I have a portable farm

Chapter 2789 Firestorm?

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath and said, "Go back and tell the person in charge at Ge Laoshan where they can choose a piece of land to plant purple flower emperor grass next year. We can recycle the mature seeds."

Jiang Fei's eyes flickered for a few times, "Xinyu, now we are at a standstill with Europe and the United States. Perfume made with purple flower elixir as the main raw material is popular all over the world, and the profit is astonishingly high. Otherwise, we here too Get a workshop.”

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath and looked at Jiang Fei, Wang Yong and others, "Do you think I haven't considered using the fruits of Purpurea to make perfume? The reason why I cooperated with them in the first place was mainly for perfume. The sales volume of luxury goods in China is not as good as theirs. We can get a lot of dividends without any operation at all. Why not do it? We can indeed do it here, but the scale cannot be too large. We only need to meet the domestic needs. As long as it’s necessary, just leave the foreign market to them.”

"Xinyu, people like them can take your achievements as their own at any time. Now they are specifically targeting us, and you are the one who started this matter. Aren't you afraid of them?"

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "I also know that if they really do that, then I don't need to hide from them. I can let them develop money making, and I can also let them go back to before liberation. They are now The perfume I made is indeed good, but I have other perfumes in my hands. Once they betray their trust, I don’t need to be polite to them and let the perfume they researched become cabbage on the street.”

Jiang Fei, Wang Yong and others were shocked, "You..."

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "Everyone knows who they are, and I will definitely hold back when doing business with them."

"That's good, as long as you have a backup plan."

Zhao Xinyu looked at Jiang Fei and said, "Brother Jiang, have you received any news?"

Jiang Fei nodded, "There is news from a production area that grows purple flower emperor grass that they will go it alone next year. This year they have cultivated their own seeds."

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "It seems that they really want to unilaterally tear up the contract. Ignore them. Don't say anything. I will talk to Han Jun later and let him prepare."

"Xinyu, as long as you have the foundation, how should we allocate these cold water fish and crabs?"

"I'll take some out and send the rest over."

Zhao Xinyu directed a group of well-known figures at home and abroad to clean up the cold-water fish and crabs in the kitchen. Wang Yong led the villagers in to carry out the remaining cold-water fish and crabs.

The crowds at Zizhulin were also surprised when they saw the villagers carrying cold-water fish and crabs that had just been moved in.


r\u003e"What are you doing?"

An excited villager said with a smile, "These cold-water fish and crabs were originally prepared for Xinyu by Lop Nur. Xinyu only kept some, and the rest were sent to the canteen, so that the villagers could eat them too." Go try it, Xinyu said, if we think it tastes good, the village canteens will use cold water fish and crab from now on."

These words made the people around him stunned, and they shook their heads in disbelief. When they looked at the villagers, their eyes were full of envy.

The villagers of the former Xihanling and now Hongshiya may be the most special group of people in the world. They have no establishment in the Emperor Group, but their welfare benefits are better than those of the employees of the Emperor Group.

They are said to be farmers, but each of them is a billionaire. Although they are rich, every day they still do farm work that others look down upon.

They have no culture or background. They are simple and kind, but they live a life that is envied by everyone. Every family does not need to cook at all. When they eat, they use the village canteen. They have things that others cannot buy if they have money. , they can all eat it first.

Cold-water fish and crabs have just been caught. While other places are still making reservations and rushing to buy, they have moved cold-water fish and crabs directly to the canteen. This kind of life is really enviable to people.

"How many lifetimes of training do you need to meet a leader like Zhao Xinyu?"

A villager smiled faintly and said, "This is a rural person. We didn't remember what we helped Xinyu at the beginning, but he always remembered it."

An old man sighed slightly, "Not only did he remember the people who helped him in Hongshiya and Xihanling, he didn't even forget his hometown. Look at Haotian now. It changes every year and doubles next year." Zao, Jule, Zhoushizhuang, and Fangcheng will all become places that people yearn for, and within a few years Haotian’s life will surpass that of many cities.”

"The current Ge Laoshan surpasses them. They eat pollution-free grains, vegetables, and meat. Where else can they get these besides Hongshiya and Lop Nur. I have heard that this year, Ge Laoshan Each adult man’s dividend is 300,000 yuan, and each woman’s dividend is 250,000 yuan. Even the elderly and children receive tens of thousands of yuan in dividends. People in that city can earn so much.”

"Not to mention that they are all devoted to the snow field."

"Dividends are dividends, and investment is investment. It turns out that we always thought it was the people over at Ge Laoshan who had broadened their horizons.

Okay, I just found out a few days ago that Zhao Xinyu had told them about the ski resort project as early as the beginning of spring, and the plan was also given to them by Zhao Xinyu. "

"Zhao Xinyu is really amazing. How did he know that he can make money by building a ski resort on Ge Lao Mountain?"

A group of people looked at the middle-aged man who was speaking. They all seemed to be looking at aliens, which made the middle-aged man feel embarrassed.

But thinking about what he said, he couldn't help but shake his head. In just a few years, Zhao Xinyu has built a group that no one can imitate. In these years, his investment has never been more than the country's investment. And every investment seems to make money, and Zhao Xinyu's myth continues to this day.

"Wang Yong, can you talk to Xiao Zhao later and put more cold-water fish and crabs at Ziyan Tower and the supermarket? My daughter and son all went to line up, but no one got it."

Wang Yong was slightly stunned. He looked at the old man who spoke and laughed, "Uncle, I will definitely bring this to you. This is his hometown, and I think he will definitely make arrangements."

"I heard that the price of cold-water fish and crabs in other places has been raised by about ten yuan. The cold-water fish and crabs here in Hongshiya are all flown in. Why are the fish and crabs here the same as those in Lop Nur?"

Wang Yong smiled faintly, "Xinyu said that he grew up here in Hongshiya. Although some benefits are given to Haotian and even people in Pingcheng City during the New Year and holidays, they are not as practical as getting some good ingredients. May you all have a good year."

The old man shook his head, "I am losing money to do business. This is the first time I have seen him. Xiao Zhao is also too worried. He has taken so much credit in developing Hongshiya, not to mention Haotian or Pingcheng in recent years. He can't stick to it no matter what." Just pay the shipping fee.”

Wang Yong laughed and said, "We don't dare to say this. If we do, we will be scolded. You have also seen our current life. We earn more than anyone else. Didn't Xinyu build a canteen for us?"

"Xiao Zhao now..."

"We are busy handling fish and crabs in the courtyard. We are going to get together in the evening."

"You are really lucky."

In the evening, everyone gathered in the courtyard, and the entire restaurant was full of singing and laughter. A group of men first brought in the food Heifeng, Zhaoye, and Jinhen liked, and then they went to serve their dishes.

Although Heifeng, Jinhen, Jinyu, Zhaoye and Kumogakure were all in the restaurant, no one felt anything was wrong. On the contrary, they felt that they had a great sense of security with these big guys around them.

With the coldness one after another made by Zhao Xinyu himself,

The fish and crab were served, and the restaurant became quiet for a while, but they did not move their chopsticks. They were all waiting for Zhao Xinyu, Zheng Min, and the two apprentices who came here specifically to study.

When Zhao Xinyu, Zheng Min and the two young people helping the kitchen came in, everyone couldn't help but applaud. This made Zhao Xinyu slightly stunned, "This year the method has also changed."

"Uncle Xiaoyu, sit down quickly, people are waiting for you to take your seat."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "Er Wei, pour some wine and get some worry-free wine for the lesbians. Let's drink monkey wine."

Everyone raised their glasses and took a sip. After sitting down, they picked up their chopsticks to taste the cold water fish and crabs from the Altyn Mountains.

Many of the varieties on the table appeared for the first time, so people didn't deliberately look for what they wanted to eat. Just a bite of any dish, and people couldn't help but shake their heads.

There are also cold-water fish and crabs here in Hongshiya, and they often eat them, but they only know a few types. However, no matter what kind of cold-water fish and crabs they are now, they can arouse their appetite and make them want to stop.

Wang Yong and the others originally came here to drink and eat cold water fish and crabs, but they didn't expect that they just took a sip of wine and couldn't put down their chopsticks.

For more than ten minutes, all that could be heard was the sound of eating. Except for Zhao Xinyu and Zheng Min, no one else even raised their heads.

Zhao Xinyu and Zheng Min looked at each other, their eyes filled with relief, "Xinyu, the cold-water fish and crabs over there in the Altyn Mountains..."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "I can't say that it can meet everyone's needs. At least Wuyou Restaurant doesn't need to worry. It has as much as you need."

"I also heard from the young people in the restaurant this morning that cold water fish and crabs grow slowly, so we are fishing like this now..."

"No problem. If it affects the reproduction of cold-water fish and crabs, I won't fish on such a large scale. I will bring some new species of fish and shrimp from there to Hongshiya next year. In the future, there will be no worries here. Restaurants don’t need to worry about not having enough cold water fish and crabs.”

Zheng Min chuckled, "You seem to have forgotten that there are more than just Wuyou Restaurant here. Not to mention Pingcheng, there are also thousands of restaurants in Hongshiya."

Zhao Xinyu scratched his head, "It should be more appropriate."

Zheng Min smiled faintly, "Cold-water fish and crabs have always been a specialty of the Northeast. This is good now. The Altyn Mountains made everyone crazy for cold-water fish and crabs. You are an advertisement for the Northeast. Now the Northeast Cold water fish and crabs are also popular.”

"Without the cold-water fish and crabs from the Northeast, we wouldn't be able to become popular. This can be considered a win-win, give it a try."

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