I have a portable farm

Chapter 301 Green Bamboo and Poisonous Tribulus

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

Zhao Xinyu frowned. According to the speed he was traveling at, if anyone wanted to harm him, they should follow him.

Zhao Xinyu asked Heifeng to check the surroundings again, and felt that there was no one around. His mind moved, and Qingyun, Jinhen, Jinyu, Xiaozi, and Xiaobai all appeared next to him.

Before entering the mountain, Qingyun, Jinhen, and Jinyu knew his purpose of entering the mountain, so after appearing, Qingyun, Jinhen, and Jinyu left and disappeared into the jungle.

Xiaobai felt the surrounding environment, his eyes lit up, and he glanced at Zhao Xinyu, "You have a conscience, you finally thought of going into the mountains."

Zhao Xinyu was slightly stunned. He had met Xiaobai when he entered the mountain two years ago and met him in the sunken land that later collapsed. Now that he is back in Cailiang Mountain, Xiaobai should really be going home.

He suddenly thought of the peach tree that Xiaobai had not allowed him to get close to until now. You must know that the reason why Xiaobai followed him was probably because of that peach tree. So far, as long as Xiaobai is in space, Xiaobai will be near the peach tree most of the time.

"Xiao Bai, what on earth is that peach tree?"

Xiao Bai was slightly startled, his silver eyes wavered a few times, "A peach tree is a peach tree, what else can it be?"

Zhao Xinyu shook his head. He could tell that Xiaobai was hiding something. Since Xiaobai didn't want to say it, Zhao Xinyu didn't force it.

"Xiao Bai, you have been living in Cailiang Mountain. Let's go in that direction this time." Zhao Xinyu asked with a smile. Since Xiao Bai was unwilling to tell what the peach tree was, Zhao Xinyu could only change the topic.

What left Zhao Xinyu speechless was that Xiao Baili ignored him. Instead, he lay down on his back, raised his legs, and hummed. This reminded Zhao Xinyu of the scene in the first episode of Journey to the West: The Birth of the Monkey King. Sun Xingzhe.

Then he turned to look at Xiao Zi. As before, Xiao Zi was holding a peach that was bigger than his body and was nibbling carelessly.

After looking at the heartless Xiao Zi and then at the pretentious Xiao Bai, Zhao Xinyu's face was full of helplessness. These two guys were different from Hei Feng and Jin Hen.

Heifeng and Jinhen regarded themselves as relatives. It was better for these two people because they regarded his space as home, and he was just a guest.

Suddenly, Zhao Xinyu's heart moved. He thought of the place where he met Xiaobai, where he was transplanting the weird peach tree into the space, and the area began to collapse. Since there is something that can cause the mountain to collapse, what will happen? There is no other species like the peach tree.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xinyu made a plan. No matter Samsara, Wuying, or the master of the dark world whose face George couldn't investigate, he would go there and have a look.

With a plan in mind, Zhao Xinyu set off immediately, but his speed was still not fast. In his mind, Samsara and Wuying were a great threat to him. For the safety of those around him, he expected Samsara and Wuying to follow them. Come down by yourself.

Along the way, Zhao Xinyu felt like a traveling traveler. Perhaps because he was not traveling very fast, he also harvested a few good medicinal herbs.

At the end of the day, seeing the sky getting dark, Zhao Xinyu began to look for a place to camp. Although he didn't know whether Samsara, Wuying, or even the Japanese would attack him, he still prepared for the worst and wanted to find a place to camp. Camp wherever you can advance, retreat, or defend.

With four partners, Heifeng, Qingyun, Jinhen, and Jinyu, it is certainly not difficult to find such a place. There is a highland just under a smooth cliff of hundreds of meters. The highland is full of thorns. There are bushes, and in the middle of the bushes there is an open space where a tent can be set up.

There is a passage between the bushes and the cliff that can allow a person to enter and exit the open space in the middle.

Just when Zhao Xinyu walked to the cliff and wanted to enter the open space, Zhao Xinyu saw many clematis under the cliff, and some of them were even more than a hundred years old.

If this had been a few years ago, Zhao Xinyu would have jumped with excitement, but now any clematis in the space is a hundred years away, so Zhao Xinyu was just surprised, and he didn't even think of transplanting it. .

And just when he was leaning against the stone wall to enter the open space in the middle, Xiaobai, who was following him, grinned, "Ignorant human beings, an ordinary medicinal herb can make you excited, but when you really meet the treasures of heaven and earth, , but you turned a blind eye.”

Zhao Xinyu froze and glanced at Xiaobai, only to see that Xiaobai had already turned his head to look elsewhere. He looked around and saw that there were only the most ordinary shrubs and clematis that he was not interested in. This made Zhao Xinyu My mind moved, and my eyes finally fell on the clematis growing against the stone wall.

After a moment, Zhao Xinyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw a purple-brown and black clematis among the clematis.

This clematis seedling was thin and thin, as if it had some disease. Zhao Xinyu turned to look at Xiaobai, who then turned around and pretended not to see it.

Zhao Xinyu shook his head. He took out the hoe for transplanting herbs and carefully broke open the floating soil on the clematis. The next moment, Zhao Xinyu's heart started to beat wildly.

The roots of ordinary clematis are brown, but the roots of this clematis are red-gold, and after breaking the ground, you can feel the strong fluctuations of spiritual power in an instant.

"This, this is Anomatis", Zhao Xinyu felt his mouth was dry and his eyes were full of excitement.

Anomatis is a heterogeneous species of clematis. Even if clematis grows for thousands of years, it is impossible to evolve into a panacea. However, clematis is different. When it mutates into a clematis, it becomes a panacea. This one is in front of you. Anomatis, from the perspective of spiritual energy fluctuations, the lowest level is above the Zun level.

Exalted herbs, not only in the secular world, but also in the Xingxiu Hall where they have been, are the targets of looting by cultivators.

Suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, Zhao Xinyu carefully transplanted this noble Anomatis into the space, then looked up at Xiaobai and said, "Xiaobai, thank you."

Xiaobai curled his lips and said, "Just don't pay attention to those nine peaches."

Zhao Xinyu's head turned dark and he glanced at Xiaobai speechlessly. At this moment, his heart was hurt. Knowing that peaches were extraordinary and the most precious thing in Xiaobai's eyes, he had no greed for that peach tree. I thought about it, but I didn't expect that now Xiaobai felt that he was plotting against Taozi.

Just when Zhao Xinyu was about to enter the middle area again, Xiaobai spoke again, "See clearly, this is not an ordinary iron caltrop, this is the green bamboo poisonous caltrop. He also claims to be a disciple of traditional Chinese medicine. He doesn't even recognize the green bamboo poisonous caltrop. The face of the ancestors of traditional Chinese medicine has been completely disgraced by you.”

Zhao Xinyu's expression changed. Of course he knew that the green bamboo poisonous caltrop was almost exactly the same as the ordinary iron caltrop.

However, ordinary caltrops are just ordinary thorns. If you are accidentally stung by a caltrop, you just have to endure the pain, and you will be fine after a few minutes.

But Green Bamboo Poisonous Tribulus is different. Green Bamboo Poisonous Tribulus is a poisonous plant. The toxicity on the thorns is comparable to snake venom. If you are accidentally stung by Green Bamboo Poisonous Tribulus, your life will be in danger.

With Xiaobai's reminder, Zhao Xinyu's eyes fell on this thorny shrub again, and sure enough, he saw a luster like green bamboo on the trunk.

Looking at the poisonous green bamboo and tribulus, Zhao Xinyu was secretly afraid. Although he knew how to detoxify, he would inevitably suffer some pain. The most important thing was that if an enemy attacked during his detoxification process, it would not be suffering, but suffering. It's lives that are at risk.

Xiaobai glanced at Zhao Xinyu and grinned, "Ignorant boy, this green bamboo poisonous tribulus is highly poisonous, but depending on who hands it, you have many enemies now. This green bamboo poisonous tribulus may be able to help you." Solve some troubles."

Zhao Xinyu's heart moved, and he nodded subconsciously, then got some herbs from the space, grinded them and swallowed them, took out a shovel, selected a few green bamboo and poisonous tribulus plants, and transplanted them into the space.

What surprised Zhao Xinyu was that after the Green Bamboo Tribulus entered the space, the space changed. Although the change was not too big, it was a bit bigger than the change of the noble herb Anomatis just now.

Entering the central area, Zhao Xinyu checked it, then set up the tent and ate a little. When night fell, Zhao Xinyu's heart moved slightly. He walked out of the tent and got poisonous tribulus from this piece of green bamboo. A lot more than an inch long. The green-gray poisonous needles then turned out and buried these poisonous needles in several areas before returning to the tent with confidence.

Back in the tent, Zhao Xinyu didn't feel any sleepiness. He took out a few poisonous needles. Suddenly, his heart moved. He thought of the weapons his grandfather left for him. They were only slightly larger than the silver needles used for acupuncture. If If it were the poisonous needle of green bamboo and poisonous tribulus in his hand, it would hit the enemy.

After a night of silence, the reincarnation and shadowlessness he was worried about did not appear, but Zhao Xinyu did not deliberately think about it. Their target was him. He was no longer in Xihanling, and at least his family was safe.

After packing up the tent, Zhao Xinyu did not leave in a hurry, but picked a lot of poisonous needles from the green bamboo and poisonous tribulus.

After they were on the road again, Hei Feng suddenly sent a message to Zhao Xinyu, "Boss, there seems to be a human atmosphere here."

Zhao Xinyu's heart shrank slightly, and he turned to look at the high ground where he camped last night. His eyes fluctuated a few times, and he suddenly understood.

The area around him is surrounded by green bamboo and poisonous tribulus. The other party may not know that it is green bamboo and poisonous tribulus, but he knows that as long as they move, he will feel it, and they may not be able to kill him silently.

"Be careful," Zhao Xinyu said calmly, but he was on guard in his heart, because he knew that whether it was reincarnation or shadowlessness, as long as he left a chance to the other party, he would fall into an abyss of eternal destruction.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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