I have a portable farm

Chapter 669 Wenying Pavilion

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

Under normal circumstances, Du Mengnan, Guan Bingtong, and Liu Fengying might have laughed loudly, but at this moment, they felt very uncomfortable.

They all know that Zhao Xinyu has a strong memory, and Kang Shangzhen has a very high status in Zhao Xinyu's heart. In his heart, Kang Shangzhen's status is no less than that of his grandfather Meng Lie in the living room.

But now he has forgotten everything Kang Jie said. This does not mean that his memory has declined, but that there have been too many things this year. Just last time, he was even closer. . . . . . .

Zhao Xinyu was startled. He looked at Du Mengnan, Liu Fengying, and Guan Bingtong, "Teacher Kang has retired now, and Kang Jie is here again. I plan to let Teacher Kang stay this time. What do you think?"

"I think it's okay. We are going to move to Wenying Pavilion soon. This place happens to be vacant, so we will let Teacher Kang live in this courtyard."

Zhao Xinyu looked at Du Mengnan and shook his head, "Teacher Kang can't live here. There are too many people staring at me now. If Teacher Kang lives here, it may be dangerous."

"Then live in Wenying Pavilion. It's a big place anyway."

Zhao Xinyu still shook his head and said: Teacher Kang will not live in Wenying Pavilion. I plan to let Teacher Kang live in the village. When nothing happens, Teacher Kang can also go to the school to help Principal Zhang."

Liu Fengying chuckled and said, "I knew your motive was impure. It turned out that you wanted Teacher Kang to come over and help."

Zhao Xinyu laughed, "You don't know Mr. Kang's character yet. He is a restless person. If he is not allowed to go to school, he will definitely not stay."

After saying this, Zhao Xinyu looked at Liu Fengying and said, "Fengying, your dad is retiring soon. When he retires, let them come over and I can think of a reason."

"Get out of here," Liu Fengying said angrily, but her eyes were full of joy.

"Zhao Xinyu, what did Brother Tian and the others say?"

"Brother Tian and the four of them will go over for the time being. Zhang Jianye and the others will stay in Qingyou Forest. They are one of our trump cards. Let's go to Wenying Pavilion. If they stay here, the chance of exposure will be reduced."

. . . . . .

On this day, there were loud gongs and drums in front of Tianwenying Pavilion, and the open space was filled with tables, chairs, and benches. The villagers who came over were just like celebrating the New Year, all wearing new clothes, and their faces were full of joy.

The villagers in Wenying Pavilion cleaned every room countless times, but even so, many villagers still thought it was unclean.

At this moment, in front of Wenying Pavilion, in addition to the busy villagers with happy faces, there are also many media and people.

"Xinyu, there are many media and construction experts coming outside. They want to enter Wenying Pavilion to have a look." Zhao Xinyu, who was busy cooking in the temporary kitchen, was slightly startled when he heard Han Jun's words.

"If they want to take a look, let them in. By the way, I just heard Han Li say that someone came over in the middle of the night. Let them stop."

Han Jun laughed and said, "This is also a little thought from the people of our village. You don't allow gifts, and it's not time for dinner. It's okay anyway, so let them clean up."

Media reporters, architects and people coming here heard that they could go in, and they swarmed into Wenying Pavilion.

As soon as you enter the door, you will see a 1.8-meter screen wall. Different from other homes, the screen wall is made of pine and crane trees carved from rock.

Going around the screen wall, there is a huge flower bed. In the middle of the flower bed, the eighteen bachelors are vying for beauty. Around the eighteen bachelors, you can see the top camellias that ordinary people can think of, such as the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea and the Thirteen Taibao.

The flower bed is in the shape of a trigram. One side faces the gate. Opposite the gate is a hollowed-out room with antique carved beams and painted decorations. It looks like it should be a living room. The other six sides each face a gatehouse.

The gatehouses are also carved with carved beams and painted buildings, full of strong ancient style. Each gatehouse has a different format, and even the patterns carved on the masonry are different.

Behind the gatehouse are six independent courtyards. The courtyards are typical quadrangle courtyards. The area of ​​each courtyard is much larger than the courtyard where Zhao Xinyu and the others once lived. There are nine main rooms in the front and eight on the left and right sides. There are two wing rooms, and below are nine south rooms.

It seems that each courtyard is independent, but each courtyard is connected to the adjacent courtyard by a corner door.

As soon as the media and the public entered the door, they rushed to the flower bed and took pictures of the 18th Bachelor in the center of the flower bed. This was the first time they saw the 18th Bachelor. Architects are constantly roaming around the courtyards taking photos.

What made them a little strange was that the internal space of this courtyard seemed to be much smaller than the area seen from the outside. However, because the architectural styles of each courtyard were different, they forgot this and soon they were immersed in it. among various architectural styles.

What surprised them most was that they couldn't see any modern atmosphere in this building, not even a single wire. All the furniture in the room was full of ancient atmosphere.

Then a photo of Zhang Wenying Pavilion was uploaded to the Internet, which instantly caused a sensation. Countless people marveled at the exquisiteness of Wenying Pavilion's architecture, and even more people lamented Zhao Xinyu's wealth.

Then people's eyes fell on the Eighteenth Bachelor. Only then did they know that the Eighteenth Bachelor, who had caused a sensation across the country a few years ago, had always been in Xihanling.

While Wenying Pavilion, Eighteen Bachelors, Thirteen Taibao, and Failed Scholars were hotly discussed on the Internet, there was also a lot of excitement outside Wenying Pavilion.

One after another fragrant dishes were served on the table, and the people who came over were all wide-eyed. In this farm banquet, the signature dishes of Wuyou Restaurant can be seen, and Zhao Xinyu even grilled the whole meat that has always been fat. sheep.

When the pictures of the farm dinner were uploaded to the Internet, countless netizens lamented that they were not born in Xihanling. If they were born in Xihanling, they should be the ones sitting at the dining table at this moment.

Just when people were envious, successful people like Han Jun and Han Li, who were envied by countless young people, became porters, each carrying a jar of medicinal wine.

At this time, media reporters, construction experts and the people in Wenying Pavilion also smelled the aroma of food, and they began to guess what the medicinal wine Han Jun and the others brought up was.

Most people guessed that it should be one of the hardcover versions of Zui Linglong, Autumn, and Qingzhu wine, and it would definitely not be Houer wine.

There is a reason for their speculation. Monkey Wine has been available for several months now, and the supply of Monkey Wine is limited. If so many people drink Monkey Wine, how much Monkey Wine will be needed?

When Han Jun removed the wine seal, everyone's eyes shrank. A thick red wine mist appeared at the mouth of the wine jar. As the wine mist appeared, a wine aroma that intoxicated everyone began to fill the air. .

Many of the people who came over had also drank monkey wine. When they smelled the aroma of the wine, these people were shocked. They could feel that the wine was indeed monkey wine, but the aroma was much better than theirs. I don’t know how many times I’ve thought about the monkey wine I’ve drunk.

"Manager Han, why does this monkey wine taste so good?" a media reporter who had drank monkey wine said loudly.

Han Li laughed and said, "This is monkey wine. The monkey wine sold in the hotel in the past lacked one herb. This monkey wine can be regarded as the truly authentic monkey wine."

Han Li's words instantly spread across the Internet through the media, and countless netizens were shocked. The monkey wine sold in limited quantities by Wuyou Restaurant has already made them crazy, but it is not the authentic monkey wine. Now, this is a farmer's banquet. , Zhao Xinyu used authentic monkey wine that had never been sold before, which shocked countless people.

"Manager Han, when can we taste this authentic monkey wine?"

Han Li's eyes flickered a few times, "This herb is very rare, but to meet everyone's needs, starting tomorrow, the lottery will continue. Three special prizes, two taels of authentic monkey wine, will be drawn for each meal."

Not only was this a sensation on the scene, even the people watching the live broadcast couldn't help but exclaim. Then many people couldn't help but shake their heads. Their area was not Pengcheng, and there was no Wuyou Restaurant branch nearby. Although Wuyou Food If the government wants to launch a lottery, they can only be happy in vain.

"Han Li, we are here as guests. We are getting some stools for them to squeeze in and have a meal with everyone." Just when the people who came over were moved and excited, Zhao Xinyu's voice came.

"Ah", the media, architects and people who came over couldn't help but exclaimed when they heard this sentence. They did not expect that they would be treated like this.

Many people felt lucky that when the farm banquet was put on the table, most of the people had already left. They wanted to see the dishes at the farm banquet, so they endured hunger and stayed, but they didn't want Zhao Xinyu to give them A huge benefit.

The reason why Zhao Xinyu made such a temporary decision was because he saw that there were only a few dozen people left, and each of his dishes was very generous. If these dozens of people were separated, there would be one or two more people on the table.

When those who left for dinner heard the news, they all stomped their feet and beat their chests, feeling regretful to death. They secretly hated themselves. If they had been back ten minutes later, they would have become one of them and could taste it. Authentic monkey wine is available now. . . . . .

The meal lasted for more than three hours. Because the monkey wine was opened and stolen, most people left shaking.

In the evening, when Zhao Xinyu and his group took a battery car there, Zhao Xinyu saw that the outside of Wenying Pavilion was already clean.

The villagers drove away in battery cars, and Zhao Xinyu raised the suspension bridge. Then the group of people walked towards Wenying Pavilion. Looking at the huge Wenying Pavilion, Meng Lie and others all sighed with emotion. They had never thought that one day they would be able to live in such a building.

"Xinyu, there are nearly a hundred acres of open space around Wenying Pavilion, what are you going to do with it?"

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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