I have a portable farm

Chapter 2706 Special Visitor

In Hongshiya Courtyard, Zhao Xinyu entered the living room and was slightly startled. Besides Jiang Fei, there were two other people. They were both in their forties. Although they were dressed in ordinary clothes, Zhao Xinyu got something out of them. I felt the aura of a superior person.

The next moment, Zhao Xinyu's mind flashed, and five people appeared in his mind. Although it was the first time he saw them, he already knew who they were.

After seeing Zhao Xinyu come in, the two of them stood up. A middle-aged man wearing glasses stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "Director Zhao, I am Zhou Chao."

"I'm He Fei."

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "It's really a rare visitor. You have so many things to do these days, why did you suddenly think of coming to Hongshiya today?"

Zhou Chao and He Fei both laughed, "We also know that you are too busy here. If it weren't for something else, we would be really embarrassed to come and disturb you."

After sitting down, Jiang Fei poured a cup of tea for Zhou Chao, He Fei, and Zhao Xinyu, and said with a smile, "Xinyu, you talk to the two leaders, and I'll go out and get some tomatoes and cucumbers."

After Jiang Fei left, Zhou Chao looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Jiang Fei seems to be very familiar with your home. He knows where to put the fruits and tea."

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "Even if I'm not here, they often have dinner here, and they are familiar with where the things are placed."

Zhou Chao and He Fei looked at each other and couldn't help but shake their heads. The two took a deep breath. Zhou Chao looked at Zhao Xinyu and said, "Director Zhao, I think you should have thought of our purpose."

"It's something developed by Haotian."

Zhou Chao and He Fei were slightly startled, "The people of Haotian are opposed to investing in and building factories in the area where they live. This was something that could not happen in other areas before. Now the people of Pingcheng are also opposed to the entry of polluting factories into Pingcheng. This It means that your development in Haotian has been recognized by everyone, but you have never spoken out. We all know that you must have your own ideas, and we are not taking advantage of you to come here to take a look at Hongshiya."

"What's your opinion there?"

"What Pingcheng, Haotian and even Hongshiya were like in the past. We also know that in the years since you came back, not only has Hongshiya developed, but the demolition and reconstruction of Pingcheng has brought spring to Pingcheng. Now Hongshiya's Ge Laoshan and Fangcheng have allowed people to see your success in rural transformation. We have also seen your suggestions to Haotian. We also want to introduce this kind of project, but after all, this kind of project is also popular in other places. Welcome, they may not necessarily choose Haotian or even Pingcheng who don’t have many resources.”

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "There are many factories in Haotian now. They all stopped production after two or three years under Haotian. You have time to walk around those factories. Although they have been away for a long time, But there are still large areas of polluted land around the factory that cannot be planted, and you just said that we don’t have any good resources except coal, so what is their purpose of building a factory in Haotian over the distance?"

"Haotian and Pingcheng are now developing healthily."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head

, "They looked at the prosperity, but they gave up their own advantages. Now Haotian's land value has begun to double. If my guess is correct, each of them has signed a long-term contract with Haotian." .”

Zhou Chao and He Fei's eyes narrowed slightly, "You mean they value Haotian's land."

"Besides these, there are others. Haotian and even the entire Sanjin are located on the Loess Plateau, where medicinal herbs are scarce, and there are no heavy machinery factories. If it were you, I think the heavy machinery should choose the Northeast, and the pharmaceutical factory should choose In the south."

"What you said makes sense, but the problem now is that Haotian has signed a contract with them, and they insist that Haotian fulfill the contract."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "As early as when the news came out, I asked Jiang Fei to tell them about our advantages, but they insisted..."

"They are too utilitarian. They think that attracting investment will help Haotian develop better."

"Since they invested, Haotian should also have conditions for emissions."

Zhou Chao and He Fei's eyes narrowed slightly, and they nodded subconsciously, "I understand."

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "If they really want to invest here for a long time, they will definitely follow the advice and increase the reform of pollution emissions. Starting from this point, they can build factories, but the pollution control must meet the standards. If they cannot meet the standards, we will terminate the contract with them at any time."

He Fei and Zhou Chao looked at each other and then shook their heads, "We couldn't come up with a solution for more than a month, and you solved it in just a few words."

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "The main reason is that everyone has different starting points. What you want is to attract more funds and create employment opportunities for more people, but you ignore the local advantages and disadvantages."

Zhou Chao and He Fei smiled bitterly, "This is really our mistake. Now Haotian is changing. Ge Laoshan and Fangcheng have been transformed. I don't know what you will do with Jule, Beijiazao and Zhoushizhuang next." planning."

"Fangcheng, Beijiazao, and Zhoushizhuang are all close to the corridor. Tourism projects must be developed. Jule's breeding, fruit planting, and handicraft workshops can all be developed in these areas."

"Handcraft workshop?"

“Traditional preserved apricots, dried fruits, etc. are the advantages of Jule, and farmed cattle and sheep can also be processed into dried meat. There are artificial rivers, reservoirs, lakes, etc., and aquaculture and poultry breeding can also follow suit. "

"Worry-free grass has now become a cash crop expected by people in many regions. I don't know where Fangcheng will be this year..."

"Places such as Fangcheng, Beijiazao, and Zhoushizhuang can plant worry-free grass on a large scale. The worry-free grass I brought back is not

But it can be used as an economic crop, and it is also a crop with little ornamental effect. "

"But once the area is too large, will there be those years of unsalable goods and backlogs? Once you can't make money..."

"Just a moment."

A few minutes later, Zhao Xinyu returned to the living room again, holding a wine jar in his arms and carrying several bags in his hands.

Opening the bag, Zhao Xinyu took out a small jar and opened it, "Here, try it. This is the beef sauce I made with worry-free grass."

Zhou Chao and He Fei didn't refuse. They picked up their chopsticks and took a bite. After one bite, their eyes lit up and they couldn't help but nod. .🅆.

"Okay, this tastes great."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, opened the wine jar, and the aroma of wine filled the air. This made Zhou Chao and He Fei stunned, "Director Zhao, we can't drink. If this spreads, how will we manage others."

Zhao Xinyu did not speak, but poured two glasses of wine from the wine jar. Zhou Chao and He Fei were stunned when they saw the golden Wuyou wine.

"This is the worry-free wine I brewed from the worry-free grass. This is considered an inspection and has nothing to do with work. As long as Pingcheng and Haotian develop economically, no one will complain about you even if you get drunk every day."

Zhou Chao and He Fei were stunned again. While they were stunned, Zhao Xinyu took out the dried worry-free grass and pickled worry-free grass from the bag and placed them.

The two looked at each other, took a deep breath, took a sip from the wine glass, and then looked at Zhao Xinyu, "This wine is brewed from Worry-Free Grass."

"Worry-free grass is the main raw material. Wuyou wine has a low alcohol content and contains a variety of useful elements, which can slow down the aging of the body, relax muscles and activate blood circulation. It is not an exaggeration to say that Wuyou wine is a health-preserving wine."

After drinking a glass of wine, the two of them looked at the dried and pickled Asuka that Zhao Xinyu had brought over, and that the dried and pickled Asuka was gone. Even the sauce had been half eaten by them. This made the two of them look at Zhao Xinyu involuntarily.

“These little things are so delicious, I can’t resist.”

Zhao Xinyu laughed, "I'm still worried about the sales of Worry-free Grass right now. I don't dare to talk about other areas. As long as the Worry-free Grass is grown according to my requirements, I will buy as much as I want."

"So, you want to build a factory?"

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "It's not a factory, it's a workshop. They are all handmade workshops. If these products are made, what do you think the sales volume will be..."

"No problem, these products can make a name for themselves in a short time. Now we can rest assured that we don't need other Haotian areas to grow Worry-free Grass."

"This is not possible. A single species will restrict the development of Haotian. It is necessary to give full play to the advantages of each place. For example, several small cereals in Ge Laoshan cannot be grown in other places. In addition, traditional watermelons , cantaloupe, and apricots all have advantages that other regions cannot match.”

Zhou Chao and He Fei chuckled, "I'm not afraid of your jokes, you are good at all these, then develop it according to your plan. After Haotian develops it, will Pingcheng be interested?"

Zhao Xinyu looked at Zhou Chao and He Fei, "When will you five leave Pingcheng?"

Zhou Chao and He Fei were slightly startled, "This is not our decision, but we can guarantee that we will not leave in a short time. We also want to see Pingcheng become a first-tier city."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly and said, "I have read your resumes. All five of you were airborne to Pingcheng. Don't you feel aggrieved?"

"I really felt this way at first, but now I don't. With our resume, we can't work in a second-tier city even now."

"Do your best. The higher-ups asked you to come here without a destination. You are still young. Your stage may be bigger in the future. Pingcheng will be a touchstone for you."

"Director Zhao, you..."

"Each of your elders are related to the Luo family, the Guan family, the Du family, the Meng family or the Jiao family. It's not because you have this relationship that they let you come here to develop, but because they What matters most is your family’s upbringing, and I don’t need to say more about the rest. Once you succeed in Pingcheng, the next place you go to should be Lop Nur.”

Hearing what Zhao Xinyu said, He Fei and Zhou Chao both stood up directly. They looked at Zhao Xinyu solemnly. Indeed, their elders had told them the purpose of bringing them to Pingcheng, but it was very vague, but Today they heard everything from Zhao Xinyu, how could they not be shocked.


"Don't forget, the three old men of the Luo family, the Guan family, and the Du family were all in my house in those years, and even now the old men of the Meng family and the old men of the Hao family are with me. What others don't know, I can know. Although I am not as old as you, I still have a few words to say. It is not easy for you to reach this point. In addition to the important responsibilities of your family, you also have the country's expectations of you. If you need anything, please say it. We took a detour.”

Zhou Chao and He Fei were stunned again, "Did you arrange all this?"

Zhao Xinyu quickly waved his hand, "I will never participate in these things. I only learned about your origins when Uncle Xu Yang and others talked about you."

"We know, then we'll go back."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "Now that you're here, why are you in such a hurry to go back? You drank anyway, so you can give others a clue when you go back. I'll send someone to take you back tonight."


Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "Don't worry, I have given out a lot of gifts over the years, and they have been given to many people. Look at the people on the Internet who will use the gifts I gave out to make excuses. As long as they are done openly, no one will account for them. If you want something a little smaller, I can arrange whatever you want to eat. How about seafood?"

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