I have a portable farm

Chapter 387: Trouble breaks out again

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

Although this autumn rain was not heavy, it rained for a whole night, which made the water depth of Wenying Lake almost the same as that of Luoshui and Yuhe.

The water depth is not much different. The two barriers near Wuyou Restaurant were also dug out early that morning. Luoshui, Wenying Lake, and Yuhe were finally connected together, forming an interconnected body of water.

The three water bodies are connected and the criss-crossing rivers divide the entire Seokhan Ridge into several areas. The gullies that were once full of smell and garbage have now turned into clear rivers. From time to time, rare water birds can be seen in the waters. Forage for food, and the food of water birds is rare fish that cannot be seen in other places.

The news spread, and Han Jun and others uploaded photos of fairy mushrooms to the Internet, and the Internet instantly exploded. Even the people of Pengcheng who rarely came to Xihanling in the past also put down their work and rushed to Xihanling. .

Wandering in the independent area divided by the river, watching the cruise ships shuttled in the river, countless people were filled with emotion. A few years ago, Xihanling was regarded by people as a place where farming depended on the sky. There was only one well in the whole village, not to mention it was a city. Liren is a place where no one in the village wants to stay any longer.

But a few years later, Xihanling, which was once judged by countless people to have no way out, has undergone earth-shaking changes. The entire village is comparable to a water town in the south of the Yangtze River. There are rivers crisscrossing the area, and adjacent independent areas are all connected to each other by stone arch bridges.

In each independent area, people can hardly see buildings, and everything is green. This kind of Xihanling is not comparable to the ancient towns with Jiangnan water towns.

When people poured into Xihanling, Zhao Xinyu was also wandering around Wenying Lake. However, unlike the people, the area Zhao Xinyu walked through was a field without cabbage and radish.

Without the attraction of cabbage and radish, there are almost no people in these areas. People appear occasionally, and they are all people who take a detour and pass the stone arch bridge.

It has now entered early autumn, and the area around Xihanling already has the flavor of autumn, with yellow leaves and dry grass, but Xihanling is different, full of life everywhere.

During this period of time, the reeds in Wenying Lake were almost three to four meters high. When the autumn wind blew, green waves would appear in the entire Wenying Lake. In just a few months, green gauze tents finally appeared in Wenying Lake.

Cruise ships full of tourists shuttled through the green gauze tents. From time to time, they startled various water birds resting in the green gauze tents, followed by the exclamations of people on the cruise ships.

Breathing the fresh air and watching the cruise ships passing by in Wenying Lake, Zhao Xinyu felt an inexplicable sense of pride in his heart. . . . . .

There was a buzzing sound, and Zhao Xinyu frowned. The mobile phone is the most advanced communication tool in today's society, but after a few years, the last thing Zhao Xinyu wants to hear is the sound coming from the mobile phone, because the sound he receives is Eighty percent of the calls he received were news he didn't want to hear.

Shaking his head, he took out his phone, and there was still a message. It was still two words, be careful.

Although it was only two words, Zhao Xinyu's expression became solemn. Last time before Grandpa and the others were taken away, someone sent a message with only the word "be careful" on the message.

Later, Grandpa and the others were taken away, and something happened on the Xihan Ridge side. Jiang Fei, Han Jun, and the others were also taken away, and there was looting on the Xihan Ridge side.

If it weren't for Li Fei's video, it would still be difficult for them to come out. Now seeing these two words again, Zhao Xinyu suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Putting away his cell phone, Zhao Xinyu hurried towards the direction of Wenying Pavilion. He would go back to discuss it with Bai Haotian and the others if necessary.

But he didn't notice that when he went back, there was an old woman in ordinary clothes and a stooped figure staring at him on the stone arch bridge closest to him.

Returning to Wenying Pavilion, Zhao Xinyu did not go back to his courtyard. He went directly to the courtyard where Bai Haotian and the others were. Du Mengnan, Guan Bingtong, and Liu Fengying were all girls after all. They had too little experience, and now it was just a piece of news. , Zhao Xinyu didn't want them to worry too much.

After hearing what Zhao Xinyu said, the four of them, Bai Haotian, shrank their eyes at the same time, "Li Fei, see if you can find that number."

After a while, Li Fei looked at Bai Haotian and Zhao Xinyu and shook his head, "Same as last time, the number has been cancelled."

After that, the room became deathly silent. The five people frowned and thought about possible troubles, but after thinking for a long time, they couldn't think of any troubles.

When Zhao Xinyu was in the compound, he killed two Tianwu realm masters one after another, but only a few people knew about it, and they would definitely not tell anyone.

Apart from these, that is, what happened in Xihanling recently, Zhao Xinyu did everything without leakage, and he did not do anything illegal or disciplined. Even if he wanted to cause trouble for him, there was no way to do it.

But the message is very clear, let Zhao Xinyu be careful, what exactly should Zhao Xinyu be careful about? Could it be that Zhao Xinyu is being targeted by people in the dark world again.

But it's impossible. Even though they have withdrawn from the dark world, the general information about the dark world still cannot be hidden from them. If the dark world wants to target Zhao Xinyu, even if they don't know it clearly, they should at least have a rough idea. But now there is no mission in the dark world targeting China.

Suddenly, the five people looked up almost at the same time, "Several old men."

Zhao Xinyu stood up and his face became gloomy. He had been lonely for more than 20 years and he had always longed for family. Now he has found family and feels the warmth of family. Not to mention his grandfather and the others, but also Han Li and Jiang Fei. These people are all enemies to Zhao Xinyu.

If someone really wants to target them because of himself, Zhao Xinyu will definitely go berserk. Everyone around him is Zhao Xinyu's bottom line.

Seeing the change in Zhao Xinyu's expression, Bai Haotian's eyes flickered a few times, "Xinyu, it may not be a few old men. You should know that they are all men of similar merit. They have worked hard for the country and the people all their lives. , who is targeting them."

Qin Yayang's almond-shaped eyes flickered a few times, "Why don't you make a call first and ask the old men to be careful."

Bai Haotian shook his head, "Now these old men are still waiting for the results of the investigation, so we can't contact them."

Zhao Xinyu's eyes flickered a few times, "I'll ask aunt and them."

"Don't mention this matter, just ask around and see what's going on over there."

After a while, Zhao Xinyu put down the phone. There was a trace of doubt in his eyes. He chatted with his aunt Meng Feiyan. There was nothing unusual about his aunt. Although the old men lived in the same place temporarily, they were very free.

"Xinyu, I have some news here." Seeing Zhao Xinyu's expression softening, Bai Haotian said softly.

"Brother Tian, ​​what's the matter?"

Bai Haotian looked at Li Fei, "Li Fei, tell me."

"Xinyu, I have entered the security network several times during this period and found that many people have lost contact with their families. All of them are young adults under thirty, and everyone has a criminal record, and many of them are criminals. There are lives on there.”

Zhao Xinyu was slightly startled, "Will they be caught?"

Li Fei shook his head, "No, their criminal records are there, and these people had contacted their families before they disappeared. They said they wanted to go abroad to develop, and then their families tried to contact them, but they couldn't. But every time Every once in a while, their families will receive a large amount of remittance."

What Li Fei said made Zhao Xinyu even more confused.

Seeing Zhao Xinyu's confused look, Liu Fei said softly: "The last place these people appeared was Pengcheng, and then their families could no longer be contacted."

"How many people are there in total?"

"There are at least more than 150 people there so far. I have also checked that these people did appear in Pengcheng and then suddenly disappeared."

"Have they seen anyone in Pengcheng?"

"The investigation can't find out."

Zhao Xinyu's eyes fluctuated for a few times, and he looked at Bai Haotian and the other four, "Each of them has a criminal record. Are they here to cause trouble?"

Bai Haotian and the others shook their heads, "We don't know, but we feel that something big may happen in Pengcheng in the near future, so we must keep our spirits up in the next period of time."

On the first and second days, everything was the same as before and nothing happened. This made Zhao Xinyu feel a little relieved. However, with the last reminder, he did not relax at all. He knew that something was wrong. He might be in danger.

And on the morning of the third day, Zhao Xinyu was stunned by a phone call. As they guessed, this time the conspiracy was targeting four old men.

The cause was the accident that happened to him four years ago. The four old men found someone to take action against those who escaped justice in that accident.

Conspiracy, this is a naked conspiracy. Zhao Xinyu got this news from Wu Yunfei as early as before Wu Yunfei and the others left.

At that time, he was still wondering who knew how to do it, but now the finger is pointed at four old men, and the people responsible for protecting these old men have admitted that those people were the ones who did it.

Just when Zhao Xinyu was surprised, a group of people came outside Wenying Pavilion again. Zhao Xinyu was also helpless. He was the cause of the incident and several old men were controlled. He must be involved.

The news that Zhao Xinyu was taken away again quickly spread throughout the Internet, but this time Zhao Xinyu said nothing and was directly taken away by those people, which sparked a heated discussion on the Internet.

"Brother Tian, ​​think of a solution quickly. That matter has nothing to do with grandpa, Zhao Xinyu and the others." If Du Mengnan and the others were worried last time, this time the three of them were completely confused. In their world, grandpa, Zhao Xinyu and the others were worried. Zhao Xinyu is their backbone, but now that all these people have been taken away, they can only go to Bai Haotian and the others.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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