I have a portable farm

Chapter 48 Treatment and Law Enforcement

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

"If I predict correctly, the old man often felt tired and weak before the onset of the disease, but he felt refreshed after drinking alcohol."

Although all the people present did not understand what the orchid heartworm and the heart-eating insect were, they did understand the last sentence.

Luo Jianguo and the three of them nodded in unison, "That's what you said, little doctor, if we need to prepare anything, we will prepare it right now."

A moment later, a piece of paper filled with Chinese herbal medicine was put into Luo Jianguo's hand. When Luo Jianguo saw the weight behind it, he couldn't help but be startled.

Other traditional Chinese medicine pharmacies calculate by grams, but the prescription written by Zhao Xinyu is marked by kilograms.

"Little doctor, this is the recipe." While talking, Luo Jianguo handed the prescription to Du Gang, who was also stunned after reading it.

"Xiao Zhao, how can this be judged by weight?"

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "It's true that they come by the pound. Just follow my prescription to get the medicine. Remember, it's best to choose natural and wild ones. In addition, the purple heart orchids and white magnolias in the old man's room will explode in the sun for three days." Hours later, use tea powder to soak in water and water it."

Luo Jianguo nodded and walked out of the room with the prescription. The middle-aged woman's eyes flickered a few times and said, "Little doctor, should I use Tieguanyin or Dahongpao for the tea powder?"

Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but feel happy, "Auntie, just use the most common tea powder on the street. It's a waste to use Tieguanyin or Dahongpao."

"Go quickly, Luo Yan, don't let that insect harm anyone." Du Gang said quickly.

Luo Yan left in a hurry, Zhao Xinyu patted his head and looked at another middle-aged man,

"I am Luo Baoguo."

"I forgot just now. You should order a bamboo bed right away. It should be made of fresh purple bamboo. The legs should be three feet three feet. The bamboo should not be broken. There should not be any metal nails on it. Get a batch of dried purple bamboo and break it into pieces. Two-inch wide wooden strips, one foot long, and then find a 1.8-meter bamboo basin."

"Okay," Luo Baoguo said, and he immediately left the room.

After seeing Luo Baoguo leave, Zhao Xinyu took out a box of silver needles from his backpack, looked at the two nurses who were still a little stupid, and said, "Please take all those things off the old man's body."

The nurse glanced at Dean Hu and saw him nodding, so the two of them took off the instruments from the old man.

The next moment, the four people in the room felt a breeze blowing through the room. This made them all stunned. The door was tightly closed and the air conditioner was adjusted. How could there be wind?

But the next moment, the four of them were shocked. In the time they were stunned, nine silver needles appeared on the old man's head. A breeze blew again, and Zhao Xinyu flicked the tail of the needle at a very fast speed. The nine silver needles made a buzzing sound, and then converged into a buzzing movement.

"Xiao Zhao..." Du Gang's eyes narrowed slightly.

But the next moment he stopped talking. The old man's breath, which was still vague just now, suddenly became stable. And there seemed to be something crawling in the bulging blood vessels on the old man's neck.

However, after Du Gang and Dean Hu saw this scene, their eyes were full of horror. At this time, Dean Hu was also horrified, how could this unknown young man have such medical skills. Where did he come from, and why had he never heard of such a monstrous young man in the Chinese medicine world?

He has been engaged in medicine for decades, and he doesn't know anyone who is famous in Western medicine or Chinese medicine, but now he just doesn't know where this young man named Zhao comes from.

"No one should touch the needle on the old man's head." After Zhao Xinyu finished speaking, he left the ward, and Du Gang followed immediately.

At this moment, Zhao Gang was secretly glad that he listened to his granddaughter and brought Zhao Xinyu here this time. He even regretted it. If he had brought him here earlier, maybe the old leader would have recovered a long time ago.

Several middle-aged people in the courtyard were carrying purple heart orchids and white magnolias out of a room. Du Mengnan didn't know what was happening, and looked at the busy people with confusion.

When she heard movement behind her, Du Mengnan turned her head. After seeing it was Zhao Xinyu and her grandfather, she walked over quickly and said, "Zhao Xinyu, how are you?"

"It's not bad, there is hope for treatment." While speaking, Zhao Xinyu looked around the hospital, seeming to be looking for something.

In just over ten minutes, Luo Jianguo was the first to come back. Behind him was a middle-aged man carrying Chinese herbal medicine, and then Luo Baoguo.

"Little doctor, what should we do now?"

Zhao Xinyu pointed to a chosen place and said, "Put the bamboo bed here." Then he poured all the Chinese herbal medicine into a large basin and washed it with water.

The last time Zhao Xinyu put his hand in, and while turning over the Chinese medicinal herbs, space water poured continuously into the big basin.

After adding up the large basins and placing them under the bed, Zhao Xinyu lit the bamboo strips he brought back and placed them under the large basins to heat them. At this time, Du Gang and others also understood Zhao Xinyu's intention.

When the fragrance of bamboo filled the air, heat also filled the basin. Zhao Xinyu looked at Luo Jiangang and said, "Please find someone to carry Mr. Jiang out and put him on the bamboo bed. Don't touch the silver needle on the old man's head."

Now Luo Jiangang and the others do not need to ask at all. They are allowed to direct Zhao Xinyu. They all know in their hearts that Zhao Xinyu can find out the cause of the problem that others cannot see. Perhaps except Zhao Xinyu, others have no way to do it. Can their father wake up? It all depends on this young man.

The old man was carried to bed, and Zhao Xinyu asked Luo Baoguo to add wooden strips. He took out the silver needle box from the room, keeping his eyes on the changes in the old man's body.

As time went by, the pale golden skin began to change, and there was a trace of blood on it. The blood appeared, and everyone was shocked. They saw that the raised blood vessels seemed to be surging. In the end, except for the head, Everywhere else was squirming, as if there was something underneath the old man's skin.

When the old man's skin turned red, Zhao Xinyu looked at Luo Jianguo, "There should be a bar at home, get a bottle of the worst."

"This is the only kind of wine at home, and this is a special wine."

Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shook his head and turned to look at Luo Yan and Du Mengnan: "I'm going to take off my old man's clothes later. You guys stay out of the way. Mengmeng called Brother Jiang and asked him to take a jar of my drunken exquisiteness. You guys can think of a way." Bring the wine before tomorrow”.

After the two left, Zhao Xinyu took off the old man's clothes, and then evenly applied the special wine on the old man's body, "Nurse, I will use acupuncture to force the heart-eating worms out of the blood vessels later. You will remove the heart-eating worms from the blood vessels. Wipe it off, throw it in that bucket, and remember to never let the heart-eating bugs get on your skin."

After the two nurses were fully armed, Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath. While everyone was stunned, one hundred and eight silver needles were spread all over the old man's body in just a few breaths.

As the breath on his body fluctuated, one hundred and eight silver needles made buzzing sounds one after another. In less than a minute, Luo Jianguo and the others shrank their eyes.

They saw a layer of blue stuff suddenly appearing on the old man's body. If one could not see clearly, it was now a layer of blue stuff, and the blue stuff that appeared seemed to be moving.

Although the two nurses felt frightened, their professional ethics allowed them to be careful not to touch the silver needles, and they kept wiping away the blue substance that appeared.

But less than three minutes after wiping, a layer of blue stuff would appear on the old man's body again. . . . . .

Wipe it clean again and reappear, but the blue color is getting lighter and lighter. In the end, if you don't look carefully, you can hardly see the blue color. During this period, Zhao Xinyu kept the silver needle trembling.

After nine times, Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath and waved his hand, "Okay, cover the contents in the bucket with quicklime and process it in two days."

He took the silver needle and said, "Okay, let's take the old man to take a bath. There is a room somewhere. I'll take a rest."

As soon as Zhao Xinyu said these words, Luo Jianguo and the others discovered that Zhao Xinyu was covered in sweat and his face was pale, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness. This made them dumbfounded, how could acupuncture produce such results.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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