I have a portable farm

Chapter 2855 The Perfect Raid

After seeing the individual missile on the opponent's shoulder, the mercenary reacted immediately, but the driver felt that their brains and the operations on their hands were not coordinated.

It was their slight mistake. When they reacted, they saw a line of fire rising from the helicopter, and the helicopter instantly shattered into pieces.

At this time, the convoy behind also reacted, and the large-caliber heavy machine guns on the vehicles began to roar. When the personnel in the vehicles got out of the car to fight back, they began to call for support.

However, what awaited them was ruthless sniping. They could not see the enemy, but the enemy could kill them accurately. Even the personnel hiding in armored vehicles and bunkers were named one by one.

Without the suppression of vehicle-mounted firepower and sky-based firepower, the mercenaries who thought they were the kings of individual soldiers became living targets. Even if they died, they would be confused. They encountered many ambushes, but the opponent simply could not withstand them. Their suppressive fire.

But this time their firepower was completely knocked out by the opponent. They suffered a lot of losses, but they didn't even see the opponent's shadow.

When the gunfire stopped, the entire area was filled with gunpowder smoke and the smell of blood. At this time, the yellow sand was churning in many areas of the desert on both sides of the road. Then, figures appeared one after another. They quickly collected some building materials. They got up, covered the sand pit again, and headed towards the road quickly.

At this moment, there was no one alive in the convoy of dozens of vehicles, and there were bloodstains everywhere on the road. According to the prior plan, the members of the Yanhuang Iron Brigade put away the guns and ammunition and other necessary materials on the vehicles, and put them directly in the vehicles when they left. A bomb was dropped on the vehicle, destroying the vehicle transporting supplies.

Everyone gathered together and started changing their clothes one by one. It only took a few minutes for everyone to become mercenaries.

After a quick check of the equipment, everyone quickly got into the car, bypassed the vehicles crossing the road, and quickly headed towards the mercenary camp in the distance.

From the ambush to the departure of all personnel, it took less than half an hour. When they were approaching the camp, the roar of armed helicopters was heard again in the sky. Behind the armed helicopters was a formation of armored vehicles and tanks.

The helicopter passed directly over their heads, and the two convoys slowly lined up on the road. Both sides stopped, and the mercenaries who rushed over to support looked at the escorting mercenary who looked extremely nervous with doubts.

At the next moment, there were sudden explosions in the distance, and the four supporting armed helicopters turned into balls of fire in the air, which made the assisting mercenaries dumbfounded.

Just as they were stunned for a moment, the members of the Yanhuang Iron Brigade, who had transformed into mercenaries, had already begun to take action. The weapons on the vehicles roared, and the members who got off the vehicles started to attack the tanks, intercepting the mercenaries who could not get off the vehicles.

When the people in the car and inside the tank saw this scene, their first reaction was to contact the camp. But at this time, they found that their thoughts appeared in their minds, but they could not control their bodies, even if they were hidden among the mercenaries. There is nothing they can do about the existence of the dark world.

They could only watch helplessly as the other party broke open their car door and shot them inside the car. Ordinary mercenaries were confused about what happened. The practitioners in the dark world knew the moment before they died, and they finally reacted. What they faced was not ordinary people, but a group of well-trained practitioners, but what they didn't know was how they controlled their bodies without touching them.

In less than ten minutes, the assisting mercenary team was wiped out. I don’t know how many existences of the dark world were hidden among them. After cleaning up the supplies, the convoy continued to move towards the mercenary camp. The troops were in close contact. All the vehicles were covered with craters. .

The vehicle entered the vicinity of the mercenary camp. When the vigilant mercenaries saw the armored vehicles with dense craters, their faces became extremely ugly. It seemed that this was the first time they had encountered such a situation.

"What just happened." Although the fierce battle just lasted for about ten minutes, because the distance was too close, the movement was felt in the camp.

"They set up an ambush halfway."

"What about the rest."

During the exchange, the convoy had already passed through the guarded area, and a voice followed, "Where did they stay?"

At the same time as this sound sounded, the armored vehicles at the front had entered the camp area, and the armored vehicles at the back also passed behind the guard posts.

As the vehicle-mounted weapons began to roar, the mercenaries who were caught off guard instantly became living targets, and the mercenaries on the commanding heights did not have time to react. They were sniped and killed by the members of the Yanhuang Iron Brigade who had been well prepared.

There was loud gunfire in the camp, which caused the mercenaries on standby in the camp to run out to check the situation. There was only one result waiting for them. They were bombarded by weapons mounted on armored vehicles that passed quickly, and the people hiding in the vehicles were shooting. At the same time, RPGs and grenades continued to fly into crowds, buildings and various commanding heights.

The mercenaries on standby in the camp never dreamed that their own people would take action against them. They were all elites, but what they encountered was a group of individual kings. Coupled with the secret assistance of Taohua, RPGs and grenades were everywhere. Everywhere was a densely populated area, which caused them huge casualties.

In less than twenty minutes, the entire camp was ablaze, with corpses of mercenaries everywhere. The wails of mercenaries could be heard in every area. The peaceful mercenary camp twenty minutes ago had now turned into a Shura hell.

When ten armored vehicles quickly drove away from the camp, the camp became quiet, and the surviving mercenaries came out to treat their comrades. After they saw the corpses everywhere, even if they all crawled out of the pile of dead, they Everyone felt scared.

Facing the attack by the mysterious organization, they chose to integrate the mercenary camp. They gathered thousands of people when they left the camp. They originally thought that this camp was just like this. No matter how powerful the opponent was, they would not dare to touch it easily.

But they didn't expect that the other party not only dared to raid them in broad daylight, but also entered in a way they didn't expect. They were pretending to ambush the supply convoy outside, and their real purpose was to raid their camp.

So far, they have lost more than two-thirds of their number, but they didn't even shoot a single person on the other side, and let the other side retreat completely. If this matter spreads, the so-called invincible mercenaries will be completely lost. face.

While they were rescuing the wounded, they suddenly looked to the sky, and their expressions suddenly changed. Their experience told them that they were under artillery attack.

As the shells roared down and the buildings in the camp turned into ruins, the number of surviving personnel began to decrease rapidly. When the surviving personnel rushed out of the camp, they were speechless for a moment.

They saw the armored vehicles that had just left lined up. In the middle of them were six of the most advanced tanks in the world. These six tanks were the same tanks that had just left the camp.

Originally, they used tanks to rescue the supply convoy, but now it was better. The other party brought tanks over to bomb them. What made them even more desperate was the armored convoy coming from a distance, and these vehicles were also vehicles that had just left their camp to rescue them.

At this time, they suddenly realized something. The convoy that had just raided did not really leave. They had consumed all the ammunition before leaving. They left in exchange for rescue vehicles with sufficient ammunition.

As they expected, after six tanks fired rapidly, the armored vehicles drove into the camp again, followed by the tanks, and began to shoot the surviving personnel indiscriminately with vehicle-mounted weapons.

Just that time, when they were fully equipped, two-thirds of their personnel were killed by the opponent. Now that the opponent has entered again, they have no way to organize effective resistance. The mercenaries scattered and began to break out, but waiting for them It was nothing more than ruthless shooting.

Not to mention them, those beings from the dark world hiding among the mercenaries have the ability to dodge bullets, but they are also facing cultivators, and these cultivators also have this ability that they cannot achieve. Then It means being able to snipe and kill cultivators.

It is precisely because of this special skill that the masters of the dark world who want to make a surprise attack all become ghosts under their guns.

Half an hour later, except for some who escaped by chance, all the remaining personnel were shot dead, and the number of personnel who escaped by chance was only two out of ten.

When everything quieted down, the members of the Yanhuang Iron Brigade got off the car. They quickly disconnected the surveillance cameras, cleared away the guns, ammunition and other materials in some camps, and evacuated together.

Looking at the most advanced iron lumps in the world, people like Wang Liheng felt heartbroken. These are the most advanced weapons and equipment in the world. They can export them to other countries, but they will not export them to the big Eastern countries. This is If you take these iron lumps back and dismantle them...

Looking at people's expressions, Zhao Xinyu certainly knew what they were thinking. Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, walked to an iron bump, and his mind moved, and the iron bump disappeared.


Everyone, including the two brothers Bai Haotian, was stunned. You must know that an iron lump weighs dozens of tons. If it were them, even if they could send it into the Najie, it would take a lot of mental energy, not to mention the iron lump in their hands. Najie contains a variety of substances, and the space storage capacity cannot be put into a tank.

But now...

Zhao Xinyu smiled, took out the spare rings, put the armored vehicles and tanks into the rings, and then waved to them to leave quickly.

Less than ten minutes after they left, fighter planes appeared over the camp, followed by armed helicopters and rescue convoys.

When the rescue convoy entered the camp, their faces became extremely ugly when they saw the purgatory-like camp. They could not see a single living person in the camp with thousands of people. They couldn't think of how many people had come from the other side. They How to shoot people in the camp.

While they were cleaning up, those who had escaped slowly gathered around. From those people's mouths, they learned the general story of the matter, which made the senior leaders who led the team extremely angry.

I don’t know how many people there were on the other side, but the weapons they used were all their own. It can be said that so many people were killed, and the weapons and ammunition they used were all their own.

When they knew that the other party had not left for a long time, they immediately sent helicopters to search for the people who had left. After all, there were no armored vehicles or tanks at the scene, and it was impossible for them to disappear in a short time.

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