I have a portable farm

Chapter 489: What the People Want

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

The village committee is the backbone of a village. Generally, the village committee is elected by the villagers. They will lead the villagers to explore and become prosperous. Therefore, the villagers will follow the suggestions of the village committee unconditionally.

In villages such as Fengjiazhuang and Taicun, before they were developed, the village committees would say exactly what they said, and the villagers would generally not make any objections.

Villagers from several villages work in Xihanling. They also see the role of the Xihanling Village Committee. Many times when the village committee does things, they will convene the villagers for discussion, and Zhao Xinyu contracts all the expenses for the ravines and hills in the village. All are made public, allowing villagers to make a choice whether to keep it in the village account or distribute it to villagers according to a certain proportion every year.

It was after seeing the practices in Xihanling that the villagers in several villages became active. They also compared their villages and felt that Xihanling was still democratic.

In the development of the village, they also placed their expectations on the village committee. Although the developer did not provide the villagers with much benefits in the first year, the contract fees were all paid into the account of the village committee.

Originally, they thought that the village committee, like the Xihanling Village Committee, would make the accounts public and listen to their opinions, but they did not expect that the village committee would not mention anything about the contracting costs. Some villagers also asked the village committee. But it is true that those are matters of the village committee and have nothing to do with the villagers.

In two years, the villagers were bullied and their wages were owed, and the village committee turned a blind eye to the construction of courtyards. The savings accumulated by the villagers for many years were suddenly wiped out, but the village committee's people's pockets were bulging. This made the villagers even more dissatisfied.

The developers of genetically modified vegetables left, and the vast majority of villagers hoped to contract farmland, rivers, and various facilities to Xihanling. However, the village committee united with those villagers who had conflicts with Xihanling to propose various conditions to make things difficult for Xihanling. , until now Xihanling has been unable to contract all the farmland.

One thing after another, they have already seen through the village committee that they once trusted, so they are not willing to listen to the village committee's suggestions.

Now their plan to raise funds has been rejected by the villagers again, and they are even more depressed. As the villagers said, alfalfa is grown in farmland, and alfalfa is drought-resistant and does not require irrigation. Their threats of irrigation are useless.

They were depressed, but what happened in Xingzhuang was a living example. They could only bear the pain and take out the money from the village's accounts to set up warning signs. At the same time, people were sent to Xihanling to continue discussing the contracting issue.

As before, Xihanling didn't even give them a chance to speak, and the people they sent there were turned away.

Being rejected again and again made them extremely angry, but they also saw that Xihanling was really determined not to negotiate with them about the contract.

Every village has multiple rivers, and the annual contracting fee is not low. If it is left for one more day, it will be a loss for them.

Members of several village committees held a meeting, and in order to pay a considerable amount of contract fees, they decided to find a new home on their own. Moreover, the contracting price has also been reduced a lot.

When the price was lowered, some people were tempted, but they thought about it. These villages are not far from Xihanling. If they engage in freshwater farming, the taste of the fish and poultry they raise will definitely not be as good as Xihanling. If they want to make money, they must pay back They want to plant. After all, if they contract the river channel, irrigation will not be a problem for them at all.

When they put forward the request to contract farmland in the village, several village committees were dumbfounded. Now they are the only ones left with farmland in the village, and the rest of the farmland has been contracted by Zhao Xinyu to plant alfalfa.

As a result, even if the price was lowered, no one was willing to contract. In this way, the weather became colder and colder, but no one cared about the river. In order to prevent accidents from happening, they also spent money to hire villagers to guard the river.

"Xinyu, those who eat inside and outside would rather contract it to others at a lower price than to us." After receiving the news that day, Han Jun immediately went to Wenying Pavilion.

"Don't worry about them. They can contract to whomever they are willing to contract. Anyway, even if we contract it, we won't be able to plant the farmland."

"Xinyu, don't be careless. They have lowered their stance now. I heard that many people are already interested, but because all the farmland in the village has been contracted by you, the contract has not been negotiated. If they lower the price, someone will The rivers are all contracted, so if we need to plant vegetables and water them in a few years, we will have to ask for help."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "If it were you, what would you do if you contracted the river channel?"

"Of course we engage in farming, fish, shrimp, ducks and geese."

"What about sales?"

Han Jun was slightly startled. The south is different from the north. There is a lot of water in the south. Even if there are no rivers and lakes in many places, there are small ponds. Pengcheng is close to the sea and has a lot of seafood. It is really a good place for those who like freshwater fish. .

Just like last year, developers engaged in fishing activities and sold hundreds of kilograms of fish a day. If they engage in breeding, they will not make money.

Even now, not only the outsiders but also Han Jun and the others were surprised as to why the same species of fish farmed in two neighboring villages had very different tastes.

And if you want to make money, you really have to do it together with planting, so that you don't lose money.

Luo Xiao smiled faintly, "Xinyu, although the fish you raised tastes very good, Han Jun is right. If the contract price decreases, the cost of raising fish will also decrease. The low price is not good for ordinary people. It’s very tempting. Besides, you can’t always plant alfalfa on the farmland in several villages. In the future, when the soil quality of the farmland recovers, you will still have to plant vegetables.”

Zhao Xinyu shook his head and looked at Luo Xiao and Han Jun, "They can lower the contract price for others, but that is not necessarily the case for us. The initiative now is in our hands. If we take the initiative to find them, the situation will not be the same. Same thing. In fact, the contract price is a trivial matter. We didn’t know much about them in the past. In the past two years, we should know what they are. If they really get involved, several villages will definitely be in a state of chaos. Instead of doing that , I might as well not take the contract, so as not to spend money and suffer."

“You can keep them out of management.”

Zhao Xinyu looked at Han Jun, who smiled bitterly and said, "Old man, they said that no matter who the river is contracted to, they will participate in the management."

Luo Xiao shook his head, "There's nothing you can do about it. If you don't contract, their prices will inevitably drop again and again. If someone contracts in the future, they can not only lower the price of fish, but also increase irrigation costs."

Zhao Xinyu sighed slightly, "There is nothing we can do. If we take the initiative, they will put forward more conditions. By the way, Han Jun, they also planted a lot of sours last year. The sours should be ripe by this time."

“As soon as the developers left, the people in those villages dug up the sour and burned it.”

Zhao Xinyu sighed slightly, "Han Jun, I will go out in the next few days. You can gather the villagers to dig tree pits in Langwo Mountain, Wild Boar Forest, and Bluestone Avenue in the next few days."

Han Jun's eyes lit up, "Xinyu..."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "You can make arrangements. Remember, don't tell anyone that I'm going out."

Time flies by like quicksand between fingers, and there are only two months left in the new year. And on this day, a piece of news that shocked the entire Internet came. Large trucks filled with fruit trees entered the West. Hanling, these big trucks don’t come from one place, but from several provinces.

Each of the fruit trees loaded on the large truck was almost three or four years old. All the fruit trees seen in Xihanling Village in the past appeared again, and the most shocking thing was that the villagers said that they were planted on Qingshi this time. The grapes on one side of the avenue are no longer ordinary grapes, but black grapes that most people have never tasted.

The vegetable fields on the two hills of Yezhu Forest and Langwo Mountain have all been turned into orchards, and I heard that apricot trees, which are rare but not in large numbers, have been planted on Langwo Mountain.

Various fruit trees appeared again in Xihanling. The people were excited, and the villagers saw hope. They swept away the gloom of the past and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to planting fruit trees.

In a villa, Cao Xiaoli's hair was messy and her face was ashen. She had lost all the elites her father had spent years cultivating. She originally thought that Zhao Xinyu would be unable to recover, but she didn't expect that just a few months later, all the fruit trees burned by them turned out to be... Appeared again in Sehan Ridge. Such a result is not something Cao Xiaoli is willing to accept.

There was a sound of opening the door, and Cao Xiaoli's face became even more gloomy. She had already opened her mouth to reprimand, because it was usually Li Guozhang who came back at this time.

But the next moment, Cao Xiaoli was stunned and swallowed the words that were about to come out of her mouth. The person who came in was not Li Guozhang, but her mother.

"Mom, why are you here?"

This time the old lady looked senile again. She glanced at Cao Xiaoli with a trace of disappointment in her eyes.

"Xiaoli, you disappoint me so much. Just such a small thing messed up everything. How can we achieve great things in the future?"

"Mom, Xihanling..."

"I have heard about it, and I have also found out where all the trucks depart from. My people have gone to the local area to investigate, and I believe there will be results soon."

Cao Xiaoli smiled bitterly and said, "Mom, my loss will be too great this time."

The old lady smiled coldly, "It's just a few people. Don't worry. Human nature is greedy. Don't look at them as self-righteous. Everyone has their shortcomings. It won't take long for them to become your subordinates."

As the bell rang, the old lady looked at Cao Xiaoli and said, "Go and turn on the fax machine. There is news coming."

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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