I have a portable farm

Chapter 449 Completely finished

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

When the third-party agency picked up the bottles containing some solution, not only the media reporters, supervisors and representatives of major institutions on the scene, but also the viewers in front of the TV couldn't help but hold their breath.

The label on the sealed bottle was shown to the public. After everyone nodded, the third-party agency specially sent the bottle to the developer's representative. After they confirmed that there was no problem, an inspector from the third-party agency came up and opened the bottle. bottle.

Two drops of the solution were taken from the bottle and placed in the dark slot of the instrument. The dark slot entered the instrument and the instrument began to shine. Every time the instrument shined, the hearts of the audience trembled.

This time, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association is directly targeting developers in Fengjiazhuang and Taicun villages. However, this time there is a large-scale disease in Shanghai that cannot be tested and the cause is still undetectable.

The patients directly pointed the finger at the vegetables grown by the developer, but the developer produced inspection results from several of the most authoritative institutions in the country.

It can be said that this time the TCM Association is for countless patients and for the people. Of course, the people should pay attention. Although many people watching do not believe in TCM, this time they are firmly on the side of the TCM Association.

Half an hour can be said to pass by in a blink of an eye to anyone, but this time, whether it is the people at the scene or in front of the TV, it seems like ten thousand years have passed.

When the instrument stopped flashing, everyone held their breath and looked at the inspector. The inspector also took a deep breath and reached out to press a green button.

The next moment, a series of numbers appeared on the LCD screen. Each number had a prefix in front of it, and there were long red and green strips behind the number.

In the meantime, people have added through the Internet that red represents materials that are harmful to the body, and green represents beneficial materials.

Several objects on the LCD screen were constantly scrolling, and the red and green strips were also constantly changing. The supervisors and representatives on the scene all stood up and stared at the LCD screen one by one. Many of them were shaking because of excitement.

When the data stopped scrolling, everyone's expressions, including those of the developers' representatives, changed. There was only one color on the entire screen, and that was red, and the red strips filled the top of the screen. That is to say The test results show that there are no elements beneficial to the human body in vegetables.

The inspector glanced at the screen, turned around and said a few words loudly, and someone on the scene immediately translated. According to the inspection results, the first vegetable, rapeseed, was a genetically modified vegetable, which contained a variety of chemicals that are harmful to the human body. element.

At this time, everyone looked at the representative of the developer. His expression kept changing. She slammed the table and said, "Fake, this is all fake. You guys colluded with each other."

The representative of the third-party agency's face darkened, "We came here to be supervised by international organizations, and you also sent experts to test our instruments, but now you say they are fake."

"Why don't you inspect the vegetables grown in Xihanling instead of inspecting the vegetables grown by us?"

The representative of the third party smiled coldly, "You seem to have forgotten that when you signed the inspection procedures, one of the items included the inspection of Xihanling vegetables. This time they also used the same method for inspection." While speaking, the third party The representative of the organization pointed to a row of bottles on the table. The bottles all had a label, which was Xihanling.

"Since you have doubts, let's test the same kind of vegetables from Xihanling first."

When the instrument flashed again, everyone's hearts were in suspense. Even Jiang Fei, the representative of Xihan Ridge, had a serious look on his face.

In the same half-hour, the inspector came up again, took the bottle and walked it in front of each supervisor, and finally walked to Jiang Fei. Jiang Fei looked at it for a while to make sure that the label on the bottle was intact. , and then he nodded.

More than ten minutes later, when the objects on the screen stopped flashing, a color also appeared, but it was not red, but green that filled the screen, and each green bar also filled the screen.

When the translator translated the inspector's words, "Oh my God, it's amazing. This vegetable has great repairing capabilities for the human body. If you eat this vegetable for a long time, human lifespan can be greatly extended."

As soon as the inspector said these words, the whole world was boiling. This time, the top inspection agency in the world was responsible for the inspection. Even the inspector was shocked. It can only be said that the rapeseed grown in Ge Laoshan contains a large amount of harmful substances. Organic elements beneficial to the human body.

The developer's representative had a hideous face and said angrily: "Fake, this is completely fake. Even the best pollution-free vegetables in the world cannot have so many beneficial elements. This must be a fake."

The third-party representative said coldly: "Words can tell lies, but instruments cannot."

Continuing with the inspection, every vegetable from the developer is full of red, and the vegetables in Xihanling are full of green. After each inspection, the inspector will exclaim several times.

When the last vegetable was inspected, the third-party representative's face turned pale. He knew it was over, everything was over.

When the test results came out, the vegetables grown in villages such as Fengjiazhuang and Taicun were all genetically modified, and many chemical elements seriously exceeded standards.

At the same time that Shanghai City was shutting down the developer, a piece of news broke out on the Internet. All the rice grown by the developer last year was shipped back to the country, and the developer had never eaten the vegetables they grew. Vegetables are all bought secretly from Ge Laoshan.

At this time, the people were completely angry. Merchants and individuals who had purchased vegetables in several villages rushed into several villages, and large areas of vegetables were pulled out. Unaware of the situation, those responsible for caring for the vegetable fields were very close to the developers. The villagers were beaten many times by the angry people.

There was no response from Shanghai City for such a large-scale planting of genetically modified vegetables. People turned their anger to those who signed the contract. They questioned who contracted tens of thousands of acres of farmland to developers in the first place.

While people were angry, an anonymous post appeared on the Internet. The post directly revealed that the developers people saw were just puppets, and the real developers were the two major groups of Japan.

From the time the contract was signed until now, people don't know who the real developer is. Now that this was suddenly revealed, people were shocked. Then people became even more angry. They demanded that the person behind the scenes be found out and that people be given justice.

In an office in Yanjing, Jiao Meng's face was livid, he slammed the table and said angrily: "Check it out for me. No matter who it is, I will get to the bottom of this scum that is causing harm to the country and the people."

Jiao Meng was so angry that the state machinery immediately began to operate. Anyone who had anything to do with this time was taken away for investigation.

In just one day, the investigation results came out. Hundreds of names appeared on the list, including two big names that people couldn't believe.

In Wenying Pavilion. Luo Xiao, Meng Lie, Du Gang, and Guan Zhentian looked at the names of the two people on the list, with both anger and regret in their eyes. Like them, they had all experienced that catastrophe. They had thought about it. There are many possibilities, but I never thought that these two old friends would be behind the signing of the contract this time.

"I never thought it would be them. Why would they do such a thing? Have they forgotten the beginning..." Luo Xiao sighed.

Zhao Xinyu sighed slightly, "Benefits, they have lived a stable life for too long. They have long forgotten that in the past, now they only see money in their eyes. Just last year, their third generation had immigrated to Japan." , and there is a sizable group there.”


Zhao Xinyu nodded, "If something like this happens this time, I think they will suffer the consequences soon."

Long sighs echoed in the living room, and Luo Xiao and the others still don't know what to do.

"Zhao Xinyu, now that the contracts in Fengjiazhuang and Taicun villages have been terminated, and the developers have accepted the punishment they deserve, will you do it next?"

Zhao Xinyu looked at Liu Fengying, "Although the contract has been voided, the developer's investment has not been voided. The commercial street, various facilities and development costs are not small. Now they are indeed waiting for someone to take over, but I will not take them over. plate."

"What's the reason for this?"

Luo Xiao sighed slightly, "You have also seen the situation in the past two years. Although the vast majority of villagers did not target Xihanling, what they did at the beginning made Xinyu chill. What would they think if they took over at this time. "

Du Gang nodded, "Just these people, let them know who gave them the good life in the past. They eat Xihanling, make money from Xihanling, and then turn around and scold Xihanling. This kind of People have to let them know what suffering is.”

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "Let's put it aside for now and just do our best."

Just as Zhao Xinyu finished speaking, the mobile phone in his pocket vibrated. He took out the mobile phone and saw the number on the mobile phone. Zhao Xinyu's face showed a trace of helplessness.

"Grandpa Han, something's wrong."

"Xinyu, the party secretaries from several villages want to meet with you."

"Grandpa Han, I've been feeling a little uncomfortable these days. If they have anything to do, just ask Jiang Fei and Han Jun." After saying this, Zhao Xinyu hung up the phone.

"Xinyu, who is it?"

"It's representatives from Fengjiazhuang and Taicun who want to see me."

Du Mengnan smiled coldly, "What did they do two years ago? The contract they agreed on changed in the end, and they didn't show up until the last time. Now the village is out of business, and they came out. Why are they all such people? They disappeared, Now even if we are asked to cultivate the land in their village, we will not cultivate it.”

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "Let them wait. I will get whatever they want to eat."

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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