I have a portable farm

Chapter 412 Purchasing vegetables?

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

In a few days, the two sides went back and forth, and the prices were constantly changing. Although many vegetable farmers kept lowering their prices, their prices were always higher than those in Taicun and Fengjiazhuang. This made Taicun and Fengjiazhuang have countless customers every day. Vegetable vendors come and go.

Many vegetable farmers around Pengcheng can only watch helplessly as the cucumbers, eggplants, green peppers, and beans in the vegetable fields grow old, and the picked vegetables rot. They feel like crying without tears.

"What are they going to do?" In Wenying Pavilion, Luo Xiao and others looked gloomy.

It is true that planting requires capital, but now they have continued to lower the price regardless of the cost. Not only Luo Xiao and the others can't figure it out, but even Zhao Xinyu can't figure out what those developers mean.

Du Mengnan shook his head, "Grandpa Luo, if the current situation continues, all the vegetable farmers who grow cucumbers and eggplants this year will lose their money."

"Where is Cao Xun? Why doesn't he care about this matter? They are disrupting the market order."

"Pengcheng has also sent people to discuss with the developers several times, but it has not been of much use. Now some vegetable farmers have turned all the cucumbers and eggplants in the vegetable fields underground."

Luo Xiao frowned, "Why is that?"

"If they stay, they have to find someone to take care of it. Irrigation and fertilization all cost money. According to the current price, their daily income is not enough to spend."

Zhao Xinyu's eyes flickered a few times, "Mengmeng, give Brother Jiang a call and ask him to calculate the costs and purchase cucumbers, eggplants, beans, and green peppers from vegetable farmers at cost prices."

As soon as Zhao Xinyu said this, everyone in the living room was stunned. They looked at Zhao Xinyu one by one. They must know that there is a vegetable price war. Although the vegetables in Xihanling are delicious, due to the huge price gap, until now There are very few customers here in Xihanling.

You can't even sell your own vegetables, but now you have to buy vegetables from vegetable farmers, and they are still at cost price. If you talk about a vegetable farmer, it doesn't matter. There are so many vegetable farmers around Pengcheng. If you add them up, it is a huge number. number.

"Zhao Xinyu, you are crazy. You can't sell your own vegetables. Why are you buying their vegetables?" Du Mengnan gave Zhao Xinyu a big eye roll and said speechlessly.

"If they all replant their vegetable fields and lose their vegetables, the developers of Taicun and Fengjiazhuang will definitely raise vegetable prices. Who will suffer at that time? We will buy their vegetables so that they can With a chance to breathe, they can still grow vegetables next year, and secondly, it will prevent developers from raising prices.”

"Then what are you going to do with all the vegetables if they don't raise the price?"

"Every autumn in the north, the villagers pickle the bad cucumbers, beans, eggplants, and green peppers. The taste is also good. What's more, I don't necessarily let them bring all the talents over. We We can sign a contract with them. If the price of vegetables rises, they can sell it, and the contract will be automatically voided. If the price remains like this, we will purchase it at cost price, and we cannot pick the vegetables at once. Let them help us pick them. reason."

"This method is good. It allows vegetable farmers to minimize their losses and at the same time prevents those people from succeeding." Luo Xiao said with a smile.

Du Mengnan nodded, "That's true, but if the pickled food doesn't taste good, you can think of a way to finish it yourself."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "Don't worry."

One day later, Xihanling, which had been silent for a long time, finally spoke up and purchased vegetables from farmers around Pengcheng at prices several times higher than what they appeared in the market.

As soon as this news came out, the entire Internet was in a sensation. People couldn't figure out what Xihanling was doing. They couldn't sell the vegetables they grew, but they had to buy vegetables from vegetable farmers, and the price was several times higher than the price in the vegetable market. times, more people think that Xihanling is a deception.

There are different opinions on the Internet, but this news is a timely help for the desperate vegetable farmers. They don't think about the authenticity of the news at all, and they immediately go to Xihanling.

Later, people saw that many of them were worried when they came here, but when they left, there was a rare smile on their faces.

Soon there was news on the Internet that Xihanling had signed contracts with all the vegetable farmers, and the contents of the contracts were also uploaded to the Internet.

After seeing the content of the contract, many netizens who criticized Xihanling fell silent. The price was written in black and white, just like what was uploaded on the Internet. It was several times higher than the current market price. And if the price of vegetables on the market exceeds the price in the contract in a few days, price, the contract will be automatically voided, and the vegetable farmers can sell the vegetables they grow. If the price of vegetables remains like this, the vegetable farmers will only need to help Xihanling take care of it, and Xihanling will also pay the vegetable farmers. A certain reward.

Today, a large number of media reporters and platform anchors appeared in the vegetable fields of many vegetable farmers. They all went to verify the authenticity of the things reported on the Internet. From these vegetable farmers, they knew that the contracts were true and reliable, and they were not reliable. I have been fair at a notary office for a long time, and everyone knows that any fair contract will have legal protection.

What happened next confused more netizens who were paying attention to this price war. They did not see Xihanling selling vegetables, but heard that many large trucks entered the vegetable fields of vegetable farmers. Put down the big urns where northerners used to make pickles.

Pickles, Xihanling wants to pickle pickles. This news has surprised countless people. Pickles were a necessary dish in people's lives in the past, but in today's economic development, not only urbanites, but also rural people They don’t really pickle pickles, so who are they going to sell to when Xihanling pickles so many pickles?

In response to people's comments on the Internet, Xihanling once again remained silent, and the large urns of pickled cucumbers, green peppers, beans, and eggplants were buried deep underground.

Seeing that the farmers no longer sell vegetables, the prices of vegetables in villages such as Taicun and Fengjiazhuang began to rise, almost every day, but they never exceeded the price stated in the contract.

But just when people thought there would be no further changes in vegetable prices, a message on the Internet once again attracted people's attention.

Someone upstairs questioned whether Xihanling signed a yin-yang contract, and they would not necessarily pay the vegetable farmers the price stated in the contract.

However, before the news started to spread, one receipt after another was uploaded to the Internet. Many vegetable farmers came forward to testify. They proved that Xihanling would weigh the vegetables picked every day and then sell them according to the price in the contract. Transfer the money to them.

Xihanling intervened in the vegetable price war. After the tomatoes were opened, the taste was mixed. However, there was no price war this time, which made the vegetable farmers who grow tomatoes feel relieved.

Because of the different prices, there are still not many customers here in Xihanling. However, many people have helped vegetable farmers because of Xihanling. Many sensible people are also grateful to Xihanling. Although the price of tomatoes in Xihanling is the highest, they still go there. Buy some.

When the fragrance of fruits such as peaches, sweet melons, and snake scale fruits filled the air, the green gauze tent in Wenying Lake was formed again, which caused an increase in the number of people entering and leaving Xihanling.

When the fruit started to sell like hotcakes, there was no movement on the peaches grown in Taocun and Fengjiazhuang, which made Xihanling, which had been dormant for a long time, become lively again.

Xihanling is lively, and Taicun and Fengjiazhuang are also lively because of vegetables, which makes people forget the price war some time ago.

And on this day, news came out from Xihanling that a kimchi tasting event would be held in front of Wuyou Restaurant.

As the news spread, people remembered the large urns buried deep in the vegetable fields in Xihanling some time ago. Although people were not optimistic about the pickled cucumbers and eggplants in Xihanling, they were still curious.

On this day, a truck stopped in front of Wuyou Restaurant, and several staff members unloaded four large urns covered with mud from the truck.

Several staff members wiped the dirt off the large urn. Under people's attention, four staff members removed the seal from the large urn. The next moment the lid was opened, the eyes of those who were closer to the large urn were opened. Unexpectedly, they smelled a fragrance.

You must know that most people who came here have experienced that era, and they are no strangers to pickles. They all know that pickles only have a sour taste and have no other taste at all. But now the big jar of pickles has a fragrance, which makes They were surprised.

When the staff fished out the pickled cucumbers from the big vat, people couldn't help but exclaimed. They saw that the pickled cucumbers were not what they had imagined, but were not much different from the ones they had just picked. If there were any The difference is that the color of the cucumber becomes black-green.

A staff member cut the cucumbers into cucumber strips and put them on a plate. A staff member came over immediately and delivered the cucumber strips to the people in front.

When the lid was opened and the fragrance filled the air, people had already become interested. Now that it was in front of them, of course people couldn't wait to take one and put it in their mouths.

Immediately, there were screams of exclamation. The cucumber was crisp, slightly cool, sour and sweet, and if you taste it carefully, you can also feel a hint of spiciness.

After eating, there was still a faint fragrance in their mouths, which was not the taste of pickled cucumbers they had eaten before. This taste made them want to take another bite.

"This is so delicious. How do you pickle it?" After everyone tasted it, this thought came to their minds.

"How do you sell these cucumbers?" a young man looked at the next staff member with a hint of excitement and said loudly.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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