I have a portable farm

Chapter 486 Authentic jelly

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

After eating the cold shredded potatoes made by Zhao Xinyu, not only Bai Haotian and the four of them, but also the old men like Luo Xiao were very moved. They did not expect that the most ordinary yam eggs could be so delicious.

While people were eating potato shreds, Zhao Xinyu got busy in the courtyard. Zhao Xinyu moved several large urns in front of the large kitchen door, and put water in the large urns.

This move of his caused a whole family to stand in the courtyard and watch his strange behavior. Everyone had a doubt in their hearts as to what this guy was going to do.

In the middle of the afternoon, Han Jun came in carrying a few boxes and placed them in front of the kitchen door. "Xinyu, why are you buying a tofu grinding machine? You can still make tofu."

People were even more puzzled when they heard this. Is there any beans in this house? Besides, they had never heard Zhao Xinyu say that he could make tofu.

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "You see, our village has nothing to do now. I plan to try it first. If the tofu is good, we will promote it and let everyone in our village make tofu. This way we can lose less money." ."

Han Jun and the others were all stunned. After the incident in the village, people were busy for a few days during that period. After that, everyone was idle, but the wages were still met.

Counting this in the next few months, Zhao Xinyu will have to pay a large amount of salary every month. If it were anyone else, they might not believe it.

But they knew that it was Zhao Xinyu who said it was Zhao Xinyu who said the salary would be paid accordingly.

Seeing the looks of Han Jun and the others, Du Mengnan couldn't help but feel happy, "Han Jun, don't listen to his nonsense, he can't make tofu."

"But this?"

"I'll learn how to make it, and when I can't survive, I'll take them out to make tofu. Making tofu is a huge profit. If it doesn't work, I'll buy tofu. If it's hard, I'll use it as dried tofu. If it's stinky, I'll buy stinky tofu." No matter what you do, you won’t lose money.”

Du Mengnan chuckled, raised his foot and kicked Zhao Xinyu lightly, "You are just talking nonsense."

They joked for a long time, and when Han Jun and the others left, they didn't know what Zhao Xinyu was going to do with the tofu-making machine.

Zhao Xinyu was cleaning the machine in the kitchen. Du Mengnan and the others didn't bother to care what this guy was doing, and they all returned to the living room.

Then they heard the roar of machines from the big kitchen, and everyone suddenly thought that this guy really couldn't make tofu.

When Zhao Xinyu went to the kitchen to cook in the evening, Du Mengnan and the others went to the big kitchen to take a look. They saw that the large urn originally filled with water turned purple-brown, and there was a strange smell when they got closer.

When he returned to the living room, Du Mengnan looked at Liu Fengying's mother and said, "Aunt Li, you are from over there. Go over and see what Zhao Xinyu is doing."

Li Ping came back from outside a moment later. Li Ping's eyes were full of confusion. She was indeed a native of the north, but they had been living in the county and didn't know much about rural things. She didn't know Zhao Xinyu either. doing what.

In the next few days, Du Mengnan and the others saw the color of the water in the urn change every day. Eventually, the water in the urn became clear, and there was a layer of white sediment at the bottom of the urn.

Then people saw that the water in the big urn was gone, the white sediment was covered with absorbent cotton cloth, and a lot of blue bricks were placed on top.

One day later, when Du Mengnan and the others went to the big kitchen again, they saw that the big urn was missing, and the floor was covered with white cloth, with a thick layer of white powder on top of the white cloth.

This layer of white powder feels slippery when pinched, just like grease. If viewed through sunlight, the grease-like deposit is even more translucent. If you smell it, it still has a faint fragrance.

Every day for several days, Du Mengnan asked Zhao Xinyu what those sediments were, but Zhao Xinyu remained mysterious and refused to say anything, which now made Du Mengnan and the others even more crazy.

Two days later, when people went there again, they found that the sediment had been collected, and the door of the large kitchen was wide open, with billowing heat coming out of the door.

Du Mengnan and the others also wanted to go in and have a look, but as soon as they walked to the kitchen door, they were choked by the heat wave. When the heat wave finally disappeared, a spicy smell came out from the door. Du Mengnan and the others were caught off guard and were choked with snot and tears. , one by one ran away and squatted on the ground, coughing continuously.

"Is this guy going to commit suicide?" Du Mengnan wiped his tears and coughed a few times.

"Xinyu is making chili oil." Bai Haotian's voice followed.

Du Mengnan wiped her tears and said, "Why are you making chili oil?"

Bai Haotian laughed, "Drinking jelly without chili oil has no taste."

"This guy is making jelly." This time, not only Du Mengnan and Guan Bingtong, but also Liu Fengying's eyes widened. They finally knew what this guy was busy with in those days.

"Although this jelly is a specialty of the northern region, it is also sold here in Pengcheng. Why do you have to make it yourself? It will kill people." Du Mengnan said angrily.

Qin Yayang chuckled, "Mengmeng, you don't understand this yet. What is the jelly you buy outside? You can't even eat it. If you want to talk about authentic jelly, you have to say the jelly from home." While talking, Qin Yayang looked around. Everyone looked towards the kitchen, with a hint of expectation in their eyes.

Seeing that Qin Yayang and the other two were looking forward to it, Du Mengnan and the others couldn't help but look forward to the kitchen, wiping away tears.

When a refreshing fragrance filled the air from the kitchen, not only Qin Yayang and the others, but also Du Mengnan and Guan Bingtong became excited and ran towards the kitchen like flying.

In the kitchen, a large basin is filled with almost transparent green jelly strips two fingers wide and one finger thick. Next to the big pot is also a big pot of bright red chili oil. One pot has fried bean paste, one pot of shredded green onions, one pot of dried tofu shreds, and a large pot of boiled eggs.

"Go and call Grandpa and the others to come over."

In the restaurant, Luo Xiao took a deep breath and smelled the refreshing fragrance, "This smell is really authentic. I really want to remember smelling this smell at the foot of Beiyue Mountain sixty years ago."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "Grandpa Luo, you are really right. This authentic jelly is found at the foot of Beiyue Mountain. Come on, let me serve you a bowl first. You can try it and see if it tastes authentic."

After hearing Luo Xiao's praise, Du Mengnan, Guan Bingtong, and Liu Fengying simply stood beside Zhao Xinyu.

Zhao Xinyu grabbed a handful of cut jelly from the big basin. In addition to the jelly, there was half a bowl of water, a tablespoon of chili oil, and a spoonful of fried beans. A pinch of shredded green onion, shredded dried tofu, and then cut an egg into thin strips, and sprinkled a little green coriander on top. It was so eye-catching, and what surprised them even more was that the refreshing fragrance became It's more intense, and just the fragrance makes people swallow their saliva.

"With so much chili oil, how can you eat something spicy?" Du Mengnan looked at the layer of red chili oil floating on the jelly and looked at Zhao Xinyu with a hint of worry.

Bai Haotian chuckled, "Mengmeng, this chili oil is just fragrant, not spicy. If you want it spicy, you can make it yourself."

Luo Xiao took the jelly and mixed it with chopsticks a few times. The aroma became more attractive, which surprised people even more. If cooking, the heat, seasonings, and aroma would be different, but now they just put chili oil and green onions in the jelly. Shredded tofu, shredded tofu, eggs, etc., the taste can change again, which is something that no one can imagine.

Luo Xiao picked out a piece of jelly and took a sip. His eyes lit up. The jelly was cool and refreshing. He didn't need to chew it as it went down his throat and entered his stomach. When the jelly entered his stomach, the sweat pores all over his body seemed to open. That kind of comfort was not at all There are no words to describe it.

"Grandpa Luo, the way you eat jelly is wrong. This jelly is eaten and drank at the same time. The jelly soup is the soul of the jelly."

Luo Xiao was stunned for a moment, then took a sip. Just as Bai Haotian said, the red chili oil didn't have a hint of spiciness, but only had a refreshing fragrance.

Although this cold noodle soup was not as sweet as juice, it was blended with the fragrance of various ingredients. The refreshing feeling made Luo Xiao couldn't help but take another sip.

Du Mengnan drank several bowls of jelly in succession, but kept staring at the big basin of jelly. Zhao Xinyu looked at a group of people enjoying themselves, and he was busy feeding the four little ones, who ate one at a time. , just call Dad, Du Mengnan and the others are busy eating jelly, and Ship Pui here is even more busy.

"Mengmeng, how do you like this jelly?" When the big basin of jelly became empty, Qin Yayang put the bowl down and asked with a smile.

Du Mengnan chuckled, "Xiang, after eating this jelly, all the jelly sold on the street is garbage."

"Not to mention rubbish, this jelly cannot be stored for a long time. If it is left overnight, the taste will not be authentic, and it will no longer be strong. So they can only add edible glue to the jelly so that the jelly can be stored for a long time."

"Your jelly is made from the potatoes you retrieved from the mountains."

Seeing Zhao Xinyu nodding, Du Mengnan breathed out slightly, "This jelly tastes really good. It's a pity that diners can't eat such authentic jelly."

Liu Fengying chuckled, "Just plant some in the village next year."

Luo Xiao shook his head, "If this jelly was released in Wuyou Restaurant, how many chefs would be needed to make it taste like this?"

Du Mengnan pointed at Zhao Xinyu, "Grandpa Luo, this guy has provided for so many of us by himself, and he also feeds the children by mistake."

Having said this, Du Mengnan looked at Zhao Xinyu, "How much did you feed Huai'an and the others?"

"Mom, I'll eat two bowls."

"Two bowls for me too."

The four little guys stretched out two fingers at the same time, which shocked Du Mengnan and the others. They all looked at each other. The four little guys had good appetites. Whenever Zhao Xinyu cooked, the four little guys would not feed at all, but They didn't expect that they could eat two bowls when they were less than one year old.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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