I have a portable farm

Chapter 2865 Crisis?

Bei Mingzong's eyes flashed continuously, "They are really insidious and want to involve all the strange beasts in the disputes in the secular world."

"Ancestor Burial, that strange beast over there?"

"They caused a lot of damage to the Shattering Sky level. I heard from the strange beasts in the Burial Sky Mountains that all the seriously injured strange beasts were taken away by them, but they only killed two of the half-step void strange beasts. Now Burial Sky The strange beasts in the Tianshan Mountains have reached a tacit understanding. If they dare to go there, the strange beasts will unite to surround them. "

Zhao Xinyu sighed slightly, "This world has an imbalance of heaven and earth. The Shura world has declined, and the world of strange beasts has also forgotten the cruelty of the entire world."

"Xinyu, although we have killed many people in the cultivation world, now ten of them have broken the void. Once they enter the secular world..."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Ancestor Burial, you are right to worry. Their breakthrough speed is beyond my expectation. The existence of so many Shattered Void is really a huge threat to us, but fortunately they There is not enough Shenwu Realm and Half-Step Void, which is still good news for us. "

After saying this, Zhao Xinyu looked at Beiming Zangtian, "They continue to make breakthroughs. Other forces in the cultivation world know their ambitions, so they will not sit still and wait for death."

Beiming Zangtian nodded, "The news from the cultivation world shows that other forces are also making a lot of noise. The number of people in Shattering Void from each major force exceeds fifty. There is news that many forces are secretly allying for this purpose. To deal with the threats posed to them by their alliance."

"If this is the case, it is definitely good news for us. The major forces will be able to contain them if they respond. Their ambitions are not just in the secular world. There are forces secretly allying themselves. They will not know it. , so they want to maintain their advantage and must recruit more experts.”

Beiming Celestial Burial snorted coldly, "How many masters have they sent into the secular world over the years, but how many can really go back? Almost all those who entered the secular world stayed in the secular world. Cultivators do need cultivation resources, but they are not fools. , whenever the current cultivating world hears that they have entered the secular world, they all change their expressions. The entire cultivating community knows that they are targeting the Yanhuang Iron Brigade in the secular world. The Yanhuang Iron Brigade is invincible under the Shattered Void. If they do not come up with actual facts With limited cultivation resources, no one is willing to follow them into the secular world.”

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Their biggest reliance now is the Shattered Void. If they want to have enough manpower to enter the secular world to deal with us, they will use the surrounding forces to replenish their personnel. This will conflict with the forces behind those forces." .”

"That doesn't mean..."

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath, "This is just our idea. They have a lot of people in Shattered Void, so there should be some compromise, and they will also tame strange beasts on a large scale. We must be prepared, over there in the Burying Sky Mountains Please be careful, and if we can kill a few of their Shattered Void existences in the training ground, the effect may be better."

"In the name of the Yanhuang Iron Brigade."

"The current Yanhuang Iron Brigade is a taboo for them. Not to mention the Tianyang Sect and Xuantian Sect, the entire cultivation world is afraid of the Yanhuang Iron Brigade. Once the Yanhuang Iron Brigade appears in the training place, it will It touches the interests of the entire cultivation world, so the Yanhuang Iron Brigade will not appear in the Yanhuang Iron Brigade unless there are special circumstances.”

"Xinyu, you should still appear as senior Beiming Kuangfeng."

Zhao Xinyu laughed, "The Valley of Burial Sky is famous for protecting shortcomings in the cultivation world. Now the people of Burial Sky Valley are being bullied. If I didn't show up, this would be a bit incompatible with the style of Sky Burial Valley."

"You haven't cultivated the fire attribute field, so there is no way to use the name of Ancestor Guangfeng to display the field."

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath and looked at Bei Mingzian, "You seem to have overlooked one thing. The disciples of Zangtian Valley all have hidden attributes."

After hearing Zhao Xinyu's words, Beiming Zhan and others nodded subconsciously. People in Tianzong Valley all have hidden attributes. Once they break through to the divine martial realm, the hidden attributes will awaken. This is known to the entire cultivation world. Beiming Kuangfeng Body As a member of the Burial Sky Valley, he has already broken through to half a step into the void, so it is inevitable that he has hidden attributes.

Seeing several people nodding, Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, his eyes falling on Beiming Zangtian and Ye Ling'er, "This time you should have exposed your domain in the training place, otherwise you wouldn't be able to defeat the Celestial Tyrant. Have to vomit blood."

Beiming Zhantian laughed, "The power of this domain is really not weak. Not long after my domain was cultivated, the first enemy I faced was Tianchao Ba. Under the control of my two domains and Ye Ling'er , Tianchao Ba is really contained by us, that is, we are not as defiant as you. If any of us were replaced by you, Tianchao Ba would be severely damaged even if he did not die. "

Ye Ling'er nodded, sighed quietly, and her almond-shaped eyes fell on Zhao Xinyu, "Xinyu, the domain has an absolute curbing effect on cultivators. If it weren't for the domain and the saint's holy glory, we would have no way to resist the suppression of the Celestial Hegemon. , what Beiming Zangtian said was a little off."


"Perhaps we practice different techniques, and our two fields are also resisting each other. If you and I cooperate, our fields are both ice attribute fields. If we join forces, it is really possible for Tianchao Ba to stay. .”

Zhao Xinyu was slightly startled, and subconsciously looked at Beiming Zangtian, who nodded with a wry smile, "Ye Linger is right, the superposition of our two fields not only did not increase the power, but weakened it a lot, you and Ye Linger has both practiced the ultimate ice attribute field. Although the techniques are different, the attributes are the same after all. Maybe your two fields can be superimposed. Once the superposition is successful, the two of you can defeat a master of Shattering Void."

Zhao Xinyu's eyes fell on Ye Ling'er. He saw a trace of expectation in Ye Ling'er's eyes, which made him nod subconsciously, "Ye Ling'er, let's study it later."

After saying this, Zhao Xinyu looked at Beiming Burial, Beiming Celestial Burial, and Yaohua. "You have also seen the power of the domain. During this period of time, you should take a good look at the domain while you are recuperating. The Tian Burial Valley technique comes from the same lineage. Once you can all cultivate the domain, it will be a big deal for Tianyang Sect and Xuantian. Zong is an absolute nightmare.”


"I haven't been back to Xihanling since I got it back. I have to go back in the next few days to see how to develop it."

Bei Mingzhan's eyes flickered a few times, "Xinyu, you haven't gone back often these years. You really should go back, but remember my words, don't go to Longevity Mountain. Even if your current cultivation level is not low, you can compete. The Shattered Void exists, but in the depths of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, there are countless strange beasts that can kill you in an instant. Not to mention you, even Du Chun and Liu Xiang cannot say that they can run rampant after entering the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain."

"The Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts, Bei Ming Burial, is the Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts you are talking about..."

Bei Mingzong nodded and pointed at Zhao Xinyu, "For endless years, humans have never known where Wanshou Mountain is. In fact, Wanshou Mountain is deep in Cailiang Mountain behind Xihan Ridge. Xinyu once entered by mistake, and it was him. Only with Heifeng, Jinhen and Jinyu around him can he escape unscathed. "

Yaohua and Ye Ling'er both widened their eyes. They have the inheritance of Baihua Valley and of course they know what kind of existence Ten Thousand Beast Mountain is.

"Xinyu, Beiming Burying is right. From the time Ten Thousand Beast Mountain appeared until now, we have never heard of humans entering and leaving. In those days, let alone cultivators like us, there were countless powerful people. All fell in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain. In the Wonderful Beast World, the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain is the paradise of the Wonderful Beasts, and the Ten Thousand Beasts Tomb is the origin of the Wonderful Beasts. The two areas are as holy places in the eyes of any Wonderful Beast. If there is no If necessary, don’t enter Wanshou Mountain, even if there are treasures you want to get there.”

Zhao Xinyu nodded. Both Tiantian Burial Valley and Baihua Valley had a long heritage. Beiming Burial and Yaohua would definitely not lie to him. This also gave him a new understanding of Ten Thousand Beast Mountain.

In the living room of a villa in the suburbs of Yanjing, Tian Qing and Xuan Cang swept away the decadence of the past. Their eyes were full of excitement. They kept looking towards the second floor.

With the sound of slight footsteps, Jiao Hongzhuo and Tian Ruojiao's family came down from the second floor. Perhaps there was no help, but Jiao Hongzhuo looked a little lonely.

Coming down from upstairs, Jiao Hongzhuo took a deep breath and looked at Tian Qing and Xuan Cang. He frowned and said, "Ancestor, I want to tell you some news that you don't want to hear."

Tian Qing and others looked at each other with smiles and nodded, "Hongzhuo, you speak first."

"Everyone should know about the sand fox that has appeared in the Middle East recently."

"I know, not all the news is about Shahu. They are just an organization composed of a group of local people. They don't seem to have a direct relationship with us."

Jiao Hongzhuo shook his head, "If it really had nothing to do with us a few months ago, this Shahu is not an ordinary organization. They have killed more than two thousand mercenaries in recent times."

"They're just ordinary ants. If Xiu Lian is involved, they won't be able to survive even a day."

"Ancestor, you are wrong. Many of the people they killed were members of the dark world. Just a few days ago, at least hundreds of cultivators were ambushed by the sand fox, including dozens of saints. The existence of the martial realm and the divine martial realm.”

As soon as Jiao Hongzhuo said these words, the eyes of Tian Qing and Xuan Cang shrank suddenly. They were very clear about the gap between ordinary people and cultivators. They did not need the Holy Martial Realm or the Divine Martial Realm. In their imaginations, they were just a group of people. Innate practitioners used to be able to kill Shahu in seconds, but they heard something from Jiao Hongzhuo that shocked them all.

"Hongzhuo, the news is reliable."

Jiao Hongzhuo nodded, "The news came back from the dark world. That area is rich in oil resources. These are important strategic materials for the secular world. It is precisely because of this that the mercenary group entered that area." Now their position is threatened by the Sand Fox, and the Dark World is temporarily targeting that area, so they can't spare the manpower to participate in our affairs."

Xuan Cang smiled faintly, "They claim to be a force that has existed for hundreds or even thousands of years. Once they faced the Yanhuang Iron Brigade, they all became cowards. Several forces that had existed for thousands of years were uprooted. They are With that little bit of hope, I’ll tell you some good news.”

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