overjoyed. He did not expect to see fruits he had never seen before here. He reached out and picked one, looked at the golden skin of the fruit, and took a bite.

After taking one bite, Zhao Xinyu was alert. The fruit was sour and astringent, with a hint of bitterness. After just one bite, his lips felt numb. He knew that this was not poisoning, but because of the fruit. The sourness.

After spitting out the bitter pulp in his mouth, Zhao Xinyu looked at the fruit in his hand. He chopped until there was only a thin outer skin of the fruit, and a golden stripe was exposed inside.

When Zhao Xinyu saw the core, his head went dark, but there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He didn't recognize that the fruit had a skin, but he recognized the core. This was not a fruit at all, but a walnut that people often eat.

Walnuts are grown in many places in the north, but they are not grown here. Although she has eaten walnuts, she doesn't know what they look like.

However, most of the walnuts he had eaten were white and yellow, and he had never seen a golden walnut before. He quickly peeled off the outer skin of the walnut, and there was a golden walnut with pulp on the outer skin in his hand.

He got some sand from the stream, rubbed the walnuts in the sand for a while, and then washed the walnuts in the stream.

Looking at the walnut in her hand, it was larger than the walnuts she had eaten before, almost the size of an egg, and the lines on the skin were clearer.

The lines on the walnut look like a dragon wrapped around the walnut, and the wrinkled lines on the walnut look like clouds and mist. Overall, the walnut seems to be carved with a giant dragon flying in the clouds and mist, which is lifelike.

Moreover, this walnut has a hint of jade quality. When it is held up to the setting sun, which is almost setting, it has a vague feeling of crystal clearness.

Looking at the crystal clear walnuts in his hands, Zhao Xinyu raised his eyebrows. He thought of a kind of walnut, Wenwan walnut.

Wenwan walnuts are actually a kind of pecan. The outer shell of the walnut is hard, and the edible walnut kernel inside is small, and it is not easy to get out.

People divide walnuts into several types based on the patterns on their skin. Among them, the Panlong walnut is the best, followed by the lion head, tiger head, hat, and chicken heart varieties. Among them, the Panlong walnut is the hardest to get.

Nowadays, people regard playing with walnuts as a way to cultivate their sentiments, but in traditional Chinese medicine, playing with walnuts is a means of treating diseases.

Elderly people often play with this kind of pecans, which can effectively prevent cerebrovascular diseases, head strokes and other diseases.

The pattern on the walnut is that of a dragon flying in the clouds, so this walnut must be the highest-grade Panlong walnut among Wenwan walnuts.

He didn't know what the dragon on the dragon walnut looked like, so his eyes fell directly on the four remaining walnuts on the tree.

After picking off the four walnuts and looking for them carefully, Zhao Xinyu shook his head. There were five of them in total. There were four old men in the family. This one had one more, and each of them had three less.

He suddenly thought of the golden touch just now, and then he lowered his head and searched carefully, and sure enough he found another walnut under a leaf, two more to go.

Zhao Xinyu's eyes fell on the walnut tree. Since this tree can produce Panlong walnuts, why not transplant the walnut tree into the space. The space has a growth effect. It won't take long for the next batch of walnuts to grow. , in this case, every old man will be given a pair, and they can play with them when they have nothing to do.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xinyu took out the tools from the space and started digging directly. When the shovel went down, the shovel hit a stone with a click, but this could not stop Zhao Xinyu's enthusiasm.

I originally thought that it would only take a few minutes to dig up a walnut tree as thick as a bowl, but I didn't expect that the bottom of the walnut tree was full of rocks. It took nearly an hour to dig up the walnut tree.

After taking a few breaths, Zhao Xinyu transplanted the walnut tree into the space. He originally wanted to wash his hands, but the space suddenly trembled. This made Shipley's face change. Damn, this walnut tree can't It's also an ancient species.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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