I have a portable farm

Chapter 440: Wild or domestic?

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

"Isn't this big herring wild?" someone asked in surprise.

The old man looked at the villagers of Xihanling who had stopped selling fish, "Wenying Lake was built just over a year ago. My old friend said that it would take at least three or four years to feed a herring of this size with feed. They How can one feed herring to grow so big in one year? And look at the tail. Wild herring is thinner, the body is black, and the fins are exploded. Look at this herring, which has a bloated body and is only light in color. Green in color, the fins are converging, this is not wild herring at all.”

The people all lowered their heads and looked at the herring on the ground, and at the same time looked at the Xihanling villagers selling fish. The villagers were also stunned. They really didn't know what was wild and what was domesticated.

Just then, there was another noise from behind the crowd, and a dozen people came over holding the big fish. They threw the big fish on the ground and accused Xihanling of using fake fish feed to fool the people.

The fish brought by these people include carp, grass carp, silver carp, and herring, but there is not a single fish such as anchovy mullet and golden gyu, which are unique to the Sehan Mountains.

Every one of them came over and accused Xihanling of using fish raised with feed bought from outside to pass off as wild fish. What everyone said was clear and logical.

The people may not believe it when a person comes here. If there are many people here, the people will inevitably not be suspicious. What's more, each of them can tell the difference between wild and feed-fed fish, and the big fish they throw on the ground Fish are raised on feed.

It has been more than a year since Wenying Lake was impounded. In more than a year, the fish that grow quickly only gain a few kilograms, and some of them grow dozens or even hundreds of kilograms at a time.

Seeing the people queuing up with doubts in their eyes, there was a hint of excitement in their eyes. A middle-aged man looked at an aunt who had just passed her wedding and yet had not paid.

"Auntie, what kind of fish did you buy?"

"Curian carp, I plan to go back and get some fish soup."

"Auntie, the largest crucian carp is only about half a catty. When have you ever seen a crucian carp as big as one catty? Even half a catty of crucian carp costs more than 20 yuan per catty. Yours is only a hundred yuan per catty."

"Young man, could this crucian carp be fed with feed?"

"Aunt, there's no need to ask. The water quality of Wenying Lake is indeed good, but who can believe that crucian carp can grow so big in one year? And how many people are there every day at Wenying Lake? Ask around and see them When have you ever seen people coming back from Xihanling to buy fish fry? They transport fish in the middle of the night. What does this mean?"

When the middle-aged man said this, everyone was shocked. As the middle-aged man said, many of them often wander around Wenying Lake, but they have never seen Xihanling carrying fish fry back. .

Everyone's faces looked angry at this moment. They had just experienced Fengjiazhuang and Taicun replacing wild boar with domestic pigs, and now they were using feed fish instead of wild fish. How could they accept it?

"Profiteer, refund the money." Seeing that the effect was achieved, a middle-aged man immediately picked up a big silver carp and threw it at the villager who was selling the fish. Then he rushed over and smashed the scale. After he made a move, he questioned him together. Many people also followed suit, and many people who didn't know the truth immediately followed suit, and the scene suddenly became a mess.

However, there are also people who bought it last year who are holding a wait-and-see attitude. After entertaining relatives and friends, everyone praised the authentic taste of the fish they bought from Sehanling last year, and they even know that Sehanling has become more popular over the years. There has never been any attempt to deceive the public. They did not take action, but observed on the spot. They knew that if there was a medical commotion here, someone would come soon.

As a wolf roar came, the chaotic scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone's expression changed. They often come to Xihanling, so of course they know what the sound is.

After stopping, people saw a wheelchair, and sitting in the wheelchair was Zhao Xinyu, the creator of the Xihanling myth.

Looking at the villagers who were beaten with bruises and swollen faces while trying to protect the fish, Zhao Xinyu's eyes turned cold. He maneuvered his wheelchair to the field and looked at the middle-aged man who took the lead in beating them.

"You said we used the fish we fed to deceive you, right?"

The middle-aged man's face stiffened, and he turned to look at the people around him, pointing at Zhao Xinyu, "This is the liar. He is behind everything. Beat him to death."

However, he saw that no one took action, because a big guy about 1.6 meters tall and over 3 meters in size appeared in front of Zhao Xinyu.

Zhao Xinyu smiled coldly and glanced at the big fish they threw on the ground, "Is this what you brought here?"

"What the fuck, I bought this from you."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "The people who hired you are really stupid. They can't even act." He pointed at a big silver carp that was still beating. This silver carp was fed with feed. Are you sure this fish is still alive? It was bought back from us.”

"That's right." Those people shouted.

Zhao Xinyu snorted coldly, "You really didn't shed tears when you saw the coffin."

""Yan Yong, bring over one of our big silver carps and show them what the fish in Wenying Lake looks like. ""

In less than two minutes, a silver carp that was still alive and kicking was picked up by Yan Yong and said, "Xinyu, where can I put it?"

Zhao Xinyu pointed to the silver carp on the ground, "It's easier to distinguish two of them together."

When Yan Yong put the silver carp together, people's eyes shrank slightly. They could already see that there was a big difference between the silver carp that Yan Yong brought over and the silver carp that those people brought over.

Zhao Xinyu saw the change in people's expressions and said with a smile, "Let me first tell you the difference between wild silver carp and domesticated silver carp."

When the mouth of artificially cultured silver carp is viewed from the back, the upper jaw is relatively straight, the lower jaw is obviously more protruding than the upper jaw, and the edge of the lower lip is almost black; the inner color of the pectoral fin is obviously darker than the body color, and there are more black spots at the base; the body shape is thicker and shorter , nearly black on the dorsal side.

When the mouth of wild silver carp is viewed from the back, the upper jaw is rounder, the lower jaw is only slightly more protruding than the upper jaw, and the edge of the lower lip is light yellow or white; the inner color of the pectoral fin is similar to the body color, and there are basically no black spots at the base; the body is relatively slender. The dorsal side is gray-black with a slight yellow color.

Zhao Xinyu's explanation was much more detailed than what those people just explained. While listening to Zhao Xinyu's words, the onlookers were also making comparisons. Then they looked at the people who brought the fish over one by one, with a trace of anger in their eyes.

According to Zhao Xinyu, the silver carp that Yan Yong brought over just now is undoubtedly wild, and the one they brought over is artificially cultured. If the ones sold in the village are thermally cultured, then the one that Yan Yong brought over just now is artificially cultured. How to explain wild silver carp.

At this time, there should be a trace of panic in the eyes of those who brought the fish over. They were thinking of leaving, but when they turned around, they saw several big green wolves that were over two meters in size.

"Now that you're here, don't leave in a hurry."

"Yan Yong, find another carp."

More than ten minutes later, there was a big, lively fish next to the several kinds of fish those people brought over. Although the fish looked the same, the people did not know from Zhao Xinyu which one was wild and which one was artificially cultured.

By this time, the onlookers all understood that all the fish in Wenying Lake were wild, and the only ones brought here by a few people were artificially bred.

"This group of liars, they came here to slander Xihanling. They must be used by Fengjiazhuang and Taicungu." After understanding the reason, the people stopped doing it. They swarmed up, and after a while those people became Became a pig's head.

Zhao Xinyu didn't want the situation to escalate. He came here this time to let the people know that not all fish in Wenying Lake are wild.

After those people ran away with their heads in their hands, Yan Yong and the others put back the big fish they had brought over. Looking at the big fish that was still squirming on the ground, Zhao Xinyu frowned and looked at the people around him.

"Anyone who wants this fish can take it away, but remember that this fish is not from Wenying Lake. If the taste is not authentic, don't say it is a fish from Wenying Lake, just say it was picked up in the garbage dump."

The people laughed, and a few picked up the big fish left by those people with quick hands and eyes. The remaining people immediately lined up in a long queue.

"Child, those people just said that the largest wild crucian carp is only about half a catty, and the price is dozens of yuan. The crucian carp here in Wenying Lake has already been more than one catty. This price is the same as the small crucian carp on the market. almost."

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "Mom, let me tell you the difference between wild crucian carp and domestic crucian carp. Don't look at anything else, just look at the body. Wild crucian carp has a spindle shape, with a small head and a flat body, while the domestic one is It’s different, not to mention the big head, but the fins will be raised high.”

"Child, how do you know so much at such a young age?"

"Mom, I'm a cook. If you don't know this, how can you cook for people?"

After saying this, Zhao Xinyu looked at the people around him, "Don't worry, everyone should know me. I promise here that if anyone finds out about deceiving everyone in Xihanling, I will reward everyone 200,000 yuan. If the situation turns out to be 500,000, I, Zhao Xinyu, will keep my word and welcome everyone to jointly supervise Xihanling."

"Zhao Xinyu, are you telling the truth?"

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Of course it is true. As long as it is a product from Xihanling, as long as it is fake, everyone can supervise it. Don't look for me, just go to Wuyou Restaurant to find Jiang Fei."

As soon as Zhao Xinyu said these words, the people cheered and everyone clapped their hands to welcome them. Because of those people who made a fuss, people were relieved by Zhao Xinyu's words.

After Zhao Xinyu left, Yan Yong and the others started selling fish again. This time, people no longer had any worries. They didn't ask about the price at all. After buying the fish, they took it away directly or took it to the processing place and paid 20 yuan for the craftsmanship fee. Let the chef from Wuyou Restaurant help with the processing.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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