I have a portable farm

Chapter 463: Heaven-defying Royal Jelly

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

Zhao Xinyu got a small bottle of royal jelly for each of a group of villagers. Instead of sending it over, Zhao Xinyu asked them all to walk around the hive to let them know that the Blood Demonic Ghost-faced Bee was not the terror they imagined.

"Okay, I'll go back and tell the people in our village that they are just like the Green Wolf Pack. As long as they are not offended, they will not attack people."

After leaving the Purple Bamboo Forest and entering Wenying Pavilion, Du Mengnan twisted Zhao Xinyu's waist violently, causing Zhao Xinyu to feel pain, "Miss, what's going on?"

"None of you men are good. Are you planning to replace the three of us at some point?"

Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but feel happy. Just now he was joking with the villagers in Zizhu Forest, saying that women would be replaced if they disobeyed, but he didn't want Du Mengnan and the others to take them seriously.

Zhao Xinyu laughed, "How could that happen? You are my beloved wives. How can I replace you?"

"You know what's going on. If you dare, be careful that we let you live with your father-in-law."

The four of them chatted and laughed and returned to the living room. Luo Xiao and the others saw the four of them and knew that there was nothing going on outside. "What's wrong?"

"The bumblebees are building a nest in the bamboo forest outside. They are worried that the bumblebees will attack people, so they asked me to go and have a look."

"Xinyu, that kind of bumble bee is quite big. It would be really troublesome if it stings someone. Let's find a professional to destroy the hive."

Du Mengnan chuckled, "Grandpa Luo, don't worry, those ghost-faced bees and green wolves all obey him. They only move in Wenying Pavilion, and even if they move, they do it at night. As long as people don't offend them, they won't It’s going to hurt.”

Luo Xiao and the others' eyes lit up, "There are such strange things."

"Of course, you didn't see that this guy gave away the royal jelly they brewed, and the bumblebees didn't react at all."

"Royal jelly, the children haven't been eating well these days, so get some royal jelly."

"Grandpa Luo, there are many families in the village who need royal jelly. The quality of the royal jelly I have is better. I will get it later."

Liu Fengying chuckled, "Go and get it quickly. All the girls and wives in the village will come to you later. Don't even give away the child's royal jelly."

Zhao Xinyu laughed, "No way."

Liu Fengying came over and pulled him up, "Nothing. If it were me, I would have to come to you, hurry up."

Bringing over a dozen jade bottles that once contained royal jelly, Liu Fengying and the three of them had just finished dividing them when Zhao Xinyu's phone started vibrating.

Liu Fengying chuckled, "Did you see, the call is coming, this is just the first one."

Zhao Xinyu took out his mobile phone, and sure enough, there was an unfamiliar number on the phone. After a moment, Zhao Xinyu put down the mobile phone and laughed, "You really guessed it right."

But as soon as he finished speaking, his phone vibrated again, and the phone number showed that it was Zhao Shiming, "Brother Ming..."

Next, there were constant calls, and each call had only one content, which was to ask Zhao Xinyu to leave royal jelly for them.

Looking at Zhao Xinyu who was busy, Liu Fengying and the others laughed loudly, "How about it, let's make it right."

"How did this news spread so quickly?"

Liu Fengying chuckled, "Don't you know who Sister-in-law Hai Quan is? She is the most secretive person in the village. She must have taken royal jelly as soon as she returned. Now she is showing off to people on the street, not to mention that she is The people in the village, even the people, know about it.”

A large group of people gathered in an area of ​​Yuhe, including villagers and tourists. This group of people gathered around a middle-aged woman in her thirties and were listening to what the middle-aged woman was saying.

If Zhao Xinyu were here, he would definitely be able to recognize at a glance that the middle-aged woman was the first to receive royal jelly, Hu Jianying, the wife of villager Xiao Haiquan.

At this moment, Hu Jianying has changed a lot from when he was in Zizhulin, and his originally dry face has become delicate. And it also turned a lot whiter.

"Jianying, are you lying to us?" A woman about the same age as Hu Jianying asked with a smile.

Hu Jianying glared at the middle-aged woman, "When have I, Hu Jianying, ever deceived anyone? Besides, Chai Jinquan and the others were present at that time, and Xinyu took it out from the hive himself. I can still talk nonsense. It only took three drops, and my skin became like this." , this royal jelly is really good."

"Then I'll call Xinyu quickly and ask him to leave a bottle for me."

A young woman in her mid-twenties looked Hu Jianying up and down and said, "Sister, it's not that people in Xihanling can use Qingguo Qingcheng for free. You must have used Qingguo Qingcheng before, right?"

Hu Jianying laughed, "Xinyu did say that we can use Qingguoqingcheng for free, but you also know that we are all ordinary village women. A set of Qingguoqingcheng costs almost tens of thousands, and we are embarrassed to use it. Now three drops of royal jelly It has the effect of cosmetics, and what can you do with Qingguoqingcheng?"

"You really don't need to conquer the country." The young woman's eyes widened.

"She definitely doesn't have the fragrance of Qinguo Qingcheng. Qingguo Qingcheng has a fragrance. She doesn't have the smell of Qingguo Qingcheng, but she does have the smell of honey." A middle-aged woman in her forties said with a smile.

When the middle-aged woman said this, many people approached Hu Jianying. Sure enough, they didn't smell the smell of a beautiful country. They immediately became excited. Each one of them took out their mobile phones, but they were not making calls, but directly boarding the board. Xihanling's official website, leave a message below the official website asking Xihanling if he can sell some royal jelly to the public.

In Wenying Pavilion, Zhao Xinyu was still answering and hanging up the phone. He had never been so busy in the few years since he came to Xihanling.

Liu Fengying and the others looked at Zhao Xinyu's busy appearance, sitting there one by one, as if they were watching a show.

"Zhao Xinyu, let me check the village's official website for you. It must be very lively now."

After a moment, Liu Fengying giggled and said, "Look, I've got it right again. Many people are asking about the price of royal jelly."

Finally, there were no more calls. Zhao Xinyu let out a sigh of relief. He also opened the official website and took a look. There were countless messages on the official website, buying for children, buying for the elderly, beauty care, rough skin, they all thought about it. Want to buy royal jelly. At the bottom of the page, some beauty institutions and medical institutions left messages wanting to buy royal jelly, and some even asked how to sell the bees that brew royal jelly.

"Zhao Xinyu, this is really a business opportunity."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "Royal jelly is not a vegetable. Even if the business opportunities are huge, it can only be sold in small quantities. Although bees can brew royal jelly, they still have to use royal jelly to survive."

"How much royal jelly can you get at most in one day?"

Thinking about the larger number of Blood Fiend Ghost-faced Bees in the space, "It's only about one kilogram."

"How much is this vial of yours?"

"Ten milliliters."

"There are about a hundred bottles, so we sell them as one hundred bottles. Our royal jelly is quite special. Even if it is only ten milliliters, you can buy it for at least one hundred and eighty yuan."

Liu Fengying nodded, "I will add another batch of bottles and let's see how to package them."

Liu Fengying and Du Mengnan had already made their decisions, so Zhao Xinyu couldn't say anything and directly handed the matter over to Du Mengnan and the others for study.

In people's expectation, Xihanling finally responded. Ten days later, Xihanling will sell one hundred bottles of royal jelly every day. Xihanling specifically pointed out that the royal jelly from Xihanling can delay the aging of the body and increase the body's metabolism. , the function of improving immunity, the most suitable groups are the elderly and children.

The expectant people were dumbfounded when they saw the effects of royal jelly listed by Seokhan Ridge. Royal jelly is not unfamiliar to ordinary people.

Regular consumption of royal jelly can increase immunity and is very effective for people with loss of appetite and indigestion.

However, the royal jelly announced by Xihanling has the function of delaying aging and increasing the body's metabolism. This does not mean that the royal jelly of Xihanling can prolong life and maintain beauty.

Xihanling products have been around for several years, and there has never been any false news. Therefore, every time Xihanling makes a statement, many people choose to believe it.

But this time, the efficacy of royal jelly was a bit outrageous, and many people immediately raised doubts. Of course, these doubts were not attacks, but people did not want royal jelly to ruin the reputation that Xihanling had accumulated for several years.

In response to the public's doubts, Xihanling also responded. While thanking the public for their concerns, Xihanling has sent people to send the royal jelly for testing.

Xihanling is now the focus of the world's attention, so every move on Xihanling affects the whole world. The royal jelly on Xihanling was tested by sixteen different institutions in less than a day. .

Regarding the test results of royal jelly in Xihanling, 16 institutions announced them almost at the same time. The 16-point test and the results are similar. What people are most concerned about is not the function of royal jelly in increasing immunity, but delaying aging and increasing metabolism.

Because if these two functions really appear, the royal jelly from Xihanling will really become an incredible good thing.

Subsequently, people saw in every test result the two things they expected: delaying the aging of the body and increasing metabolism.

People can't be calm now. Royal jelly, which has these two effects, has effects that are only found in fairy tales and elixirs. For a while, people on the Internet were like crazy, talking about the royal jelly from Xihanling.

The number of calls at Wuyou Restaurant and Xihanling was immediately overwhelming. People had only one request, and that was to increase the sales of royal jelly. After all, only one hundred bottles were sold every day, and there were only one hundred lucky people. Others People can only stare.

Later, Xihanling responded directly that the only place that could produce royal jelly was the purple bamboo forest in Wenying Pavilion. There was only one beehive there, and one hundred bottles was already the limit.

This response from Xihanling left countless people helpless. They all tried their best to buy royal jelly when it was on sale.

On this day, royal jelly has not yet started to be sold, and countless people do not know what the packaging of royal jelly looks like, but the price of a small bottle of royal jelly has been speculated from more than 180 yuan to tens of thousands like a rocket. piece.

As for the villagers who were the first to get royal jelly, people kept coming in and out of their homes. They had only one purpose, and that was to be the first to buy the incredible royal jelly from the villagers.

Knowing that royal jelly comes from the purple bamboo forest outside Wenying Pavilion, the opposite side of the purple bamboo forest was crowded with people. People wanted to see with their own eyes what the bees that could brew the heaven-defying royal jelly looked like.

The next moment the Blood Demon Ghost-faced Bee appeared in the purple bamboo forest of Mingxuan, the people all turned pale, and even the timid ones ran away.

Generally, deadly wasps are enough to scare people, and the size of the Blood Demonic Ghost-faced Wasp is several times larger than the largest wasp they have ever seen.

Everyone knows that if they are surrounded by these terrifying big guys, there is no other choice but death.

When the photos of the bloody ghost-faced bees were uploaded, the Internet was in an uproar. Although the efficacy of royal jelly was incredible, some people suggested that Pengcheng should immediately kill this deadly bee.

Although the suggestion was good, some people immediately refuted it. The Blood Demon Bee was indeed scary, but the scope of their activities was only in the purple bamboo forest outside Wenying Pavilion. Many people appeared on the opposite side, but no Blood Demon Bee was seen. Besiege the people.

At the same time, Zhao Xinyu lives in Wenying Pavilion. According to the villagers, only Zhao Xinyu can get the royal jelly. If the blood evil ghost-faced bees want to attack, they will attack Zhao Xinyu first. Zhao Xinyu, who is inconvenient to move, will not be able to escape at all. possible.

In addition, there are many Xihanling villagers who dig bamboo shoots and pick mushrooms in the purple bamboo forest every day, but they have never heard of one of them being attacked by the Blood Demon Ghost-faced Bee.

If these giant blood evil ghost-faced wasps do not attack Zhao Xinyu, it is because Zhao Xinyu has the means. If they do not attack the villagers and other people in Wenying Pavilion, then as the village issued a notice, as long as they do not touch them , they will not actively attack humans.

After so much analysis, the people who were originally very afraid of the Blood Demonic Ghost-faced Bee felt that it made sense. According to the villagers, the hive was one meter and a half high, which meant that this huge wasp was outside Wenying Pavilion. The bamboo forest has been there for a long time.

For such a long time, I have never heard of villagers or people being stung by bumblebees, which means that as long as they don't touch these bumblebees, they really won't hurt anyone.

The people are not worried, but the beekeepers who once wanted to buy the blood demon bees for breeding at high prices collectively lost their voices. They dare not say that they have Zhao Xinyu's ability. An ordinary bee sting will be fine, but such a big bumble bee will sting , they dare not say there is no problem.

In Wenying Pavilion, Liu Fengying looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Zhao Xinyu, the four children all like to drink royal jelly water. They only have one bottle a day. Leave more of yours for the children."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "Of course. Even if I don't sell it to anyone else, I'll leave it to them. I still have a lot in my room. Just go and get it after you finish your drink."

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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