I have a portable farm

Chapter 442: Reaping the consequences

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

A few minutes later, Hei Feng stopped and waited for Zhao Xinyu to approach. Hei Feng smiled bitterly and said, "Boss, they have entered the city. There is car exhaust everywhere here. They entered by car again and cannot find them. But as long as they I can spot them as soon as they show up.”

"Heifeng, if you find them, don't be reckless, let alone hurt them."

"Boss," Black Wind's eyes were full of surprise.

Zhao Xinyu patted Heifeng's big head and said, "Just do as I say. If you hurt them, you will have to live in the mountains in the future."

Returning to Wenying Pavilion, Zhao Xinyu's heart moved slightly. He suddenly thought of something the villagers had said. Many people took risks for profit. They used poisonous crossbows to kill the big dogs that the villagers kept to guard their homes. Take away the big dogs and sell them to dog meat dealers.

Judging from what happened today, these people who use poisonous crossbows can shoot the green wolf from a thousand meters away. Obviously these people are extremely professional. They should not be the villagers of Tai Village and Fengjiazhuang. Then they enter the village and shoot the green wolf. They left quickly. They obviously didn't come here for their meat, so what were they here for? Could it be that they were hired by the developers.

Suddenly his heart moved, and he seemed to understand the other party's intention. After locking the door, he entered the space to see the eleven poisoned green wolves.

The next day, the villagers found nothing unusual at all. They went to Wenying Lake early in the morning to start preparing for the day's fishing activities.

In Wenying Pavilion, Zhao Xinyu called up last night's surveillance and watched it carefully several times. Only a few vague figures could be seen through the surveillance images, and after these figures shot Qing Lang with a poisonous crossbow, No stopping at all, just left.

The surveillance camera could only see a very blurry shadow. Even men and women could not be distinguished. They were shooting from a long distance. They were almost sure to hit with one hit. This made Zhao Xinyu understand that the other party was not a dog thief, but a targeted one. sexual.

While the fishing activities were in full swing, law enforcement vehicles drove quickly into Xihanling and finally stopped at Wenying Lake, and someone was immediately escorted out of the vehicle.

Seeing this scene, a villager immediately passed the news to Zhao Xinyu. Zhao Xinyu smiled coldly. What he guessed last night finally came true.

When Zhao Xinyu controlled the wheelchair and rushed to Wenying Lake, the four people being escorted looked around among the busy villagers. When their eyes fell on Han Jun, Han Li and Zhao Shiming, they nodded.

Several people came over immediately and controlled Han Jun, Han Li, and Zhao Shiming, who had no idea about the situation. The three of them looked at a middle-aged man who was leading the team.

"What are you going to do?"

However, some villagers and people who came to participate in fake fishing activities raised questions, and some even directly surrounded those people.

"What are you going to do?" Seeing that he was surrounded by villagers and people, the middle-aged man's face darkened and he said sternly.

"What did they do and why were they taken away."

The middle-aged man took out his ID and said, "We received a report that someone was secretly selling green wolves in Xihanling. After our careful investigation, we have destroyed this inhumane criminal channel and captured four suspects. According to According to their confession, the people who organized and planned it were people from Xihanling, so we brought them here."

"Nonsense, Han Jun and the others would never do such a thing." The villagers suddenly became excited.

The people were all dumbfounded. The green wolf is a second-level protected animal, and one animal can last for several years. The green wolf is the pride of the people in Xihanling, and Han Jun and the others are Zhao Xinyu's right-hand men. Could they be so confused? That's it.

"We don't know them at all." Han Jun said with all his strength.

The middle-aged man smiled coldly, "Of course you won't admit it. Now that we have both witnesses and physical evidence, it's useless for you to quibble."

Just as the middle-aged man finished speaking, a faint laugh came, "Certify the physical evidence. We want to see what this physical evidence is. Just find a few people to come over and correct them and say they sell green wolves. This is too childish. Come on, and every day Han Jun and the others are in the village, they are with the villagers, and they sell green wolves."

The middle-aged man's eyes shrank, and when he saw Zhao Xinyu's wheelchair, he was slightly startled, "You are Zhao Xinyu, right? You are still covering them up to now."

"I'm covering up. Where's the physical evidence?"

The middle-aged man waved his hand to a car, and someone immediately got out of the car and opened the door. Then many people couldn't help but exclaimed. People saw eleven bloody green wolf corpses inside the car. .

You must know that in recent years, people have only seen green wolves in Xihanling. The green wolf does not hurt people and has been integrated into people's memories. Now seeing the body of the green wolf, this has made many people's eyes appear. With a hint of dissatisfaction, they all stared at Zhao Xinyu, Han Jun and the others, with a hint of disgust in their eyes.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man smiled coldly, "This is physical evidence. In the entire Shencheng area, there are only green wolves in Xihanling. If they are not green wolves in Xihanling, where did they come from."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly and pointed to Cailiang Mountain in the distance. There are countless green wolves in the mountain. Why is it said that they are only found in Xihanling? After saying that no green wolf is born in Xihanling, it will be reported for registration. I would like to ask, are you? How to know from the corpses of eleven green wolves that these green wolves came from Xihanling.

"How many green wolves are there in Xihanling now?"

Song Pingguo said loudly: "There are one hundred and fifty-nine in total. The animal organization even came here specially last week."

The middle-aged man nodded, "Then you should find all the 159 green wolves. If there are really 159 green wolves, then they are framing these three people."

Zhao Xinyu smiled coldly and patted Heifeng's big head, "Heifeng, call Qingyun and the others and ask all the green wolves to come over."

The black wind looked up to the sky and roared loudly. The next moment, a wolf howled in the distance. In five or six minutes, a large group of green wolves appeared next to Zhao Xinyu. Each green wolf's They are all over two meters tall.

Zhao Xinyu smiled coldly, "Qingyun, let them all separate so that they can be counted."

While the people were counting, Zhao Xinyu arrived in front of the vehicle and his eyes fell on the green wolf's body in the carriage, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

"This is one hundred and fifty-nine, no more than one, no less than the other." Many people shouted loudly one after another.

This number made the middle-aged man's expression froze. He asked his people to go over and count them without belief. After a while, several people came back at the same time, and they all nodded to the middle-aged man.

There was a trace of anger in the middle-aged man's eyes. He turned to look at the four people, "If you dare to frame Xihanling, take it back to me."

Zhao Xinyu sighed quietly, "It's a pity that there are eleven green wolves. How can you be so cruel? Each one is a second-level protected animal. Do you know that one is enough for you to stay there for three years? These eleven Boss, don't think about it.

The faces of the four escorted people changed at the same time. They looked at the middle-aged man tremblingly, "We don't want to go to jail. We didn't kill this green wolf."

The middle-aged man's expression changed, he raised his hand and said loudly, "Take them away."

Zhao Xinyu chuckled and looked at the people around him, "Remember their appearance, we want to see them severely punished."

As people raised various shooting tools, the faces of the four people and the middle-aged man were uploaded to the Internet.

At this time, even the middle-aged man's face became embarrassed, and he got in the car and left without any pause.

Watching the vehicle leave, Zhao Xinyu looked at the people around him, "Green wolves are part of the village of Xihanling. No one in Xihanling will harm any green wolf. Now that we see someone slaughtering green wolves, we must How to do it."

"Severe punishment must be severe."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Then I'll thank you all."

While fishing activities are in full swing, many people have begun to mobilize netizens on the Internet. For a time, the entire Internet is discussing the killing of eleven green wolves. Everyone has only one request, and that is to find the murderer. The real culprit shall be punished severely.

In Wenying Pavilion, Du Mengnan and the others also heard about this incident. After Zhao Xinyu came back, Luo Xiao looked at Zhao Xinyu and said, "Xinyu, someone wants to use Qinglang to target you."

Meng Lie smiled coldly, "They have forgotten that every green wolf in Xihanling will be registered after birth. Others don't know the number of green wolves, but the villagers and the animal department in Xihanling know it."

Zhao Xinyu sighed slightly and looked at his grandfather Meng Lie, "Grandpa, something happened last night. Someone shot and injured eleven green wolves. Unfortunately, I only rescued ten, and one was killed by them with a poison crossbow. "

Zhao Xinyu's words made everyone's expressions change, and Luo Xiao's face suddenly turned livid, "These bastards will do anything to target you, but that's not to say..."

"I asked Qingyun to bring that green wolf back from the mountains temporarily."

"Those four people?"

Zhao Xinyu smiled coldly, "They made a good plan. They asked four people to come and testify. They wanted to arrest Han Jun, Han Li, and Zhao Shiming. They were trying to get out of the way. Now they are self-defeating and reaping the consequences. There are so many Qinglang, they won't be able to get out in ten or eight years."

Luo Xiao and others laughed, "This is retribution. I wonder if they will reveal the person who instigated them."

"They have no chance. They are really doomed this time."

"Xinyu, be careful. If they don't succeed this time, they will definitely find ways to target you, but I don't know who is targeting you."

Zhao Xinyu sighed slightly. Heilong, Iga, Hu Zhenyu and Jiao Hongzhuo were all he could think of. However, he really couldn't guess who they were. Among these people, the last possible ones were Heilong and Iga. Two organizations.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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