I have a portable farm

Chapter 2551: Once you’re here, don’t go back

Lion City, a city guarding the Bohai Bay, has an important strategic position in every era. In one era, Lion City became an empty city, and the culprits were the Japanese.

It is precisely because of this that in today's peaceful era, the people of Shicheng have not forgotten the harm inflicted on them by the Japanese. In some important areas, it is written that Japanese are prohibited from entering. This is also the only city in China that excludes Japanese.

In a modern port, merchant ships come in and out frequently, and the area around the port has fortifications. Heavily armed special personnel patrol the port in armored vehicles.

Because there are many special personnel, at first glance it may be thought that it is a military port, but in fact it is not. This is a civilian port, but due to special reasons, special personnel took over the security affairs of this port.

Large ships are cruising in the sea outside the port, and every cargo ship entering the port will be inspected.

When night falls, the entire port is brightly lit, and all patrol personnel withdraw into a fortification. At this time, all personnel who appear in their field of vision are regarded as hostile members.

In front of a very ordinary building, middle-aged men with stern expressions walked back and forth. Whenever there were waterfowl flying in the sky, they would shoot them directly.

In a small conference room, more than thirty people were sitting on the surrounding sofas. There were nearly twenty people sitting around a circular conference table in the middle. In front of them were three men. They looked to be in their thirties. Years old, but at this moment, there is a trace of bloodshot eyes in each of their eyes. On the other side of them are three women. Two women have ordinary looks, but they have a proud figure, and the other one is a A beauty with an angelic face.

"Everyone, they come to harass you every day, but there are only a few of us. Once we leave the port too far, we will have no time to take care of it. Many of them are half-step empty. Remember not to leave the port area. Once you give them the opportunity , then no one can save you."

"Commander Tiantong, didn't I say that I have come back?"

Bai Haotian looked at the person who spoke, "Long Yi, the head is indeed back. Maybe you don't know that as soon as he came back, he killed nearly two hundred dark world masters in Lop Nur, eleven and a half steps in the void, and hundreds of In the Shenwu Realm, this is also the first time he has returned to Lop Nur. If he comes to the Lion City, have you ever thought about what Lop Nur will be like?"

Everyone's expressions changed. "It's really the right time to come back. It seems that their key target is Lop Nur. That end..."

"The matter over there should have been dealt with. They killed so many of them at once. They should also investigate who did it."

"Of course it's the Yanhuang Iron Brigade." Zhang Jianye said with a smile.

Bai Haotian shook his head, "Now every hostile force knows that we are held in the Lion City by the Japanese. How can anyone go to the northwest? The first thing is that we borrowed the name of a disappearing force that dominated the northwest. Now the dark world should think about a force called Jiuxu. .So I think the head will come over soon. As soon as he comes over, we

We can open up the situation. "

Everyone was shocked. Over the years, they have fought in the east and west, and almost all the plans were made by one person. They have also suffered casualties over the years, but they have killed more enemies. In many cases, they have even surpassed the level. Killing the enemy, compared to their casualties, the enemy's casualties are even more countless.

It is precisely because of this that Tou is like a god in everyone's eyes. As long as he is around, there is nothing that cannot be solved.


A sound like a ship's whistle suddenly sounded, and everyone's expressions changed. Bai Haotian stood up and said, "Those damn flies are here again. Yingzi and Keiko, you better look for opportunities. We will face them head-on. Tian Wei, be ready to snipe." kill."

It only took dozens of breaths, and everyone in the conference room left cleanly. There was no sound in the port, but there was a thick air of murder.

On the sea outside the port, figures stood in mid-air. There were no ships around them, but they stood in mid-air, staring at the port.

At the entrance of the port, large ships were lined up in a row, with full light and heavy firepower, but the people in the sky were not affected at all. They were far away from the sniper range of the big sniper, but the efficient missiles could not target an area that was not large. Big human.

"Shut up and get out,"

Arrogant voices sounded out one by one, and they laughed unbridled in mid-air. This made the faces of Bai Haotian and others who came up turn livid.

This scene happened for many days. Every time they chased them, the other party would immediately retreat. Bai Haotian and the others were worried that they had been ambushed by the other party. Secondly, they had to take care of the harbor behind them because at this stage, they were entering the harbor. The exported minerals are gathered in this small port.

Bai Haotian stared at the enemy who was thousands of meters away from them, his eyes full of coldness, "Three and a half steps in the void, twenty-seven divine martial realms, the ones with the lowest cultivation level are all in the late divine martial realm, among them only the blond and blue-eyed foreigner There are sixteen.”

Bai Haotian took a deep breath and stepped forward, followed by Bai Haori, Qin Yayang, and Li Fei at the same time. When the four of them separated, three sage-like haloes appeared behind their heads.

"I'm really angry. If you have the guts, come with me."

Dozens of figures turned around and walked through the air, but at the next moment, their expressions changed. They saw that at some point, four figures appeared behind them. They were ordinary-looking middle-aged figures. Years ago, there were still three figures standing beside him, each of them looked very young, in their thirties at most, and each of them was filled with an aura of terror.

"Half step into the void."

"Why, Bohai Bay is your home. You can come and leave as you please. Now that you've come, stay here."

bring it on. "

While speaking, four figures rushed over to meet him. When the four people following Bai Haotian saw this scene, their spirits were shaken. Their bodies suddenly accelerated and they quickly chased after them.

"Kill the leader."

Three and a half steps into the void, twenty-seven Divine Martial Realms, directly faced the middle-aged man who took the lead. The middle-aged man remained motionless and looked at them coldly.

Just when they were less than thirty meters away, the middle-aged man's body suddenly had aura fluctuations, a cold aura filled the air, and an ice dragon roared towards the front half step into the void.


Although he came later, he arrived first. The ice dragon directly wrapped the first half-step in the void. When the energy dispersed, an ice sculpture fell directly into the sea. Without even waiting to fall into the sea, a figure appeared. In a flash, those people only saw a golden shadow, and then the ice sculpture turned into pieces.


One blow killed a half-step void, and a young man who was a thousand meters away from them just now arrived below them, which made them stupid.

As two miserable cries rang out, they realized that they saw that the other two young men had killed two peaks of the late Shenwu Realm.

"Strange beasts, these three are half-step strange beasts in the void."

But it was too late to react at this moment. Heifeng, Jinhen, and Jinyu had rarely taken action in recent years due to their status. Now they finally had a chance. They could take away an enemy with every move.

Zhao Xinyu killed an arrogant Half-Step Void with one move. He did not flinch, but rushed directly to the remaining two Half-Step Void.

Before he could get close, the water suddenly opened, and two figures appeared behind the two half-step voids like ghosts. When they reacted, they only saw two white teeth, and then their necks went numb. Just lost consciousness.

By the time Bai Haotian and the others arrived, the battle was over. Bai Haotian raised his head and looked in one direction. Zhao Xinyu snorted coldly, and a cold aura filled the air, and the area was instantly frozen.

"If you don't want to leave, then don't leave."

As the ice crystals shattered, the Divine Martial Realm soul hidden in the air fell into the sea along with the ice crystals. Zhao Xinyu's move completely shocked those souls who were still looking for opportunities. Without any thought, they turned around and disappeared. Night sky.

Back in the conference room, when Zhao Xinyu sat down, everyone looked at Zhao Xinyu after the disguise, and their eyes had a different kind of luster.

"sit down."

When everyone sat down, Bai Haotian and others looked at the three young men standing behind Zhao Xinyu. Not only Zhang Jianye, but also Bai Haotian's eyes showed a trace of doubt.

This was a half-step void beast. The only half-step void beasts they knew were Jin Yi and Clouded Leopard. The next moment, Bai Haotian and the others thought of what Zhao Xinyu had said before leaving.

"Xinyu, these three can't be Heifeng, Jinhen, and Jinyu."

Heifeng grinned, "Hello, Brother Tian, ​​Brother Ri, Sister Yang, Brother Fei."


There were gasps of air-conditioning, and Zhang Jianye and others who had just sat down stood up again. Heifeng, Jinhen, and Jinyu were the most familiar with them. Each of them knew that Heifeng and the other three were strange beasts, but under their In their hearts, the three Black Winds had not even reached Shattering Sky, but now that they had transformed into a half-step void, they really couldn't accept it.

"Why, Heifeng, Jinhen, and Jinyu didn't even recognize them after they transformed."

"Tou, I didn't expect that Heifeng, Jinhen, and Jinyu's bloodline would be so high."

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly and said, "Sit down."

When the group of people sat down again, Zhao Xinyu looked at the group of people and said, "You must have been exhausted for more than two months."

Bai Haotian took a deep breath and said, "It's true that you are holding your breath. When we go out, they will run away. We don't dare to chase them. In the past two months, they have been harassing us every three days. Fortunately, you came here today, otherwise we would have humiliated them again." "

"Brother Tian, ​​have you seen them?"

"I saw it once from afar. There are many masters. The demon sword Muramasa you mentioned should be their leader."

"This time we killed three of them in the Half-Step Void and more than twenty Divine Martial Realms. They must have gotten the news by now."

"What about us?"

Zhao Xinyu smiled bitterly, "Brother Tian, ​​if you had used Zhuge Liang's empty city strategy a few times, they wouldn't be so arrogant now, and we wouldn't be exposed."

Bai Haotian and others were slightly stunned. The next moment, their faces showed a trace of embarrassment. Zhao Xinyu was right. If they had left an airport and set up an ambush outside, they would not be so passive.

"Then now..."

"They have a lot of half-steps, and they don't care about the four of us. Now our goal is to find where they are hiding."

"They are in the sea area near Ryukyu near the fishing island. That is their range." Yingzi looked at Zhao Xinyu.

Sakurako nodded, "Ryukyu has always relied on the Qing Dynasty. In order to annex Ryukyu, Black Dragon and Iga secretly set up strongholds there. So they are likely to be hiding somewhere."

"Then how did they get here?"

Bai Haotian took a deep breath, "They have developed a small submarine that can evade our existing sonar and is extremely fast. We have been blocked many times without being blocked."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "This may be their biggest support. Leave this matter to me. Heifeng, Jinyu, and Jinyu all stay, and I will go to the sea to find them."

When Zhao Xinyu said this, Bai Haotian and the others were stunned for a moment, "Xinyu, can you stop that thing?"

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