I have a portable farm

Chapter 2911: Guizhou Donkey has no skills?

Bai Haotian took a deep breath and said, "Xinyu, although this time it seems to be a low-quality perfume, we feel that the matter is not that simple."

Zhao Xinyu was slightly startled, "Brother Tian, ​​you mean..."

"We did destroy the counterfeiting den, but the outer packaging and bottles of this batch of inferior perfumes seem to come from abroad."

Zhao Xinyu's eyes suddenly shrank, he stood up and looked at Bai Haotian, "Abroad?"

"Yes, the place of origin is abroad, and the recipe is also from abroad."

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath and said, "So, the masterminds behind the scenes should be those things. They want to make the Qingguo Qingcheng stink."

"They must be at the end of their rope."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Can you find the source?"

"We are looking for them, but if it is really them, I think it will be very difficult to find them."

"They are not willing to fail. They may make other moves next."

"The Dijun Group is now the country's leading enterprise, and its products are world-renowned. Although it has nothing to do with the Dijun Group this time, it still has a great influence. Third Grandpa also attaches great importance to this matter."

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath and said, "Brother Tian, ​​you can't overdo it. Just leave it to the local government, but the intensity cannot be light. The cost of a few dollars can be turned into hundreds of times the profit. If this is started, what will happen next?" There are more people making fake products. Don’t forget that there are still many markets for our products that are blank.”

"Third Grandpa and the others are also worried about this problem. How many years have you founded the Dijun Group? That is to say, Jiao Hongzhuo and others once used your prescriptions to make fakes. If we don't crack down hard this time, more people may take risks in the face of huge profits. Who are the people behind this counterfeiting?”

"Those bastards, they are really robbers in nature. If they don't get it, they will destroy it. It's best to discover it early, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"It's also because your anti-counterfeiting is so good that even the outer packaging cannot be copied. Otherwise, we don't know how many fake and shoddy products there are."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "Those are all good things left by our ancestors. At first, many foreign groups wanted to buy my anti-counterfeiting equipment, but I never sold it. At that time, many people said that I was a fool and an anti-counterfeiting person. The logos are treated like treasures, but they don’t know how many counterfeit products will appear once those foreign groups study them thoroughly.”

Although Qingguoqingcheng's fake and shoddy perfumes have been around for a long time, their influence is really not small because of the relationship between the Dijun Group. It is also the prestige accumulated by the Dijun Group over the years that makes almost everyone believe in the Dijun Group brand. If this is the case, If it were replaced by another brand, the counterfeit and shoddy products this time would cause the group's stock price to plummet.

While destroying counterfeiting dens and arresting counterfeiters, the official website of Dijun Group has been updated again. Dijun Group reiterates that Dijun Group’s products will be sold through formal channels, and products such as medicinal wine, cosmetics, and drinks will not be sold outside. Setting up stalls for sales, even vegetables and fruits, are only sold at the place of production, and the person in charge of the Emperor Group will be watching every place.

As for the victims who purchased counterfeit products this time, Dijun Group will provide a set of cosmetics in advance to help the patients recover. At the same time, if necessary, they can also purchase a Dijun Group perfume.

Once the news spread, not only the victims but also other people applauded. This time the fake and shoddy products had nothing to do with the Dijun Group, but the Dijun Group could still make such a decision, that is, the Dijun Group will always treat customers As their food and clothing parents, when Qingguo Qingcheng cosmetics have not yet been sold to the outside world, they give priority to selling to victims, and they can also sell to a perfume. This is because they care about customers.

Many victims who have purchased products but have not yet used them feel that although they are victims this time, they are a blessing in disguise. After all, they can get a set of cosmetics and a bottle of perfume that must be pre-ordered, and more What's more, the scammer has been caught, and there is a high chance that they can get back the money they lost.

On this day, another news from the Emperor Group made the people excited again. This time it was not the release of new products or anything else, but a heavy rain would fall in Lop Nur in the next two days. The Emperor Group asked people sleeping outdoors to prepare in advance.

Zhao Xinyu's prediction of the weather is very accurate. In recent years, no one doubts Zhao Xinyu's ability to predict the weather. Heavy rains often occur in many places, especially in the south, but heavy rains in Lop Nur or Hongshi Cliff, Heavy snow has a different meaning.

When it snows heavily in winter, people can pick up sand grouse that have been frozen to death in Liuling Mountain. When it rains heavily in summer, people can pick mushrooms. In recent years, when it rains heavily in summer, picking mushrooms has become a favorite experience activity for countless people, even for themselves. It costs money to pick, and people are willing to do it.

This is mainly because the mushrooms in Lop Nur or Liuling Mountain are delicious, and many times you may not be able to buy them if you have money. However, after heavy rain, as long as you have the ability, the mushrooms you pick can be transported by express delivery from the Emperor Group.

The heavy rain in the Dijun Group's announcement is firstly a reminder to people sleeping on the street, and secondly, it is to tell people that you can come to pick mushrooms in the forests around Lop Nur Airport.

Two days later in the afternoon, a heavy downpour enveloped the four developed areas of Mowen Town, Loulan Town, Kashgar Town, and Namucuo Town.

After the rain, the air in these four areas was blue and the heat was no longer in the air. The wilderness was green. Mowen Town, which was closest to the airport, became an area where people gathered. The streets were full of people.

Early the next morning, the artificial forest became a sea of ​​joy for people. Many media followed and reported on it. Almost all self-media and media platforms were filled with mushroom picking scenes.

The construction of artificial forests only took a few years, but people can still see yellow sand on the roadside. The sand in the forest has turned into black soil. The alfalfa in any area is as tall as a person, and the big trees Thick fallen leaves were piled up below. Among the rotten fallen leaves, pieces of mushrooms were hidden among various medicinal herbs.

Seeing this scene, countless people are sighing. Over the years, countless people have wanted to control the desert, but countless funds have been spent to control the desert area.

In just a few years, Zhao Xinyu has turned an inaccessible desert into an oasis, and the yellow sand has turned into soil. If nothing else, Zhao Xinyu can go down in history just by relying on this alone.

People here in Lop Nur were still immersed in the joy of picking mushrooms, and news came from the other side of Hongshi Cliff that a heavy rain quietly fell on Hongshi Cliff. At this time, those who could not come to Lop Nur became excited, and they came one after another. Entering the Red Rock Cliff...

The two places have become a sea of ​​joy for people. The Internet and the media are almost full of violent scenes, but people have not seen Zhao Xinyu.

At this moment in Xuelong Ridge, Zhao Xinyu looked at the existences of Bei Mingtian and Qionghua in Baihua Valley and Burying Sky Valley, "How do you feel?"

An old woman looked at Bei Mingtian and said, "Bei Mingtian should be fine."

The former top master in Bei Mingtian's cultivation world, the veteran Half-Step Void, took a deep breath and nodded, "It shouldn't be a big problem. But..."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "Ancestor Tian, ​​you are worried..."

Bei Mingtian took a deep breath and said, "Xinyu, you are not an outsider. If we have any questions, just tell us directly. You are indeed against the sky, and coupled with the existence of Mobei, you can indeed scare the Tianyang Sect and Xuantian Sect alliance, but we I'm still a little worried. Once they have more than two Shattered Voids, we can only contain one at most."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Brother Chun and sister-in-law cannot take action. Your concerns are reasonable."

Yaohua took a deep breath, "Only the five of us have understood the realm now, but Ling'er and I have to help you. The three of Bei Ming Burial can at most contain one..."

Zhao Xinyu looked at Yaohua and then his eyes fell on Ye Ling'er, "Ye Ling'er, are you and the Great Elder confident of containing a Broken Void?"

"There should be no problem with the superposition of my and my uncle's fields, but you..."

"I have no problem. I am now at least 80% sure of killing the newly promoted Shattered Void."


A sound of gasping was heard. Zhao Xinyu killed five of the six broken voids of the Tianyang Sect and Xuantian Sect alliance now. However, except for Tianchaofeng, the other four were all capable. Ye Ling'er and the others restrained them.

They knew that Zhao Xinyu was defiant, but if Zhao Xinyu was to fight against a Shattered Void head-on, they really didn't have much confidence.

"Xinyu, have you realized something else?"

Zhao Xinyu smiled and nodded, "I have indeed realized the realm during this period of time."

"Fire attribute?"

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath and said, "I can use the body cultivation of Senior Beiming Kuangfeng to develop the realm of all things."

Existences such as Yaohua and Beiming Burial stood up at the same time, staring at Zhao Xinyu with horror in their eyes. Existences such as Bei Mingtian, Qionghua, Zhou Zheng, and Zhou Chao also came into contact with the realm during this period, but even if With Yaohua and Beiming Burying them, most of them felt that the realm was a fantasy for them.

They all thought it was impossible for the attribute field, but Zhao Xinyu understood the field of physical cultivation in more than a month. This really exceeded their expectations. They had seen the field, but for the field of physical cultivation, they Don't even think about it.

Bei Mingzian took a deep breath, "Let's go outside and try."

Outside the main hall, the three people from Zombie Valley opened their own domain. People not far away have already felt the oppression of this domain on them, which makes those who have not yet cultivated the domain have their eyes gleaming.

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, and streaks of colorful light filled the air from his body. One color, two colors... Colorful glows continued to intersect around his body. When thirteen colors appeared, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

Ye Ling'er looked at the Thirteen Colors surrounding Zhao Xinyu's body, with more excitement than horror in her eyes.

"Thirteen Colors, Zhao Xinyu, can you restrain yourself? If this is seen by people in the big world, you will definitely become their first target."

Zhao Xinyu laughed, and the colorful lights disappeared. When they turned into eight colors, accompanied by a handful of golden lights flashing, a destructive aura spread rapidly towards the surroundings, and the area covered by the golden lights was destructive. Aura, and at the edge of the golden light, colorful lights are constantly puffing out.

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