I have a portable farm

Chapter 2683: Full of Harvests

After taking a bite, there was a hint of coolness in the sweetness. This feeling was comparable to that of iced watermelon. This made Zhao Xinyu slightly stunned. He reached out and touched the skin of the melon. The skin was slightly cool, but the juice left on it was quite refreshing. As thick as honey.

This watermelon also comes with ice. Zhao Xinyu looked at the watermelon in his hand with surprise in his eyes. After taking another bite, the pulp was not as cold as the iced watermelon, but after eating it, it had that cold feeling. Feel.

Only feeling the benefits of watermelon, Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head. The two familiar fruits that he saw for the first time opened his eyes, which made him look at the remaining two fruits.

After seeing a kind of fruit, Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head and murmured, "Why is this a big red and green pepper?"

As Zhao Xinyu said, this fruit looks almost like a red green pepper, but it is a bit big, almost the size of a rugby ball, and its fragrance is also very strange. Zhao Xinyu has seen countless fruits, and this fragrance is his first. Once smelled.

Picking up the big red pepper, Zhao Xinyu took out a knife and cut it in the middle. As a stronger fragrance filled the air, the blood-red juice slowly flowed out, and a few red juice condensed on the knife. Like pomegranate seeds.

Cut a small piece and put it in your mouth. The flesh is crisp, sweet and slightly sour. Chewing it will fill your mouth with saliva, giving you a feeling of endless aftertaste.

Picking up the remaining half, Zhao Xinyu chewed it. Every bite had a different feeling. After finishing half of it, Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but pick up the other half.

When he picked up the last fruit, Zhao Xinyu's eyes widened. This fruit was a bit strange. It was obviously a fruit that looked like a blooming lotus. The fruit was all white and looked like a perfectly blooming white lotus.

"This..." Looking at this fruit, Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head. If the black girl, the small watermelon and the fruit that looked like a big pepper surprised him, then this last fruit gave him a visual The most amazing thing is that the fragrance of this fruit is somewhat similar to the fragrance of lotus.

Zhao Xinyu shook his head with a smile and still picked up the knife. Before he knew how to eat the fruit, he could only cut it.

The snow-white fruit was cut open, and milk-like juice flowed. The rich fragrance made Zhao Xinyu swallow a mouthful of saliva. He looked at it, picked it up and took a bite. It was as crisp and sweet as the big pepper fruit just now. After a few bites, Zhao Xinyu's eyes lit up, and the fatigue of the past few days seemed to be gone.

"This fruit..."

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath. There were four kinds of fruits, four different feelings, and each one could give him a different feeling. This made Zhao Xinyu very excited. It was obvious that these four kinds of fruits were under their influence. Got the time.

Looking at the fruit seedlings and seeds in the Najie, Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath and entered the space directly. He could not wait for the four fruits to appear in the space. If it were in the past, he might still need time to wait, but Queque Tung trees and wild ice sheet fragments are enough to cause spatial changes. When the time comes, these species will be able to

form scale.

Appearing in the basement again, Zhao Xinyu turned on his mobile phone, sorted it out, released Black Wind and Jinhen, and then left the basement.

When he arrived at the yard, Zhao Xinyu was slightly startled. The weather was slightly cool, and the vegetable field below had traces of rain. This made him suddenly realize that it had rained again in Hongshiya in the past two days.

"Boss, you are back."

Just when Zhao Xinyu was about to go back and take a shower, golden feathers spiraled down from the sky.

"Jin Yu, it's raining here."

"It's been raining for two days. People outside are going crazy. There are people all over the mountains and down the mountains. Don't go out anymore. There are people on the road."

"Two days."

"Yes, the rain is not heavy, but there are a lot of mushrooms. Even the blue and white mushrooms on the glacier are densely packed. There are more people there, and many old people have come over."

"Where are Zhaoye, Lu Chen and the others."

"Now that the mountain is closed, there are not many people in the mountain. They come into the mountain every day, saying that it is busy in the mountain. What I also think is that you will be back soon. You haven't gone out in the past two days."

"By the way, boss, what's your harvest this time?"

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "We have gained a lot. Not only did we find the Jiuhan tribe, but we also got several good species, and we also killed many Japanese people."

"The Japanese are over there in Changbai Mountain..."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "It should be the stronghold they established a hundred years ago. This time they went to take things and were seen by the Jiuhan tribe, so..."

"That's good, I'll call them back."

"No, there's nothing wrong here. Let them stay in the mountains for a while. I'll take a shower first and go out for a haircut later."

Jin Yu chuckled, "Since the last time you found someone to get a haircut outside Sixiang Valley, now there are people here in the Purple Bamboo Forest who specialize in giving people haircuts for free. I've seen quite a few people."

"Free haircut?"

"They are a few middle-aged people in their forties or fifties. I heard from the people inside that they don't want you to go out for fear that you will be in danger. They usually exercise here and bring hair cutting tools with them. Once someone gets a haircut, They just help.”

Zhao Xinyu nodded. What he was thinking about just now was that the last time he went to find someone to get a haircut outside Sixiang Valley, he gave him a red sandalwood ornament that was valuable in the eyes of ordinary people. People may be following suit, but it seems like this now. Not what he imagined.

"I'm going to take a shower first and then go out and take a look."

In midsummer, although Hongshiya is located in the north, the temperature is still around 30 degrees. The interior of Liuling Mountain is closed, which makes more people gather outside on the mountains, rivers and purple bamboo forests.

if it were somewhere else

Although the forest has shade, it is airtight and can make people feel suffocated. However, the purple bamboo forest is different. Although the purple bamboo has become thicker over the years, people feel that the purple bamboo in the forest is very dense and can be walked in. I can only feel the coolness, but not any feeling of suffocation at all.

Because the air is clear and there is no feeling of heat and humidity, Zizhu Forest has become the preferred place for tourists to sleep outdoors. Densely packed tents can be seen in every area of ​​Zizhu Forest.

Although Zhao Xinyu has changed his clothes, his hair and beard represent that he has not had a haircut or shave for a long time. This makes people who see it can't help but shake their heads. A billionaire is so busy that he doesn't even shave. Maybe in this world Only Zhao Xinyu can do it.

"Zhao Xinyu, are you going to get a haircut again?"

Zhao Xinyu chuckled and said, "I heard that we have free haircuts here. I'm not here to take a look. I can save a few bucks by paying back."

As soon as he said this, the people around him burst into laughter. People like Zhao Xinyu's character. He has no airs and can joke with anyone.

"I'll take you there."

In one area, there is a piece of floor leather, a chair, and a simple toolbar on the ground. Not far away, several middle-aged people are exercising with Wuqinxi.

"There's business." An aunt in her fifties shouted with a smile.

A woman stopped and was slightly startled when she saw the unshaven Zhao Xinyu. She walked over and looked at Zhao Xinyu, "You believe in my skills."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "It doesn't cost anything."

Ten minutes later, Zhao Xinyu touched his chin and then his head, "I feel much more relaxed."

"There's a mirror here. You can see where it's inappropriate and I'll help you fix it."

Zhao Xinyu waved his hand, "I can tell from Auntie's skills that you were in this industry before. I don't believe that I can trust Auntie anymore. I'll go back and find someone to clean up this place and give Auntie some tools." .”

"No, these tools are good."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "Auntie, you are doing a good thing. I have to help you and equip you with more equipment."

"Son, the Emperor Group has developed very well now. You should leave many things to the people below, so that you don't have to work so hard."

There were sighs, and an old man looked at the woman who was speaking, "Others think this kid is a hands-off shopkeeper. He doesn't go to the group a few times a year, but there are a few people who know that every product comes from this kid. With his own hands, medicines and wines need to be improved, fruits, trees, and vegetables need to be improved, and no one can do it except him."

The old man's words made everyone nod. Zhao Xinyu did not join the group, and he rarely appeared in people's sight, but he did things that others could not replace.

"Have you discovered anything good at home?

West. "

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "How can we study it? Fruits in various places are ripe now. I plan to go out and take a look in the next few days."

"Liuleng Mountain or Cailiang Mountain."

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath, "Everyone also knows that the area of ​​cold water in the Altyn Mountains is very large. This time I plan to go to the Northeast to have a look. There are many types of cold water there. The Greater Khingan Mountains and Changbai Mountain are all primitive jungles. , I might be able to find some new varieties if I go there for a walk.”

Zhao Xinyu didn't stay outside for long, but he sent a signal to people that he would go to the Northeast in the next few days. If he traveled alone, it would not cause anything at all, but Zhao Xinyu traveled The news also caused quite a stir.

Many people who care about the Dijun Group have left messages on the official website of the Dijun Group. They hope that Zhao Xinyu will not go out. After all, there were two murders specially hired to target Zhao Xinyu just some time ago.

That night, in Hongshiya Courtyard, Wang Yong, Jiang Fei, Zheng Min, brothers and friends who had gone through ups and downs with Zhao Xinyu, gathered in the restaurant.

"Xinyu, have you gained anything this time?"

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "I found several kinds of cold-water fish and crabs in the mountains, as well as black girls and a kind of small watermelon. They all taste good. Now the people over there are helping me collect them. I will go there in the next few days. This is not me. Come back first to see if there is anything going on in the village."

"No, the project in the mountain is also proceeding in an orderly manner. By the way, the cave where we are going to brew monkey wine has been cleared by the people stationed there. Not only is it spacious, but the ground has become flatter. We are waiting for you now. The materials mentioned are used to build the wine pool."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly and said, "I'll be busy first. When I finish the things over there, I'll go out and do it."

"Brother Jiang, the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine should start recruiting students."

A group of people couldn't help but feel happy when Zhao Xinyu asked, "Xinyu, when did you leave? You've been gone for a month or so, and the enrollment has ended long ago. By the way, all the top fifty in the national college entrance examination this year are At the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, three of those with almost perfect scores came to our school and two went to Lop Nur University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. I heard from the media that people from the top prestigious universities in northern Qing Dynasty are going crazy. They even said that we recruit students maliciously. .”

Zhao Xinyu shook his head and said, "We young people don't seem to have any malicious intent in recruiting students."

"They are the ones recruiting with malicious intent. After their college entrance examination scores came down, they sent people to various provinces to lobby candidates, and even promised various benefits to candidates. We have never sent anyone out in the past few years, but they said we recruited students maliciously. They really want to beat us down."

"Don't worry about them, just do our own thing. By the way, how many students this year have work-study programs."

"Ninety percent, probably. Many students from good families came here in advance. They said that in addition to making money, working here can also enjoy the most primitive pastoral life. This is better than sitting at home. .”

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