I have a portable farm

Chapter 2879: Stealing the limelight?

After Zhao Xinyu had his hair cut, he took the villagers into the mountains in a hired helicopter. The news had already spread, and the people of Pengcheng came here, and the village became more lively than the New Year.

When the sun set, people finally saw the helicopter flying back from the mountains, which made the people waiting excited.

Although Zhao Xinyu did not come back, Lu Ming and his friends who were waiting also distributed the blue grapes and purple melons they brought back to the people who came to taste according to Zhao Xinyu's request.

Whether it was blue grapes or purple melons, people were amazed after tasting them. They were amazed that there were such wonderful fruits in the wild, especially the purple melons, which not only had purple skin, but also had a purple gem in the flesh. It tasted really better than many kinds of fruits as Zhao Xinyu said.

As a result, pictures and videos of blue grapes and purple melons were everywhere on the Internet. Some people even sent out the news that Zhao Xinyu said he would plant blue grapes on Qingshi Avenue, which made the people who supported the Emperor Group even more expectant. Some people also called Zhao Xinyu directly and asked Zhao Xinyu to brew blue Emperor with blue grapes.

On the next morning, people who got up early saw Zhao Xinyu leading thousands of blue wolves into the Hengsheng Commercial District opposite Xihanling.

Hengsheng Commercial District had not yet opened, but Tang Hongyi had already been waiting there with many people. The people who followed him used their mobile phones to record it. Zhao Xinyu let the blue wolves know the workers who were specifically feeding the wolves. Then Zhao Xinyu took the wolves around several borders of the commercial district.

When Zhao Xinyu returned to Xihanling, people had already spread the news that the blue wolves had entered the commercial district. Zhao Xinyu, who returned to Xihanling, was not idle. He sent part of the saplings and branches he brought back yesterday to Lop Nur and Hongshiya.

Then he left Xihanling and returned to Hongshiya. He had just returned to the compound, and Jiang Fei arrived in the compound in less than a cup of tea.

Seeing Jiang Fei coming, Zhao Xinyu laughed, "Brother Jiang, you came a little early this time. I came here by plane, and the fruit will be here in the afternoon at the earliest."

Jiang Fei shook his head, "I have other things to do."

"Other things."

"The financial war has caused economic turmoil in those countries and regions that target the Emperor Group, and the number of unemployed people has increased significantly. Although they have been using various methods to stimulate economic development and allow more unemployed people to regain employment opportunities in the past few months, the effect is not ideal. This time, the mercenary groups supported by multiple countries suffered setbacks in the Middle East because of the Shahu, and at least thousands of mercenaries were killed, which has aroused countless people's concerns about the government. The government's distrust, the families of the dead mercenaries have done something extreme. "

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "It seems that these have nothing to do with us."

"These really have nothing to do with us, but those groups that have declined due to these reasons have taken the initiative to show goodwill to us. They are seeking the latest cooperation with us. As for those groups in the cosmetics field, they have sent people to negotiate with us. "

Zhao Xinyu smiled coldly, "They are not here to negotiate, they are here to get the perfume formula, why do they feel the crisis before our perfume is widely promoted in China. "

Jiang Fei laughed. "You really guessed it right. They just want to cooperate with us to produce three kinds of perfumes in the Alluring Series. Up to now, our perfumes are in short supply in the domestic market, but there are already purchasing agents who buy perfumes from us and bring them to them. The price of a bottle of perfume can be at least 15 times higher." Zhao Xinyu smiled coldly, "This should be the result they want. They want to monopolize the perfume market, but they don't want to shoot themselves in the foot. Now the price of our perfume has exceeded theirs." "Now there are a large number of purchasing agents in many cities where perfumes can be sold. They specialize in buying perfumes and can make high profits every time. Anyone who has used our perfumes has become our fan. Although they are constantly carrying out various promotional activities, more and more people have left their circle. If this continues, once our perfumes go out, they will inevitably suffer a fatal impact. They also thought of the result and sent people over. They gave us more share." Zhao Xinyu snorted coldly, "Only people like them can do such a thing ,坑了我一次,我还能上他们第二次当,他们还真的高看自己了,他们不是要扩大种植规模、扩大生产,怎么现在还找咱们,让他们有多远死多远,你告诉他们,帝君集团就是要让他们失去华夏的国内市场。”










Zhao Xinyu laughed, "They didn't say they would wear them out until they died."

"Seeing that people who have moved to buildings are getting rich, they can't worry. Originally, they wanted to use their yards to make them sick, but you just block their yards with woods. If the woods are damaged, they will go to jail. This For several years we didn’t even ask them, they could sit still. What’s more, last year people’s hands cramped when counting money at Ge Lao Mountain. These days, if you want to go skiing at Ge Lao Mountain, you have to book a week in advance. "

"You have to use some extraordinary means to deal with people like them. The more you look for them, they will also raise the price. The project at Mayukou has not started yet."

"It's open. People from Haotian and Pingcheng came here a few days ago and wanted to see you for a look at the river and Yuhe River here."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "This is a matter of time. Although we have Sanggan River and Yuhe here, they have always been water-scarce areas in history. After Pingcheng and Haotian are transformed, the population will increase. The river cannot solve the drinking water problem of millions of people at all, but the water problem can be solved after our river channel is connected with them. At the same time, historically, our area has only two rivers with larger water volumes, Sanggan River and Yuhe. Rivers, the artificial rivers we have built now include the entire Haotian. Once connected, water tourism can also drive local economic development. "

"You thought of these before."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "I said at the beginning that I would make Haotian the largest economic development zone in the northern region, and there would be no polluting industries. Planting, breeding, and tourism are our pillar industries. Now the cabinet Laoshan and Fangcheng have basically taken shape. Once planting and breeding in Beijiazao, Zhoushizhuang and Jule are successful, the preliminary plan will basically be achieved, and it will be much easier to develop other areas.” .🅆.

"Then find a time and I'll ask them to come over and let's discuss it."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "This is not necessary. You tell them that if you want long-term development, you must do a good job in pollution control. As long as we have clear water and blue sky, tourists will come even if we don't advertise it. There is no problem in connecting the rivers." , They must closely grasp the ecology of Yuhe."

While they were talking, Wang Yong, Er Wei and others came in from outside. Of course, they would inevitably complain after seeing Zhao Xinyu.

After Wang Yong and others finished complaining, Zhao Xinyu

He laughed and said, "How is the situation in Liuling Mountain?"

"Go and see for yourself. There are people everywhere in the mountains. The roads are wider than before, but traffic jams often occur. In order to solve this problem, Haotian also sent a group of traffic police to deal with traffic jams in the mountains. ”

"so many people?"

Wang Yong's words made Zhao Xinyu stunned. He knew that his nine buildings would definitely attract tourists, but it was not the peak tourist season yet, and there were traffic jams in the mountains. How many people were here.

"This month, the number of people coming to Hongshiya has exceeded three million, ranking first among all tourism industries. Pingcheng has opened two special tourist lines, but even with this, it is still difficult to get a ticket."

"Yes, the more people, the better."

Wang Yong shook his head and said, "You think it's good. Go check out the restaurants and accommodations. Not only Hongshiya, but also people from Haotian and Pingcheng say they are very tired."

After saying this, Wang Yong looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Xinyu, people used to say that we didn't think much of it. In those areas that were renovated last year, the fruit trees bloomed early and the air was fresher than before. People said you were... Because of Feng Shui.”

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "It does have a lot to do with Feng Shui. The area transformed now will get better and better."

"Those shops in the mountains."

"It's been packed every day since last month. Now it's not cold in the mountains anymore. Many people have set up tents in the open space in front of the nine places."

"It's all here."

"Just watch. When the vegetable and fruit gardens open here, there will be more people. I'm looking for someone to make plans these days to see how to make the people in Liusu Mountain more reasonably divided, so that the population will not gather at that time. Too dense, once extreme weather occurs they..."

"The mountains are different from the outside. You all saw last year's flash floods. Once such extreme weather occurs, even if we are fully prepared, if people staying in the mountains do not pay attention to safety, there will be casualties. Those who may get into trouble will The area must not allow people to stay overnight. If you talk to them more, I think they will understand. "

"Brother Xiaoyu, you are back now. When will Blue Grape and Ziling Gua come back?"

"Let's arrange some manpower this afternoon."

"When people heard that you were coming back, they had already prepared for it. During the time you went to Xihanling, it was very lively. Rare water birds returned, bathing beaches were opened, and businesses were opened. Now you have put the wolves into business. District, Hongshiya’s limelight has been robbed by Xihanling during this period.”

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