I have a portable farm

Chapter 477: Falling into the Water Incident (Part 1)

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

They passed happily, but came back dejected. Feeling extremely ashamed and angry, they immediately contacted the villagers and asked them not to sign the contract.

But the villagers, who had already been disappointed with them, turned a deaf ear to their words. Of course, some people had a wait-and-see attitude.

Within three days, the vast majority of the villagers contracted their farmland to Xihanling. The only ones left were the village committee, those blacklisted by Xihanling, and some poor villagers.

On the fourth day, when these people appeared in Xihanling, they immediately attracted people's attention. People wanted to see what trouble these people would cause. After all, when several villages had a dispute with Xihanling, these people It played a disgraceful role inside.

They didn't come over for the first three days, but on the fourth day, they came together. They must have come well prepared.

As people speculated, after meeting Han Tianliang, these people directly made a request to remove their names from the blacklist, and at the same time doubled the cost of contracting farmland. If they did not agree, they would not contract the farmland to Xi Han Ling.

People couldn't help but shake their heads when they heard the conditions they proposed. At this time, they were still using it to threaten Xihanling.

But thinking about it, if these people cannot contract their farmland, Xihanling will not be able to carry out large-scale planting, which makes people look at Han Tianliang.

What surprised people was that Han Tianliang directly asked the staff of Xihanling to sign the contract and the notary office to go to Wuyou Restaurant for dinner after work. When Han Tianliang left, Han Tianliang told those who put forward the conditions that their farmland Xihan Ridge is not contracted.

At first, people thought that Han Tianliang was speaking out of anger. After all, the contracted farmland in Xihanling must be to expand the planting area. Maybe they would negotiate with these people privately to appropriately improve some benefits.

Unexpectedly, in the next few days, Han Tianliang summoned all the contracted farmers and held a meeting for them. He asked them to go back and plow the farmland again and level it. Xihanling would pay them according to the number of acres of land. A certain commission.

As for the farmland of the remaining people, Han Tianliang did not even mention it.

At this time, those who proposed the conditions were dumbfounded, and the cadres of several village committees were even more annoyed. They directly spread the word that the ownership of all irrigation facilities and rivers in the village belonged to the village, and the village would not Contract these facilities and river channels to Sehanling.

What surprised the people even more was that Xihanling did not pay attention to the decisions of several village committees, but paid all the fees for contracted farmland to the farmers in one day.

With money in their hands and people seeing the West, they immediately took action and started taking care of their farmland according to Han Tianliang's request.

Seeing the farmers who had contracted out their farmland beaming with joy, the villagers and the village committee members who were refused the contract from Xihanling were equally embarrassed and annoyed.

They even spread the word that even if Xihanling contracted their farmland according to their conditions, they would not contract the farmland to Xihanling.

The village committee and villagers all made harsh words, which made people speculate on how Xihanling would respond. What is surprising is that Xihanling ignored them.

A few days later, Xihanling's seeders entered these villages, planted seeds that people did not recognize, and then paid the villagers' wages for their work.

Just when people wanted to see how Seohanling irrigated and planted farmland, there was no movement on the Seohanling side.

Time passes day by day, and there is no irrigation on this side of Xihanling. On the contrary, after a few autumn rains, a touch of green appears in the farmland.

In the past, when crops were planted in Xihanling and buds sprouted, countless people would come to see them every day. But this time, not only people from the village committee, but also the villagers had not been there a few times.

In Wenying Pavilion, Han Tianliang looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Xinyu, what are you doing? Although it has rained a few times in the past few days, the water is not enough, otherwise... "

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly and said, "Grandpa Han, that is alfalfa, a kind of grass grown in the north. It is cold-resistant and drought-resistant. It does not require watering or sending anyone over."

"What about next year."

"What happens next year?"

"The ownership of the irrigation facilities and rivers belongs to the village. We will still have to irrigate next year. Will they make more excessive demands then?"

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "Grandpa Han, I just told you that alfalfa is drought-resistant and cold-resistant. As long as God gives a little rain, it is enough. Why do we need to irrigate? Now they have contracted the irrigation facilities and river channels to me for free. Think about it, this will need to be overhauled soon, which will cost a lot."

Han Tianliang was slightly startled, "Then we contract so much farmland, don't we plan to grow vegetables?"

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "Grandpa Han, the farmland over there is burned, and the unburned farmland contains a variety of toxins. Even if we grow vegetables, we don't dare to sell them. Alfalfa can change the soil quality. Let's wait a few years."

Zhao Xinyu said this, not only Han Tianliang, but also Du Mengnan and others were all wide-eyed. After a few years, the contracting fee for this year will not be low. If the farmland is idle for a few years, how much will the loss be.

People on the Internet were talking about the species planted in villages such as Fengjiazhuang and Taicun. Later, some agricultural people explained that several villages planted a type of pasture called alfalfa.

Alfalfa is very common in the north, but because there is not much farmland in the south, alfalfa is almost not grown in the south. Although alfalfa is a pasture, in addition to being cold and drought-resistant, alfalfa can also change the soil quality.

Xihanling should be trying to restore the farmland of several villages through alfalfa, but it will take at least a few years to restore it to its original state.

Only then did people know why Xihanling did not contract irrigation facilities. Alfalfa is a drought-tolerant crop that can grow in the water-scarce north. It does not need irrigation at all in the south where it often rains.

At the same time, countless people also praised the practice of Xihanling. They have been planting alfalfa for several years, and even the alfalfa grown in the middle cannot be sold. Xihanling needs to pay a large amount of contract fees every year. Hanling will not have any income at all. This time Xihanling has made huge sacrifices to restore farmland.

There is overwhelming praise for Xihanling, but the village committees of several villages have been scolded. Xihanling has made such sacrifices, but they are still obstructing Xihanling. How can they live their lives? It feels so good, not only the netizens, but also the villagers in the village isolate these people.

When the weather turns cooler, infrastructure construction and maintenance begin. In the past, villagers were involved in maintenance and infrastructure construction, but this year there has been a deadlock due to contracting issues, and the villagers are not allowed to pay attention to the village committee's notice.

The people in the village committee were only thinking about how to get benefits to enrich their own pockets, so they simply gave up on repairs.

The villagers in Xihanling didn't talk much about it. In their imagination, as long as Zhao Xinyu had his own reasons for doing things, Zhao Xinyu could get things done even if there were no irrigation facilities.

The weather is getting colder. Although the temperature in Xihanling is higher than that in the surrounding villages, there are no more fruits and vegetables, and only poultry products are left. The number of people entering and leaving Xihanling has decreased a lot.

Although it is reduced, there are still many people on Qingshi Avenue, Yuhe, and Wuyou Restaurant every day.

On this day, screams of exclamation sounded from Wenying Lake. A fashionably dressed woman led her children for a walk by Wenying Lake, admiring the rare water birds roaming freely in Wenying Lake.

The woman held up her mobile phone to take pictures of the waterfowl in the lake. She didn't notice that the little guy went down the steps to the bottom of the river embankment. She reached out to catch the purple waterfowl that had been on the shore. The purple waterfowl was surprised and flew away, and the little guy followed. In Wenying Lake.

People around them screamed, and many people started shouting for help, but the mother of the child didn't seem to feel it and still held up her mobile phone to take pictures.

Amid people's exclamations, a middle-aged man in his thirties didn't even have time to take off his clothes, ran down the river embankment and jumped directly into Wenying Lake, which was more than ten meters deep.

A few minutes later, the middle-aged man rescued the child. Perhaps because of fright and drinking a lot of water, the child fell into a coma. Only then did the woman realize that the child who fell into the water was hers.

At this time, the woman was lying on the ground, howling and rolling, which made the onlookers frown. She brought the child over, but did not pay attention to the child. She cried only after the child was rescued.

The child fell into the water not long ago, and there were many people here, many of whom were studying medicine, so the child was quickly revived.

Logically speaking, at this time, the mother of the child should be extremely grateful to the middle-aged man who came to save the child, but she did not want the woman to vent her anger directly on the villagers who were caring for her in the area, so she went up and scratched the villagers' faces several times. , beating the villagers.

The people around finally pulled the woman away, and some people blamed the woman for being too incompetent, but they didn't want to cause the woman to yell at her. The woman even said she would sue Xihanling.

Seeing that the woman was unreasonable, people were too lazy to talk to her and went to see the middle-aged man who was rescuing people. People saw that the middle-aged man's face was a bit ugly. After someone asked, they found out that he didn't pay anything because he was anxious to save people. When I came out, my phone fell into Wenying Lake.

When the woman over there who was having trouble and couldn't find someone to vent to, heard this, she immediately pointed the finger at the middle-aged man, "You are so damn poor that you want to blackmail me. You poor devil, you didn't even bother to find out who I am." who."

When the middle-aged man saw the woman like this, he could only smile bitterly and shake his head, ignoring her. This only further boosted the woman's arrogance.

She looked at the child's neck, grabbed the middle-aged man directly, and said that the middle-aged man had lost the gem necklace worth 130,000 yuan on the child's neck, and asked the middle-aged man to compensate.

People who originally disliked the woman couldn't bear it now. They directly accused the woman. While cursing the people around her, the woman immediately made a phone call.

In just over ten minutes, three or four young men in their thirties hurried over. One of them, a young man wearing luxury goods, arrived at the scene. After seeing the young man, the woman immediately pointed at the middle-aged man.

"Husband, that's him. He got the gem necklace around his son's neck into Wenying Lake."

Someone around immediately said, "Your son fell into Wenying Lake. They rescued your son out of kindness. Even your cell phone fell into the lake. You didn't say a word of thanks. You said that they lost your son's necklace. Do you still have it?" Electric conscience.”

The young man's face turned cold, and he pointed at the people who had just spoken, "You fucking want to die, don't you? Believe it or not, I will destroy you."

After finishing speaking, the young man looked at the middle-aged man and said, "You saved my son, I thank you, but you lost my son's gem necklace. You must be responsible for this. A necklace worth 130,000 yuan, 30,000 yuan is considered a debt to you." In return for saving my son, you can give me 100,000 yuan in full."

The middle-aged man's face suddenly turned ugly. He risked his life to save the child. Not to mention that he lost his cell phone, but now he had to pay the other party a hundred thousand, which made the middle-aged man unable to react.

"Husband, and these untouchables, they didn't care if my son ran away, and they didn't even try to save his son when he fell into the water. We must sue them and ask them to compensate me and my son for the mental damages."

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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