I have a portable farm

Chapter 2800 Don’t be nervous

"Xinyu, are you planning to stay when you come here..."

Zhao Xinyu looked at Li Fei and Bai Haori, "It's enough to have you here. I have to go back to the Emperor Group. If I still go missing for such a big thing, I can't explain it. I came here just to talk to you about this." This time, the Emperor Group cannot make a lot of money, but it cannot lose without losing its bottom, so you have to communicate with me at any time. I direct people to sell and buy, and I am not saying that I am pretending to be powerful. Let me be the fox this time."

"You want to take the Emperor Group to a higher level."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head and took a deep breath, "Now the Emperor Group is already a big name and attracts attention. Just one incident against Chinese medicine attracted the attention of a pack of wolves. Therefore, this time the Emperor Group cannot make money. It can maintain its capital or even lose some money."

Li Fei smiled faintly, "Don't forget, you are not fighting alone this time. There is a powerful state machine behind you, and the country supports you. No one will doubt you make a fortune, or you will make a fortune." The money we receive is fed back to the country for construction. In this way, we not only earn the funds we want, but also earn a certain amount of prestige, and the country can also get construction funds invisibly. This is a double benefit. Good thing."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "Okay, I'll think about it later. I'll go see Jiuhan and Jiuxu's children first."

Ye Ling'er gave him a big eye roll, "What time of the day is this? They have already rested."

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "I'll go find the Third Elder and the others..."

"Xinyu, we also have something to ask you about here."

Zhao Xinyu condensed slightly, "You..."

Bai Haori, Li Fei, and Beiming Zangtian's eyes flickered a few times, "You guys chat, we're going back first."

After Bai Haori and the other three left, Zhao Xinyu looked at Ye Ling'er, who had a pretty face and was slightly red, "What's wrong?"

Ye Ling'er took a deep breath and raised her eyes to look at Zhao Xinyu. There was unconcealable emotion in her almond-shaped eyes, "There are six senior sisters in the valley who are on the verge of breaking through to the divine martial arts."


While Ye Ling'er nodded, Zhao Xinyu's eyes fell on Ye Ling'er's pretty face, "Their power of law?"

"They are all above the Four Paths. They still have a chance at the Divine Martial Realm. Now being able to understand the Four and Five Paths is their limit."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "If this is the case, when this matter is over, I will find a place for them to break through."

"Star Mist Sea."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "The Star Mist Sea is too special. If it is not a special breakthrough, it is best not to cause trouble to the Star Mist Sea."

"But the six of them are all half-steps of divine martial arts..."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "There are millions of cultivators in Mobei, and they have broken through a few divine weapons."

The realm is normal, but the cultivation world will not care about Mobei. The alliance of Xuantian Sect and Tianyang Sect has broken half of the void in Mobei, and even the Tianchao Peak of Shattered Void has been damaged. They dare not go there. "

"Will Mobei allow Baihua Valley to break through?"

"It should be no problem. When this matter is over, I will take them there myself."

"Thank you then."

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly and said, "It's too polite of you to say thank you to me."

Ye Ling'er's pretty face suddenly turned crimson, but there was a trace of unconcealable relief in her eyes, "You are celebrating the New Year..."

"Originally I planned to go back to Sixiang Valley on the afternoon of New Year's Eve. Apart from all the chaos, I don't dare to say when I will go back. You should go back to Sixiang Valley as soon as possible and then go back to Xuelong Ridge."

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come back."

Seeing Ye Ling'er leave, Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but smile bitterly, took a deep breath, and left the hall...

When the sun rises from the east, the eyes of the whole world once again fall on Hongshiya. Yesterday, the stock price of the Emperor Group fell to the limit twice. If the Emperor Group cannot take effective measures, the Emperor Group will really be in danger, and the domestic people will Everyone hopes that the Emperor Group can tide over the difficulties, but the vast majority of foreign financial groups hope to see the Emperor Group become history. Some radical groups in Goryeo are even preparing fireworks.

The media and people in Hongshiya also immediately saw Zhao Xinyu, the hands-off shopkeeper, leaving Hongshiya in a car with Heifeng. Later, someone saw Zhao Xinyu appearing at the headquarters of the Dijun Group.

It has been several years since the establishment of the Dijun Group, but it has been widely circulated that Zhao Xinyu, the actual controller of the Dijun Group, cannot even find his own office.

If Zhao Xinyu appeared at the Dijun Group headquarters on a normal day, the media and the public would definitely make fun of him. But now everyone knows that the Dijun Group is facing a huge crisis. The crisis does not come from within the Dijun Group, but from many people. The chaebols of several countries have joined forces to target them, and among them is Goryeo, the troublemaker.

In Jiang Fei's office, Jiang Fei looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Xinyu, just last night, we got a loan of 1.8 trillion from the five major banks. The workers all transferred their savings to our accounts. Wang Yong, Han Jun and The villagers in Xihanling and Hongshiya also gave us their savings, so we now have 3.6 trillion in funds in hand, which I think is enough to cope with this crisis."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Almost, how are your preparations here?"

"All our people gave up their vacation and came back."

"Now that everyone is back

, then let’s get started. "

In a computer room, hundreds of people are sitting in front of computers. Each computer is the most advanced configuration in the world at this stage. Among them, it has been modified by Li Fei's team, so the computers in this computer room are definitely the most advanced in the world. Top model.

Among the hundreds of people, Zhao Xinyu saw more than ten familiar faces. These ten people can be said to be the top beings in the Dijun Group's internal network, and they are all the elite Yanhuang Iron Brigade hackers trained by Li Fei. They are hiding in the Dijun Group The internal purpose is to help the Emperor Group understand attacks from the Internet.

Most of the remaining personnel were trained by these ten people. They dare not say that they can make all the difference on the Internet, but they are much more powerful than the Internet elites in ordinary groups. .🅆.

Although Zhao Xinyu rarely comes to the headquarters of the Emperor Group, everyone knows Zhao Xinyu. When Zhao Xinyu and Jiang Fei came in from the outside, everyone stood up, but everyone's face was full of solemnity. They are all Internet elites. They are in the Dijun Group, and the financial war is what they must learn. They all know what the Dijun Group will face this time. Once the Dijun Group fails in this financial war, the Dijun Group will inevitably collapse. And they will lose this unit that is like home.

Each of them is very confident in their abilities, but they know that this time they face not one enemy, but many developed countries in Europe and the United States. Those countries that have always been eyeing China are also secretly involved.

Everyone stood up and looked at Zhao Xinyu. Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly and motioned for people to sit down. When they sat down, Zhao Xinyu looked at the clock hanging on the wall and smiled lightly.

"Aren't you all under pressure?"

A young man in his thirties stood up and said, "Director Zhao, this time we..."

Zhao Xinyu waved his hand, "Seventy years ago, when we were resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea, we also faced the most developed countries in the world, but our ancestors didn't use millet rifles to teach them how to behave. Our ancestors were able to defeat powerful enemies. , we have nothing to lose from them now, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

After saying this, Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath and said, "I have also analyzed it specifically. It is they who are really afraid of them. How many myths the Emperor Group has created from its establishment to the present. At the beginning, when the Emperor Group only had tens of millions, in the stock war We can all be invincible, not to mention the support of millions of employees now. In addition, I want to tell you some good news. The five major domestic banks are also helping us, and the country is supporting us. We cannot fail. Let go of the pressure. Just listen to my instructions, why should you be afraid of a bunch of rabble?"

With this absolute confidence in his heart, Zhao Xinyu didn't feel any nervousness at all. When he said it, he was even more teasing, which made a group of nervous Internet elites instantly relax.

A young man looked at the elites like him, "Since the establishment of Dijun Group, Director Zhao has not failed yet. With the chairman here, I believe that Dijun Group will definitely be able to survive this crisis."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and pointed at the young man, "Zhang Liang, right? You are just a crow's mouth. I plan to make a fortune this time. I can only survive the crisis with you. Jiang Fei, remember to treat Zhang Liang This month's overtime pay will be deducted, and after this period of work is over, he will be a hungry housekeeper for a month."

Jiang Fei laughed and said, "Okay, I'll note it down. This kid is a little too restless after the New Year."

As they talked and laughed, people became even more relaxed, their solemn expressions disappeared, and everyone's face became more relaxed than usual.

"There's still more than half an hour left. Let's all get up and relax, drink tea instead, and have breakfast when it's time."

When Zhao Xinyu said this, everyone looked at each other. They knew that in the financial war, if they made the slightest mistake, everything would be lost. Now...


Zhao Xinyu laughed, "There is a greater chance of winning if you go into battle lightly, not to mention that this is the second day. Since they want to collapse the Emperor Group, and they want to steal more wealth, they will not let us go today." Collapse.”

"Chairman, you can even think of these."

Jiang Fei smiled faintly and said, "Your chairman has experienced too much in those years. He has already understood human nature. He has come to take charge personally. Why are you so nervous?"

A group of people laughed, and the extremely dull scene just now suddenly turned into a sea of ​​joy.

There were still five minutes left before the stock market opened, and everyone was in place. Zhao Xinyu also found a computer to sit down. When the elites sitting near him looked at Zhao Xinyu's computer screen, they were all stunned, their eyes There was even a hint of disbelief in him.

Zhao Xinyu did turn on the computer. Instead of waiting for the market to open, he found out the basic operations of investors and began to study them.

This scene surprised the people nearby, and even made Jiang Fei, who was following him, smile bitterly. He did not expect that Zhao Xinyu would show up at this time.


Zhao Xinyu chuckled and said, "I haven't done this for a long time. I forgot about it. Let me see if I'm in a hurry." When he said this again, Zhao Xinyu took out an earphone and put it on.

He looked at the dumbfounded elites around him and smiled, "They won't send many experts today, at most they will be some small fish and shrimps. You can easily deal with them if you learn a little temporarily. Don't be nervous, everyone. When the market opens, you will do your best to defeat us." As long as the stock price can rise, our mission will be achieved today."

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