I have a portable farm

Chapter 2679 Taking the initiative

"so what should I do now."

"Mr. Ning, have you notified the local special personnel?"

"They're always ready to go."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "The video is ready. Let's use blasting to blow them out. Their cultivation level is not low. At least a few of them will be able to escape after the explosion. I don't think they will hide their cultivation level at that time."

"Xinyu, we are good at setting up explosions. Let's go over there." Wang Liheng and Gao Zhenguo looked at Zhao Xinyu.

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath, "There are half-step void masters in every building. You were easily discovered in the past. Yingzi and Keiko and I completed the placement task. Everyone is ready. Once there is an explosion, Go over immediately and kill any fish that slip through the net."

Late at night, the entire Jiaoao fell into silence. In the huge factory area, the only sound of machines was in the workshop. The workers devoted themselves wholeheartedly to production.

Boom boom.

The dull explosions shook the entire factory area violently. All the workers fled out of the workshop in panic. They looked blankly at the factory area, trying to find the explosion area. Then they saw an area filled with flames and people. Immediately thinking of where the explosion occurred, the workers swarmed towards the area.

When they arrived at that area, the workers who had originally planned to put out the fire were stunned because they saw a scene that could only be seen in movies and TV series. Figures appeared in mid-air, and they could see multiple figures in the firelight. They all have dragon-shaped masks on their faces, and seven of them have strange things on the back of their heads.

Although they were not close to that area yet, the sound of the sound that could break through the air made them feel great pressure. When they saw the energy aftermath destroying nearby buildings, everyone was speechless, because in their imagination Human beings in China would definitely not be so terrifying.

Just as people were using their mobile phones to record the incredible scenes in their eyes, the factory door had been knocked open by an armored vehicle, and groups of special personnel rushed in. They directly surrounded the Japanese living area and office area, without any trace at all. warning, they just broke through the door and walked out.

In two hours, the sound of fighting disappeared, but there were still dozens of figures wearing dragon masks in the air. They stared at the four buildings that had been turned into ruins. There were also people wearing dragon masks on the ground. Searching, as long as they see someone appearing in the ruins, they will kill them without asking.

The people in the dormitory have been completely controlled by the special personnel and taken to the open space outside. Many Japanese people kept shouting when faced with the special personnel who were armed with live ammunition, but what they faced was the cold and black muzzle of the gun, which suddenly gave them a sense of urgency. An unknown feeling.

"Those people seem to be from the Yanhuang Iron Brigade. I've seen them on the news." A voice suddenly rang out from the crowd of onlookers.

"Yes, they are the Yanhuang Iron Brigade. They are targeting special groups of people. Those people should be

The Japanese black dragons or Iga masters mentioned in the news were unexpectedly hidden in the factory. The Japanese here are too bad. "

While people were discussing, a team of special personnel came over. They looked at the workers and asked, "Are there any Japanese among you? If not, you can go back. Everything is waiting for the call."


"Don't worry, the factory will be closed down soon, but don't worry, your wages will not be reduced even a penny. If you have anything related to the Japanese in the future, you can report it to us."

"Does the video we shot need to be deleted?"

"No need, send them out so that everyone can see the true face of the Japanese. They come to invest in building factories, and we give them the most favorable conditions, but they not only want to make our money, but also want to realize their goals Ambition.”

As the workers left the factory, a group of videos appeared on the Internet, and the appearance of these videos immediately attracted the attention of night owls. In a short period of time, the Yanhuang Iron Brigade raided a Japanese-invested factory with more than 100,000 workers. All over the Internet, what makes netizens most angry is that there are really many Japanese who can fly around in the sky hiding in this factory, but they are facing the most mysterious guardian god Yanhuang Iron Brigade, which can be seen in the video They were killed one by one by people with haloes behind their heads, and many of them were directly blown to pieces.

Although the video was very bloody, no one felt any discomfort. On the contrary, it made many people feel excited. Among them, many young people were determined to join this most mysterious organization to protect this pure land.

As for Jiao Meng, before the Japanese could react, they also held a press conference. They didn't need much explanation at all. They only needed the video of the Yanhuang Iron Brigade's raid. The media and reporters present would know what happened, and The Japanese media didn't even know how to write articles, because they knew that this time even if they had extraordinary abilities, they would not be able to explain how the Japanese black dragons and Iga masters could appear in a Japanese-invested factory with more than 100,000 workers.

After the press conference, what happened in Jiao'ao quickly spread abroad, and the hostile forces were all shocked. They all knew that the Japanese had always had plans for that area, but they did not expect that the Japanese would build their stronghold in their investment. The factory area, and it could be found accurately by the Yanhuang Iron Brigade, and it was even beaten by others. Not only was the stronghold gone, but even the masters hiding in it were killed one by one.

All the forces in the dark world are scolding Heilong and Iga for being useless, but Iga and Heilong are full of aggrievements. They have been operating this stronghold for decades, not to mention the ordinary Japanese in the factory area, but also Heilong, None of the people in Iga knew where the Yanhuang Iron Brigade was suddenly taking action.

At the same time, special personnel directly entered the factory area and controlled all personnel. That means they had accurate information, and they were all wondering how the information was leaked.

Black Dragon and Iga are extremely angry, but the Japanese are already in chaos. Their ambassador has been called over by Jiao Meng. They don't know how to explain how cultivators appeared in their factory area.

Early the next morning, Jiao Meng responded directly. They temporarily froze all fund flows in the factory and sealed the factory. They had already sent a note to the Japanese, asking the Japanese to give a reasonable explanation.

Before the Japanese could respond, Jiao Meng held another press conference. When a photo and video were released, the whole world was in an uproar because the video and photo that came out this time were not from the factory last night. The thing is a large number of biological and chemical weapons and many yellowing biological and chemical weapons research materials and documents.

You must know that for so many years, the Japanese have insisted that they have never researched any biochemical weapons of mass destruction. Now, not only are they the biochemical weapons they have researched, but all their information has been exposed. Now the Japanese have completely shut down. Because they can't defend themselves against the evidence.

After Heilong and Iga saw the content of the press conference, they also knew why the secret stronghold of the automobile factory was exposed. It turned out that there was a problem with the team they sent out, but they could not figure out who betrayed them. .

In the main hall of Xuelong Ridge, everyone's eyes had a trace of bloodshot eyes, but there were smiles on their faces.

"Xinyu, this time is so cool. I took down one of their hidden strongholds and froze tens of billions of their funds. Now the matter of their biological and chemical weapons left in the Northeast has been exposed again. Let's see how they explain it."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, his eyes falling on Wang Liheng, "The factory is indeed important to them, but they will definitely find a reason to create a group of scapegoats to abandon this factory."

"It's tens of billions, and the factory has a complete assembly line, so they can give it up."

"Compared with the influence of a country, a production line is nothing."

"Those biological and chemical weapons and information?"

"Decades have passed and they will continue to confuse the public as usual. This time, they will suffer some losses. They will come back before long. Let's go back and rest first."

After Zhang Jianye and others left, Ning Zhiyuan looked at Zhao Xinyu and said, "Xinyu, when did you go to Changbai Mountain?"

"Just in the past few days, there are more and more cold water in the Altyn Mountains. There are many kinds of cold water fish and crabs in the Northeast. I want to go to the Changbai Mountains to see if I can find some cold water fish and crabs that I have never seen outside. I accidentally met them in the mountains.”

A group of people couldn't help but shake their heads. They could still encounter cold water fish and crabs when they went out to look for them.

Go to Black Dragon and Iga to go out to search for biological and chemical weapons.

"Xinyu, those biological and chemical weapons and information."

"I brought them all out. In addition to these harmful things, there are also hundreds of tons of gold and silver that they collected, and a large number of weapons and ammunition from the past."

"No matter what else, no matter how much they cover up or quibble, they will be condemned by the countries and regions that they have harmed this time, and because of what happened to their factory this time, even if they can find a scapegoat, their overseas industries will be affected. As a result, their factories will be the focus of attention from now on."

"These are no longer our business. We can only deal with cultivators. We cannot get involved in the world of ordinary people. Once we get involved, we will give them a chance."

"Okay, Mr. Ning, it's time for you to go back. I will also go back to Changbai Mountain."

"Xinyu, it's okay for us here. Let's go over with you and take a look."

Zhao Xinyu looked at Yingzi and Keiko, his eyes flickered a few times, "Okay, you can go over and have a look, maybe you can be used."

In that valley, Zhao Xinyu, Yingzi, and Huizi came out of the teleportation array. Ming Zhengfeng, who was guarding the teleportation array, was shaken. Although there was no aura permeating Yingzi and Keiko, he could feel the great pressure brought by Yingzi and Keiko.

"Sir, who are these two?"

"I need two assistants, tribesmen..."


"Let's go, take me to the area where the clan members are."

"Xinyu, who are they?"

"The Nine Han Clan among the three major alien races."

Ming Zhengfeng was slightly startled, but only hesitated for a moment. The tribesmen he was anxious to stay looked at Zhao Xinyu. They saw that Zhao Xinyu demolished a teleportation array in just ten breaths. This made Ming Zhengfeng and others The experts of the Nine Han Tribe all widened their eyes.

A slightly desolate mountainous area. In large areas, only sparse trees can be seen. All that can be seen are weeds as tall as a person. In many areas, you can't even see the soil. All that can be seen is exposed. Huge rocks.

It is also a valley, surrounded by cliffs. There are only low shrubs on the cliffs. The valley is also very desolate, but there is a stream in the valley, and there is a deep pool at the bottom of the valley.

Entering the valley and looking at the rugged boulders around the valley, Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but nod. This place is indeed desolate. All you can see are weeds and rocks, but this area should be the best place to hide because of the complex terrain. .

"Sir, you are back." Ming Hanlie and the others saw Yingzi and Huizi next to Zhao Xinyu, and they swallowed back the words they wanted to ask.

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "These are not outsiders, they are all my followers."

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