I have a portable farm

Chapter 2512 Four Elephants Blessings

Just as Zhao Xinyu thought, there is a rock layer under the mountain wall, and the inner area is mostly a mixed area of ​​earth and rock. There are four cave entrances blocked by huge rocks in four places near the rock layer, with a diameter of 1.56 meters. If you want to store grain and oil resources, installing an elevator will be no problem, but it will be a bit difficult for large items.

One day later, all four caves were cleaned out, and the dirty air that had been dormant for countless years was extracted and replaced. Zhao Xinyu entered the cave, but none of the employees followed him in. Even they wanted to know what was inside. Construction, they also endured the curiosity in their hearts and did not follow it.

After the passage was only three or four meters, the space became larger. An underground space, almost thousands of square meters, and there were traces of human beings on the rocks in the surrounding area.

Zhao Xinyu's eyes flickered a few times, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes. You must know that Mo Yu said that there is still space inside the mountain wall.

His eyes fell on an area and he walked over. It was a statue embedded in the stone wall. The statue was very blurry, which meant that it could be seen that it looked like a person. It looked more like an unfinished statue.

Zhao Xinyu walked over and stretched out his hand to rub the statue a few times. Then a faint smile appeared in his eyes. He didn't linger too much and immediately left this underground space.

I went to three other underground spaces. They were just as empty as the first space. There was an unfinished statue inlaid on the stone wall of each space. The statue was not small in size, more than four meters high and two and a half meters wide. .

Zhao Xinyu stayed in each space for a few minutes, looked at the unfinished statue for a while, and then turned around and left.

Coming out of the last space and looking at a group of curious people, Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "There is nothing, only an unfinished statue. First expand the hole to be able to enter and exit a truck. From now on, these four places will be where you store your life." A place for supplies.”

"Boss, we can go in and have a look."

"Of course. You clear the entrance, and I'll go study the complex."

In the next few days, the workers rarely saw Zhao Xinyu, that is, they saw him for a while during meals. Zhao Xinyu seemed to be thinking about something most of the time.

For more than half a month, Zhao Xinyu looked like this every day. In the end, his hair was a mess. When he sat down to eat, he put down his bowls and chopsticks and left within three minutes.

Those who came here were all retired special personnel, and they were engaged in special construction. Of course they knew that their boss had another identity. Until now, all the buildings of the Dijun Group were nominally built by Zhao Zhizhong of the construction group, but in fact This boss is the real master. He has been busy these days, probably drawing architectural drawings for this place.

On this day, Zhao Xinyu called everyone together. He posted a planning drawing on a panel, "This is the architectural drawing I planned for the buildings in the valley. Everyone also

Be a connoisseur and see where there is room for improvement. "

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw the drawings planned by Zhao Xinyu. Although they were not engaged in ordinary construction, they were involved in architecture. The drawings planned by Zhao Xinyu completely exceeded their expectations. There are four beacon-like buildings on the four corners of a building complex. The four tall buildings guard the large buildings in the central area. Multiple building groups are relatively independent, but they seem to have a certain connection with the surrounding buildings.

What surprised them most was that all the buildings blended in with the surrounding mountains and glaciers, without any sense of disharmony.

"Boss, we only know some architecture, there is no way we can compare with you. You are now a god-level designer in the construction industry. Not to mention us, who among the designers in the world dares to say that they can pick you out? Faults with the design drawing. This design drawing is perfect.”

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "When you say this, I feel so happy."

"Boss, the mountain walls around the valley are hundreds of meters higher. Will these four beacon-like buildings block the sunlight?"

"It has some influence, but not too much. In ancient Feng Shui, this kind of building is called the Four Elephants to bring blessings. These four buildings cannot be called beacon towers. They are called the Four Elephants here."

After hearing Zhao Xinyu's explanation, a group of people looked at the middle-aged man who had just spoken, "Gong Liu, you are a leader in our industry, but the boss here is a legend. You should learn more from the boss."

Hearing a large number of people call the middle-aged man who just spoke Liu Gong, this made Zhao Xinyu stunned. These people were selected for him by Third Grandpa Jiao Meng and others. He knew that these people were leaders in the special construction industry. , but so many people called one person Liu Gong, which surprised him.

"Brother Liu, when you..."


The eyes of several middle-aged men flickered a few times, "Gong Liu, our identity is known to the boss. Since we can gather with the boss, it means that the boss nods and approves, and there is no need to hide it from the boss."

After saying this, the middle-aged man looked at Zhao Xinyu and said, "Boss, his name is Liu Xinmin. He is a celebrity in our circle. For general tasks that others can't do, he can find a solution just by looking at it. His academic qualifications are just Elementary school culture, if there was a high school culture, he would have stayed there.”

Zhao Xinyu nodded. He could hear the regret from the middle-aged people. The fact that he could be recognized by the entire industry was enough to show that Liu Xinmin had a unique aspect.

Zhao Xinyu looked at Liu Xinmin and smiled faintly, "I didn't expect we have other people here.

Talented person, since everyone recognizes you, you will only be the leader of us people from now on. There is no such thing as a diploma here. As long as you have good skills, you can take my place. "

"Boss, how much power does this have?"

Zhao Xinyu laughed and looked at the cultural middle-aged man, "According to the current construction industry, he is the project manager of a construction group. I will report it later. From now on, he will be the manager of your circle. While you have time now, everyone When re-electing deputy managers, captains, etc., don’t have any worries, only those who have the ability will join. Your circle is quite special, so most of the people we recruit in the future will be from your circle. Of course, some temporary workers will not be in this group."

An hour later, one manager, two deputy managers, nine captains, and nine vice-captains failed to pass the vote, and it was born without Zhao Xinyu even knowing his name.

Zhao Xinyu looked at Liu Xinmin and others who came out, "You are all selected through everyone, and you must have excellent skills. Come and apply, I will register you. You will be the managers of this construction unit in the future. Come here. I haven’t been there for long, and you don’t understand my character. If you have any difficulties here, please help me. What I hate the most is the kind of people who act according to the prevailing circumstances and stir up trouble. Once found, they may be dismissed or even fired. I hope What you see is a collective like a big family, not individual groups.”

After everyone dispersed and their respective captains left to work, Zhao Xinyu took a look at the valley that he had not seen for nearly half a month. The stone canals under the cliffs had all been cleared out, and the photovoltaic panels on the cliffs were working. , the melted water from the ice and snow on the surrounding cliffs continues to flow out of the holes, and a stream with a large amount of water has been formed under the cliff, but because it is the flow of many holes, even if you stand in front of it, you can't feel the noise of the impact of the water flow.

Looking at the soaked cliff, Zhao Xinyu sighed with emotion. This was the wisdom of the ancients. They decomposed the melted glacier water into thousands of holes, thus avoiding the formation of waterfalls and allowing them to stay safely in the valley. reproduce.

Going up to the top of the cliff along the rotating ladder that had not yet been dismantled, Zhao Xinyu saw that not only the glaciers in the stone canal, but also the glaciers within four or five meters of one side of the stone canal had been cleared, and the glaciers that might collapse had also been cleared, and the valley The surrounding large glaciers extend on a gentle slope. Because of the heating, the temperature of the glacier meltwater in the stone channel is maintained at 13 or 14 degrees. This makes Zhao Xinyu subconsciously look at the large depression outside. Such water flow is really suitable for the growth of cold water fish. .

After everything was arranged and the project started, Zhao Xinyu left the valley with peace of mind, returned to the camp, took a shower, changed clothes, and went out towards Xu Yang's office area.

After just a few steps out, Zhao Xinyu froze and looked up at the sky. He saw that the sky suddenly darkened, and the spiritual power in his body also fluctuated.

Close eyes

After feeling it, a faint smile appeared on Zhao Xinyu's face. Someone wanted to break through, and in the secular world, the location he felt pointed directly at an area, which was Mobei hidden on the edge of the desert.

"It should be those few who want to break through. I don't know if Sanji and Taji have been there."

At the same time that Zhao Xinyu felt it, many top forces in the cultivation world also felt that someone was trying to break through the void. However, after they felt the direction, many forces asked the people below to practice with peace of mind.

Most of the forces chose to ignore this breakthrough, but an alliance in the cultivation world became restless, the alliance between Xuantian Sect and Tianyang Sect.

They had already bewitched Mobei to join their alliance, but they didn't want a descendant of Jiuxu to jump out. With his peak cultivation in the late stage of Shenwu Realm, he forcibly killed the half-step Void they sent over, and what he used was Jiuxu's. The secret of the Great Burning Heaven Technique that has not been passed down.

Jiuxu used to be an existence that made the entire cultivation world fearful. They have been entrenched in the northwest region for endless years. They do not enter the Central Plains region, but they do not allow the Central Plains to interfere in the northwest. The terror of Jiuxu has penetrated deep into the memories of those forces that have inherited the long history. at.

This is also the reason why Xuantian Sect and Tianyang Sect Alliance have not sent anyone over since that time, because they really don’t know how many masters Jiuxu has.

Now someone in Mobei wants to break through the half-step, which gives them another idea. The half-step void is what they need most now. Once Mobei City joins forces with them, they will have more room to operate.

In a main hall, more than a dozen white-haired old men were sitting together. One old man looked at the other old men, "Mobei has not seen Half-Step Void for at least tens of thousands of years. Now that Half-Step Void has appeared, their strength will inevitably increase." Big increase, I think we should restart the original plan and join forces with Mobei. Even if they can't help us deal with the Yanhuang Iron Brigade, they can at least create chaos in the northwest and attract the Yanhuang Iron Brigade or the ghost doctor."

"Xuanhong, I advise you to give up this idea. A peak of the Jiuxu Divine Martial Realm in the seventh major Burning Heaven Technique can kill our Half-Step Void. If you have this idea, don't Jiuxu not have it? Don't forget Mo Those forces in the north were originally supported by Jiuxu. Although Jiuxu has disappeared for endless years, their deterrence is still there. If it were me, I would choose to cooperate with Jiuxu, not to mention what you just said Now, Mobei City has not seen Half-Step Void for tens of thousands of years. It seems that just over a year has passed, and some of them are trying to break through Half-Step Void. There is no need to think about who is helping them. Maybe they have already re-established themselves at this moment. Join Jiuxu, don’t we just go there and give them a big gift?”

"Tianyun is right, we have suppressed a lot of supplies in Mobei. At first they came to us many times, but we always wanted to use this to threaten them, and in the end they stopped showing up..."

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