I have a portable farm

Chapter 27 Lost Direction

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

After tasting the grapes, Zhao Xinyu felt a little worried. If he didn't have any good plans to develop the wasteland given to him by the village, now he already had a plan in mind, and he also felt that the area of ​​the wasteland seemed a bit large. Smaller.

While eating grapes and thinking about it, he suddenly thought that there was also a ravine to the west of his yard. Although the ravine was not like Luohe, it was still full of garbage and overgrown with weeds.

After he contracted Luoshui and started cleaning up, Han Tianliang revealed his meaning. The village also wanted him to contract the ravine to the west of the compound because his area was close to the main road. Every time there was an inspection, because Several gullies were often criticized by name in the village, but because Han Tianliang also knew that the gullies to the west had no water source, he just mentioned them casually.

If you really take down that ravine, you can just transform it and divert the water from the Luo River there, and you can plant grapes on a large area.

But thinking about the fact that there was another Zhao Shiming in the village who gave everyone a headache, Zhao Xinyu shook his head helplessly. With a courtyard, a wasteland and a Luohe River, he already had a headache. Coupled with the ravine to the west of the courtyard, he I really don’t know what trouble Zhao Shiming will make.

At the lake in space, Zhao Xinyu carried the bucket for initial watering and threw a handful of rapeseed into the lake. The next moment the lake water stirred, and a group of fish began to fight for the rapeseed floating on the water.

He just put the bucket into the water, and immediately a fish entered the bucket, and it was not just one. He took the fish out and threw it to Jin Hen and Jin Yu. A fish that was as big as a pound was swallowed by their mouths. Down.

When the two guys were full, Zhao Xinyu used seven fish, which made Zhao Xinyu even more curious about what kind of raptors Jinhen and Jinyu came from.

After feeding the two big guys, Zhao Xinyu was also a little tired. He did not leave the space and just slept in the space. This place was close to the depths of the mountain. Occasionally, large carnivores such as wolves or leopards appeared. He I am not worried that people from the village will come to this place.

When he left the cave, he saw that it was already the morning of the next day. He saw that the time was still early, and thought that he might leave again this time. He didn't know when he wanted to enter the mountain again, so he went to a place , a place that a grandfather once told him, but he has never been to.

But in the past, the shovel in the space never left his hand. Grandpa told him that there were wild beasts in that place. The reason why Grandpa never let him go was because he was worried about what danger he would encounter.

A few minutes later, when Zhao Xinyu crossed a dry river, he saw several rotten and fallen dead trees on the edge of the river, and there were pieces of curly black under the dead trees.

"Wild fungus", Zhao Xinyu felt happy when he saw these pieces of curly black. He could occasionally collect wild fungus when he was a child. He knew the benefits of wild fungus, and he also knew that wild fungus grew in Under the dead wood.

If this were before, he might not have had many ideas, but it was different now. He had a space where all things could grow.

He grabbed the rotten dead wood, and with a thought, he put the dead wood into the space, and then suddenly felt a sense of weakness.

He also guessed why he felt this way. It must have been caused by spending too much energy. However, thinking that wild fungus might appear in the space, he rested for a while and brought all the dead trees into the space. .

After feeling it, Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head. There was no response from the space, which made him a little disappointed. He also regretted in his heart that he thought a few dead trees were treasures containing wild fungus strains.

As he continued to move forward, the sound of birdsong came from time to time. Birds such as pheasants, turtle doves, and tits unique to the mountains flew up and down near him from time to time. In the jungle, there were also pine trees, hares, and even roe deer and badgers. The animals poked their heads in the distance to stare at this strange visitor.

Looking at these animals, Zhao Xinyu thought of Heifeng again. If Heifeng was by his side, he might be able to harvest a lot of game this time. At least he wouldn't have to eat only grapes and dry food in the mountains.

Feeling sad that this time he did not bring out the black wind, Zhao Xinyu suddenly shrank his eyes. He saw large pits more than one meter deep in the thick pine needles, and there were piles of feces around the large pits. . And there are several big pits that have just formed not long ago.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Xinyu felt nervous. He had heard from his grandfather that these big pits were dug out by wild boars in the mountains. Now there are still big pits that have just been dug out, which means that there must be wild boars nearby, and Not one yet.

Worried about encountering wild boars head-on, Zhao Xinyu became more cautious and moved much slower. Although the speed slowed down, he also made some gains and harvested some wild Chinese medicinal materials.

Suddenly a sound of humming made Zhao Xinyu stop. He hid behind an ancient tree and looked warily in the direction of the sound. He saw seven or eight wild boars foraging for food in the jungle.

Although wild boars and domestic pigs look similar in appearance, the fur color of wild boars is not the black and white of domestic pigs. Their fur colors are black and brown. Zhao Xinyu estimated that the largest wild boar in the group weighs at least 1,780 pounds.

Thinking about his grandfather saying that trees as thick as a bowl can be broken by wild boars, if he was hit by these big guys, he might become their food. Thinking of this, he leaned down and backed away slowly, and when he backed away When he was walking, his heart shrank, and he saw the largest wild boar staring at him, with a hint of ferocity in his eyes.

"Damn it, I've been discovered," Zhao Xinyu swore and turned around and ran. When he ran, he didn't run in a straight line, but ran around the big tree.

This is what his grandfather taught him. No matter how fast a person is, there is no comparison at all against the animals in the mountains. Running around the big trees can delay the animals' sudden speed increase.

After running a thousand meters, Zhao Xinyu heard a dull sound behind him. When he walked around a big tree again, he saw a wild boar crashing into the big tree. The wild boars immediately stopped and howled at him. , and then when the wild boar stood up, perhaps because they felt that Zhao Xinyu was not easy to hunt, they turned around and left, and did not continue to chase him down.

Watching the wild boars leave, Zhao Xinyu let out a sigh of relief. Only then did he realize that his back had been soaked with sweat for some time, and his legs were even a little weak.

Looking at the wild boars that were far away, Zhao Xinyu let out a sigh of relief, and then he was stunned. He saw that the shovel he had been holding had disappeared at some point.

There are no weapons in his hands. Thinking about the fact that there are large carnivores such as wolves and leopards deep in the mountains, Zhao Xinyu feels like going back. He is not Wu Song. If he really encounters these big guys, he will have no choice but to enter the space. There is no way to survive except hiding.

Now that he wanted to retreat, Zhao Xinyu didn't hesitate at all. He turned around and headed back the way he came. But after walking a certain distance, his face became ugly and he lost his way.

If you lose your way in the city, you can ask passers-by everywhere, but it is different in the jungle of the mountains. Losing your way is tantamount to committing suicide. How many experienced travel friends have lost their way and ended up becoming food for wild beasts.

He took out his mobile phone to determine the direction, but there was no signal on the mobile phone. He could only use the compass on the mobile phone to determine the general direction of the village.

At this moment, Zhao Xinyu felt full of regret. If he had taken the things his grandfather had left for him and gone back, such a thing would not have happened at all. But now he was regretful and had no choice but to go in the direction indicated by his mobile phone.

The house leaked and it rained all night. After walking for more than an hour, his cell phone was turned off and out of battery. Looking at the dead cell phone, Zhao Xinyu's nervous heart gradually calmed down. He knew that the more panicked he was, the more dangerous he would be. He thought about what his grandfather said when he took him into the mountains when he was a child. He saw a thick wooden stick nearby, then looked in one direction and walked down.

One day, two days, three days, Zhao Xinyu walked in the mountains and forests for three full days. In three days, he saw at least five waves of wild boars and two wolf packs, but luckily, the wild boars and wolves were not discovered. he.

During this period, he was not without gains. He harvested a lot of wild herbs that were considered precious in the outside world, but he still couldn't find the source.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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