I have a portable farm

Chapter 2860: Confusing the situation

The camp was destroyed, the supply convoy was attacked, and the heavily guarded airport was bombarded. The damaged helicopters and planes were even more painful for them, which also made those behind the scenes furious.

In order to save their lost face and quell the domestic complaints, they began to retaliate crazily. This time they were no longer targeting the resistance organization. Anyone they thought was a member of the resistance organization would be killed on the spot. This made the people in their area even more vulnerable. The people were hostile to them.

Faced with the crazy revenge of the mercenary world, all resistance organizations did not give in, and all organizations launched counterattacks in their areas.

The mysterious Shahu has attacked many times. The location of their attack is not in one area, but it is a camp, airport, and main road where supply convoys are active that the mercenaries know. So those mercenaries who go out for revenge have become them. target to hit.

Large-caliber mortars and individual missiles are their biggest support. Sniping and raids are their usual methods. Unlike other organizations, Shahu, an organization that has only appeared recently, can be described as elusive. As long as they appear, This place is a mercenary's nightmare.

After each mission, Shahu would disappear mysteriously. Shahu had attacked mercenaries in many places, but no one had actually seen how many Shahu people there were, let alone where Shahu's base was. place.

Shahu's constant attacks caused heavy losses to the mercenary world. Among them, the losses of the ink mercenaries were particularly heavy. Someone made statistics. The number of mercenaries sent by the Mo Mo Mercenary Group was more than 6,000. In this period of time, more than 3,000 of them were killed by Sand Fox. Counting the mercenaries killed by other resistance organizations, the Mo Mo Mercenaries lost as much as four thousand.

The major mercenary groups continued to lose personnel and equipment, which also caused many problems in the country. In order to save their face, while retaliating crazily, they also offered sky-high bounties. The bounty amount for any member of Shahu was as high as More than 200 million US dollars.

But now Shahu has become the object of worship by the people throughout the Middle East. There is no need for Shahu to speak out. The major resistance organizations have spoken out one after another. Once anyone dares to leak information about Shahu members or Shahu base, they will do whatever it takes to stop them. The person who leaked the secret will be hunted down regularly.

The Middle East, which had been in turmoil for nearly a century, was in turmoil due to the emergence of the Sand Fox. Silent resistance organizations continued to take action, and the people who had been oppressed for nearly a century began to wake up.

The whole world was also shocked by the appearance of this mysterious sand fox. They all knew that once the sand fox continued to develop, those countries and regions that had been manipulating and plundering resources would definitely be hit, or they would be driven out completely.

Those countries and regions that have been plundering resources are even more worried about the sudden appearance of this mysterious sand fox in their country, because they know that once the mysterious sand fox appears in their country, as long as they are targeted, the chance of survival is extremely small.

As news about Shahu continues to spread, countless young people in other countries and regions, not to mention the Middle East, have become loyal fans of Shahu. They all want to witness how far Shahu can go.

The whole world has become tense due to the appearance of Shahu, and even the cultivating forces behind countries and regions are very depressed.

From various videos and descriptions of survivors, all members of the Shahu organization are ordinary people, but each one has excellent skills and tactics, and their ability to judge the battlefield far exceeds that of the so-called king of soldiers. Any one of them has surpassed the existence of the King of War. Whether it is shooting or individual soldier control, these people have surpassed every King of War they know.

Once these people take off their weapons and hide among ordinary people, no one can find them unless they are exposed themselves.

Because they are ordinary people, they have no way to use the standards of cultivators to find these people. They can't find them, but these sand foxes hiding among ordinary people at any time can give them a fatal blow.

The sand fox is the most cunning animal in the world, best at hiding, attacking, and the fastest escaping. Even among people living in the desert, a large part of the population has never seen a sand fox.

The Sand Fox organization that has emerged now is even more mysterious than the Sand Fox in the desert. They attack mercenaries many times. Although most of them are late at night, they ambush supply vehicles and mercenaries on missions many times during the day. But until now, people don’t know what kind of organization Shahu is.

This is also a problem that all countries are worried about. They are worried that once the sand fox infiltrates into their country and causes some trouble, they will not be able to find the whereabouts of the sand fox.

Just when many countries and regions were worried that the Sand Fox would enter their country, the Sand Fox organization finally spoke out. This time, the Sand Fox organization made its voice not in the desert or in ruins, but in a base.

The most ironic thing is that there are a large number of artillery shells, individual weapons, guns and ammunition in the Shahu base. All the weapons and ammunition come from countries in Europe and the United States that have been trying to plunder the oil resources in that area.

Shahu clearly stated in the hair rope that they will not target any country or region, except those countries and regions where mercenary groups are located. Even if Shahu goes out to perform tasks, they will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. They will only target those who want to The dignitaries and executioners who plundered their resources are now mainly targeting the heinous Ink Mercenary Group. Next, in addition to the Ink Mercenary Group, they will target several accomplices of the Ink Mercenary Group and all the plunderers. Sand foxes will persist unless they leave their area.

As long as a mercenary kills an innocent person indiscriminately, they will use ten mercenaries to bury the innocent person with him...

Shahu's voice made many countries and regions breathe a sigh of relief, but the leaders of those countries and regions with mercenaries had a headache.

Mercenary organizations are a sharp blade for them, and they are behind every mercenary organization. They have used mercenaries to plunder countless resources over the years, and they have also eliminated many potential threats.

Now Shahu is directly pointing the finger at them. Until now, they don't know who the leader of Shahu is, let alone where their base is. The existence of such an organization is definitely a huge threat to them.

Unlike them, the resistance organizations throughout the Middle East seem to have seen hope. They have made voices one after another and want to join the Shahu. This makes the predators even more frightened. They know that once these resistance organizations become part of the Shahu , with the leadership of the leader of Shahu, the resistance organization can be said to be even more powerful. It will be more difficult for them to destroy these resistance organizations, or they will really be driven out.

Underneath an extremely desolate desert, close to a mercenary camp, in a large underground space, Zhao Xinyu, Bai Haori, and Bai Haotian were staying in a room. The space outside the room was cold with Shura and Rakshasa. Wherever he sits, no one dares to come close.

On the other hand, Sakurako and Keiko were surrounded by more than a dozen members of the Yanhuang Iron Brigade. They were discussing with Sakurako and Keiko how to attack and kill them.

In the room, Bai Haotian looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Xinyu, these few actions have caused a lot of losses to the mercenary world. They have already loosened up, and now many resistance organizations have expressed their desire to become a part of Shahu. You look."

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath, "This area has the richest oil and natural gas resources in the world. They will not give up. They want to use the world to fight against sand foxes, but our voices have made the world quiet. Their The goal has not been achieved, and they will think of other ways to deal with the sand fox."

"What about the other resistance groups?"

Zhao Xinyu looked at Bai Haotian, "The resistance organization hates those marauders. They want to join the Sand Fox just to strengthen themselves. No one among us can communicate with them, do you think?"

"What about us?"

"Continue to do our work. Now we are mainly training our members and letting them take turns to rest. Now we basically know the method of action. As long as there is no delay, they will not find us. How are you investigating those orphans? ”

"There is no problem. Their families basically had accidents. We rescued them from death. Everything is in accordance with your requirements. All personnel are under the age of twelve."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Okay, I won't be out for a short time. I have to go back and take a look, and take all these children back with me."

"Xuelong Ridge?"

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "I activated the base built by the Japanese in Changbai Mountain. The base is not small and can accommodate at least a thousand people. I also set up a large array outside and let them receive our education in Changbai Mountain. How are the translators and caregivers here?"

"It's all arranged."

Zhao Xinyu nodded and looked at Bai Haotian and Bai Haori, "Just follow our current plan to carry out the mission. The routes I chose during this period are far from their base. If there is no chance, let our people Don't take risks when repairing. All our bases are on the edge of their bases, and some areas are even in minefields. If there are no special circumstances, they will not think of our bases, so..."

Bai Haotian nodded, "All members entered Yanhuang in just one or two days. They can prioritize things."

In the early morning of that day, in the depths of Changbai Mountain, the SkyShuttle slowly landed. Zhao Xinyu opened the hatch, and dozens of children walked out of the SkyShuttle, followed by four men and women aged around 30 who also walked out of the SkyShuttle.

Although they were brought back by Zhao Xinyu using the Sky Escape Shuttle, their eyes are still full of horror until now.

"Sir, this is..."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly and said in English: "This will be the place where you will live in the future. Let me take you in and have a look."

When Zhao Xinyu led the crowd into the base and saw the situation inside the base, the four middle-aged men and women let out a sigh of relief. Dozens of children followed, with a hint of excitement in their eyes.

They have been living in a war-torn place. They went to bed today not knowing whether they would wake up tomorrow. Here they saw trees and even a base hidden underground. Even if they didn't know where this place was, they knew they were there. You will not starve or even die.

A few days later, with the arrival of groups of children, the originally empty base suddenly became lively. With the arrival of dozens of stern middle-aged people, the orphans, translators, and security personnel who came over were stunned.

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